Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/497

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FIT IT. Sm Jonsi, who was 5. 27 Aug. 1787, and ia loT, 10 Aug. 1816, Elizabeth, dan. of Richard Pennefather, Esq. of Now Park, co. Tipperary, and widow of Major Arhrson-Montgoinery Moore, of Garvagh, oo. Tyronr, and by her (who d. 26 April, FITZHARBINOE, BARON (Francis -William . FitzHardinge 1830) load a son, Tnomas, 3rd baronet. lie so. 2ndly, 10 Nov. 1837, Geraldine, only dau. of Preston M.P., eel. South Glooceetorohire militia; 8. 16 Nov. Fitzgerald, Rag. of Dublin, and by her (who it. II Feb. 1839) 1826 ; r. his father, as 2nd baron, 17 bet. 1867; hs. had one dan., Geraldine-Caroline. lie re 3rdly, 27 April, 1654, Margaret, widow, 1st, of RobertJones Parry, Esq. of Ilendre, Flintohive, and Indly, of Samuel Tux RI0OT lioN. Soc. SiAuaoox-FaEnza005 -FoTzIlAosuoNoE Banks, Esq. of Rugeloy, os. Stafford, and dao. of the lob Br.aaELzY (see ante, BERKELEY, Ens. oc), O.C.R., P.C., a very William Warner, Req. of Ititwoll, co. Worcester. Sir John distinguished naval comniaoder, 0. 3 Jan. 1785, woo an admiral was unfortunately lost, 28 Feb. 1860, on board the “Niosrod RN., and coos 01.1’. for Glonoesler for many years. lie steamer, which was wrecked on the passage from Liverpool to became a G.C.B. in 1861, and on the 5th Aug. in the same Cork, lIe wao o. by his only son, III. boa Tuosras, who was 0. 22 Jnly, 1820, and 0.23 Jan. 1823, Charlotte, 0th dan. of Charles, 4th Duke of ltirkmoud, 1845, gosona-L.-Maunsell, yoongost dan. of Henry White, Rag and by her (she sl. 20 Aug. 1813) load, of Golden Hills, oo. Tipperary, and hod, John-Judkin, 0. 30 Nov. 1847, and it. 1807. Joeeo’u-CAo’rL, present baronet. Robert, 0. 1856. Thomas, 0. 1818. Elira-Anna. Emma-Augusta. Henrietta-Mary. Sir Thomas it. 27 April, 1864, and woe o. by his oldest surviving so. Fenelta-Fitzlbardingo, cc. 12 April, 1801, to Lient.-Col. son, Sin JOsEPH-CARet JunKlze.FrozonuALn, the 4th henry Armytago, Coldotream gssarde, cousin of Sir George and present baronet. Creotios—5 Aug. 1801. ,drais—Quarterly: lot and 4th, even., a saltier, go.,’ 2ad and was 0. by ho elder eon, FaANeos-W5LL0AM-FOTzIIAROON0E, 2nd 3rd, arg., a chorron, go., boto’eon three boaro’ hoads, oa., and present BARON FoTzllaousNox. languod, of the second. Cseot—A chevalier in complete armour, on looreoback, at foil G’tatis,s—I Aug. 1801, speed, his sword drawn arid bearer up, all ppr. Smi—Lishoen, Co. Tipperary. FITZGERALD, SIR AUGUSTINE, of FITZHARRIS, VISCOUNT, ref MALITESBCRY, EARL. Newmarkot.on-Forgus, co. Claro, liout..ool. lato Bengal horse artillory; 8. 12 March, 1809; o. as 4th hart., on the rleonioe of his brother’, 13 March, 1865; sto. 10 Dee. 1832, Eliza-Margaret, dan. of William Goro, Esq., and has load a son, Augustine, 8. Sept. 1884; ci. 21 May, 1865. }Lfllraflc. Prom Jonas PovzoezAo.n, Esq. of Carrygoran, eu. Clare, who us. lbolen, dan. of Pierce Butler, Viscount lkerrtu, descended, 1. Sos AoouaToasz FoTzoEaAz.n, tieut.-general iso the army (son of Edward Fitzgerald, Esq. of Corrygorasi, H.P. for the oa. . Wsasaae-Crosrwca, late 10th huosars, is. 30 Jan. 1842. Clare, to whom Col. Augustine Fitzgerald, of Silver Grove, left is. Bereeford, 0. 1 Sept. 184d. a great part of his large property), who was created a Baronet, is]. Richard, 0. 12Apr11, 1840. 5 Jan. 1621, with remainder, in default of male deocenstauts, to iv. Hnge-Mey-nell, 0 24 Dec. 1547; it. 6 Aug. 1064. bit brother WILLIAM. Sir Augustine or. Elizabeth, 2nd dan. of a. Agnco-Rohekah, cci. 10 Oct. 1867, to Caplain Ilartin, 43rd Thomas Barton, Esq. of Grove but dying a. p. in 1034, was a. by his brother, ii. SonWoo.z,iAar, whom. Aog. 1801, Euoilia-Cummiug, youngest is. Willoebonina, ci. cuss. 5 Sept. 1811. dau. of William Voobo, Esq. of Trovotyer, cs Cornwall, and niece of Sir Alexander-Penrose Cosumieg-Gardon, Part., and bad issue, Enwian, 3rd baronet Anonsvisa, present baronet. William-Thomas-Burton, it. 21 3laroh, 1042. Grmobe-Cnasaiosn, 0. 1823. Emilia-Mary, us. 7 Oct. 1636, to the l4sn. Jameo Butler, 4th WoLe.oAso FOYzuEROERY, Req. of Tissioogton, 00. Perlsy, recorder son of James, lltbs Lord Dunboyne. Sir William it. 30 May, 1617, and was a. by his elder son, Ill. Sex Enwnsn, Is. 1808; at one limo in the diplomatic Robert Fratmeis, Esq. of Fovensark), succeeded his usocle in service; sos. 11cc. 1810, Julia, widow of Wellington-A. Roso, Esq., 1600. lie sic. Rachel, dan. and at length heic of Thonoas Bagshaw, and dan. of Edward O’Grady, Rag., brotheo of the lat Viscount GuRlainore, and ci. s. p. 13 March, 1865, and was a. by his eldest son, brother, Six ACOUOTONE FITzozzALn, the 4th and present WToLLoaat FOTznERRERT, Esq. of Tisstngtoo, H.P., who m. baronet. CessatIon—I Jan. 1821. Arassa—Erm., a saltier, go. Crest—A co. Derby, and hail issue, chevalier in oonsplotc arnooor on hsroobaek at full speed, his sword drown, and beaver up, all ppr. .ilJotto.—Fortto et tidelts. .Sent—Carrygoran, co. Clore. 447 1 1 ‘U FIT Z HARDING E. Berkeley), of the city ansi cotsnty of the city of Bristol ; lieut.-ool. royal loorse gtsards, lab 24 Nov. 1857, Georgina, only dan. of the late CoO. IV. Holme.Sumner, of Hatohlando, Sorrey. lLtilcaijc. year, was created BARON FrrzllAosniNoe. ITo or. lot, 4 Itoc. o. Fwos005-WoLz.oAoo-P0TzH AznoNaz, presmst peer. o. Cnaas Rs-h’acoeT-Foirzll.on050Nun, 0. 19 April, 1030; no. 0 15cc. 1006, Louioa-Ehzabrth, only dau. of the late il.-L. Lindasv, Req. s. Frederiea-Charlotte-Fitrliardiuge, us.2 April, 1045, to Lord GiBbrd. Armytage, Bart. The baron os. 2udly, 30 SopI. 1531, Chaclelts’, lnl doe. of Thomas, lot Earl of Dncio. Ills lordship s5. 17 Oct. 1807, and A coos— Croci— 8c,’isscto’s— a’eatc—llcrkoley Castle, Cloelteoham, Glourestershtre; Cren— ford house, Itounslos’, Middlesex. Tswso Hssssr—32, Lawndes Square. F IT Z HERBERT. FTTZBFGBEOT, SIR WILLIAM, Bart. of Tiseingtoss Hall, eo. Derby, high sheriff of Derbyshire in 1865 and 1866, ansi DL.; 6. 2 June, 1808; r. his father, as 4th baronet, 1 June, 1858; su. 20 Fob. 1836, Annie, 2nsl dan. of Sir ibeynold-Ahel Alleyne, Bart., and by her (who ci. 14 Deo. 1864) Ions load iastoe, Bengal light infantry. no. Annie-Ida. iv. Frances-Theresa. ILillcsgc. This family was foundesh by one of the companions of WILLIAM the Conqsseror. (Refer to the descent of the FIYznRRRERTO of ,Sszhcucs’bsss.—Buxae’s Lasisled Gentry.) of Derby (an estate acquired Isy his progenitor, Nicholas Fitzherbert, of Upton, with his wife, Ciecly, dau. inst co-heir of Req. of Hakewell and Ridge, co. Derby, and woo t. by his Story, elshest dan. of Littletcn-Poyutz Illeyooehl, Req. of Bradley, WOLLIAM, his successor. John, it. young, in the East Indies, be 1776. Thomas, a hiout. in the army; it. sssus. in 1707. ALLRYNR, created Lord St. Jiclescs on 1701; it. unsss. on 1019. F IT Z GERALD. S