Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/494

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Fit hod temp. EDwARD Ii., and whero his doseeud.snls cos5linuod Esssilia, si. 2 Feb. 1859, to Willisns-Stescurt Fcrs’ers, Esq to resade, until Ronnue FLI.MER, Esq., son of James Filmer, hy Margaret his Sieless, ,,s. 2 Keb. 1850, to the Rev. Phtlip-Menoies Sankey, wife, don. of Robort Royner, ono of the penlhossotarios of the Sir Edasund ‘1.8 Jan. 1057. Cosnsnon Pleas in tiss reign of Es,snons’ris, pnrelsasud a ronsistorable estate in East Sutton. lie so. F’runoes, dau. of Sir f’s’eehioa—24 lace. 1074. Arme—Rarry of sis, or and sa.; on Robert Chester, Knt. of Royston, ilerls; und dyiog, in 1585, a elsief of tlae last three ciniissefoils of thc first. Crest—A falcass seas 5. hy his eldost son SIR EDWARD Fss.ssoa, Kni. This gootlesssan Isuvehasol tin of the last. Sent—East Sotlon Flsce, SIaplehnrst, Kent, manor of East Sutton, and s’esnnve,t to use n,assor-honso tlsoro frons t.iltle Chsorlu,sn, and kept isis slserillolty for she ro. of Kent, in she 12th year of Jaosns I. lIe so. Elizabeth, doss, of Iliehard Argall, Esq. of East Sultan; and dying in 1629, was e. by his eldest son, Sin Tlosnn’r FsLssan, Eni. Tlse nsansien-hense of this gentlensan wns plunderesl no less Ilsan less hoses in one your dosing she etril sears, and Iso suiheresi isssprisonment to Leeds Castle for his attaelsssent to tise royal cause. Sir Robert se. Assne, don. assd eu-heir of use llight Rev. Marten Helen, Eishop at Ely. and dying in 1653, seas o. by his eldest son, SIR Enwuan Fss.asna, Rut., wlss n-as gentlensan ef she privy’ ehasnlser to CsoanLns 1. and CnAnLes Si. He ‘1. sinus. isa 1669, srlsoss tise estates slevsls’esl open ish brother, I. Ronnn’r FsLtssna, Esq.. barrister-at-Ion’, who sras created a baronet 21 Dee. 1674. lIe as. Dorstisy, dun, of Massries ‘luke, Esq. of Layer Macnay, in Essev. Sir ltshert 1. in 1675, and seas s. isy his eldest son, 11. Sin Roarna, high-slseriff of the en. of Kent in 1669. This gentlesssan so. Eliz,sheth, dan. and en-hair of Sir W. Ilovorshom, Ent. of llolhroslc hall, en. Suffolk, by wtsosn he Isad nina childress. lIe ‘1. in 1720, and was s, by isis son, III. fisa EDwARD, who as. 5I.sry, eldest dun. of John Wallis, N.J’.), Baron Killeon, of Killeosu Castle, en. Moath,in Esq. of Soundness, eo. Dvfssrd, and by Iser Iso had eleven suns the peeroge of Ireland; assrl Baron Fingall, of Woollsasssptnss and nine duos., of wlsom only survived three sosss, n-ho successively issheriled ths barossetry ; assolhe.r son, Francis, barrister— Kissgelsana ; P.C., lord-liesst. and essstne-rntulorum of at-luse, wiso el. 30 lIce. 1807; unit two dons., Dorothy, si. to Sir Meath; I. at Geneva, 29 March, 1791 ; set. H Dee. Jolsn Honywood, Burl., nod Asny. Str Edit-ned d. isa 1755, and wsss 5. isy Ins eldest sass, 11’. Ssn Jonm, This gentlensan s’s. Deretlsy, dass. of 11ev. Beq. of Cesrbalton Hall, en. Meath, and by her (who Julius Docdes, prehcndory of Canterbury lint 5. 22 Isis. 1707, rl. 7 April, 1866), has had, without issise, srlsess tlse tille devolved sspoa isis brother, V. Sin Bnvrnsnasp sslss s,, Dorothy, dan. of William l{s’ndIcy, s. AevssnnJsases, Lord Kittens, C. at Naples, IOSlay,lSl0, Esq. of Gore Court, in Kent; Isul also ii. n’ithont issue, 31 Dee. lobs, ansi seas a. Isy isis isroulser, VI Tim h’rv. Sin Ennvvn. This genileman s,s. 13 Slay, 1716, Anssabetla-Christissna, eldest dass. of Sir John Hussy’ wood, Hart. of Evtngton. cc. Kent, by srhons he lsnd, s. Edward, C. 13 April, 1759; 8. 17 (let. 1714. is. Jono, his successor, its. William, iss Isoty orders: sl. 17 J tOy, 1030. is’. Ednsn,sd, capt. in tlse army. b. in I tis; ,e. 4 Get. 1794, Em6iu, eldesl dun, of (Seorgo Skrne, SIP. of the rily of sv. Edmund-Luke, 5. 17 Nov. 3826. Atserdeun, by Margaret his wife, slats, of lhc Into Charles v. George-John, bar,, C. 22 Sept. 1521. Gordon, Esq. sf Ahergeldie (os’s Bunco’s Lssss,le,l dessl-is); vs. Frosstts.Oiirhard, 2nd secretary of enahassy at Vienna; and dying in 1010, lefl issise, i EDOsUND, iCs baronet. I Slnrgares, ci. Is itolsert Sullivan, Esg. of Ilse Inner s. Emma-Frances-Mary, ns. 12 Sept. 1820, to IV,-3lichacl- Temple, son of Ihe lute Sir Benjusnin Sullivan. 2 Charlolte, ci. to ,lobn-Tlsosssns Aissley, Erg. of tho is. tlonrietta-Sharia, ‘a- S May, 1013, to Thomas-WilliamCh:srlus E.1.Co.’s civil service. S Ensilsu, si. 1023, Is Willinns lllatlswayt, Esg., captain 3rd lighl dragoons. n-Isis is deceased (oe ELATOwAvT On Dvnssass, tivnan’s L’ss,de’? C’ set-c). 4 Annahella-Clsrisliassa, st. oilS. o Carnlinc-.Ctsne, su. 1st, to Jelsu-Jorvis Gregory, Ksq., This nohle focally tesf Danish srigin, bsst its settlemesst RN.; Sodly, Get. 1042, Capt. Francis Lieardet, RN. 6 Mary-Genrgiasia, so 27 July, 1029, John llassspden, Esq., in Ireland is so remsste ttsat nothing eertahss e:sss be ascertained and 5. 21 Sops. 1059. 7 Anne, s’s. to tVtllinm-Ilenry Gensoudo, Keg. V. Robert, who .5. Miss Anne W’inlle; and sI. .. s. in 1524. vs. Francis, in holy ordees, 5. 1744; as. in Assg. 1806, Mary- Jima Fct’tearTr was seated at Hemshieu, or Hewley, co. Anne, 2nd dan. sf the Rev. Hessry-Juckssss Close, Rector ,‘lloath, the eonatasat resislessee of tho elder hranch of his ol tientworth, and ‘I. 20 Jun. 1859. I. Slary, ns. to Sir Jehss Clsardsn-Slsssgrave, Burl, by srhons of the 13th centssry, (wiso 1. in 1006), tsar ladyslsip was nsother of lho late Sir JooN PLnNKCTT, ltvhsg leess. tlnaav III, had two sons; Clsrislepber-John Slusgrovo. Hart. is. Anne, se, in 1809, IV. Lewis, Esq. s ‘1. 12 June, 1836. Sir Ednsusad 8. 27 Jmse, lIlt, and was a. lay his eldest son, VH. Tnn Rnv. Sin Jnure, vicar of Abbot’s Langley, co. harts. parhiumosstary snnumons, was summoned to, and sat us C. 19 Mareh, 1765. This genilensan ,,,. 1st, 12 Feb. 1795, Charlotte, the parliaments assd groat cossncil of 1574 ; the one as a dan. of Joseph Pariah, Esq. of Freefolk, eu Olants, who lsarosi, and the other ‘‘ de cs,ssscitio regis.” The yonngee ci. in Aug. 1013; and 2ndly, iss Slay, 1621, Eslher, doss, of SIr. Richard Flasskett was father of John Sissy, but bad issue by neither lady. the d. 11 July, 1834, Ssa Cs,assTornstn Fu,t’mwn’rv, Knt. This gentleman, as a (Lady Fflnser, si. in STarch, 1842), and was s. by his nephew. recompense for the services lse hail s’endered in the wars of VIII. Sen Enusean, St. F. for West Kent, C. 14 June, 1000, Ireland, assd an indemnity for the expenses he had incurred, te. 1 Sept. 1631, Helen, 2nd dan. of Dayid Slonro, Esq. of had a gaunt sf a snm of nsonoy frs:m ISomer VI, in 1426; Qssehee, and Isad isssse, EDMUND, presesst harenet. Arthur, h. 15 Aug. 15441 d. 15 Feb. 1017. Catherine, I Id July, 1004. 441 FIN • barrister-at-tasy. rector of Ilighetcre, Ilants. volant, ppr., beakod nod legged, or, slanding on a ruined cautlo FINCASTLE, LORD, oee DUNMORE, EARL. F I N 0 A L L. late m,,o5 8th hssss.are; a. 12 Feb. 1847, Klise, dais, of Slaner. 8.-F. ttio, Cl:evalicr of the Legion of Honsnr, and hy her (who si. near Pau, Frassee, 55 Nov. 3862) has As:TssUss-JAMRS, b. S Apsil, 5050, Slury-Louisa and Iiessriulta, is. Ehias-Rssbert, C. 07 Nov. 3020; ri 27 May, 1840. us. Wifliars’Slatthew, late an officer in the 23rd fnsChers n’ssv in holy orders of the Church of Rome; 8. 6 Jesse, 1824. I. 3 Feb. 1835, Ince Anderton, Esrs. of Hs:xten halt, no. Lasscaster, and 0. 14 Oct. 1866. Riddell, Es,4., juts, of Feluoss F:srk, Northnmborta:sd, w’ho 0. at tlareelnna, 74 Slay, 1067. 3Liiinuc. as to tlse ps’ecise period So early as the 11th ceotory w’e finsi doscessdaals. The sneeessor at Rowley, in tlse beginning John, ancestor of the Los’ds Ls,nlls, and Hscnsen FsnesssxrT, of Rathrogan, ro. Meath, who, with his u,sn and heir, Hsrnann PLUNKeTT, by royal ws’ita of before which time he was sheriff of Sleath ; and in 1432, was deputy to Sir Thomas Stanley, Esst., lord-hunt, of Ireland, Sir Christopher se. in 5400, JOan, only dau. and heh’ of Sir Lneas Cusae, Knt,, Lord of Killeen, co. Sleath, F’INOALL, EARL OF (Sir Arthus--Jamee Plnnkott, Lorige, co. Berks, ish that of the Uniterl 1817, Lnuisa-Ecnelia, only duo, of Eliao Corbally,