Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/427

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DUN of Dondsststld; and advanced, 32 May, 3609, to the dignity lssssil, U.N. ; si iss 1318. uf EARL OF DU000NALD being at the same time created Slary, S. ,s,si,s. Lsref Cse/srase, of l’o1oby 0554. Oe/iillree, witb remainder, Katharine, ,,. to W’uulhatn Wood, Esq. of Netistr fiatlowhill’ in defanit of male issue, to the eldest of his heirs fesnalo, without division, who shonl’l bear or assume the name Tiso east si. 28 Slay, 1737, and was e. l, isis sister se, and arms of Coolirane, and in failure, to bis lseirs-gmsoral. WILLIAM, 711s earl, a stsilitary ,,ffsres’, wise fell at else sirgr of His lordship so Enpbeme, dan. of Sir William Scott, of Looisossrg, its Atnenira, its 1755, ats,l dyitsg ssss,,s., site is’ ‘siotsrs Ardross. es. Fife, by whom ho had (with a elan., Grizol, reverted io m. to George, 30th Lord Ross), i. WILLIAM, Lsrsl C’srfsroae, who so. Lad)’ Catherine Kennedy, Tssoat,ss Coessssaar, lisq. of (“stress atsd Onisillroe, as Stis earl 2nd dan. of John, 0th Earl of Cassius; and dying before his (refer to Sir Joists t’eclsraae, of (laisfirsie, 2ttd s”ss of list lot father, lofe, I Jouw, sssreesssr to his grandfssllser 2 William of Kilmarnocle, os. Lady Dried Gralsaso, 3rd dao. iDlliasss and lined, srlso boils 1. sInai., atsd in early life ; Ise s of James, 3larspsess of 3loalroso; and dying to 1717, lefi, 2ssdly, 0 Sell. 17-14, Jane, eldest stats. of .rrlsitiald Sloan, Ohq. with five daos., one son, TssoasAs, who inlserilod as Otis earl. 3 Tlsosssas, of P.slskelly, so. 1)iassa, doss. assd isrir of Sir I. Aneninatn, L”,”l fort ‘0 at. David Cnnynghanto, Earl. of Itoberiland ; nod s&,s. p. in is. Charles, 5. 23 Jan. 1741; a nsajor is the army, and aidode-casnp 1694. 4 Alexassder, of Bolinshan’, she sonic lint of wlsosss erased its 1710. 1 Margaret, so. to Alrxander, Otis Earl of Eglissloss. 2 helen, sa. to John, lSih Earl of Sutlserlan,t. 3 Jane, sss. 1st, to Joust, 1st ‘,‘isroasst Dasodee asstl 255W) sv. Jasocs-Athoul, i. 23 Oat. 1751. in holy ordrrs, vicar of to William, 3rd Visronsst Kilsytis. is. John (Sir), of Oelsillree. Tisis gonelensan having beets eoneoroed in else plot, was cosssiselled to seek an v. Basil, Is. 22 April, 1733; is. 13 .555g. 1512, Caroline, dan asylum itt Holland doting use resssainder of else reign of of — Ooslissg, Esq., ansi relict of the floe. S. Lawry, aisd ,i Ceoaates IL, but aftersrards invadissg Seotlassd (1653) nodes Argyll, Itis estates were eoefiseatosl; and being made prisoner with his soil Johss, iso was tgeetssitsiesssly constssetcsl by cite hangman, bonnd and barelseaded, to the Tolbooth of Edinbssrgh. His life stat, Isosrever, spared, asssl isis lassds ssere restored to lsisn after Iho Itovolutien. Sir John as. Margaret, dan. of Sir Willians Strickland, of Boynton, eo. York (one of CaoaswEot’s lords sf parliament), asod was s. by isis elder sdss, 1 WsLLsAas CotnaAnE, of Oeisiltree, who so. Lady Mary Ensoe,5 eldest dan. of Alexander, 2nd Earl of Kinearditse, and heir to her brother, Alexander, 3rd earl, by wlsaus he had nine sons assd fear dans.; of cite forsner, Gets. James Coehrane, the 6th toe, left tn’s dans., 1lorianne, s’ife of Hobert Sibtisorpe, Esq., nod snoliser of Margaret, si. to Thomas O’Iteiily, Esq. of llalls’asna; and Marianne-Margaret, sit. 1st, to llenry-Caroy llamuittan, Essi.; assd 2ndly, to Lient.-Col. Gould. William Coehranr, of Orisiltree, trot s. at isis decease by his 2tsd, bitt eldest sesrvirissg cost, CnAaLrs CorssnAwc, of Othiliree, and after list decease of his moiher, of Cuiross. This gentiensan S. ssssas. ha 1702, assd was s. by his brother, Jaases CorssnAxe, who sit. Miss Margaret ilanbison ; atsd dying in 1708, left two dons., arisen the oslates passed to his brothrr, Tannas Coennaae, of srhosn hereafter, as Otis EAaL or Duwrnw.ato. The carl ii. in 1688, ansI svas s. by isis grandson, Jonw, 2nd earl; who a. in 1684, Sosannah,t 2nd sian. of Wilhans ann .ktstse, Duke ansi Dssclsess of I lasssilton ; a;sd dying in 1690, sras e. by isis elder ton, Wss.Lsaas, 3rd earl. Tisis noblostsan 1. ssss s. 19 Nov. 1763, when the hooosars devolved upon his lss’otiser, Jonw, 4th earl, one ef else representative peers in 1712. ansi ccl. 4tls regt. of Isorse-gitards ; arbo s. 1st, Antic, 2nd dan. of Charles, 1st Earl of Doumore, by sshsons frito ci. 1711) Iso had, WsLs.tAss, his sneeesssr. Assne, si. 14 Feb. 1723, to Janses, 5th Duke of liansilton; and vsss. Andrew-Joeses, 0. 24 Otay, 1707; s,’. IsI. 26 Nov. 1793, si. in 1724. Ssssan, sit. 1st, 20 July, 1723, to Charles, Bib Earl of Slralhsnore ; assd 2adly, its 1743, to Gesrge Forbes, her fisrior and si. 21 Jsne, 1724. Catherine, is, in 1721, to Alexandar, 6th Earl of Galloway. his lardslsip so. 2ndly, Mary, Dntrisess—Dosrager of Boassfrrt (‘ridote of I lenry, the 2nsi sluice), atari doss. ef l’errgt’tne, 2ss’t s. Elieaiso;is. o,,. 15 Dee. 1770, to F,strirln lirross, Esq. of Duke of Leeds, hot had no albor isone . Ho ,i. S Jsnse, 1720, and wits 5. by his son, ‘d’sLLsAas, 5th earl. This nshlensan si sets,’. 27 Jan. 1 722, The earl 5. 27 Jnsne, 1775, atsd svsss ,s. isy isis el’iest son, ashen lais smentaiod property descended to Isis nrpitrw, Jansos, AnnstIsaLn, Ills earl; 0. 1 Jots. 17-IS’, triso a. 1st, 17 tire. DoEr of Hatniltots, and the peerago and esslailed esiasts derolvrd 177-1, Anise, 2od dass. sit Captain 1 assses (‘itrisriol, TiN., by ,tts’stis sspets isis cousin (refer to issao of Villiatss, Lord Carisratso, older (ssho S. iss 1784) Iso Isa’S isssso, aon of the be earl), TnoasAs CoenoawE, Esq. of Itilmamook, as Otis rash. Ilis si. Basil, Iiesst.-eol. ,sf list 2tiis foot; ‘1. so May. 1516. lordship to. Catherine, 2nd dan. of Lord Basil llansiltssn, of iss. OS’illiass—ltrolnissr, sssssjs’r lit site sst’sssy. sets ‘“I iss else f’ossin’ ‘Ealdoon (Otis son of William and Anne, Duke atssl Dotisoos of stsiar war sss sssssjor its tlsss I Otis isissoano’. ,,, . Jl,srr—Asstso, duo. hamilton), by whom Ice had, DUN WsLLsaar, Lsrtl I Er), s’s’, 0. andsl. 4 On. 1776. ios’sl). Tisis tsobiosssass ,,s. 1st, Elie,sbrih, dssn. of Jassses Kos’, Es,5. of Ms,rrisssssns, Derwirk, by wisoas Iso lsssst its,, rlsiustrtn, of Torretsee, its Lanarinsisire, by soisons (srho ,t. 21 May, 1808) he Isad issoe, to Lord t’ornsralhs isa list first Atsserieats soar, ist whteis he aras slain, 1$ Oct. 1781. lIe is. Caihs’rine, dan. of 3lajor Pileairss, assd by Iser (soho s. 2ssdly, Cisarles—Osren Cambrsdge, Esq.; and s. 24 Ott. 1533), Itad a ssn and a don., both now deceased. 551. Jeists, dep.—eostsnsissarr Ic else ferret lit Nrsrtls Assaeritss 1’. 3 Joly, 1750 ; as. in I aCt’, Hiss lisralt ; attd ,5. 5’. Os. uS I all Matssfttld, Yorkolsire ; Miss Mary Snsiitssoss ; astd S. in 1023. This widow 7. 15 harrIs, 1067, agrsi 03, 14 Ang. 1020. Ills soidosv ‘7. 2 Get. 1537. vi. Alexaoder-ttsrreslor (Sir), GOut.; adsss. of tise Tlloe 5. April, 1755; ‘1. 21 Jusso, 1832, ss. 1755, Maria, dais. of David Shasr, ltssp, and wid,sss of Capt. Sir Jacob Ofiseale, RN., by srltom (trite si. 18 2larelt, 1856), Iso had, I Thoseas-John (Sir), B.C.E., adstiral of the fleet; 5.1789; sc. 1st, 6 Jan. 1012, Matilda W’tslsas’t—tlass, dan. of the late Liout.-Oess. Sir Charles floss, Itart. tf hiahssssgtwss Castle, by wlsose (salso ,l. ltt 1019)1st Itas issue, Atexassdrr—D;tndas—Tiess—Wislsssrt-Daittie, of Laausgls’st, Co. Lanark, 3fF. for llonitsn, bin Nor. lilt; ,s.-h Dee. 1844, Astnabelia—hlary-Elie-abetls, dass. ,f A-li. Dnstss— esond, Esq. of Cadlands, Slants, by tlse t.ady y:uieal,rlls Isis srife, aed has issue, Wallacr’Charieo, (‘.23 Ja;y, I aGO; Coesmnee—Mary—Eheabrtlt, s. 7 Fib. lSii7, to site lion. lleginald-Windsor—Sarisrillc West, 2nd sets of ttso Eat-I ‘f Delawarr; Ansy — Angsssla — Froderita — Assssabolla; asssl Violet. Clsarlee-Sissarl, lace rapt. 7tls foof. Maria-Theresa, -s. 1st, 24hlarrhs, 1851, leF,oh’trt Sathorland, Esq. of Silver 11111, asssl 2ssslly, at Cs,iagne, Sept. 1864, to Thomas-Charlts-W’aoe Seotr, Eoq. alEterhwoed, Forfssrsttire. 1laiiisha. Sir ‘fisosssao Corlsrasat as. 2,sdlc’, 8 Jots. 1033, Ilosntla, dats. of Sir J.—I1. W’heelrr-Cctfi’r, liars., aasi Isas hsad by hstr, ‘l’isssssas—hlriloaren—Ilrssry, 0. 24 Nov. 1036; Frssssrio-Astlsnr— Clsisrlrs, 0. 3 Sçlsl. 1 a39, aesi 1. 30 Jstsst, hatS ; flosetta— Sitsass—Lostisa ; assd Asssotsc—hlissssss. 2 Cisarlss, si in 1533. 3 Assstrrsr—Casslls, 0. 0 Aisril, 1721 ; -., . its 1S35, use eldest class, of Ilaroo ste Straeln, rsd. in the Assst riass service, asni Isas issoso, 3iaria Lorsisss—t°redertra, a,ssh Adoisside—Stewarttlesusjolois. I Anoa-hharia,ss. 19 Gel. 1818, io SirE. Ts’oai,ristoe. Fe. 2 Jasse, is. ha2’4, to rise lair Vier—Adsairal Sir llrssry-W. Bruce, RN.; and d. 1830. ass. George—Assgssststs—Frrdcnitk, 0. 2f Nor. 1762; 1 iesst.tol. isa shse arose, frosss whirls iso reiis’rsh iss hOES. Geos’oiasta, stast. of Janats. 3rd E;srI of I lnsps,tn’sso, orisosi Ito ssssssasesh ilso asiditisissal sssrssasssr of Jostwsxra’o. ; assd 2ndly, 21 hlarnis. I 003, .tsnoitso — Casslaare — Gertrotdt — Etietsetir, orido,r of hlosssittsr I Dvnsssssst Godot, sf Mariissisjsso, assd ossiv etsiu,i aissi stir of the late ttsss’on ste t’ltsgssy, rovertss,rnjf Gossdaiosspr. Dv Isis 1st lad); 21r. Cs,elsrasso-.l tlssotsssse left Etieabeils, who 5,5. Williatss-Jssltn, Otis Los”l Napier. lleroe, to. Kirlnenslbrigiat aetl ii. 19 FrIs. 1011. i. Tisoasas, Lss,l i’arJs,o’sst. tsf Alo,satsder hlaoson, Esq., site i. 22 O,’i. Ia,,0, and Isas, hi’iiltatss—hlardsall, 0. 22 Per. 1517; a’. 14 let. I ‘10, Mary, relict sf I’.—It. hlarslsssIl, K-’si., sssssl dais. nsf W’illtasss Ihtissny, Erg., atsst isas, Wilhasst— h”nssstris—Dssss,Iossssl,l, 0. 1’ lis Tiso— snes—Ersisistr s ,J,slsn.t’attsts’rs Anslstss—I tessry—I lsstsglas, 0. iss 1036; sssasi (‘arsohitse_Ksstosenissr—t.attrss—31ar3’. iv,Arelsit,aid, rapt. 11.37.5 a -. 11 ,Jssn. I ol 2, Ilaossals.,lanr, + This lady ns. 2ssdly, Charles, 3rd Iiarqssoss of Tn’eeddaIe; dssss. of .tntisssr Ms;shss’ay, Essi. s’f list to. af Dssnlsosss. and t’y * Lady Mary, on ihe dootase of her brother Aioxnndts; 3s’d Earl of Itineardine, sssssss. in 1705, elaisnod tlsat peerage, bsst uassssrrtssfolly. nod sI. 7 I’oh. 1737. 377