Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/501

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FLE Mary, m. to Humphrey Senhoose, Rig. of Netherhall, in FnEnrssseK-WELL1NeToNje, ccl. 15th hussars, bAng. 1823. Cumberinad. Barbara, H. young. yaengest dau. of Ihe late Sir henry-George Ward, G.C.M.G. Catherine, so. to Joseph-Daere Appleby, Esq. of Nirklington. Mildred, m. to Edward Stanley, Esq. of Ponsonby hail, cc. Cumberland. t his lordship r/. 2 July, 1747, hut leaving no malo issue, tho Augusta-Catherine, as. If Nov. 1858, Sir Gee. Baker, Burt. title devolved upon isis nephew, 111. Sin Wittiest, (refer lo issue of Sir Dassiel Fleming, As’r,ss—Arg., en a pale, ga. ths’ee escalleps, or, ever all, a Ether of the 1st baronet,) who as. Elizabells, dan. of Cisristopher laity, Esq. of Skipuon-in-Crasen, en. York, by whom he had issue, sea, thsereun a ship, representing an English vessel of war of Ihe 1 fth century, with fear masts, sails furled, ppr, colours MienAnt, his successor Amelia, ,L um,s. Creel—Ga a nsaunt, yen, a hand in armaur in fesse, esuped Barbara, m. to Edward Parker, of Brownsholm, cc. York at the wriss, ppr., ehargedwith an escallop, and Isoldinga Ileurde-lie, and H. 23 April, 1813. Elizabetis, Se. to Msdrew Iludlesten, Esq. of Hutton-John, to. S’p/ae’lo’e—On either side, an eagle, wings elevated, arg.. Cssmlserlassd. Derethy, s,s. to George-Edward Slamey, Esq. eallared, gu.. and charged on the breast with a shamrock, yen. F L E T C H E fl. FLETCHER, Srtt HENRY, of Clea Hall, Co. Cumberland, captain Northssnsherland rifle volssntoers, late an officer gren. - gtiards, 5. 24 Sept. 1835; e. his father, ae 4th baronet, 6 Sept. 1851; su. 10 May. 1859, Agnes, youngest dan. of Sir .Johss Morillyon Wilson, C.B., K.H., of tlae Royal Hospital, Chelsea, antI has inane, a non, 5. 28 May, 1867. FLE John-Fitzroy, in holy orders, MA., m. 29 Nov. 18ff, Alice, ReBus, Se. 3 Jsily, 18ff, Lady S’rances-Geargina ButlerDanrers, sister of tlse present Earl of Lanesberough. Selina-Franees, Sir Rehert H. in 1843. Cs’eeliess—30 Get. 1803. chevron, engrailed, ceanterelsarged on a chief, wares, of the Hying, gu. erect, or. Veils—BaleD amsr patrise Jeat—Belnsont Ledge, Slalrern Wells, cc. Worcester. Sir William, frem his veneration far antiquIty, being desirous of restoring the original orthography of tise family name, by re-adopting the particle “Le,” invorperated it with his son’s christian name at the baptismal font, which sen a. at his decease, ia 17Sf, as flT Sin SlieflAEL LE FLEaIINu, Ihe 23rd in succession from ____________ Sir Richard Ic Fleming, the pregeniter of the family. Sir of Sliehacl as. Dsana, only dan. and heir of Thunms, 14th Earl ef FLEMIEO, SIR MICHAEL LE, Suffolk and Berkshire, by whom he had an only dan. and heir, Rydal, eo. Weatmonland ; 5. 6 whe was ,.s. ta his successor (in 19Sf), V. SIR DAaIEL (refer to issue of Sir Daniel Fleming, father April, 1828 ; a. his fatlaer 3 April, of the I at Baranet). This gentlesnasi H. withsut male issne in 1857 ; m•. 1853, Mary, yossogeat 1821, (Ins widen- ci. 5 April, Idfl); cunseqseutly his title demired dan. of Capt. Boddie, Russian in 1821, eslson his lsrether, VI. Tue Rev. Sen ItsenAnu, 5f.A., who was 5. 4 Nov. 1791 and ,,,. f Sept. 1819, Sarah, 3rd dan. of tise late W.-B. Bradshaw, Esq. of If altec Ilall, cc. Lancaster, and had issue, i. Ihieuarr. Le, the present baronet. H. William, b. 17 Get. 1832; s. in 1855, Mary, eldest dau. ef SIr. Tlsesuas Wilson, of High tvray, Wiedermere. s. Eliaabeth_Sarah.Anneta,.adslsasv, as. in 1517, James-Caner Ssa SlsenAm. to finance, kni., a kinsman sf Baldwin, the Shepherd, Esq. of Amhleeide. si. ls.sbella-5f aria, as. in 1961, Edmund-henry Enser, Esq. of 5th Earl of Flanders, who, being sent te assiat WiLLIAM THE Stelleshy, Nerfelk. Sir Richard was rector of Grassnsere and Wiudermere, in Westnsoreland he H. 3 April, 1957. Crs ‘lieu—4 Get. 1709. castle of Gleasten, the hlaner of Aldinghans, and ether lands in Furness, all in the eo- of Lancaster, together with the castle of Arese—Gu., a fret, arg. Camm-van, the lordship and manor of Beekersnet. and other Create—A serpent, newed, Iselding in his mouths a garland of olives and vines, all ppr. estates in Cumberland. Pram the 2nd san of this Sir Michael, Jfelle—Pax, eapia sapientia. Sin RienAnc to Ftnuiae, lineally descended, thrsngh a Seal—Pydal hail, Westmereland. Sin DANIEL Fr.earina, Knt. of Rydal hhall, to. Cismberland, FLEMING. imperial navy, aod has, s. Aamnnw-FteassNe-Enntnsvess, 9. 1814. s. Isabella-Emily. NoRMAn, Baldwin’s brother-in-law, was some years afterwards employed by the successful monarch against the beets upon else herders; fsr which, and other services, he obtained tise lang line of valiant and distinguished ancestors, M.P. for Ceekermeuth in the latter end of the 17th century; for which borengb, his election being contested, the contest cost him the scan of £20 Sir Daniel who was a distinguished antiquarian, sus. Barbara, eldest dan. of Sir Ihenry Fletcher, Barb, of hutton, and had with other issue, :; ‘ }- successive baronets. lit. Stiehael, a distinguished soldier, major in the army, and ME, for Wsstmorland; sus. Shiss Dorothy Benson, and left isesse, 1 WiLLIAM, who a. as 3rd baronet. 1 Susan, iss. ta Michael Knott, Nag. of Rydal. iv. Roger, iii hsly orders, vicar of Brigham; so. llargaret Slooehsuse, and left an only son, Daasea, land-surreysr of Whitehaven, wha ia htary, dan. of Joseph Dixon, of the same town, byuvhem ho had, with other iseoe, a eon, Bourn, father of DANIEL, svhn inherited as 5th barenet; Rsenann, present hart.; Slichael; Barbara; and Isabella. Sir Daniel Fleming dying in 1700, was s. by his eldest iou, I. Wsra,itas Ftnanac, Esq. of Rydal hall, wha represented llnnsnr FLETenEE, Esq. of Cockermeuth Castle, eon of the cc. ef Westmerland in parliament from I f9f to 1707, and WILLsAas FLnTeunn, usf Ceckernueuth, by lsis wife, a dan. of was created a Baronet 4 Get. 1705, with remainder, in dafanlt Swiuburn of Huthwait, had the truat of SlAnT S’rt’ART, when of male issue, to the male descendants of isis father. Sir that princess jaurneyed from Workhsgten. Mr. Fletcher William as. Dorethy, dau. ef Thomas Rowlandson, Req. of treated isis royal charge u-ith all deference doe to her princely Kendal, by whom lse had three daus., Dorothy, m. to Edward Wilson, Esq. Ilarbara, as. to Kdsrar,l Parker, Beq. Catherine, as. to Sir Peter Leicester, Bart., of Nether-Tabley. TusesaAe ELrTenrn, Esq. of Ceckerniouth, who sus. Miss Jane Sir William dying thus without male issue, in 1730, the title ehiehard, whese son, Sir Henry Fletcher, uras created a Rare- devolved npan his brother, lb. Sin Goener, in holy orders. and Lord Bishop of Carlisle, to which see he was appeinted, 30 Get. 1734. ISis lordship sa. Catherine, dau of Robert Jefferson, Esq., and had issue, William, 57.A., archdeacon sf Carlisle; us. in 1739, Dorothy, dan. of Daniel Wilsesu, Req. of Dalham Tower, cu Westmsrland; and ci. in the lifetime of his faiher, leaving an only dan. Catherine, as. to Thonuns Aysceugh, Esq. 451 a mt 3LtlIcagc. station, assd received frous her a lrtter of thanks for the pressnhat ion of a rsbe of velvet. This genrieman d. in 1174, hearing, with other iseuse, a ecu, Beleen, and had, uith ether issue, act in 1640, sad fell figlstiug fun the Ileusse sf Stuart, at she skirmish sf Hen-ten IfeatIs, in 1645, leaving a eon, George, 2nd baranet, father of Henry, 3rd and last baronet, and of three daus., She youngest of whom, Cathanine, was sum. Is l,ieuel Vane, Req. of Lousg Ne,stou, aueestsr of Sir Francis Fletcher— Vane, Rant. (See Bunnn’s Ended L’ares,cfags.) Faster. 2o2