Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/472

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E S M The elder son, Ii. Sin LAURENCE, resided generally at flusatiugdou Castle, near Clonegall, co. Carlow, which he built and called after the ancient seat of his ancestors at Iluutingdou, in Liucsluahire. lIe oi. Loris, eldest dan. of tol. iticisard Butler, of itilcash, co. Tipporary (brother to James, 1st Duke of Orioonde), and of Lady l’rauees Touchet, dais, of Slsrvysi, Earl of Castlehaven, by whom ho was father of I. LAURENCE. is. Captain Richard, who is. helen, 3rd dan. of Thomas Butler, of Kilcash, and of lady Margaret sic Burgh, doss. of William, Earl of Clasaricarde, and the widow of Ilry Maginuis, Lord iveagh. Captain Esmonde d. of a wound accidentally received by the discharge of his fowling- piece in the hail of Husatingdon Castle, without issue and his widow m. 2ndly, Richard Butler, Faq. of Weetceurt. iii. Joun. iv. WALTER. The eldest son, Ill. Ssu LAURENCE, dying s. p. was s. by his nexi surviving of Hadham, ou. Hes-tfurd, 8. 27 Jan. 1803; .s. his brother, flT Sin Jones d. s. p. Os., 1758, aud was o. by his brother, 1825, Caroline-Janetta, dan. of William, 8th Disks of V. Ssu WALTER, whose only dan. and heir as. Stauislasss St. cUban,, and by her (who d. 22 Ang. 1862) has Mac?,iahen, Co. dare, chief of the name. In Sir Wailer hail jessie, ended the elder line of the descendants of Sir Thomas, s. AnTHeR-os ‘(ElSE, Viscount Meldes, late an officer in 1st baronet. The bareuetry passed to his cousin, VI. Sin JAMEs (refer to descendants of James, of Sallynestra, younger son of the 1st baronet), who survived Sir Walter not more than a few days. In his youth be had been an officer in the French service, but returned to Ireland on his father’s death; be m. FRies, only doss, and heir of James Whyte, Seq., of Pembrokestewu, co. Water- ford, by whom he had three sons, I. TnossAs, his heir. is. John, who perished a victim to the political disturbances its. Randolph-Alfred, heist. RN., 0. 26 March, 1832; d. sf 1798. lIe as. Helen, dan. and co-heiress (with her two sisters, Mrs. Walter Nangic, of ltillalky, and Mrs. Pstreimou, of (Ilauculless. now lire. OIlers) of s. Adela-Carslissc-Mam’iett; so. I Nov. 1015, to Archibald- Bartholomew C’allan. Itsq., or ti’Callan, of Oaberstown Mouse, eo. Kihtarc, and of Helen, dan. of Michael Caulfslld, of Levitetewn in the cause co. by Helen his wife, dan. of John Taylor, of Swords House, co. Dublin. By this lady he had issue, 3 Tuooe, successor to his uncle, and present baronet. His lordship in. 2ndly, 3 Jnne, 1863, Lonisa-Caroline-Elizabeth, I Bartholomew, in holy ordero of the church of Rome, Dnngarvan, and gransldau. of Edmnnd, 8th Earl of sI. in 1862. S Janses, lient. RN., who, by his wife, Anna-Maria, Cork, H.P., and has by her, Arthnr.Algernon, 8. 27 dass. of James Murphy, Eeq. of Ringsnahon Castle, eo. July, 1864. Cork, and niece to the Cattsohc bishop of Cork, left at his decease, 4 Oct. 1042, ths’ee sons, 1 Jones, late a lerd of the treasury, and 1,0w 31,1’. for cc. Watcrford. who Ssa WiLLIAM CAI’EL, Rut., alderman of London, and so. ii April, 1861, Loalsa, 4th dais, of the tate Hessry lord-snayer in 1503 (2nd sen of J,,bss Cspri, Esq. of Stsks Os’aitass. Faq., MI’., and has a son, Thonsas-MenryOrattan, Neyland in Sssffolk(, attracting, by the immense n-ealtb 0. at Pan, 21 Sept. 1162, and a d:us., lIeurictl.’s-Pia; be had acquired, the noticç of Fmpaos and Dudley, the 2 James,ss. Carelisse, dais. ssfJolsn Ssigroe, wcll-biiowu extertieners of Heus’y VII., was fined £1600, Req.. and has issue; 3 Thomas, major in the army, and to which be enbmitted ; but to a seeend impealtion of late lepssty-inspccter-gee. of constabulary in irslassd highly distinguished at the siege ofSehastopol, 18 June, £1000, in some ysare afterwards, under the pretence that, 1835, assd rewarded by the Victoria Croes, 01. Matilda, dnrissg isis nsayoralty, be bad not duly punished a party dan. of P.-Peoiheny hIts Ily, Faq., and has issue. 4 Laurence, capt. grenadicre in the French service, aud brought before him for coining, be demurred, sod was knight of the legion of honour, s’s. in 1033, Marie-louise, coromitied to the Tower, cohere be remained until the clsss. of the Marqsess de Moutesdrc, and has issue. I John, capt. of a ship of war in the Chuliao servics, Arnssdel, Rut, of Lanbena in Comwall; end dying in lHl, killed luau sugagement with a Spanish frigate. 1 Margaret, honorary chanoiness of tbs order of St. left (with two daus., Ehirabstis, is. to William Panlet, 1st Aosss of Bavaria, Ta. 1st, to the late Peter-Warren Marquess of Winchester; end Dorothy, ss. to John, Lord Locke, Faq. of Atlsgoe Park, en. Dublin; and ludly, Feuch of Mam’ingwertb) an ossly eon, 1143, Jeho-Harrold Barry. L’sq. Mrs. Esmoude as. Indly, Col. Herod de Montmorency created fer his velessr at the sicgee of Teronenne and (eldest of the thrre eons of Mathieu), and left by hue, Tournay. and the action at Oninegstc, called the Battle of Hsrvf, Mathisn, Boucbard, and Jonrdsiu-Mary. us. James, late of Saline, co. Rildare, sss. Anne, dan. of John in the expedition into France, where he and ethers challenged Fitzgerald, Req. of Ycemaustown, aud left oses eon, John, and a dais. Anna, 01. to Mathew Ksarusy, Faq., formerly was cessstitutcd sheriff ef the cos. of liertferd and Essex, a Ileut. list rcgt., of Tuaus, co. Oalway, The eldest son, VII. Sin THOMAs, had no issue by either of his twe Newton, his 2nd wife (eely). ITo was e, by his elder sos, wives; Mary, dau. and sole heir of Myles Dowdall, Esq. Ssa Ilotcav CAPEL, of Raisscshali, who was s, byhis brotber, of Cloon, cc. Meath; and Lctitia Hill-Devereux, niece and Sin EnwAuo CArOL, sf Raloeshall. This gentleman is. heir to Nicholas Dcverenx, Rsq. of Ringvillc, cm Kilkeuuy. Assne, dan. of Sir William Pelbans, and was,, by his elder ssn, Bylog in 1801, he was e. by his nephew and heir, Sin Sin Mmmv CArs1s, ehes’iff of Essex, and afterwards of TnoesAs, the Frssesst baronet. Creel loss—IS Jan. 1620. Aross—Erm., 055 achief,gn., three Sin Aacscon Carot, she was sheriff of Hertfordshire in mullets, arg. Crest—Out of a mural coronet, gil., a mass’s 1592, soil because famous’ for his groat hospitality. Ms in. head, in profile, wearing a helmet, all ppr. .Lllefls—Malo Margaret, dan. of Lord Jobss Grey cf Pirgo, and bad eleven mon qaam feedari. ,Seal—Ballynastra, uear Gorcy, co. souss’ and nine dasse. Sir Arthur w’as o. by his grandson, Wsxferd. ESS E S S E X. Essux, EAnt. us’ (Arthsir-Algernnu Capol), Vieconut Malcless, sf the on. of Essex, and Baron (iapel, uncle, as 6111 earl, 23 Aps’il, 1839 ; Sn. let, 14 July, royal horse guards; I. 22 July, 1826; sa. II Jan. 1613, Emma, 3rd den. of the late Sir llenry Menx, Barb of Theebalds Park, Rents, and has issue, 1 Georgc-Itevrrcssx-de Verr, ls. 24 Oct. 1857. 1 Randolpb-de-Vere, 0. 1 Nov. 1161. I Island-dc Vere. 2 Evelyn-ds Verc. 2 Sybil-dc Vere. is. Reginald Algeruen, is. 3 Oct. 1830; ci. 24 April, 1018, Mary, dan. of Jebn-Niclsolse Facakcrly, Req. of Stood- leigh, Devon, and niece of Lord Rokeby. 24 Dec. 1816. William, 13th Earl of Eglinton, sod Wiltou, lIT., assd sI. 11 lIce. 1160, having bad Sybil-Amelia-Adds, and Htld,s-Reee. elder dan. of Charles, Viscount ILtlltBgC. death of the kissg. He as, Margaret, dan. of Sir Thomas Ssa GsLcs COrEL, lInt, of Raincshall, in Essex, so Spurs. Sir Gibe waitc’t en the king (Meesny VIII.), in 1121, all gentlemen Ihere in feats of arms foe four days. lie in the 20th of Ilaesnv VIII. Thie gallant person ss. twice, and left issue, by Isabel, dsu. and heir of Sir Thomas Merts. Me ass Catberfno, dan. of Thomas Manners, Earl of ltsstlsnd, and wee s. lip bis eon, * From Gasssaliel, D.D ,thellthson of Sir Arthur Capel, de. sceoded the late CAI’EL Losyx, Req. of Trsston Hall, Sisifolk. 422