Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/468

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This famity is descended feotsi a branch of else Creightons, Feusl—--Crosss Castle, Linisakea, en. Fes’nsanagh. Viscounts Frcndraogist, in North Itritaisi, selsieh title ceased Fit test IJ,,oc—95, Facets Sgoaee. with Lewis, the 5th viseotint, ahont the year t690. Jonto Corsoirroa,af Cruin Castle, co. Fersnanagts, ss. 3lary, dan. of Sir Recant treine, oi Castle Ireine, in use same shire, ansi ‘case. lt) isis son, AnaAstast t’isCi(.oToN, Rut., NP. for else Co. Fennonagis, wise commanded a realment at foot at the battle of Acitriss, in 1652. Cot. Creighton o. Mary. ‘ton, of the Right Roy. .t:smes Spotis— wood, tashop of Ctogtser, and seas e. at isis decease, in I 7th, by his only sarviving 5’ ‘n, itavin CaesonTos. F’sq., eelohnited foe his gallant defence, in 1669, of use f,nsiie seat of t’etosi I astIr, against a ho’gc tasty of tise royal army King Jasi Es’s). Haying re1otlsed the assaitants, young Cecighion nate a sally, at the intaiet thas a corps of Ennisleillenees was appeaacltisig to the relief of the casite, sehicit nsoveoient ptaco’l the tesesgero bet ‘cress iseo th es, anti easssest ei eead fsl slaughter. The enemy, attcsitpling to accomplish isis retreat across an area of t.ongh Free, sscar Crnns Castle, tisat spot l,eeame the scone of nods carnage. that it has ever since borne the nasssr t’f The Bfemty I’,,so. l’lsis gentleman repre’ seated Enniskillen in paeliaisaenr, assd aitaiesissg the rash ‘f nsajor—gon. its the army, seas olletiotod goventor sf the ecyal hsospilal of Kilosainlsam. lie sit, its 1766, Catlserine, 2nsl sian. of EnRoLL, E,stet. OF (Sir Williasu-Honry Hay), ann Ririsant Soul twell, Fog, of Castle Maltrs’os, Ca. Linseriek, sister Baron }Tay, of Slams, in the peerage of Scotland of tlte lab Lord Sonttsssehi aisd dyissg in 1726, seas a. t’y isis 0111)’ Baron Kilmarnock. of Kulmarnoek, eo. Ayr, in tho son, Asssuaoass Cstsaonvos, Roe1., wiso seas clevole,t its the poensce peerago of tlac Ussitesl Kissgdntn Iscrorlitary Lord of ireland, 13 lute, lIstS. is I2,seso Eco,, of Usc, Butte. ifs Highs Conatahie of Seutls’sssl, asasl Knight Mareochal lordship a. El ioal,cll,, elsiesi hssi of Lsssl Cltief .1 ostice ttsgcr— of that kingdom ‘is major ise the rifle brigatie son, ol site C,snrt of King’s Reacts, by sehons (selso if. 6 Aug. 3. 3 May, 1883; a. lsio father, 00 11th carl, 19 April, 17601 he had issue, David, ,e, young. Jena, his saeeeosor. Abmhaos, register of f,tsfeitores; us. 6 Nov. 1793, Mrs. Akin- Gore, G.C.B.. K.H. (ace ARIIAN), and has had, latest anti t. iii Sept. I OtiS, ioas’ing ass oisly child, F,liooltelh e. CssaaLco-Gnac, Lsn I Kiiasarasck, is. 7 Feb. 1022. seho tests to. in 1 19, 10 Loftos—.tnthony Tolsonhato, RH.; it . Aetisise, is. tO Sept. i 525. anti if. 29 Sept. lot 9. itteliorn, o. to Blaitcy Ilalfanr, Esq. Charlotte. i. to — King, Fog. anti /. 21 March, 19t9. Mary, 1. voaag. lbs h,rl’lsip a. 2ndhv, 7 Sept. i762, Jaoe, 05th’ stats, of Joists His loi’deltip be the 2dssd loigh-cnnotable ; and ae itissg, Rag. of Cisarlestown, eo. Loscssmmon, ssn’I ss’idosr (If ouch it, by birth, the first oesbjoct its Scotland after Arthur Arlseson. Esg., Isi’ wisons lie ls:s,l 550 issue. At isis the blood royal, having a right to take place of every dee’ase. 10 .1 moe, 1772, lie seas s. 1t)’ Isis el 1cr norvirissg toss, Jons, Inst l,acaa scho was advanced to cite dignity of tho— hereditary hsosso tsr, orhsiclo sr;es all n send to li in lord— cc ‘el Ecu”, 6 Jan t 781. anti crealed East. OF Knrsc. 16 Aug. chip’s father on the visit of GEoRGE IV. to North 1709. ills lordship ci. ist, in 1761. Catherine, and siao, of the Britain. He served iti the Crimea, and was severely Rigist ttev. Reltert I issea, 1, IttI., t,ord tlishop (If Eiphin, and i svnnssded at the Alma. sister of Visc ‘nnt Wicklose, by srhoin (saho sl. is June, 1775) he had issue, s. Ansanaas, 2nd earl, is. John, heist —cal. ho Use army. asod geves’sssr of liesrst minted u—in the reign of Kcessnvss ItT., ensue 980, the CasCe 5. 17701 a. i 797, Jane, 2nd din, of Wailer W’eldon, Esq. t and 1,23 Mat’clt, 1633, leaving issue, i Jones, presesil earl. 2 ttonry,5 late noajor 6th dragoons 5. St Oct. i604 (a. 21 costs, appeared isu a ssarrow pass, through which the vanqssished Jssly, iSIS, Khiaeheth, yonsogest dan. of the late Lient.-Col. tiaoehshase, of Isireroagh, co.Arssagh, ss’lto if. 30 Oct. flight. “ What I” said the rustic, “had you rathnr he toot, lie 9. 33 Feb. 186.1. 7 Samuel.5 lieos.-coi, Fcrnsanagh militia, f’. 9 Jan. 1811, and slaughtered by your suerciirns foes, than die henesss’ably et. 9 Api ii, 1 053. I Jane-Anne. w. in 1021, is Robert Foselee, RH., eldest son brandishing his plonghoharo, and es’ying osst that help wan of else tote Bishop Fosoler, of Oasory, and ‘1. in 1626. 2 Catherino. ,,. 1o25, to tier. Francis. .8aondeon. 7i.A., tsp00 them, fled in confisnbon, and the Sects thnn recovered rural dean anti rcehar of Kildatlan, and 5?. 14 Oct., 1560. the laus’cts which they had loot, and fs’ecd their country S ttcien.c 4 Chartoite. 9 Mary, us. it Jan. tNt, to llov. S-li. King, incumbent of from sorvhtnde. The hat the heissg won, the old man, afterwards Acton, co. Arstagh. 0. Ehzahoih, is. in 1783, to James King, Rag.; and ci. in 1794. king, schs’, assnsnhling a parlianoesst at Scone, gave to the lice lssssband 0. 23 Slaecis, i 533, ii. Catherisse, et. a,,s,t, 25 Nov. 1834. lbs oarl to. dndly, in July, 1776, Lady Nosy Itervey, oldest dan. as a tslcoss frosn a matte hassd flew over till it settled of Frcdericlc—Angnntno, Karl of tieiotoi and Bishop ef Decry, and by bsor ((rho ‘9. 10 Jan. 1942) had Ellealsetis Carohne-Stary, m. i799, Jantes-Archibald, Lord sons frona tlseir hunaisle rank iii hfo to toe order ef nobility, Wisarnelille; and 9. 23 Aprii, 1596. * Raised to the precodcncy of tons and dassghters of an father asad two sons hssd heen the three fos’tssoatc shields of earl in tOng. 1s42. 418 ERRINGTON, BART., 5ff STaS’IY.T, BART. ERROLL. 1810 ; ne. 20 Sopt. 1848, ct Monts’oal, Cassmla, ElbaAnnehia, elsiest dais, of Gon. Site Hosa. Sir Charles iss. Frasseis, 5. 14 Ang. 1864. 5. Florence, ut. oss infant, 15 May, 1999. it. t’eeiiiss Leiia. ILIti cage. Tue traslitiosial os’igin of use soohale h anne ci is thsss Bones, wise bad inva’led Scotland, bavisog prevailed at the battle of Lsncarty, near Fes’th, wcre sursning the dying Sects from the field, when a eonssts’ynsass, witlo hin two were hnrrybng, assd bnspoded fer a moment their in the field? Conic, rally, rally I” and he headed thn fugitives, at hand tho Dance, heiheving that a fresh army wan falling ksiown toy the ,uasne of Stay, svas iarossght to the aaid Hay and bin suns, as a jnst reward for their valour, so msseh lassd on the river Fay, in the dbntriet of Gows’ie, which hoisig nix miles in length, was . after wards called Errofl and the kissg being deshrosss ta elevate flay and bin his majesby aesignod thens a coat of ormo, whhcis wan, atrgent, three escssichoenn, gssles. to intisnate that CIsc Scotlasad. So sosselo fee tradition. Stsst tlas i’ — vertilaie ERR ERR I. Joste-ttetusx, Viareuasb Ucirhboa, SLP. for Enniskillen , Silo lordship si. 15 Sept. it28, and was a. by lain elder son, 16 Oct. i819. Anaanass, 2nd carl, who it. ,soat. ie Jone, 1842, schon the ii. Chariot-Frederick, capt. gren. guards, t. to Nov. 1841. title devolved on Ins nephew, the present and 3rd earl. nil. ilenry-Oeorgc-Lonis, hieui. hits tsussaes, t. in 1841. C’s’rolioo,—ltaron iS July, 1768. Viscosmi, 6 Jan. 1 ttl. C. Loosso-Catlienne-Aone, ‘9. out,.,, 1s66. Earl, hO Aug. 1789. His lordship a. ts 3rd earl, on tlae eleeoane oinst. of Arssa—Arg., a hon rassspanl, h.- ‘ f’c’cot—A ds’agoo a head, cooped, vert, omsitsnc fire frcm the tonnele, the late peer, 10 Jnsso., 1s42. lb svas noatle month antI caK ptr. - n Knight of St. l’ats’iek its Nov. 1,6118. ,Sopjosctes’s—Tsoo lions, ao., each cress’ned witla an earl’s cos’essct, g0’. Jlsits—Gost srnsl grace.