Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/463

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ELP remained vacant from the elecaasr of his father, in 1605. The eldest eon, Sir hew was H.P. for North liero-ick and a occmsnissinner Sic RonenT DALnvMpLp.-Honc-ELennrsvocg, fc-ncerly to accomplish the trss.ty of Union. Ito in. Nine Marion liecct. -colonel Seots fnoilicr-gicarde, t. 27 Feb. 1766, was Hamilton, and ci. 1 Feb. 1717, leaving, with other isoue, Robert (Sir), who ci. before his father, and from whom descends Grmmo, dau. of David hlephnrn, Eoq., a eel, in tlcn arncy, Gin present Ssr Hnw-Flacnilioes Doirympin, hart, of North 2nd sen of James-Congalton ilephsurcc, Req. of (longaltcsic liorwick. John, ancestor of Sir hlew-Whhlefoord Dalrymple, hart. Hew. His lordship’s 3rd non, Hew IJALEYMPLE, Esq. of Drcsmmoro, 0. 50 Nov. 1690, and had issue, admitted a member of the faculty of Advocates in 1710, s. Dnhnrt, ii. in 1810, aged 17. was appointed a lord of Session he 1756, and of Jnotieiary in is. David-Ricrac It. 14 Feb. 1804; ci. in 1041. 1745, under the titular designation of Lord Drummers. His ccc. Jascem, preconi baronet. lordship so. Anne Horn, dan. and heiress of John Horn, Req. Iv. Hew Drs-cmnsee,l, 0.29 Joly, 1907; oc. 0 Nov. lOll, helenCalberiee, of Horn and Weethall, in Aherdesuobiro, by whom he had, Hems Mccxe-oll, Bait., and has issue Robert-C mime, 5. i. John, I. 4 Dee. 1714; ci. 000c. in 1137. em. hew, t. 7 Jan. 1717; is. to Anne, dan. of Sir John Iccgles, v. Francis-Acsslrcctlser, Isle hoemisoy civil service ; b. 18 Aug. Dart. of Cramend; and ci. 8.35. 16 Joly, 1746. ems. ReseaT. iv. David, I. 17 Aag. 1710; appointed a lord of Session, by the title of Lord Weetisall, in 1777; as. in 1761, Jean, dau. of vs. Stair, b. 20 Slay, 1811; ci. in 1041. Alexander Aberdeen, Req. of Csirnbnlg; sod ,l. 26 April, vms. Charles, t. 21 March, 1917; cc. let, 12 Sept. 1840, harrietAll,inia-Leuisa, 1784, leaving isooe. v. Thomas, I. 12 Jane, 1721. vi. James, ii. 14 Slarch, 1724. vu. Campbell, tI? Aug. 1711; It-cal. of the led dragoons, and governor of Gnadaloupe, cc. liargaret Ileoglao; and ci. in 1767, leaving, with a dan., Stargarot, wife of Col. Alex. Duncan, of St. Fort, D.F. for Fifeshire, three eons, I James, capt. 17th regt., who so. in 1790, Aooe, Countess vscs. Jehn-lloesilton, mojor-gen. lace Diets fiosihier-gcserds 0. Dowager of Haddiogton, shiest dan. of Sir Charles Gasroigo, Bart., and ci. op. in 1831. 2 George, eel, in the army, and ]ieot.-eol. of the tItle eegt., who sic. 3liso Dartha-Willet STiller, and lefi issue, Alexander-Duncan, an officer in the army, new dee. William-Henry-Clarenre, rapt. E.l.C.S.; os. in 1836, Margaret, s. Elizahcth-tllagdalnne, d. hall. daa. of Lieut.-Col. Gswald Werge; and ci. 1838, cm. Mary-Fmances, icc. 17 Aug. 1430, 10 Patrick Boyle, Rsq., sore lesving, Ilary - llarGca, so. 1815, to Thonsam-Enotaee Smith, Eoq.; and Ellen-Arbuthnet, ns. 1817, Captain ccc. Leuisa-Snmah, ci 1031. my. Anne-Grams, ci. 1013. Rdward-Jaclcson Bruce, bA. Slargaret, is. 1st, to Captain turn, tiN.; and Indly, to v. htcnrfetla-Merien, os.29 April, 1857, Thom. C. Leslie, Esq. James Wardrop, M.D., and ci. 13 Jan. 1867. Slartha-Willet, so. in 1831, to Nertlc, Earl of Stair. Charlotte-Douglas, is. 1810, to the late William Gordon, Req. of Campbehltewn. Mary-Shinchin, cci. in 1632, to Capt. (afterwards ViesAdociral Ac’ccso—Qscarteely c 1st and 4tls, or, on e saltier, az., Tcetii’eee Sir) H.-W. Bruce, RN.; and ci. in 1834. S Mew, major 49th regt., and lieut.-col. in the army; os. for DaL5TMPLE; 2nd and 3rd, or, three hunting hence, en.; en Marianne, only child of James Siratec, Esq., barrister-at- an esceelseon ci pretence, ever all, aeg., on a elsevrcis, sa., law, by Elizabeth his wife, cisc. of the lion. James Brnce between three boamm’ heads, ge. a mitre, or, all within a of Garhet, chief-justice of Barbadees (eec kLeIN), and had, hordare, ci tise tlciesh. Campbell-James, lieut.-col. hi the mGitia, H. H. commissioner Cs-cole—I Ton horns, erect, parlesi, per fesee, or end so., for lice suppression of the slave trade at the cocinlecchauged; 2 a reck, ppm., over which Ibe misire, hlavannah; oc. Itocioa, 3rd dan. of John Walton, Req., “Firm”; 3 an armed hand, erect, holding an ostrich fealhrr, so. and ci. 17 July, 1847, leaving, 1 James-Pilgrim, cc. at Sc’;ijier;cce— Deviem, a bcclh, so., anscesi cocci engsled, or; sinister, the Havannali a Spanish lady, and has issue; 2 ,lolcn, Jlfoelscu—” Finn,” above the crest; end “Slonoo ci mcsnio.” Henry-Slanoers-Ratiand, ci. asses. ; 1 Harriet-Farm, icc. Secelo—tacgie-Rlplcinotenc, and Westhell, Aberdeesselcimo. to the Chevalier Cml, Ret, of the llrder of the Lien, Feint Hsssee—45, Gnslow Square. everoer of Ihe Guteli ‘Nest India lol.snsls; 2 ElizabethItosina, oc. to J.-D. Crol, Eoq.; and 3 Anne-Walton, as. to W.-H. Rink Vandreniondk Hew-Slaicnere, lirut. 1st feet, os. Anne, only child of George EGiot, Req., and had issue. He was killed in Spein. Geerge-Iladdinglen, hieut. and paymaster 91st feet. ci. 1856. Margaret-tlnnean, us. to StcAlpin, Esq. Elizabeth-Pilgrim, who sic. Capt. Celia Deehanan, of the O2sd regt., and left a dan., Geergiana-Bruce. i. Anne. cm. llarien, icc- to Arehibaif Hamilton, Req. of Daizell. ass. Elizabeth, ci. to George Brown, of Ceulsteu, a lord of Session. iv. Holenor, sic, to James Rannie, Esq. of Leith. Hie lordship dying in Juice, 1715, was a. by his eldest e. Lsnra-Beatrice, no. S tan. 1804, to Geerge-Loccis-Monek surviving ion, ROBERT Dscsvcevs.n, Esq. of Horn ond Wenthahl, a mm. Gctavia-Iibaria, twin smith hlcatnice ; ci. an Infant. gecceral officer in the army, and colonel of the 03rd regimcccl ccc. Mary-Agnes, so. 7 July, 1808, In her cousin Edmund of foot, who assumed his maternal surname of Hosco. He ssc. 9 July, 1754, Mary, dan. and heir of Sir James Rlphinstene, of Logic, acid thence asoscsniccg that [additional] Sir Arthur o. hit father, as 7th bart,, 1 Junn, 1853. sccmname, because DALRvacPLE.Houa-RLpRcctsrONe. He ct in 1704, leaving, ROBERT, his heir, created a Darenet. James, t. 24 March, 1162; icc. SIargaret Davilcen, heiress of of The Ibocies, in the rocsntiem of Hereford and Glouceeher, Slidmar; but ci. e. s. is 1707- Jean, ccc. to Alexander Gordon-Davidson, Esq., 2ad sea e, ueayer of Bristol in 1710, and mensher of parliancent for tlset Gordon of Gight, and is deceased. Mary, oc. to Sir Ernest Gordon, Dart. o!Faek; and ci. 1d12. SIarien, cc. to Joe. Slancfield. Esq. of Mcslncai; if. en 182t. Robert Jefferics, Esq. ef Pilegreen, cc. Gloucester, and hcoh, Margaret, so. te Sir Robert Gursceti, Rant. of keys. Eleanera-Jacce, icc. to William Wemyse, Esq. of Cccttle 31111; ci. em. Isaac, a merchant; 1. in Oct. 1714, havcsg had iso dens. in 1830. Elizabeth, so. te George Leith, Esq.ofOverhall; ci. in 1839. of George Bridges, Esq. Icy his flmst o’ifc, Sir. Elton left issue, 413 ELT erected a Baroccet, 10 Dec. 1827. lIe icc. 21 May, 1800, scud lfsith-Manisehal (the yoncsger ehildrecc of Sir ltscbert Dalryncple -11am - Elphinstone, Dart., hecko the ccacne of ELecsccesTecen before Dacevocrue, csmitting that of 110am), youngest don, of the late LfeccI.-Gcn. Sir John 17 Jan. 1844; and Stacy. 1813; cc. at Calcutta, in 104cc, Mary-Anne, 3rd dan. of 3Ia)or- Gm. herbert Bsioen, Cli., aced has issue, Stair, 0. May, 1818; lIen’, t. Feb. 1097; a con, b. 30 June, 1802; and a dau., Helen. eldest dccc. of Alexcsnder Gerdos, Req. of Ellon, Aberdeen, and by her (echo ci. 13 Feb. 1854), has had issue one con, William-Robert, 0. 1 Feb. 1814. lIe so. 2ndly, 24 April, 1800, Christian, eldest don. ci the late William Cuming-Skene-Gordscn. Esq. of Piflssrg and Forthill, Aberdeenshire, and has by hem a dan., Anice-Alexa,sdrino. 1 Jan. 3819; si. 23 April, 1851, Georgisa-Anse, eldest den. of the lain D’.-F. llmigslocke, Req., SIP. cc ID rdnoncl,e Cossrt, cc Somerset, ansi wsdow ef F. (harden -Consphell, Esq. of Teocsp and Gleslyes. mx Ernest-Geemgc-lOcck, 1.27 Aug. blOc ci. in 1944. x- George-Augscetus-Frederiek of West lIall, 0.0 Slay, 1020. of the late Riglct lIon. tloe Lerd-Clcief-Justiee-Clerhc, and has isesce. of Warthill, ND., who ci. in 1802. Sir Robert ci. Ii Oct. 1840. E L T 0 N. ELT0y, SIR ARTHGH-HALLAM, of Clevoslssu Court, eo.Someroet, late M.P. for Bath, 8. 19 April, 1810; late of ILSI. I4tIs regt. if infantvy, in. 10 .Jccnn, 1841, Rhocla-Sscoan, dacc. of the late James Willis, Esq. of Hamptosm Court Palaeo, asmsl widow of Capt. Janice Baird, lStIs husearo, and has had issue, Gibb,, Rsq. of Delncrut, so. Soncerset eldest son ef the Rev. Joseph Gibbs, incnnchsentofChifhonheampdcn, Oxen. Harry Elton, Req. (See joyce.) 3tintagc. I. Ann.sucoc ELToa, Rsq., descended from an ancient family city, was crenled a Barsnet, 31 Oct. 1717; hem. Mary, den. sf s. Anaanaac, Isle scsccesuor. see. Jncob, ncayor of llristol in 1711. lIe ci. 15 June, 1701, haviscg cc. twice c 1G. Sties S,csall, ansi Isclly, Ehizalccthi, rrhict C’s’cccslioss—lO Dee. 1827. tv-c orater-bongels in the flanks, ea., nine lozenges, of the field, an eagle, wings cxpnndcd, sa., arncrd, em.