Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/422

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DUN DUNBAIt OF DURN. Puasn, Tust Rae. SIR WILLIAM, of Dnrn, Co. the late George On-ed, Esq. of Aigbtn’th, Lancaster, Banif, rector of Waiwyn’s Castle, Penabrokeehire; and of Tranncere, Cheshire, and by her has had, b. 16 May, 1804; n. his father as 0th baronet, ill c. llmsndslph-John-Edward, 7. 16 tcmg. 1801. 1813; on 9 Feb. 1830, Anne, eldest dan. of George cc. Charles-Gordsn-Cnmming, I’. ill 1044. Stephen, Esq. of London, and has had issue, c. Alexander-Stephen, 6. 11 May, 1037 cc. II) Pee. 1863, Seven royal charters acid two inatrienlatiens of arms are Minnie, eldest dan. of Joseph-Drown fligby, Esq. of recorded in this line, the last of each in favenc- of the great Priory Lodge, Kew, and ‘t. as Jais. 1868. II. BRU5IMOND-0lILes, 0. Ii NOV. 1841. c. Eleanor-Dntr-l°yfe. cc. Mary-Frcdec-iea-Pirris. cii. Nieola-Lisotte-lVilliamina, ,7. in infancy. kiiiciigc. This family claims closeout from Pavecex, 10th Eail of created a Bac’oaet of !c’sca ,Sroctn, l’y King WILLIAM in 1608. Dnnljar, who ,s. J.ady Agnes tiandolph, 01113- dan. and sole lie ma. Margaret, dan. of Alexander Sinclair, of Lsthono, by Isob of Thomas, Earl mci Moray. I. WILLIAM Daasae, Esq. of Burn, the 8th in lineal one doss., Elizabeth. Benjamin ml. imefore his father, without descent from James, 8th Ecu-I of Moray, was created a dccn., Elicccbeth, amcd James Sntlmerlascd, soim of Lord Dnfi’os, Baronet of ifsea Scotia in 1607. Sir Willhnn (who had her lcmd hnsbaisel ; hut the baronetry mlsvmmlved 010 his brother, a brother, Dub of Kic-khtll, ancestor at SIR Iiooonr, the Ii. Sin ROBERT, then designated Sir Robert of Northfiolcl, fth hart.), in. Janet lirodie, dan. c’c Roams of time .tldearn, whmm ii. inc 1740, lens-big only one aeon, and was s. by his eldest soil, 11. Sum JAM CO. ‘Ibis gecatleman ‘cm. Margaret, dan. of Sir Ill. Sin Parccicce, who d. without mob issue, aano 1763, James Rich-I, of ,tnehmedden, 1 ,y whom he had two sans, acid the tttle lscoame dormant for a tow years, until c. W’ILLIAM, los successor. ci. Jasces ef Kinesrth, srlcose male hue is extinct. The elder smmmc, ill. Sta WILLIAM, 01. 1sf, Clemontina, dan. of Sir Jansos at George, and Earl of Seafom-Ib), was served heir male to Grant, of Grant; and audio, Miss Jacie Ilartlet, of RanK. his cousin, Sir l’atrielm, of Northfisld, 8 Oct. 1776. Sir lie svaa a at l,ia decease by the only snrviving son of his Alexander Demnlcar, then of Ncrtlmficld, had iii. ill 1760, the first cnarc-iage, 17’. Sm Jaseco, who 1, smmcsa. 110 1811, and was a by the Arlsi.mtlmimott, I’y whmmns he had two soils and two daims., of lineal male dooe.ndant of David Rnnbar, of Kirkhill, brother whcmru, Jeacs am. in 1 7t1, James bosch, MR. of Aslsgrovo, of the firot l,ar’omet, V. Sm lt,csErT, wha in. 11 Oot. 1801, EliccJseth-Margaret, V. Simm Anccmcnac.o, of N,mrthficld, eonvomier of the cc., a dan. of William Pyle, Esq., MI). of Jamaica, coid had depnfy-hieut., and hoot-coT, of the Immeal nsihitia; 0. 20 June, wttls the-es ether dana., who ml. asma. and in sainaritvl, WiLLIAM, pro-’ost l,aroaot. Ilagh-Grzst, ,1. ‘c .13 April, 1831. Elizabeth-Margaret, ce. Is U. 3laesy, Esq. Catherine, cc. Is the IlCY. John Erily, of Liverpool. Jnoct, cm. ho the 11cr. Ivilliam—Clsatterloy Ilishop, MA., in— hicseal descendant of Willians, Earl of Sicthcm-lacscl, and his canshent of L’plan, near i’tterbsrssmgh. Tic mt in 1013. A c-cs (set registered in Ihe Lyon ellicm-)—Qnarierlv 1 1st asd fiche tI. 16 SIam’. 1010) Sir Ai’chibahd had issue, 4tto, go., a lien rampant, within a bordsmre, srg. ; ‘led and lid, or, Ibree enshioss, orilbis the royal troesore, go. all ssitlmtmc a losrdorr, nobulte, mimiactoreel, an. noel go. Crest—Two sprigs of laurel, in sahsior, ppr. Jfalls—Spem mlcsbit aoxihiom. lfenmlc,,re— Iheclory, Wals-yno Coshle, l-lam’erfordweel, Pccnbrshcshice. DUNBAR OF NORTHETELD. ems l3uyaig, Siti AncninALim, of Isorthfield, en. Elgin, Jamacs-grandor, capt 2nd dragoons. Convener of that county to. lot, id 1S27, Keith- Olmmrgarot-Ahtcin, ccc. to William Alexaicden Stables, Esq. Alicia, elan, of Geocge Ramsay, Eoq. of liarnton Sir Archibald ,t 19 March, 1847, and was e. by his son, tho Itliel-Lothian, and by her (‘abo ci. iii 1630) has had, prcsoimt hanoimet. AeemmmaaLo-it SMILTON, late cold. 16th regindent ; 6. in A cecs—Qmiarles-ly c lit accd itlc, rgc., a lion, raoipacml, am’g., 3818 in. 11 Jnlv, log:,. isabehla-3lary, eldest dan. of at bin a bonders, of the last, changed iritli oighit roses, of clue Charles Pyre, P.sq. of Wolford Pnk, herbs cc. Georg’ -Il nnsry, fellosv of Now C ‘11 -g , Oxtimrol, ci. at mhsmmblc trescicrc, fiass’srod acId coaoter—fiosvonsd attic flairs-sheIts, Nice. to tint, i’01. c. Jean-Il, cailt’.n, mc. 11 01 , 1010, to the P,u’. Edward t’rcmt—A lion, msetcncst mmcii af time torss, arg., and holding ice Stueh’ r, 51 U, rootc’ref Titehwell, Norfolk, and it. 07 Tels loll. ci. Agnes - I l.a io’t mm nnmcglsnna. 372 DUN He Ito. 2ndly, 5 Nov. 1810, Sophia, youngest dan. of ccc. Wtlliam-Jamos-Colqnhoun, 0. in 1810. IL ill £EflC. grandfather of the present harosict ; acid show a nials descent from James Dmnmbar, 8th Earl of Moray. I. Sca WILLIAM Poaaos, of Iiempclggo, son of Jshn Dnnbar the yonsiger, and great-grandson of William Dnnbar, of lhemprigga, paternally descended from the Dnnbara, Eac-ls of Moray, the Earls of March, aci,h floe Earls of Dunbar, was wham he hod one ssn, Ilesmjamin, his apparent heir, asmd issue, wherefore Sir William entailed his estate cii his lv. ALExanDER IJuasar., of Noovtois, Tlsomnderton, and Doiffsms (gc-scsdson of Ilobert Dccnl car, of Newtocs, by his wife, Olargaret, dan. of (‘olici Mackenzie, of Pluseardino, son aimd hair of the lion. Thomas llaehecmzie, next ysnnger hrsther I tcmcs. Idcmc’garet Arbcithmc,,tt, Imol elaoc. of Jmmhim, Visoount and ci. 27Jaim. 1057. the ,t. 10 lice. 1701, ansI wass. by-his son, 1771; 01. 1sf, 0 Nov. 0704, llchojm-Pcnmsoh, Icoml daoc. ccf Sir Alcxaimdcr-G,mrml,mmm (.‘nnscnimcg, Part, of Altyre, by his wife hlclon, dan of Str Lu,looieh Grant, Rant, of Grasul, noel gm’anmtmlccsc. of Janseo, Earl of Fhsdlater ansi Seafield, a wife, the Princess hllai-garet, dasc. of King lionrac I., acid of George, Earl of Ilnntlcy, and his svife, the Princess Jean, dan. of King JA.occs 1. Dy his marriage with this lady Ascncsaxn, present imaronci. Jsha, Resgal civil service, sue of the Sadder Jadges om. Ansa-Soplnc. don, of the Thor. 0. lkmgac-, and ml. 1 Nov. 1056, having by tier fuchs ml. 11 1101’, 1063) had tssnc, I PenroseJohs, capt. lcd foot (Bnffe), mm.35 Sept. ldaO, Elizabsth-AnseClarindo, yoimcigost dan. of W.-W. Sleigh, Esq., Sb-P., ef I,sndan, and widow sf W.-ll. Walters, Esq.. of Ncs’castle-on— Tyns c 2 Lsisnox-Arehilmnld ,m. ym’cmsg; I Ilotlsce-Lcnicox, capi. 4lndrsgt , ml. I Fob. 10131 4 Arbathmmelt-t’err-Ryng-Satherland 1 Ailccn-Sophta; 2 lanlhs-Ailosn-Iloa-os-Lyon. Edward, an ogicor in the arsay I mmm. 17 Oct. 1848, Phabe, yemosgest dauc. of lice late Dancan Dembar, Esq. of London, and stslcr and imeiroos of Jemhcc Rocsbar, Euq. of Sea Pai’Im. and b3- anthssrmty of lime Court sf Session, assmncscd time ad— dittoisal sicrccanco of Dnol,ac’ he has Icad, wills other iosmme, also mt. ins tuifaney, a socs Johso-Archibalel, 0. 8 Oct. 1840. lleleci, ,,m - Is ltsbert Wardcmm, Esq. of Pai-lehutll, Shc’hisgslnrc, aimd lois toommc. Olargarel, c,. to L. llnolotoshm, Esmt. of Ilaigncane, Invernesssiminc, anti lcamt issue. Jacsc, mm. to llaocdemm Clavcring, Es,1.. liomit. royal cagineors, son of Rm-ig —Gen. Chavering, by imts onifc, Aogosla, elder don. of Jolmn, liii Dslee of Argyll, acid had issno. Oosrgtaoa. Rnmilts. Sir Archilsmdd mmd. lushly, 16 Sept. 1011, Many, only smmrviviog dan. of Jolni Brander, of Pitgavctmy, by whom ims bce, lii, fcmr DossAs t hod and led, or, tlcnee roehmiooa, inthlmtmm mm gms., ton lbosnsc.rmc all si-itluic a bsrdurc. qicanhoreml, az., amiol of clue first. the dexter paw- a rose, slipped go., leaved and banbed, serb. at ,Seppsrtecs—’l’wo lions, org. ,ihistlo—Oi’sat fcmrtcos lmilmdentia ,Pri,mcic’ah llcsichccccc—Rnffas ltsemsc, color Ehgin.