Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/413

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DRU His lordship so. Sndly, in 1747, Bridget Southwell, niece of Carnoek, purchased the bsrsny, acid fomc,lo’I tine fonifly of Thomas, Lord Southwsll, by whom (who ci. 27 July, 1761) Hawthorndeu. he hod two other sons, William, 6. 11 Dee. 1742; aol 7. in 1762. Robert, b. 12 Bee. 17431 cs 1st, Margaret, lou. of Jomes Stephenson, in fcsroor of Eleana (is Abornotity, ‘‘ ftlia nat ii cn,,xicoa he Eeq., by whom he had issue, Sarah.Frssees-Henrietta, is. 18 June, 1799, to WilliamTrench, barmsy of I lawthonsdou belouged, in iho year I lId, t,, the Esq., brother of Frederick; Lord Ashiewie. Mr. Moore is. 2ndly. in 1791, Maria-Joseplto, dna. of Daniel and hey them s,sld to Drummond of t’arnsck, with who,n it Falooeer, Req. of Abbotstown, eo. Dublin; and ii. 17 Sept. has since remained. The families t,l Al.tornoilty cited lirutna— 1831. His widow d. 21 Sept. 1946. The earl and ha son, the lion. and 11ev. E,lward Moore, acid Barbara Drumnsond. were lost in their paoaags to Dublin, If On. 1710. lIe was The neost rernarb;d,lc n,einl,er of ttns fancily was William s. by hio eldest son, Cnsanze, K.P., 6th earl, h. 29 Jsme, 1730; who was llawthoroden,) and unqitentionably the macst eolch,rate’j lioct erected, 27 J1me, 1793, Msnuszso cc Dncnneoo, in It’elsttcl, of his cloy. IDa ffieleep alike_tire jo,,tcs’o, Kis9osj’Sefloorl, and a peer of the United Kingdom, 17 Jan. 1001, as Bt’rsa is also well known; though perhaps ft is as a IotA, iniher Moore, of Moore Place, ce. Xml. Otis lordship to. 13 Feb. than no historian, that he is indebted fc,r ins literac-y feonc. 1766, Lady Anne Seymour, dan. of Francis, lot Marqneeo of It is an historical fact, that the faiot,us lice, d,o,s,ot travelled Hertford, and had leone, 1. CHAILES, his successor. n. henry-Seymour, to. 28 Sept. 1624, Otary-Letitf a, 2nd dan. seat at llawthornde;,. An aeos,nnt of titis vfoit is recarde I of Sir Henry Parnell, Dart., afterwards Lord Congletso; sod in Jomsson’s, as well as Druu;n;ccnd’a, w’,rks. ii. in Aug. 1523, hearing by that lady (who ti. 2ndly, in 1830, Ronrr.r Fonoco, Roq. of Cerre, hit the no. of Danif, stec of Edward-Henry Cole, Esq. of Stoke Lyne, Oxferdshire) a eon, Johns Forbes, if Corse, and s cadet if the l’ifoligo f.usily, I Heway-Feaaris-Seroeeus, percent marquess. I. Elizabeth-Emily, to. to George-Frederick, Earl of Westmeath; Anne, than. cf dobit Abormtetlty, Rot1. , ef t’,,at do, ttnd sieltar ttf and cI. hr 1041. ii. lEery, is. to Alexander Slewart, Req., only h’rother of Abernethys of Saltoun, and woo father of, Dobert, isi llarquoss of Lendonderry, and ci. in 1042. iii. Gertrude. is-. Frances, is. in 1060, is the Bight lion. Jolm-Grnssby Sir JoLts Drnmncoud, lot of ilawthccrnden, acid itciroso, hr Vandelenr; she d. 20 Nor. 1020. The marqneaa it 22 Dee. 1821, and was s. by his son, CnASLS5, 7th earl and 2nd mas’c1neee, b. in Aug. 2770; who Dr. Williana Aberuothy-Drummond, anal scull’ dan. and il. esac. 1037, and was s. by his nephew, the present peer. heir of William Dreuctmnond, Esq.,stf Hawtltorntieu), upe is Cc’eolis,co—P’sron, 20 July, 1616; Viscount, 7 Feb. 1621; Earl, and cents of Dnuanmonn; by this ha’by ho had an only aurvi 14 June, 1661; 2isrqnese. 27 Jnne, I 701—Trish lienenre. Baron ring dan., (United Kingdom), Jan. 1001. Ants—Az., eisa chief, indented, Or, tln’eemalhcls, pierced, get (‘test—Gut of a duesi coronet, or, a lisor’s head, pier., wreathed about the temples, arg. and as. Ssppsc’lers—Tws greyhennds, cig. JJetts—Fontis cadere, re dere non poteet. Sztel—lloore Abbey, Ilonastereven, cc. liii- Noiclon, Req. of Newton, grandson of dolts, llartinece cif dare. ________ DRUMLANRIG, VISCOUNT, 5t6 QUEENSBERHI-, MARQUESS. DRUMMOND, LORD, Ice PERTH, EARL. DR U M M ON P. t a4’ “f’ s4H’i tt DRuanioNo, SIR JAMSS - ITAITLYN- WILLIAMS and at. 14 Joly, 1512, Mary - Eleanor, 2s’l latticed on— heiress WILLIAMS-, of Flawthornden, Mid-Lnthiau, 5.13 Jan. Devon, and Rds’inaford, co. CaerniarTlcen, and had 1857; s. his father as 4th hart., 10 May, 1866. 8Ltllcac. Mausece Dnuicaiosn, a native of Hungary, accompanied Francis-Dudley, 5. 27 June, 1861. Anaabella-htary. Edgar Atheling, sodlaia two sisters to Scotland, in the year Sir Janice Willizn,s-2)rsmncend, pnrssant to thee will of his 1068. One of these ladiee, Msnoaaev, the elder, to. .MoLCoLsI CANsrOar, cud under Dr,taienend, inhcrilcd the Edwinsford comb, drnppc d Itis her anspfres Drum,neiid acquired large poesrssiena ins Swat- former stirnaaee of W’ALEEo, anil atseimseel instead 11w s,traanmc land, and was the progenitor of the noble laenfly of Bruit,msnd of WcLLIAnee in addition 10 and brforo lint of ltreninton,h, II,’ of Perth, of which Drommend of llass-thornden is a sleet here by granh from the Lom’d I.yos. diet’,! i I Ian. I Sell, cadet. Late in the foecrteenth eentsuy, William Drn,nmen,l thee cites of W’eLnio us, tinsreerll collie ticoso if Dne’,m,,o—ne. a younger son of the family, and brother to Annabolla, the He ‘7. 18 hl;ey. 1866, and sass, by his cheat on, Sin JanusII Queen of Rnernr III. of Scotland, so. Elizabeth, dan. anti ACmLYN—W ,maa;a W eu,lama_Itrr’t;nonn, mba 4th ansi icrcsan I one of the co-heiresses of Sir William Airth, of _tirth, and by Ihis marriage acquired the barony of Cm-neck, in Stirling- shire. The elder branch, of the line of Carnock- is reputcd to have terminated ice the person of Sir John Druinmeand, who sold the Carneek estate to Oh’ Thomas NicetIes,,, and afterwards of Datlrv, sire’ of ihte pe’ineit’atl Forts if Ot’osittm, tie r-’”’,’,,r,ti a fell in the battle of Alford, hi 1643, fighting under flee CeSsna’s Lasded Gmalctt). aid 51cr, C ‘ha’., Jtti,e, - cc Ia banner of the celebrated Hac-qness of Sloatrose, John Jimmies Ihopo, Req. of Warchic I,rilsisllitl—l.e’ehcis,t; inter, ae I Drummond (afterwards Sir John), 2nd son of Sir Ilahert, of helen . Ii>’ Ins Intl reify. hloc’iotc—A,,ne. ‘tan. tAd ‘‘I,,, lie; e’, lIt).. Ice 3,33 DRU It appears from a charter in tho of lie f:noily Laurentli Abersethy, mflitis, cia II awtbsrnlen,” that the Abeneethys, t’y wheon it was s,’ld I’, the fancily of Douglas, noond became united 1 ty the marrhtge of Bishop Ahae-rncthy Drunutiteid, S. in 1385, (some ti Sfr .Iobct Iirtirnnt,,n,l, of front Ltotdttn to Scotlated oct fss,t, attlely for the psu’ptise of visitheg itritniustocel at his tteautif,tl ttetd romantic Diohetp Williane Abemetby-Lercecnmoccd, hoh’ i,talo of the I. Joins i’oanca, Req., captain ll.N. ; who ne. 8lsry dan. of Dr. Ogilvie, H. D. ,‘f hurtle, to Uncoil domsu,lant of special sot tisment of her cousin, Mre. Harbctra 1 tnimneon,i (who ci. s. i’, in 1780, wife of tIte ahore-n.entft,ncal which oeoasiome Sir. Forbes aesitased the ad’Iilis’nal sormtaiac IIARGAnOT-ANNE Fesses-Deuancenn, who a. Francis, eldest ciii of thee late daises Wohlter, Req. of Datry, Miti-Lothian to descendetnt of the ancient fomeily of Walker, of Oh. len, F’ifoshiret, Icy Jane hay, liii wifo, than, of ilicluo,’d 1107-— Ts-cechdale, and the Lady dicta llaltlanch, Id o wife, tinly riNd of Jobs, Dske of Lauderdale. Os hi, marriage, F’c’ooeia assumed the surname and arnie of Dsuoneeac. Capi. Ferhtcs-Drosiaaond s’ae created a toronto 27 PeP. 1826, for slieliegmetebed naval service, ci’ilh remainder to Ins soc—ia— lair above-mentioned, sod dying 28 May, 1829, s-ass. ocrerdfng to Ihe limitation, by, TI. Sea FNANc,e-WALECa Dst’nnmean, 0. in 1781; i,. i Jan. 1810, Margaret-Anne, only surviving child and heire-se of Sir John-Forbes Dmmocend, Dart., and had issue, JA,mes, 3rd l,amnnt. Fe’ancio, hoot-cd. fn the Penal cavahi-v; is. 26 July, 1520 l’aohisa-dceninia-C;elherine, dan. of Charles Mackanzic, I:sq., late P,eng,d civil service. deho-Fn’bes, co 11 Sept. 1566, Enetsa-Lonfea, yoangcet dao of lhe late Butlor-Edniond Thornton. Req. P,irtard—liay. Mary—Droemamnond, nmarrietl. dane-Bay, cc. 14 Jidy, 1840, to Wilhfamn-Dnngloe Islet, Req. of Pitkec’c’ow, ci. Fife. Sir Francis 7. 29 Feb. 1814. and was it. by his eldest can, Ill. Sec dances, cape. gre;a.—gds., lio,et. — rs,l. esnini. Royal Caercnartbon Artttlory Ohilitia, ilL., who was S. II Aug. 1 s14, of Sir Jasmeo-hlaectlyo Williams, aol Earl., of Clavelly Ceore, dsatns-IioneLva-W’iLLeAnmO, present baronet. Rdwin-Ferlascoe, 6. 6 done, 1838: il. 10 April, 1041. Hi’cn.HEar,y-donw-Foavrsee:s:, 5. loNer. ‘Ni, father-in-lace, dated 21 Dcc. 1815, tender s’ltich lno wile, Lady bait. * Jasra lVALmsaR Req. of Dairy, colts 1, in 1.—li, lii I It Itt fret wife, Jane ilay, am,ctimcrsomi, thee lire’s, ccl .i.siers Vsemorce, Es,1 - left an only lao , Joliana, mIs Sir Joitu lull, Dirt, of Dccsgla,ts.