Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/448

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EGL ALEXANDER SEvoa’, as 6th earl; he m. 22 June, 1612, Tics earl is. 2ndly, Ann den, of George, let Earl of Aberdeen, Anne, dan. of Alexander, 1st Earl of Liulithgow, and had, I. Muon, his successor. is. Henry (Sir), of GriS’en. iii, Alexander (Colonel). sv. James, of Coylofield, a ccl. in the army, so. the only His lordship vs. Irdly, Susaenah, dais. of Sir Archibald dan. of ,‘Eneas, Lord Macdonnc’l; and 1. 16 Oct. lOll, Kennedy, Part., by whom Iso bad iesno, having had two sons, Alexander, who ci, cud poi1o, and ALEXANDER, his successor. Unucs. This gentleman ss. lot, Jean, 2nd dan. of Sir Anenioos.n, sneecesor to Ins brother. William I’rimrooo, hart., and had three dane. , Mr. Moulgonserie is. Sadly, Katharino-Arbuckle, relict of Hamilton of Lcthain, and had, with two dane.,o son, helen, is, the lion. Francis Stewart, 3rd son of James, 0th ALExaNDER, who ,s. Lillias, dan. of Sir Robert Montgoinerie, Susanne, vs. to John Kenton, Rag. Dart, of Skelmorley, and had, I iiuon, of whom neivafter, as 12th Earl of Eglinton. Margaret, sic, to Sir Alexander Macdonald, Bert. 2 Alexander, of Annick Lodge, m. Elizabeth, dan. of Frances. Christian, ci. to James Horsy, Esq. Pr. Taylor, and left issue at his demise, in 1812, WTLLIAOI-EomNrcN, of Annick Lodge, m. in Jan. Tics earl d. in 2729, and was a, by his eldest son, 1824, Susan-Fraser, dan. of John Anderson, Esq,, ALEXANDER, bib earl, who was killed by Mungo Campbell, and d. 14 June, iai2. having had lame, ALcxaNnca-MoNTooaesRsr., Esq., now ,if Annick excise, whom his lordship found trespassing upon his lands, Lodge, an officer 16th fest, b. 10 Nsa’. 1624. Jnhn-Egliaton, capt. H. N., 0. 21 lien. ladS. Roger, advocate, 2. in Oct. 1622. Thomas-George, capt. B. eng., 0. 23 April, 1830. and ci, within a few hours. Campbell was convicted at Archibald-William, 0. 14 Oct. ISiS. Snsannab, si. to ,lohn They, Esq., Secretary ts the 1778. ills lordslnp ci. 25Oct. 1769, and wasa. by bisbrether, Post Olicc, and has issue. Elizabeth. Mary. Alexander, rear-admiral RN., 7 1261, llngh, Os. Jane, dan. of Lient.-Gen. Rnmley,E.l.C.S. Franees,E only dan. of Sir William Twysden, Part., the Elizabeth, ss. tbs late Right Hon. David Boyle, and 6. hononrs reverted, at Ins dsewssc, in 1700 (while a large 14 April, 1822. Ilamilla, vs. to Atexander-W. Ilancilton, Esq. of Pin- proportion of the estates devolved upon his older and only more, cc. Aye; and 6. his widow, 16 March, 1852. surviving dau., Lady Mary, wife of Archibald, Lord Mentgonseris, Charlotte, m. in 1826, to the Rev. Thsmas Procter, who si, in 1836, Frances. 1 Archibald, m. Miss Maria Chantroy, by whom he had (refer to James, of Coylsfleld, son of Alexander, 6th esri). snroioieg issneathisdemise, in 1811, two sons, William, Tlois nobleman was enrolled amongst the peers of the empim, nf Belmont, E.I.C.S., d, 1822; and Edmund, E.l.Co.’s service, os. in 1329, a dan. of Gen. Sellivan, and 1. 1261. the ThisGe. His lordship so. in 1771, Eleaners, dan. of John 4 Janses, lient.-geu. iii the army, 0. in 1716; ns. in 1810, Hamilton, Eeq. of Bowsrtrsehill, eo.Ayr, by whom he hsd, Harriet-Elizabeth, dais, of Thomas Jackson, Esq. of W’estbnry, co. Gloucester; and d. e. p. 13 April, 1829. I F’ranrcs, cc. 10 James Ititclsic, Req. of linshie, and ci. 10 Ancnsscato, Lerd. lfsslgsmsrie, 0. 80 July, 1771, a major- Jan. 17t2. 2 Katherine, d. osoc. S Lilliac, so, 1762, Ic John Iiaesillzo, Esq. el Snndrnas, and 6. 1 Jcly, 1821, having had issae. 4 Margarec, cc. 1789, John-Oalrynsple Ilansihton. Esq. of Rargany, and ci. a. p. 1 Acne, The sail, who had the popular appellation ef Grayeleel, on Lilies, vs. let, in 1796, to K-fl. Macqueen, Req. of Brsxfield; account of his intrepid bearing, took an active part against the crown in the unhappy time of CnaaLEs I., and fought on the parliament side at Marston Moor, Snbeeqnently, he The earl ci, in Dec. 1019, and was s. by his grandson, attached himself he Cna RL55 It., and falling into the hands ARCocSBALD-WitLtAas, MT., DCL., and LL.D., as 11th. of the enemy, in 1651, remained in confinement at Berwick eas’l, an excellent sisd justly popnlar nobleman, who was fcom that time nntil the Restsraeion, Its ci, in 1661, and 0. 29 Sept. 1812 ; he was served heir-male general of George, was e. by his eldest son, Huon, 7th earl, This nobleman took the royal side 4th Earl of Wisotoss ,in Scotland, in 1840, asod was created dnring the civil wars, and was opposed to his father at Eas’l of Winten, in the peerage of the United Kingdena, idarsten Moor. His lordship ci. 1st, Lady Anne Hamiltsn, 21 Jnne, 1019. His lordshIp cc. bet, 17 Feb. 1041, Theresa, den, of James, 2nd Mavqness of Haneiltea, by whom be bad widow of Ricbard-Ilowc Coekereil, Esq., comm. RN., end a dan. He so. lndly, Lady Mary Lesly, 2nd dan. of John, by her (who d. 10 Doe. 181Sf had icons, etb Earl of Rothes, and had issue, ALEXANnER, his successor, Francis, of Griffen. Mary, rn. in 1662, to George, 3rd Earl of Winton. Margaret, ns. to Jensee, 2nd Earl of Lnndeuco. Christians, sa. to John, 4th Lord Ralmerino. Eleanor, so. to Sir David finisher, ilart, of llaldaon, Anne, in. to Sir Andrew Ramsay, Part. of Abbotshall. The earl 6. in 1669, and was a. by his elder son, ALexaNnea, 8th earl; wise ci. let, Elizabeth, eldest dan. dan. of the Karl of Essex, and by her (who 6. Ii Dee. 1808) of William, Earl of Bnmfres, and bad issne, ALEXANDER, his successor. hugh, and John, d. a.p. Mary, se to Sir James Agnew, Dart, of Leehnaw, eo. susie a PC’. in 1812, and a MT. in 1828; he was eonsiltuted, Wigtonn. He is. Sndly, Grace, dan. of Francis Pepeley, Esq. of in the fic’ccmlcer following, lie was reappointed to the Wooley Ilocehonse; and hedly, Katherine, din, of Sir Wilham same high official position in 1018, asod again resigned in St. Qnintin, Hart. his lordship d. in 1701, and wee a. 1899. The eolebs’atsd tournament held in Scotland, at by his son, AtexaNnen, 9th earl, and one of the representative peers, by his lordahip. The carl d. 4 Oct. loOt. a privy conncillccr to King WsttiAai, and a cnmnsissisner of the Treasury. His lordship iso. let, Margaret, dan. of William, Lord Coehrans, by wham he bed, with two sons, The first of the great house of Seton estsblished in North wlso d. yonng, Catherine, so. to James, 5th Earl of Galloway. Grace, en, to Robert, 8mb Earl of Cars,wath. Enpbeme, is. to George Lockhart, Esq., the aosther of the * Frassces, Conntess of Eglinton ‘cc, dsodly, Francis Moore’ Hielsry ef ,Scellaad. Margsret, m. to Sir Alexander Maxwell, Part. 398 EGL by whom ho had an only dan., Mary, ci. to Sir David Cnmsnynghsm, Bart. Elizabeth, m. to Sir John Cueningbame, Bert. of Caprington, Ayrslsire. Earl of Moray. Grace, ci. to Charles Myne, Esq. fsrncerly en officer in the arsiy, and then an officer of and insisted he should deliver np a gnu with which he was armed; in the diepnte, the earl was mortally wounded, Edinburgh of the mosrder, bnl hnnghimselfin prison, 28 Feb. AncssIcALn, 11th earl, a military officer of rsnk, and one of the representative peers. This nobleman iso. twice, but having tws dana. only by his second marriage, with eldest son of Hugh, 12th Earl of Eglinton), to his kiss snien, Hunn llosvuocsRnle, Esg., as 12th serl; 0. 5 Nov. 1739 as Dares Aretraaaaa, ia Fob. 1806, and honoured with general in the arnoy; is. 28 March, 1891, Mary, elder den. and eventual heiress of Archibeld, 11th Earl of Eglinten, by whonc be left isene, Anenssxs.n, the 19th earl. His lordship 6. at Alicant, 4 Jan. 1014. His widowm, 10 Jan. 1812, Sir Cisaslee Lamb, Pert. (he €1. 21 Dho’cb, 1860) snd 6. 12 Jnss, 1848. Rsger, RN., d. in 1798. Jane, m. in 1828, to Edo’ard-Archibeld Hamilton, Req. of Rsesils, and ,i. his widow, 21 Feb. 0860. and 2ndly, in 1217, to H-A. Oswald, Esq., who d. in 1841. She d. 18 Sept. 1819, I. AacamALI’-WsrLlAal, present earl. is. Seeos-lloavem,ien, late lient. Seots fasilier-guards, 0. 18 ilay, 1046. III. Ge’ ‘rge-Arnnlph, lisnt. grenadier-guaerda, 0. 28 Feb. 1048. i Egidia, vs 4 Jnly. 1061, to Frederick-William-Brook, 5th and present Lord Rendlcslsam, The earl vs. 2ndly, 1 Nov. 4098, the Lady Adoha Capel, only bad Syhcil-Amsiia-Adela, and MilLs-Rose. Lord Eglinton was lerd.his’nt. and sheriff principal of Ayrshire ; he was 27 Feh. load, l,,rd-lientenant of hrelassd, host retired Eglhston Castle, us 1839, was inangurated and carried ent rton, (LEan of ZZiiIntoii. Rritein was Seeneso DE Say, who had a grant from King DavID I. of Req.