Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/489

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PER nnd eventually heir of her brother Ralph, the last Lord that Osmily, and the issne of the e]’ler sister becoming Basset of that line (sines whose decease that barony has extinct, his majesty Cnasn,rs hi. woe graciously pleased been in aheyanee (see BURKE’S .E.rliief Peerage), and, dying 34 Dcc. 1077, to terminate the abeyance of tlse ssocieist Baronies in 3362, was s. hy his son, Sin HuoH SHIRLEY, Ksit., who e. also to the estates of in hi a faronr, these baronies being so sitnate’d since 0110 his uncle, Lord Basset of Drayton. This gentleman was decease of the above-mentioned Ihihert, last l’larl (If Ensex. made grand faleoner to hENRY IV. in 1400, sod be was Sir Robert Shirley because thus Len.? Fe,aYna of t’harll’;g, Ac. killed fighthig on the side of the same monarch at the his lordship was of the privy councils of King WsLs.ians battle of Sbrowshnry, being one of those who were hahited and Queen ANNE, and was created ily the latter soYereign, as the king, and taken for hina by the oppodte party. He 3 Sept. 1711, VO’es’a’af Ta,asesrlhan’l EAP.LFrRaens. lied. oc. Beatrix, sister and heir of John do lirasso, of West 33 Dec. 1717, having Lad issue by bin lot wife, Elisaheth, Neston, co. Sussex, assd was o. hy his 0011, Sin RALPH Sninrey, who was ono of the chief eonamanders clan, and heir of I.anrence Washington, Esq. of Gareden, co. nuder HENRY V., at the battle of Aginconrt, and Wilts, ten sosas and seven dane., of svhom five only oin’vivod teak a diet ingoiehed part in the subsequent French wars infancy, nasnely, of the name inonaroh. He a. Jean, dan. and heir of Thoinao i. Robert, who had for his Sia’I wife, Anne, da,s, of Sir Basset, of Broiloford, co. Derby, and was o, liy his only issue It his demise, in 1229, son, RALPH SHIRLEY, conetalile of lielbonsase Caotlo, and of the Castle in the Peak of Derbyshire ,‘si. lot, Margaret, dan. and sole heir of John do Staunton, of Staunton harold, eo. Leieeoter, by whom ho had an ooly eon, JOHN, hio successor. He iii. fndly, Elieabeth, dan. of Sir John Bh’nnt, Knt., and sister of Walter Wonnt, Lord lllonntjoy, by whana he had n. WASIIINOTON, who s. as 2nd earl. Ralph Shirley, ooqniro of the body to B’RNHY VII. lie Is. III. hENRY, whi, .i. as 3rd earl. Ordly, Lnei.a, dan. of Sir John Aoton, of Athorton, widow of iv. Lanrelice, who ‘a. Anne, 4th dan. of S Walter Sir John Byron, and of Sir Bertino Entwiooct He was o. by his elder son, JosIN SHIRLEY, who on Eleanor, nan. of Sir Hugh Willoughby, the 0th son was the 16ev. Wtdler Shinny, who is. of OVollaten, co. Notte, and, dying in 14ff, was e. by his eon, Ssn RALPH SnIRLEY, who was made a knight bannorot, for the valour he had displayed at the hattlo of Stoke, if June, 1427. He is. four tunes, and had iooae by his 2nd wife, Elieaboth, dan. and ca-heir of Thonaao Walsh, Fog. of Wanlop, co. Leiceoter, an only dan., Anne, heir to her naother, si. to SirThomas Pultncy, of illislertoi,, co. Loieeotcr; and by his loot wife, Jane, dan. nf Sir Robert Sheffield, Rut., an silly seci, his Successor, in 1217, FRANCIS SHIRLEY, Esq., sheriff of the eon, of Warwick and Leiceoter, in the 4th year of PHILIP and OlARv. This gesitlosnan 10. Dorothy, dan. of Sir John Cifford, of Chilling- ton, co. Stafford, and widow of John Congreve, Flog, lie d. in 1711, and was a. by his grsndoon, Ceoaoc SOIRLEY, Eoq. of Staunton Harold (son of John Shirley, Esq., and his wife, Jane, only daa. and co-heir of Thonsas Lovett, Req. of Astwell, cc. Northampton), who was created a haronet at the first institution of that dignity, Ix. Dorothy, io. to JuL11 totee, Req. cf Weodeote, co. Salep. 22 Hay, 1611, being the 4th in order of precedency. Sir tiy his 2nd wife, Selina, dais, of George Finch, Slog, of the George is. Frances, dsn. of henry, Lord Berkeley, by lOatherane, city of London, the carl bail, wills three other sons aiad two dan. of the famous Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, other dana , who uf. Oiis,., and, dying 27 April, 1622, was e. by his eldest surviving s. George, rfSatington, 0. h705,’camptrohler of the household san, SIn hoNEY. This gentleman ci. in 1018, Dorothy, youngest Sturt, Bug., as,dul. 32 (let 1767, leaYingiosuc. Hisgrnsad— dan. of Qneen S LIZAerTH’s accomplished but unfortunate favourite, llebort, Earl of Essex; acid one of the c,,-heirs of her brother, Robert, Earl of Essex, the celebrated parliamentarian general. (By this alliance the Earls of Ferrers quarter Idles, enhy dan. of Arlhnr Siallhu’pe. i’lsq., and if. 12Sf. the arms of France and England witla their own the Earl of Essex having descended, niatenlally, from iii chard Plantagenet, hhonaglaan, anti subsequently for South Wa,’wickshirc, Earl of Cambridge, grandson of EnwAno Ill.) Sir high sheriff of Wasavicksloire in 1807; Iii. 4 Aug. 1642, Henry d. in 1032, and wan a. by his eldost son, Sia CHARLES, then in his 0th year. This gentleman if. usia. in 1040, when the title devolved upon his brother, Ssn Ronea who was esmmitted to the Tower by the dan. of James Wardrsp, 01 Ii.; S Wudter-Devercnx, oi. usurper CROMwELL, and there ended his life in rnpiirity, not, however, srithont snepicion of poison, leaving toes Sans dan,, L,’nisa, 1 Seltua, is. 1011. fo Sir IV, ibeahhcote, and two dans.,* by his wife, Catherine, dan. of Humphrey II. Sewslhis, ,uu. Margaret, Baroness Clinton and Countess Okenrer, Esq. of Okeover, cc. Shifford; the elder of whom, SIR SEYMOUR, e. to the title, and is. Diana, dan. of Ifobert, I. Solina, Its, to Peter Bathnrst, Fog. Earl of Aylesbury, by whom he left an only son, who a. as is. hhary, is. to Clssrles Tryon, Req. of Bulwick. 6th baronet, belt snrviYod his fllthor a short period, when is,. Anne, IS, to Sir Eielsard Fnrneee, Dart., and if. 1779. the title reverted to SIR ROBERT (Sir Seymour’s brothes), who had been previously His lordship was o. by his 2nd eon, knighted. This gentleman being grandson and WAsninnriua, as 2nd earl. Tins nishleman is. Mary, dan. heir of Lady Dorothy Deverenx, the younger of the two of Sip Rielsard Levinge, Bart,, eec uP the jndges of the eisters and heirs of Robert Devereux, last Earl of Essex of King’s Bench in lrol,uid, and left at his decease, 14 April, Basset, &c., as already mentioned. Ralph, last Lord Basset, who if. 1190, is. Joan, sister to John, Duke of liretainy; ss. Selioa, ma. in 1722, to i’heoplnlns, Earl of ilnnhngdon. his father, Ralph, who if. cud Jarrie, 1329, 01. Alice, dan. of III. Mary, si. to Tholnas Needham, Viscousit ltilnsorey. Nicholas, Lord Andley and his grandfather, Ralph, who if. 1343, is. Joan, dan. of Thomas Eeanehamp, Earl of War. wick.—Brydgeo Cclii so. The earl dyiisg tinso withoist male leone, the hononro devolved 0 These ladies were, Catherine, wife of Peter Venables, Esq. of Kfnderton, in Cheehire; and Dorothy, wife of George Vernon, Esq. of fiodhury, in Derbyshire. 439 F E R of Ferrers of Chartley, Ilsnrchier, and La’avaiue, hlnniphrey Ferrrrn, Rut.,5 of’l’emwerhb Castle, and heir of her gnnidhdher, John do Ferrern; and by hop loft I BuEERT, who, after his grandfather’s elevation to the earidoin, assumed the title of Viscount Tamwerth. Rio lordship if. lola. ill 1714. 1 ELIZ.SELTII, wh,, was ci. to James, 5th Earl of Northsmitten, aud s, as heir of her brother, to the Barorncs of Ferrere of tlliarhley, B’turehier, and Lovaine. Clarges, hart., and had six sans and six dans., of whom the three e’ldent sons, l.aunraro, WAonlxnaoN, and ReBERT, were snecessively 4th, 5th, and flit earls, and lhenrietta-illaria, dma, of John Phillips, Lsq. of Dublin. and had issue, 1 Whiter, in holy orders, S. in 1708; ia. ill 1726, aliria, dan. of the late Sir Flu ‘card Newenham, and had a son, Wa?ter-Angasluo, the Ridht Rev., D.D., hishiop of Sodor rsnd Masi., ,trc. in 1797; ci. io 1237, 31,tria, dai,. of William Waddisigton, Fog., and If Oh April, 1847, leaving (with a dan,, Alieia-3laria, is. 7 Oct. 1556, Is the late Capt. C..E..W.-F. tian’is, El. sersice, and a 14 Nov. 12.;?) a sen, IValter-Waddngton, h’ holy orders, canon of Christ Church, Oxen, 15.11., 1. 24 Jsly, 1822, who ia. 4 July, 1059, Plsilipp-s-Frances-Flunlia, only child of rho late Sanniol knight, Flog, of hslqdogton hail, Canibridge, aisd 1.29 Nov. 18ff, basing hrd iselle, Walter Sewallis, ‘1. 21 J011, 1261; WALTOn- EmORY, 0. 5 June, 1064; Alice I Mary-Phihippa I and Lista. 2 Frances-Anne, ii., to the Rev. .7. fioing. 3 tlenrielta-tlleanora, ii. 11ev. H. ilusibury, and if, 1041. 4 Anna-.tngnsta, -i. to G. 3[aturin. Esq., who if. i040, Elicabeth, o,. to W:slter Clargea, Fog. to Queen h’;s-uns.oYTi-:, to. B try, dan. of Humphrey dali. is the present l(osr-g’er Lad5’ Suflehul I andhis grand— son the late Iloclyn-Jolin Shirley. Fvq. of Eatilugtsuu, cc. ‘Warwick, aod Laugh Pea, co. Honaghan, su. in 1010, leaving, 1 Evelyn-FInlip. formerly hID, for the Co. Sharia-Clsra-Elfeahoih, dau. of Otis- IIulnlneid’Illsngerfei’d Lochmere, Dart-, and Isas a son, Sewaliia-F,velyss, S. 18 July, 1844; Selina, Mary-Clara, cod Katherine; 2 Arthur, majar.gon. in (ho army, -to, 1:40 Ch,’inthse, 1600, Anna, only dat,. of W.-K. Fanoette, Fog., and han a Dart ; 2 Losnsa, is. 1241, to Neil 31,deome, Rag., who if. 1257. Dowager of Orferd. and if. s. fi in 1701. 1729, three dans., his co-heirs, vie., s, Elizabeth, On 1722, to Jshn-Gxscoigno Nightiogale, of Enfold, ce. Middlesex, and had iaalie, 1 Washington, if. Hills, 1754; 1 Elieabeth, ia. to Wilmot, 4th Earl of Lisharne. npnn his isrotller, For a fnll account of the ancient family of FERRER5 e,f T,uasosrhf, t’slalle, tOe jls,snseE’o Cosass,uc,’s.