Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/431

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DUN iv. Peter, of Qoazasbury, tar. Etizabetis, dau. of Richard Blake, a. Deass-Sv. Gconoc, present peer. Esq. of Ard fry, and left one son, who at. are r., and three daus., I Henora, so. to Henry Benedict, 4th Visraont Kingsland. 2 Anastatta, tar. 1st, to Charles Daly, ot Catlaw; and dndly, to Francis-Thomas, Eart of Kerry. 3 Mary. so. to Thonaas, 22nd Baron Attsenry, afterwards v. Robert, ad. 27 Dee. 1841, the lion.. Cecilia-Maria A’Court, Eart of Looth, by whena star iaad issue, Mary, tar, to Thomas, Lord St. Lawranee, afterwards Earl of Hearth. Elizabeth, ar. to T.-B.-tl. Search, Esq. Louisa, oa. to Joseph-Itenry, Lord Vallaeaort. i. Mary, sr. 1st, to John Moore, or O’Moore, Esq. of Cloghan; a Margaret—Eleanor, 1. saaaama. 2 atay, 1817. and andly, to Peter, son and taeir of Cal. Jrhas Broarne, of at. llosa-Grrtrnde.Itaeriet, am. 21 Sept. 1830, to J.-E. Venalahes Westport, by avhoaaa star was aaaatlarr of Jolasa, tot Earl of Altatnont. ii. Anaatace, sat. to Josopla Blake, of Ardfry, and was naotlasr Ibis lordahip at. 7 Aug. 1847. of the 1st Lard Wattaronrt. DeNts DALY, Sari son of Dents Daly, of Carroarnakelty, and Aa’a,so—Per frase, arg. anal or, a lion ranapaat, per fesse, ea. on failure of male issaae frosn Isis drier bretlarrs, becoming larir and gu.; in chief, two dexter hanats, coulacd, of liar last. to his fatiser, arc, the fan. and heiress of George Frraarls, Ear;. of Lord Daaaasandir qaaarters liar foltraariaag araaaa a —— I Italy, I’rsnrhbrook, ra. Mayo, and left issue by lanr a son, JAMEs DALY, of Carrownakolly and Drmsandlr, re Gatway, 7 Barry, 8 Caaatihlon. who aaa. 1st, Bridget, dao. of Francis, 21st Turd Atlaenry; brat t’rost—Defsrr an oak tree, ppr., a grryhonnd, ooaaa’anl, Ca. she dying withoast issue, hera. 2ndly, Catlserine Dare, sister of grryheaand, lapr., gorged rnitia aria Irisla or laoiaatrd crest as, or. ItaIph, Earl of hoar, and dau. of Sir tlapls Gore, hart., tap Ins ..iJ’a,tta—Deo fidelis et regi. wife, Elizabeth, only dars. of the Right Rev. Dr. St. George Seaal—Dnusantfle, Loasghrea, to. Galway. Aslar, biahnp of Clegher (by lais wife, tire sister and eventasalty tote heiress of tarr larother, Sir Richard SI. George, Dart, of t)uaanaore). Sir Raltala arar eon of Sir William Gore, Ban., tay his avife, llauaaala, dara. and to-Isrir of Jaesaas Ilaiaailteaa, of Iifanoa’ Idanailton (lay his wifo, Catherine, alan. of Claude, 2nd Lard ,Slrabane), stalest aan of Sir Frealenirta tlaaaailfon, arao araa Ills son of Lord Claude Hasniltesa, let Baron Paialrr. 3rd son of Jaancs, 2nd Kaa’l of Ara’aaa, arho, by art of parliaanrnt, atated 1342, was drrlarrd Isrir to the rroaraa of Scotland, in event of failure of issase fauna litAnY Queen of Srots, he being granatson of Jaaaaea, 2sad Larat blaaaailtosa, by his wife tlae Priasresa Mary, dan. of King JAalet It. of Scotland, son of JAaaEa 1., t’y Isis consort, Joaanaa, clan. nf John ale Beaufort, Earl of Somerset, son of John of Gaunt, Duke of Laneasles; and graaadaan of BowAnn 111., If tog of England. Jasasea Daly, by his marriage antIs liar saiat Catlaeriaar Gore, left issnar, Dense, of whona hereafter. Ralph, in holy orders, warden of Galway, or. Shies Kitkelly, aaad left issue a son, Janars. Peter, Iieot.-eol. in the arnay; aaa. a dora. of General Boater. George (the hliglat Moo. Sir), justice of the renrt of Iling’s BUNSANY, BARON (Edward Plnnkott), of Dnnoaoy Eenrh; or. I.ooiaos, dan. of Sir htalph Gore, Dart. Elizabeth, as. Peter Daly, Esq. of Liamore. Ellen, at. saraor. Ton Raonv hlox. Dnaaa DALY, 8. in 1747, snot for many years ate. 22 Sept. 1846, the Hon. Anne-Constance Button, SIP, for tire co Galaroy in the Irish iaarlianaent, where he was dan. of Lord Sherborne, and by her (n’ho at. 27 Jnne, lnghly distinguished for lair elariueaarr and abilities. Hr was 1858) has had issue, one of the leading atalesnarn of those days so renaarkable Ira a. RAaOALL-KntnAno-SnESEO5NE, t. 13 Nov. 1818. Ireland for eminent mm, and Gratlan describes laim as “one of as. John-lvthliana, t. 31 Aug. 1883. the hdtt and brightest rlaarartera that Ia’ehand ever prodasced.” sat. ltoracr-Cnrzon, 8. 24 Oct. 1838. JOe arm. 1780, Henrietta, only dan. and laeireas of Robert, Earl of iv. Edsvard-Reginalat, t. Id Ang. 1810; at. 20 Dee. lSf4. Faruhaan (of the ancient fanUty of Jtaxwell, and descendeal a. Mary-Soplais-Eliza. froua the lainga of Scotlasad by the naarriage of his ancestor, sat. Julia-Elizabeth, at. IS Nov. lffd. Sir JoIm Maxwell, of Pollock and Caldrrwood, with Isabella, tiara, of Sir James Lindsay, ancestor of the Earla of Crasafnrd, and grandchild of King ]dasncav Baum), by his arifo, henrietta, Coooteas-Doaragrr of Stafford, only dan. and laciress of I’hili1a Tlais and the noble house of PaaasALL tlahn a coaaanaoo aoerrtor Cantillon, Esa1., and by her (who at. at an advanced age, f March, 1802,) left issne, JansEs, created BAnow Dras.caooa AND CLAN COnE. Robert, hiataop of Cashol aad ivaterford. henrietta, at. aaaaaaa. Catlacrine, or. to John Godley, Esq, of Killigar, co. Leitrim, and sole Iaeir of Sir Lneas Cusarha, Ifrat., Lord raf Ifiltarn, hay and has issue. Claarlotte, ta. to the Very Rev. It. Newman, dean of Cork, wiso Fingall, trite inlaerited the lerdslaip of Killrraa ; anal ci. 3 Jan. 1804. Elizabeth. Euaily, ara. to the late Sir Morgan Crofton, Dart., rod has issue. Fitzgerald, of Ballysonasa, to. ttildare, younger san at ltaarrirr, Mas’, or. to tire Rev. Artlaar Ksaex, youngest ron of ta’thnr 3rd Earl of Kildarre, try tsIsoaaa ho tauai forar tons, anal am ar ,a. by Knox, of Castlerra, by Nary, dan. of Antlaooy, 8th Earl of tile eldest, Meath. The eldest son, Jaates DALY, Eaq. of Dunrandle, ILP. for the to. of Gaiway, Ituatace, lasral.treasnrrr of ]relamsd in 1171, anal Irrai—laigla—tlaosa— t. 7 April, 1782, was created a Peer of Ireland as Boron Dataaraar’tte cellar in 1474; asad was.t. lay Isis only ron, oaaal Ctrarr foam rat, 0 Jaane, I 843. Ole ta. S Marcia, tSOd, Joatas, hral barest, ltD. Itis lrralsiaiha a.’. Coalaeriaac. aloes, of IilarioEtizabetb, dan. and ce-taeir of tiara Riglat tiara .Sir Siceffingtsn Itnasey, fendal bareas of Galtnim, and was o. lay lair rlala’rt rota, Sauytla, Bart.,° and by her (arho at. 2 Nov. 1 off), had KnrrAnn, ltia baron. Tint aaetahenaan soar ataatra try tla,a rclacl iasne, * Tlae ancestors of this brands of the fouaily of Sasaytla were Itonnav, Ills laareaa, arias teas one raf liar peer) aaf sIte jaorha— formerly seated at atoasdalo, in Yorkshire. Sl’illiaua Sanytis, metal lariat at Darbilts in 1141. trItest Ire woo raaaalsr 1 inataamahalchy Rsq. of Ressdate, tea’p. RosaAaevsa, rcaaored to Dnaadruaaa, or. after Iris laiaaamaat, I.aard Kilioru. I tie laacalolnita a,. lot, Im,ir.mnaar, Down, Ireland, and left issue, W’aLLaAas, late anccrssoa’, of Dun yoarsrgmt dan. of Sir Wiltiaan tanroy, KnI.. of l’laahia,sa, rate-irma— drnm, ancestor of the hhlglst lien. Sir Staoffingtoaa Sanyth, Basrl.; sorer of Ireland, lay rtlaa,ua lae land tasar a aat on’l orate alatar. Ito of Dr. William Suayth, bishop of Kiltala in 1080; and of Dr. an. hndly, Gmuet, dams. of Williams Soredelal, alalcrsaaan of Drablin, Thomas Smyth, bishop of Lianerick. (Sac Gonv, V.) 751 Ca’caalteaa—S June, 1813. 2 Poaror, 3 i’reorla, 4 Olaxeeli, 3 Caldersonad, f Dcuisloo, Baapbaaa’tea’o—Dexter, a lion a’aaaaltrastt, ar itt tlae aratas ; sittioter, DUNSANY. Castle, cc. Month, in the peerage of Irolund; it representativo 1)0ev; reaa’-admiral, 5. 29 Nov. 1308 as. Constanoe’Lavinia-ttaaviett. 3LIttragc. iaa San Cassasvopuos. PLLaKEvT, Knt., wiso true dr’pnty-goncmor of Ireland, under Sir Thomoas Stanley, IorJ-deprary ha 1122, and snbsea]racntly mader Ricisard, Drake of Peak. tic a,,. Jomas, dan. whana hr land, with ether children, Jessie, aucrator of liar Karl of Cnasrvopnnn, of Dunsany, wiso was created Ilarosa, lay writ, I 7tla Itnasv Vt. hit lordahip as. Anne, dan. and heir aaf llichard RacuAno, 2nd barest, anIle ,l. Joan, dau. aaf Sir tLarvlaaaal Pita O’Caaaaator, its 1321, astat teas a. by lain stan (lay .bnaae, ‘tars. arsad lacir of t’hihip Dirmtnglaaaaa), DUN as. SnorrsNoToN-JAnsEs. sat. Cinarlos-Anliaouy. aaauJOr halls rrgt., at. in the ernap harforo Sobortopol, an Iter. 1804. av. Idotnes-Itiarlanad, dara. of Wiilliasn, tot Lord Iheytesbury, and has imne, I Janaer-Frrderick, t. 29 Aug. 1819. 2 Creil-Jtobert, t. 21 April, 1811. 3 Charrlcs-Wilhiassa, 8. 18 June, 1810. I .hhiee-Itosa. a Flormnre.Olaaja, a Rliuor-Gertrndc Vernon, Faq. of Clonturf Castle, Dublin, and at. 31 Aog. 1809.