Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/453

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ELO ELGIN AND KINCARDINE. ELcIN AND KINOARDINE, EARL OP (VictorAlexander 1296, he, alossg with bis eldest son, swore fealty to King Bruce), Baron Bruce, of Kinloos, and of said to have had issne twelve clsildren, Torry, in the peeragc of Scotland, and Baron Elgin, of Elgin, in that of the United Kingdom, 8. 16 May, It. Ensuson, crowned king of lrelaad in 1110, aad killed at 1819; s. Ma father aa 9th Earl of Elgin and 13th Earl of Kincardine, 20 Nov. 1863. Itinragc. ROBERT HE Bssuca was a wealthy baron in Yorkshire in I. lscaes., wsfe, 1st, of Sic Tiseinas llandal;sh, high chamberlain the reign of WILLIAM THE Coauraooo, with whom he had come from Normandy. He was possessed of the castle and manor of Skelton, in Yorkshire, and fleet assd fIes-tness, ha the bishoprick of Durham, and before the end of the reign of the CoNquERoa, he was possessed of ninety-four lordships in Yorkshire. His sop, ROBERT HE BRUCE, made a fignre at the court of King HENRI- I., where he became intimate with Prince David of is. Many, wife, 1st, of Sir Neil Campbell, of Lochowe, by Scstland, that monarch’s brother-hs-law. When hs became kissg af Scotland, as DAvsn I., in 1124, Hence abtained from hills tiss lordship of Annandale and great possessions in the iii. CnEISTOAN, wife, lot, of llratoey, Earl of liar; and, of Sir sonth of Scotland. Robert de Bruce ci. in 1141, and was buried at Gyshurn, the place of his birth. He sis. Agnes, sv. MATiLDA, wife of liegh, Earl of Ross. dan. of Fsslk de Paynell, by whom he had issue, Anast ne Panes, of Skelton, in Tarlcshire. Tie inhertled his families of Carlyle, lsislsingtssn, and ilrecbbs. father’s great English estates, aod was ancestor to the fansily Rosouv Haueo, tlse eldest son, was the glorious restorer of of Bruce of Shelton, which failed in the male line in 1271. the Scotttsh nsouarclsy. lie hec:sme Earl of Carriek on his ROBERT. ROBERT HE Bauce became lord of Annandale, as his Scottish erowol, alsst aseessded the throne of his ancestors, father’s gift, and was faunder of the great house of Bruce being crowned at Scone, isa I.:9d. tiis power and the libertieo in Scotland. He ilomialoed under DAVID 1., MAI.coL’55 TV., and WILLIAM THE LION. The name of his wife was Euphemia, victory of Hanscssckhssrn, in 1134. Be ,t us Jnns, 1125, in by wham he had issue, ROBERT and WILLIAM. Roocar HE BRUCE, lord af Annandale, se. in 1151, Isabel, Sass, of Donald, 10th Earl of Star, by whom he had an only natural dan. of Kiasg WILLIAM TI LION, hy whom having dau., PRINCEss StA040nv, his eldest co-Iscir, who, failing her no issue, he was s. before 1191 by his hrathsr, WILL5AM HE Haves, lard of Anasandale, and pssaessor of Walter, Lord high Steward of Scotland, by whons she had large estates in the north of England. He obtained from isssIe, Hosnar, who afterwards ascossded the throne if Scotlaissi King J0RN the grant of a weekly market at Hartilpeol, and he granted lands to the canons of Gysburn. He ci. in 1215, line of STUART kings; his hohrs-generssl are the DUKE 05’ and was e. by his son, RUEERT HE BRUCE, lord of Asanandale. He no. Isabel, 2nd King ROBERT I. sss. Indly, Elizabeth do Tiurgo, dasm. of dass. of David, Earl af Henthsgton, son of Henry, Prince of Richarsi, 2nd Earl of Ulster, by whom ho Isad issue a son, Srstland, and grandson of King DAvID 1. It was in Eonsequence who a. him as King DavID TI. ; and two dana., of this royal alliance that their son entered into The Princess lI.eaeaaET, his jonior co-heir. She was wife of competition for the Scottish crown, and that their descendants Wilham, 4th earl of Sutherland. hoe descendant and representative became co-heirs of the ancient Scete-Pietisb and .XssgloSaxon kings. Isabel was co-heir of her brother, Joins the jslniEr co-Iseir general of King BossaT BRUCE. Scot, Earl of Chester; she ci. iss 1221, having survived her The Princess MaTILnA, Isis jasnar co-heir, srife of Thomas de hnsbassd six years. He ci. in 1245, and was s. by his son, ROBERT HR BRUcE, lord of Anssandale. Be was an able and strenuous baron, and acted a great part in the reign of who traos,nitted to their descendants and ropersentalivos ALEXANHER ITT, In 1255, he wad appointed one of the the jaoior esheirship of King BooEaT ltaeeE. ‘She eldest fifteen Regents of Scotland. In i2S4, he was one of tIcs Tnnemsealh, wlso in Iser rigist l,eessms Ears! of Lorn. She Magnates Sootha who consented to accept Margaret of was ancestvess to sue STesvAmsTs. Loans or LOaN, and the Norway as their sovereign so the demise of ALEXANDER III. In 1191, he entered into an unesseeessful campetitisiss with Jehn Balliol for the crawn of Scotland. Ho sf at Loohmahen Castle, in 1295, aged 55. In 1244, he sss. Isabella, dass. of Gilbert do Clars, 3rd earl of Gloucester, by whom be had, ROBERT, his heir. BERSARn, of Csnington and Extoss. Sir Bernard Bruce was iilegitimate, ‘rho was wife of Sir Wsslter Oliphant, of ,hlserdalgy, the aneester of the only cadet bmsscb of the base of Brssce which caa boast of rsyal descent. He was seated at Eaton, s. ho 1329 by his only son, ia the e000ty of Rutlaad, Rod was father of Sta JssnN Baucs, DAvID hi., king of Scotland, who was crowned at Seosse, of Exton, whose only dan. and heir, JANE BRUCE, of Exion, in 1311. He had no issue by either of isis w’ivos—the Prhsceoo was wife of Sir Nicholas Green. her dan. assd heir, JOAN GREEN, of Exton, was wife of Sir Thomas Colpeper, and her daa. cad heir, CATRINE CULPEPEB, af Eaton, was wife of Logis, and he closed his fssglssrisaLo rei,sns In Tall, so tlse Sir John hfaringten. Her descendant in the ienrth degree, forty-seventh year of his age. With loins and hio casssini, Sir Ssa Jona idAasNaToa, of Eaten, heir-general of the only John Bnsce, of Extssss, ended the rssyal insslc line of llnsce, cadet branch of the royal Brssces,ss. Lucy Sydney, daa. of which continssed to be represcssted as hess’s-general by the Sir William Sydney, of Penshnrst, by srhsns he Isad a son, STUART Ksaos OP SCOTLAND, tha EARLS OF SUOUERLAND, JOHN HARINOTON, created Lord Haringten, of Exten, by 403 E [0 King JAMEs I., whose line failed, and a don., ELIZaBETU RlAamseToN, wife of Sir Edward Slosslagne, of lloaglstsn. Throagh Iser, tlse three tsmilies of tlsc tlosssr of islosstagsse vsz., the Drees tsr M55NTAOUE and TlANrm,E5TEE ansi tile EARs, or SAsosvmoss; SONDEO, EARL OE l’EvErosnas,, aasl his descendants, Loans IloasoN AND SONOEs; and CIRILS,ELET BARONET OF Easvea; are all slcseendcd from the royal bleed of Brncs. The conspelitor for the Scattisls crown bad also a dan., CnssssrlAa llarrc, wife of Patricis Dssnlsar, 7th earl of March, ancestrcss to a long Rae of Earls sf llarch. ttetsert Brssre, the competitor, was s. by his eldest son, RHnERT BRUCE, lord of Annansbsls and carl of Carriek, in right of his wife, SIssrgaret, Countess of Carriek, to svlsom he was married in 1271. On the death of his eotnstcos, in 3292, he resigned the sarmdssm ssf Can-rick to his eldest sen. in EDwARD I. lie sf. iss 1454. hly the Countess ci Carrick, he is s. ROBERT. heir to isis claims to tise Scottish cressas. the battle of Dandalh, is 1316. lIe had issue, llnBEEv, ALEXANDER, aed THoMAs, successively Earls of Csrrtek. His lone failed. Ism. Theasas, o. p. sv. Alexander, 0.4). V. Nigd, 0.21. of Scotland ; lssd, of tiso Earl of Alisol ; 3rd, of Alexander Bruce. By liands’lpls she had issue, Tssecsas IIANDOLEH, EARL SE lioaav. Ilegent of Ssa,tlaod, wlseso clan, sod ereotssal heir, AONE5 IdANnoLen, s,,. 11Cr cousin, t’striek Dstnl,sr, 9th earl ef Starch. 11cr sosm, GE000E, 10th earl of Slarrh, was father of the II lb earl, and of too daus., I ELIzABETH, betrothed in 1199 to the Hake of lloshsay; 2 JANET, wife, 1st, of Sir John iseten; and, Sadly, of Sir Adam Jehissteae. She was aneestress to tise Earls of Wioton, and the Jobsstones, haronets of Westerhall. seham slse was ancesleess to the }ioose of Argyle; 2nd, of Sir Alexander Fraeer, high elsamljerlaia of Scotland. Chrisfephec ScIon; led, of Sir Andrew Moray, of Botbe’chl. The three other daughters are said to have married into the father’s resigssation, in I Sf52. lie asserted his claim to the of his cossssts’y were fissally vindicated by the splendid the SStls year of hk age. King Rosnar T. so. lot, Isahella, larotlser, was heiress of the Scottish crsswn. She was wife of as King ROBERT IT., and who won ancestor of tile long StonEs-A, the Doses tsr PAP.RA, and the ICINO OP NAPLES. is Gsoaoe, 2nd DUEE or SevnEonANn, who is lasc, lsy whom she had a daa., JOANNA 550 lzan, the svife of John Se Ergadia. lord of l,orn, by whom ohs had two daas., dan., IsABELLA DE EROAEIA, was wife of John Slewart, of Svswaars, EARLs OP ATHI5L. The younger dan., JANET DE BausnIa. was wife of liobert Stewart, brother of John Stewart, of Innenneath. Sise was ancesiress office STswAaTs OP RosaxTnE, in ttse county of Fife, and of the STE5VAOTS OP CRA5OIE HALL, afterwards of Now IIxLL0, to tIcs eanisty of Linlithgssv. King Rosouv had also a dan., who is believed to have been the assoestor of the Lords Ohipbant. King Rsbcs’t was Joanna of England, dan. of EDWARD II., or Margaret de 2n2