Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/499

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FIT C’resliaos—Baron, 17 April, 1868. Baronet, 19 April, 1718. dross—An, three water-boogots, or, within a bordure, cnn, Six Jona Frrzwittisss, who founded in 1372 the chantry of St. Crest—Out of a ducal coronet, or, a Moor’s boast in prs file, Edward, in the church of Sprelburgh; and having sss. Elinabuth, ppr., wreathed abont tile temples, erg. and or, gorged with a dan. of Willitsns, Lord Chuton, had three suns, the olsicst of collar of the first, poiidont lhorcfrom a cross-pater of the third. whom, Six WILLIAM FsvzwiteiAss, sss. Maud, dan. of Ralph, 5.ord Ssopposres’s—Ou tile dexter side, a bull, so., horned, hoofosl, snaned, ducally gorged, and line reflexed ever tile back, arg.; Cromwell of Tattcrshnli and co-heir of the toni-Treasurer on the sinister side, a like bull, scmd of plates, AIstto—Je g’srdrray. Scot — Gendoeston l’ark, near Winglsom, Kent. FITZWILLIA. M. FITZwILLIAPI, EARL (Sir William-Tlsomao-Spnncer minister, who Isad been isis nsastcr, ansi lsnrlly use founder of Wnntworth - Fitswilliam, KG., DCL.), Vioennnt Isis good fnrtrsno; at whirls answer the king was so ploased, that Milton, nf Nnrborungh, go. Northampton, and Lord ho iniusesliatrly Isniglstosi Str. l’itnwilham, anti made Inns one of Fitzwilliam; Baron of Milton, in the peerage of his isrivy essinscil. Sir Wibiasss us. 1st, Anne, dan. of Sir John England ; Earl Fitzn’illiam, Visonoist Milton, and ‘sTiLLness, hii heir. Baron Fitowilliam, of Lifford, in the peorago of Itirhard, of Ringslcde, Nerlhamptouslsirc, and lied a ion, Ireland; 8. 12 Oct. 1815; is;. 10 Sept. 1838, lady Elizabeth, us. to Sir Thomas Rrodenell, Eist, of Deane. Frances Douglas, oldcat dan. of Sholto, 18th Earl of Anne, ii, to Sir Anhhony Colse, of Giddy Itoh, Essex, and Morton, and Lao had, i. Wis.esxss, Vircss,ssf .llIUtnss, M.P. for S. W. Ridissg of Yorkshire, K 27 July, 1839 so. 10 Aug. 1867, Laura-MariaThcrrsa, Re s. 2ndly, Mildred, dau. of Richard Snclsvile, of lluckhurst, 2nd dais. of the late Lurd Charles Reancleric. co. Snssox, and had three sons and two dons., (Sec Sr. ALUANO, D. or.) ii. William-Henry, 1,. 26 Dcc. 1848. iii. William-Thomas, an officer toth hussars, t. 7 Oct. 1848. iv. Willism-Cisarles, 5. 31 Marcls, 1848. v. Willism-Jolsn, 5. 7 Aug. 1852. vi. William-George, 51, an infaul, 19 Sept. 1857. vie. William-Hugh-Spencer, 5. 18 Jsn. lSeO, viii. Wililain-Reginuld, 5. 12 April, 1862. i. Frances-Mary, os. 18 Nov. 1867, to Cliarles-Stervyn Doynr, Richard Shapcote, of Elten, en. Hnnthsgdon, and left at his Fog., eldest son et Robert Deync, Fog. ut Wells, en. decease three sons and one dan., Christian, so. 1st, to Sir Wexford. (Me Russxr’s Lna,te,i Gentry.) is. Margaret-Mary, d. an infant, 9 Feb. jell. in. Story iv. Alice-Mary. v. Albreda-Slary. vi. Charlotte-Mary. His lordship is lord-lieutenant and cnstoo-s-otnlornm noliccd by Fuller, in his Won/usa of Ess0trsosi s—’ Sir Willissn of the West Riding of the co of York: he was made FitawiHans was five times lord-deputy of ireland a sufficient a E.G. 21 May, 1862. ItIttntgc. Ssx WiLLIAM FITS Gonsic, cousin to Ring Euwxan cIsc Confessor, that, soncling over Wnltcr, Earl of Essex, to he governor of left a son and heir, Six WsLmasi MacwILLIAM, who being ambassador at cisc lord-depsity.” Sir W’hllians its. Agnes, dnn. of Sir Wilhans Court of WILLIAM, Duke of Nonnandy, attended tloat prince in Sydney, and aunt of the lit Earl of Leicester, and had issue, his victorious expedition against England, as marshal of the Wstniaas, Ins heir. army, An. 1068; and for his valonr at the battle of hastings, John, Capt. in the Scottish wars, d. a.js. the Coxwsnox presented him with a scarf from his own arm. Mary, s’s. to Sir Richard Dyer. This Sir William was father of Six WILLIAM FrrswiLLiAM, Rot., whe os. Eleanor, dau. and Slarguret, sss. to John llyron, Rig. heir od Sir John ElmIcy, uf Elsuley and Sprothurgh, which lord- Sir Whlhxm ‘1. in 1599, and was e. by his son, ships continued with the Fitnwilliams until the reign of heNRy Six W5LLIA5I FiTzwiLLsAM, Rot. of Sullen and Gaines Park VIII., when they were carried, by ce-heirs, to Suthill aud Copley. Hall, who us, Winifred, sian. of Sir Walter Shitdmoy, For., Sir William was s. by his sun, Sin WILLIAM FiTswiLLsAu, Lord of Rlmley and Sprotisurgl;, and dying in 1618, was a. by Isis elder ion, living I tl7, as appears from a grant made by him of a piece of WiLLiAM t”rrzwlLLiAss, Esg. of Silken, and Gaines Fark wend in Elmlsy to the monks ofpiland. To this grant h a round lOahl, who was elevated to rise peerage of lreiansi, by letters- seal, representing a man on homeback, completely snncd, and patent, dated at Westminster, I Dcc. 1620, lsy use uric of Acrid circumscribed, S. hl’iilasi Filij Willosi Diii tie Russssaloto; and Fitaiaillias,s ofLiffsrsJ, cs. DessgaI. ihh lordship ssi. Cailserine, on the reverie, the arms of Fitnwilliasu; viz., Lonengy. TIsis dcii. of William ltyde, Rig. of Sontis Dcnchworth, en. Berks; Sir Wihism, ur one of his descendants, caused a cross to be set nod dying 6 Jan. 1643-4, was s. by Isis older son, up in the high street of Sprotborougis, with these words engraven WILLIaM, 2nd lord ; who sss. Jane, dan. and ne-heir of Ilogh on brass:— “Whose is hungry, and lists to eats, Let lOin come in Sprotbsirgh to his meats; And for a night, and for a day, the horse slsall have both corn and hay, And no man shall ask him where he goeth away.” Which cross was pulled down in 1520. From this Sit’ Wifflam son, we pass to his descendant, 449 FIT Cromwell, by whom he had ono ion and two daus., and was 0. by the foroser. Six Jona FirzwiLLiosi, who so. Eleanor, dau. of Sir henry Green, of Drayton, and had six ions and a dan. The yo;mgcst sun, dorm FiTzwiLLiAai, Esg. of STdcon, 8nd Green’s Norton, ho Northnnsptnnshirc, m. Eleanor, dau. of Wiliiasn Villcrs, Rig. of hlrokrsby, co. Lelceslor, by whnns lie had tisroc sons and two dano,, and was s. by liii eldest son, Sin WILLIAM FiTzwsrLsAM, of Sullen and Gainsparlc, ca. Essex, and also of the city of London, of which lie was sheriff in 1506, ansI snliscgnontly alderman of Bread-street Word. lIe had h,cea for sonic tisno in thu train of Cardinal Wolsoy, and rehiring aftersvards in Isis Sense at Sullen, there gave liii olsl usastcr, use cccii boil, in Ihe lsossr of liii shhsgrssro, a lcisssd re— ccplivn ; fur which conduct, being bronglit to task by lUng Iloxny, Iso relshesl Iliac lie hod not acted in contemplsious dlii— ubc,lienco of isis lnglnscss’s orders, tsut in gralit,ssle to else falless howe,, Rot. of the cily of London, and had, Jsshn, who 0. o, p. in 1568. had a dan., Slildrod, the 2nd is-ifs of William Cccii, Lord Rnrlcigh. Chrhhophser. Francis of Fenton, in Liocolnstnre. Thsonsos, ot Northbssrongh, ho Northamptunslore. Eleanor, iii. to Sir Nicholas L’Eitrangc, Rot., of Mnnstnntnn Mary, so. lit, to Sir Wilhinm Shelley, Ent.; and 2ndly, to Sir John Gnilford. Sir William sI in 1531, and was .. by Isis oldest son, Six WsLLiAsi FirzwiLnixss, huh., who so. Assne, dan. of Sir Richard WingOelil, Ent.; and 2ndly, to Sir George Delves, Rut. The eldest iOOr Sia Wste.sxas Fivzwstuass, was lord-deputy, ansi lord-juslice of Irelansi, from 1560 to 1594. This eosincnt person is thos evidence of his honesty and alsility, Qoeen ELIzAxETn never trusting twice where she seas once deceived in a minister of state. And she also preserved him in the power of Isis place, Ulster, the earl was onlcred to take hic commission finns the Fhilippa, us, to Sir Thomas Coningsby, Ent. cbancsuor of ihs Exehegner, and nnsier-treastsrcr of England; Ferry, Esg., otherwise hunter, aidorsnan of London, and had, WILLIA5I, his heir Charles, colonel of horse, ii. a. p. Jane, us. to Sir Christopher Wren, Rot, the cclebraicd arehilect. His lordship was a. in 1658, by liii 2nd and eldest surviving WiLLIAM, 3rd lord, 5.29 April, 1013; advanced to an Irish 2 Cs