Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/411

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fl I) 4 to s string of mules laden with plate, of winch lie took possession. Pious this successful expedition he caine hack to England in Aug. 1573. lIe subsequently served as a volunteer in Ireland, under Walter, Itul of Essex ; and sit. hicisry. upon his return, was introduced by Sir Christopher Ilatton s. l8hiraheth, s. to Thomas lbartin5 Sap, Otto of the Welsh to Queen Emzanern, when her majesty immediately took mm nuder her protection; and he was enabled, by her royal favour, to undertake and accomplish, within three Sir Francis 1. in 1714, and was s. tuy h,is ss’n, years, his celebrated voyage round the world, Tins famous IV. Site I”siawcis-Tlcvsur, wh’s so. Antic, dais. of S.-.mouel expedition, consisting of the ‘‘ Pelican,” commanded by Itoathoote, Eoq. of hisirahey, I lanto, amsd bad issue, Drake himself; the “ Elizabeth,” Capt. John Winter; the i. Faixcss-llnsinv, his snce055s,r. Marygeld,” a bark of thirty tons, Capt. Joists Thomas; ii. Franeis-Wihhiasas, of lhhhin4d,sss, cc. thihldlesex, vii’sadmiral the “Swan,” a fly-host of fifty teus, Capt. John Chester; uud ths “ Chrtstoplsor,” a pinnaes of fiftesu teiss, Capt. Thomas Moon, sailed from i’lymontls, 15 Nov. 1577, and returned to the same port, 3 Nov. 37Sf. In a few months of— Evanee, Esq. ; and Ss1shstc,wife of Count do Sails. after leaving Englaisil, Dralee committed what has hoots smm. Foa scsa-Sxsirns,, rear-adnuiral its Esushumey’s fleet termed in pisfis language, “ the least oommendahle action cf his life,” but to which a much usare severs description i. Asmnc-l’sslhexfemi, svh,s iii - thsc celobratest arsd gahlasst dofstsdcr might with justice be applied. having arrived at Port St. Jnhiau, IS June, he took sip his abode there for two usesstlss, while ho usade the necessary provisiou f sir passieg the rreahed, 6 July, 1787, Lost JJ’usslsfl’b,h, Jjssi’s,o. ik”Shshului Straits of Magellan. In I2SS, when the Spassish armada menaced the shores of F.nglaud, Sir Francis Drake was nppointed vtes-admtral, undsr Charles, Lard lEeward of Eltisgham, and had the good fortune to capture the great gallesu, commanded by Den Pedro do Saldez, the reputed projector of the eistsrprlse, by svhishs hisaseif and his cresv shielded 55,000 dsieats. Sir Francis Dralec so. Elizabeth (settlement after marrtago date,l 25 Aug. 1595), ouly dan and heir of Sir George Sydenhans, of Combo Sydsulaaua, ca. Devon, bnt had ste issue. us it. of a fever, occasioned by dtsappohsstnsont and anxiety (in consequence of the failure s,f an sxpsdttiois which he had projected in conjunction with Sir Jslssallawkine), 25 Jan. 15Sf, on hssard his sow shtp, near the town sf Nombrs do Diss. Ills widow s. William Cosu’teuay, Esq. of Powderham Castle. Sir Frauets Drake’s brother, TnoalAo DnAxe, Eoq. of Bucleland lleuaehoruna, which be inherited front Str Francis, sh. 4 April, 5506, leaving, by Elizabeth Isis wife, a dan., Elizabeth, wito of Johos Basufield, Esq., and a sets, I. Fncycso DnAKO, Esq. of Dnekland Monacherum, who was created a Baronet, 2 Aug. hiSS, and onhszqsmently reprossntsd the Os. of Devsu in parliament. Str Francis s’s. 1st (settlemueut dated 22 Sept. 1602), Jane, dan. of Sir Asnias Bamfylde, Kut. of Poltitusre, iss the same shire, but had nO sorvivilig issue. Ho is. 2sdly (settlesssent after nsarriagc dated 17 Jsu. 1627), Joau, dan. of Sir Williasn Strode, Rut. of Nownham, co. Devoms, amsd by her (who ci. Sndly, Joists Trofneio, of Trot oslo) had, 5. FnANCTO, his successor. is. Thomas, so. (sottlemnent dated 21 July, 1041) Susan, dan. of Wtlltaus Crimes, Esg. of Mssckland Crimes, and bad Fnaiscss, ovho inherited as 3rd baromset. Its. Jobms, sf1 sybridgo, who ms. and had two sans, I Frasseis, capt. RN. 2 Henry. iv. William. V. Joseph, who had a asn, Francis. t. 26 Aug. 1722, at whuesc decease, no.s., 19 Fda. 1794, Ike s. Sarsh. is. Johanna. Sir Frauds ii. Ii March, 1837, and was s. by his eldest suit, II. Sin Fntxcss, M.P., who is. tms 2040, Dorothy, dan. of in ISIS, witbent issue, whema the harommy huceanas extinct. Joists Pysn, Esq. of Brymore, cc. Sonserset, bitt dying s. p., his nephew, ‘thomas-Trayteuu FishIer, Esq., assuimed, by 0 Jan. 1602, was s. by hte uephew, Ill. Sin FRaNcis, of Esickland llossacboruus, Mr. for Drako, Mart., the additional snrtuuunses and arms suf ELiOTT Tavistosk, fosssjs. Cnanens II, who so. 1st (settlcmosst after ansI DRAKE, amsd behsg creusted a Ilsuromset, is isow Smn marriage dated 56 Aug. 1073), Dorothy, dan. of Sir John Tussiuas-Tnav’zoN Fri.Lna-ELIOTT-Dn,sKr. Bamfylde, Dart. of Peltinsorc and 2udly (sottlemsut dated C,uelie,—22 Aug. 1821. 25 Oct. 1080), Asuse, dan. and co-heir of Thosuas Boots, Eoq. of Mount Boon, eo. Devesm. Ily deed dated 19 Jan. 1693, A,’—Quarterhy let and 4th, sa.,a fesas, oavy, betweemm Sir Francis Drake vested certain lssnds in trusst for the the two lusie-stars. am’g., for Dnann; 2msd, gum., cm a tsensl, or, benefit of hiie daoss., Dorothy, Gertrude, assd Fratsccs, hut a baton, ae. ; on a chief, the arnie of Gtbrahlar; viz., az., lay which of his first two wives he had tlsem is nut smscutiosued. betneeu two pillars, a eashie, am’g., Irons the gate a gahdemu Gertrssds because the wife of If sury l’ehlexfemu, key. pendcuut, the svordo’’ Flits uihtra ‘‘ imuscrthed umsutc,r, for Eoq. of Nntsveu Court. Sir Francis sus. trdly (settlemosst ELsoar ; 3rd, arg., three barrulets, and a canton, gsu., far dated 17 Feb. Sf89), Ehizabetis, eldest dan. of Sir Itcury Ui-rule—lot, Dnaxe, a shup nimdcr rush, shraw’is roemis’i a Icrrestriuul Pohlcxfeu, Ksst. of Nutwell Couurt, lord-chief-justice of the court of Common Fleas, and had issue, i. Fncsscts-Hrsnv, Ins heir. it. George, who sis. Sopista L’ogden, and had one sau aumd cimeter, all upr.. the wrist charged witis a key, Ca. 3rd, three daus., vtz., I Dawsonne, governor of Madras, 51. tunis. 1 Anne, sister and ca-heir, who iii. Samuel Barlow, Esq., ,S’eams—Nsmtirell Court, M’muuklauul Abbey, and Sheaf hayn’.’ and was nuothor of an sussly child, Coruchia, who ‘s. Hessec, all lu the es. Devon. Janaes Bean, Esq., aisd had a d,us, and co-heir, SopisiaMargarstta, who sit. isa 1204, tlse 18ev. Ifobert Sirong and was mother of the presesst George Strong, Esq., * Graudoosu of Jobmu FishIer, Sag., SIP. fue Ssms*r.x, and son liD, of The Chase (sec Bnosceslaa’lr,f 17r,turs). 2 Jane. to. Gel. TempleWest, and wasmotheratStrJobn imearly related to the F.snseu.mus of Ji’stf5,m and the Taay’zoses West, IC.C.H , adnsiral of the fleet, who ii. 20 March, 1862, of Lures. )lGl 1’) it A 3 Sophia, uviuo ci. lot, Consms,lstre Digi,y lscsst assd Susdiy, the fatuous Asl,airol Sir George 1’,,reek, 5.11., by whom use was grandnaotber of Sir l5s”rge-Eclsvsrd P’,csck, Ii art., and sit the present Earl Fouled. udgcs. is. Gertrude. of the Rest; baptisosl 22 Aog. 1724, uvlss’ as. itt 1761, Elizabeth, ehsn. of Sir William Ileathsos,te, lIarS., aint ,<. leaving two dane., Ins os—heirs, Marti,mme. urtfe crested a Baronet 12 Aug. 1752. lIe its. s. its 2709, when the baronetcy cxrsncn. of Gihuslt.-sr. Sir Gronor-Auousxcs lts.socv, IC. B., o,f CSlbs’allai’, and by bins (who <7. 1780) had issue, FoaNcmo-Aocue’ons ELsoTv, 2nd Lush ileathsfisli, ii. 68 Jasa. 3013, susie., whets the tithe because cxttmset. Amsiac-Elisstt, who ci. Jshsss-Traytsu FishIer, * Esq. of Aohdewms Hence, in Su’osuix, usud had isssssc, 1 Augssstus-hihiet t Fuller, of ltesehtll, and Aols,isswmm Hones, co. Sussex, 5. 7 May, 1777; so. in 1161, Cl.sns, eldest dau. assd es-heir of 0.-P. Meyrick, Eoq. of L’edsrgamt, Angleocy, and dytisg 1857, loft issue, Owen -J uhts-Asuguiatus, of Ileshorgams, wh,.’ loss assumed tlso additional sorssamo of lInEmen (,,, Bunsen’s Lssissluol Os oh’s). Clara, us, to Cieorge-W. Tappo, E-q . SIP., subsequently a Darosiet, amid S. hoavhsg issue. Lsscy-Aum Catbarine-Sarshs.Asmgsmota-llaria. 2 Praiacis-Jahms Fuller, sahat. 20th dragos,no, ‘7. i’ii.,i. 3 Tnossas-TnavTovu FuLLrn, isreorist b,ss-snet. 4 William-Stephen Fuller, capt. MN., 1. op. IS Srpt. 1515. 5 Reec-Hesury Fatlrr, capt. TiN. is 1709;ro. 1551, Slai-garetta, dan. <if the Sir itohert Shietield, Marl., aud ii. 1660, leaving issue, a eon, l”n.sieeisGoonon-AuousTno, 8. 24 Dec. 18:17, e:spt r”yal hon-cguards, iii. 1861, Elizabeth, dan. of the lots Str hls’bert Douglas, Bait. of Clenbsrvte, aud hsahsssse ; amssl two dauus., Jasse-t8hioa-Amane-Pohlexfen, -si 2 April, 1566, to the 11ev. Itichard Mrieroe, D.D , rector of Nutfield, Ssisrcy amid Eleanor-lbahfssrd, ci. 7 Ausg. 1850, to C. Eahes, h8sq. - and ii. 21 Oct 1650. 6 htebert-Fitzhorborl Fsilher,hu holy orders; m. Us’sula, clan, of Sir Rssbcmt Sheffield, ttart , amsd hiss isssse. I Eliza F’uhles’, to. to John liamihlois, Eoq , stud has issue. 2 Sursls-Ilarha Fisher. 14 Cusrdelta-Ehcanera Fsuhler. 4 h,ontsa Fuller. S Charlotte Fsslhos’. Sir Franets-Henry d. 26 Jan. 1739--b, aush was s. by hto 5055, V. Ssn Faaucio-Iinynv Dneser, of Duekl and Itonaehornni, baronetcy expired ; amid his cotahes 1sasved to his nepbew, Fr.axcts-AuOn0Tne ELi0TT, 2nd Lord Heathtield, who ‘7. sigu-muanual, smisdet ths aettlemucist of Sir Fsnncio-itenry FULLER. globe n-ith a cable rope, by us hnnd soft if the cloushs, smut sms ams escrolh, the words, ‘‘ Ammxihio shivitse ;‘‘ 2saul, ELissTr, ue dexter hand in arissour, swiped abere tlue wrist, graepiulg a PoLLen, out ofa dusal coronet, gu.,.a lion’s head, 50g. _Ifsffsss—Fertitcm’ cI recte. Sic pas’vio magsta. Per ardusa. efTk’ssuau Fsuller, Esq., by his usufl’, Miss Ltdgitter, a lady