Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/415

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DUC DUO slats, and ro-iseir (with her sister, Sfergnret, wife ef lliehard Oeoegiana-lsfary-Louiia, s,s. 29 J011. 1896, to else Rev. CharlesBiogrose, of Bareaboy-tileyssee, ro. Clare, Esq.) ef Sir Thomas Beiwaret Oakley, MA., rector of Wiekwor, re. Oloiscroler, assd Prestwieh, Bait., by wisein (wised. 14 itIarels, 1750) lie had iossse, sobsegnently reeler of St. Penis, Covent Oorslen, isiso ‘1, 10 1. MnisEw, his successor. 59151. lOGo, else si 0 Oct. bR. ii. Charles, who left o don., Anne, sss. to Mark Dyer, Esq. Ei’’ s,s. 10 Moy, ISIS, to Sir henry Itavrloels, Ban. ELizAorvu who es 1st Rsrlsasd Syins Log of llhcklseth °d on of r b° I Iiuls I f shlcs Dr di 8 ss best by lsim host no issese. She ee. Cndly, Francis Ileynoldo, Loss/ed G1 i edsn lag. of llredse. (ace Leone EM. of Strassgss’ays, mid had, Evelyn. 1 TnoaiAs-llecsoi.Ds, 1,, who inherited successively use 11’ 1 .11 2 FEAsris-tlEvaoLnS, 5 Beaowv OF Boric, sfl’es’liro’tli. OH P H — nnr, he,,. I Mary, is. to ‘fisontas Legh, Big. of Wisirhans, scsi sod Creotiene—Ilaren Boric, 27 April, 1763. ytaren Morelon and heir of Charles Legh, Esq. of Adlington, in Cheshire; and Earl Dstrie, 28 Jan. 1837. A eo,a—Qusnles’ly, 1st an’l MIs, arg., it. 20 Macrh, 1018. a chevron, go., betweoss three square buckles, Se.; Cnsl ansi Snsl, 2 Arabeila—I’enelepe, iii. to John Betiesworlh, Jtsq. and ii. or, two lions passasti, go. (‘reef—A inooreerk’s head, or, rontlied in I cob, and svalllcd, ges., betweris iwo wings, ae. Sepperters —Two ii. Penelope, ci. to Thomas Stossrton, Bog. unicorns, org., sensed, nsaned, lnfted, and ssneulesl, or, each Lord Boric sI. ‘2 Slay, 9730, and was e. by Isis rider son gorged willi a dssral coronet, per pale, geh;i and gil. 111e51,s— l5IATTnEw, 2rd baron, wise was erealed BARoN Berm, or l’ersrverande. Sef—’fersw,srlls, tl’ooifon-onder-Edge, Oloss— Tsrlirertis, cc. Gleert’olsr, 27 April, 1703, wills rensaindor to his teslesskiie. Tsan fiance—i, Beigrave Sqss.sre. nephews, Tleesnas and Franris—Rcyssolds. Ills lerdslsip ,5. stissi . —— in Dee. 1770, when the Barony of Boric of Moreten exph’rd, U U C K E EU EU. aiad IliaC of Tertwertls devolved tipon isis settler isephesr, TnoaiAs-Itrvs0005, as 2nd Baron Boric of Tortwerult, who DCCKETT, Site GEnghl;.F’l,oyo, Bert. of Hartisam assesased, by an of parliament, in 1771, the surname and srass Hottee, Wnslte, is. 27 HarrIs, 1811; late resajur in the of LloncTex. lIe so. 20 Feb. l73d, Margarel, dau. of Sir Joke army; s. Isis father 15 Jusee, 1856; sit. 1815, loabella, Rasnsden, Ilarl. of Byrem, cc. Yerlt; best it. without isooo, titsu. of the late Lsettt.-C ones-al Sir Linseel Smith, Ii Sept. 1 780, when Cite barony deveved open his brother, Bart., GOB. anti UGH. FeAaris-BrrNotns, as 3rd karen, rapt. RN., who likewise assunsed the name of Monevox. lIe cit. 151, in 1774, Mary, dan. Lii cage. ofT. Ferris, Beg. of Shoplan Mallet, and had, Tue ancient fansily of ltrstrT (or DreamT), is lineally Tnoaiss, too successor, descended from Augustsss-Jolna—Franeis, 8. 10 July, 1777; fereserly lietst.-rel. Lr Siec Boner, who errenspanied the Coagraseis (coin in Cite 1st rrgt. of foot-guards. France, and whose drsrendaiat, ills lerdskip a. 2ndly, hi 1791, Sasnhs, widow of Robert Cmlii, BienAno BrenT (styled also later Sit’ lfinltar,t Del-es), wise Esq. of Ostrrtey, and dau. of Patti Jodreit, Esq. lie ii. its Assg. was a )ndge in Ihe Sit, of 11mev Ill. en. 1221, and acted 1888, and was e. by Isis son, as suds for liii rotsntirs of Cambridge, ]tentingden, Bedford, Tnoaiao REYNOLDs, 4th heron; 5.31 Aug. 1775; created Baekingham, Norfolk, Snifolk, Nertisampton, anti ittatlend. lie Bent. or Brrtn and lIas’en Merriest of’ Tolwerth, 28 Jan. leO?. held the snaners ef Fihltnglsant, hiaydorr, Aleby, and ethers in Me at. 0 Err. 1797, Frances, only den. of llrnt’y, 1st Earl of the ro. of Lincoln, and was privale secretary to King John, Carisarvon, and by her (who ii. 22 Aug. 1030) had issue, and by hint styled “ Cttrirtts nester.” In 1229, be wont, tlewny-Oeoasee-ttsseweis, late earl, bearing sIte title of “Nnneins ltegio,” en a epochal easbassy 10 Angostus-Itenry, of Largie, ro. Argyll, 31.1’., t. 24 Jnne, Rome, (See Drenes.c’s Oe5jhsrs Jeshirielre, CM-cairn Series, 1804 ,-ie. to Sept. 9837, Otary-Jenr Lockhart- Otardenald, p. 8; BonN’s ifiels’p of’ breetsedee” os;if Csssetntdotet vet. i. den, of the late Sir Cltarles Macdonald Lockhart, Dart, oi p. lIt. 114; and Foss’s PriMe ef E’slaisd p. 102 vol. it). Lee and Carnw’oths, a ronnt of the Aeslrien eutpss’e, and by - Iser (wise F. II Bee. 1801) ltaa issue, I Charles, new of se carets en Largie, 8. 12 July, 1840; 2 Augustus-henry, S. 3 Nov. istonoon Boner, of Ora3-rsgg, Evershsain, and Mte’latsd, ssi 1849; 1 Feanees—Angusta, se. 20 March, 1858, to Christetitser Westmoi-laud, who ce.a elect, of Sir Shnleard Psrelruass, of Anusytoge Nicholson, Bog., eldest san of J.-A. Nicholson, Esq. Over Levine, Rnt., and by her hail issue, of itatsath, cc. Sheath, and has a see, Oulbrrt-Jioreton, 8. SIn Rtrneon Entry, of Crayri”g Eves’shans, and tilerlslarch, 1080, and a doss., Mary-Jane; 2 Emelm-Olivia; 3 imd, Rut., who itt. Mabel lan. of Sir Moger Belhinoh:sns Slary; 4 Jntia; e Jane-Oeratdtne. This gentleness asansted . the additional sernanse of Meenoaes.n, and F. 11 Feb. 812. of Buniscohead, Lost , aisd so the SIb ye;ss’ of the retgn Perry, late captain 10th bnasars. S. lSJnse, 1800’ sit. OdApril of tiexnv l’s (en. 14821 represented tlse do. ef i’s estsaor1846, Jane-Frances, yonngest dau. of the late Sir Rose Frire, land in parhiansent. lIe had issue, Thsonsas, of when here- Part, of Tresgw’ainten, and has, 1 Francis, S. 27 Feb. 1547; after; Alice, who a. Win. Stanley, Req. of Daiegarth, ro. 2 tlobert, t. OJene, 1800; lErnrit, 8.17 Jan. 1852; 4 Perry- Cnsnberleisd (etc lturnt’a Lauded Gessire) ‘ and Andrew Bnndas,&. 24 Stay, 1855; 1 EdIth; 2 Florence; 3 Rose. - Bnkeb, at whose tnleree-esieis Marg;n’et if Asten wife of 3tary - Elszebeths — Kitty, so. 8 Slay, 1822 to William— tassl - . . Perry, 7th Earl of Benbighs, and it. hIDer. 1812. lIcxov Xl obtained licestee of the santo king to hnsld Jnhia, as. hi Jely, 1824, to the late Jsnses—hlassristen l.angsten Qsseess’a College, C;ssssln-idge, in 1-845; eledieatissg the sanin to Esq., Mit. of Saroden, re. Oxford, who ii. Oct. 1003. ‘ the honsinr of St. Margaret, aied St. Bernard, bait she Charlotte, ci. 30 Sept. 1834, to Masariee-Fcederirk-Fite- died and left It uisporfeete;l. Tue seine Arsdrew Dnhvct Isardinge, 1st Lord File Ilardtngc. was rector of St. Ilotelph’e ho htmeebrtdge, sometime Sir J. Whitley-Deans- prisseipal of St. Dernssrd’s Ihootohi. nod the first prsCstlsei -ine. a. te Bee. 1841, to John tiayneend P,erkec, Esq. sident of Qnoess e College, Casiilsridge. lie was fersseecly of Fairferd Pet-k, to. Oheurester. a trier, and had gathered of divei’s prrseo.s so nsnrh money lOis lrrdshnp il 22 June, 1840, and was s. by isis son as kenght a picre of ground celled Green, w’heiweia Itexsy-Oesnoe-FneNeIs, Soil carl, 5.8 Stay 1802; so. 20 June the eehhege etaisdo. Afterwards he pns-ehiasrd, assd gave 1828, Elizabeth, elder doss, of John, 2nd Lead Shserherne, on3 unto this college, the Sante St. Bei-nerih’a bhi,trhl, ssid by his by her (wIse it. 15 Merck, 1865) lied issue nawis neoisey, and krl1s s-f ethers, betighst errt.un other teisc— menus arid (sac Stew’ .saiths) built the college : tic save initel’ Haney-Jane present earl. . Mci bert tunstuo hient I A ,S 1 July 18 8 1 tO tprd I 063 in hatsd ‘suet menc3 s isserni isug gift Os in li is giw st Ahges non Thomas isle colt 3rsl dsageons to 10 tug ts 0 lies een’tges The rhdes en Ste ‘fit sasa Ds.rcr w a ,,i and 10 11cr. 1507, Annie-Jane, only dan, of Thaneas l’ageh, Esq. father of, of htneekglass, cc. Mayo, sod tins had, A;ges’nos, S. 24 Nov. Rirn.scn BuKET (or Duestcrr), Es’s., who 5;;. Eloansi’, 1858, F. 13 Dec. 1881; cud Itegsnsld-Perry, 8.22 July, 1861. dan. of William Stani’tngteis, wise had csnsidnrab’le pesot.sit. an infant. . . sions ictitis lies Lasseashine end the bareisy of Nesadal. He Berkeley-Lastl, S. 18 Jaly, 1834 - as. in Oct. 1502, Busily- - . -- Election, dan. of John Kent, Esq., eensmissiener of Crew-n 1.i sie,t Richard; P slims; Robnit; Anne, wife of ltcynrid2,comnnmder RN., t. 21 Dec. 1830- sti. II Jnly, 1000, FiFe Seam’s lflsteip ef Rsgti;,,tt, pp. 1003-44. Clsarhotle-Coostanre, only dan. of the late Sir John Besslep, ± Richard Dnekett, the ehihi;st cots, snatched Agises, dats. Rant., Oil’., cud by her (who F. 30 Aug. 1861) has Rasth if John Flemisssg, Beg- of hhblal. Ito srrmo to have had a Stegh-Meynelds, is. 0 Slay, 1801; ltenry..tehso, 5. 30 Stay, second wife of the sasme of t’estlieciisn Cisiwen. He h;sil 1062 u cad P’rancis-Janses, 5. 18 Nov. lse3; he ci. Ondhy, is lassie, Asstheuy, James, Walter, Renihol i, an-h tow lana,, OrL hOof, Siargaret, 2nd doe. of the late Rev. Ii. Olahony, of Elizabeth, and Derethy, the latter of w’ hrin i. — Salkeid, Drensere Casthe, co. Kerry, and has a dau., 5. 17 Atig. 1487. of Reselsihl. Slewaid sib rn9al fea;hses 1 ld ‘ttsrch 1837 1 4’aev lSah, ‘sisbois5 Bnckett Beg ate -en I knit of I ci a I i Dcii Wyodhsssi-l’erry, late Itent. 7bh fast, S. 10 Stay, 1835. ttsy, nice of the thus. and cn-hi;sns ef S;r R’h0nt Louhingham, Seynsour, 8. 1 March, 1840. ef Mstnsshead, and by her h:et sesnr, ttsehacd, I, h:icles, Psehard Chicle lateR ‘a 5 Jan 1846 i 1 Jnhy bs6 taspes P ill am and Gabriel 8 s isis nd as if be s ‘shine Janin, eldest don. of thr lain Thentas IlahIt, EM. dau. of Themas, Lord Beerd, ef Oilslsmd, and by her 1usd Siatthew-llrut’y, an officer 70th mgI., 5.4 Assg. 1047. issno, Lienel, Alan (is. Joyce, dau. of ilas-c blnngate, Lsq. 865