Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/503

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FLU FLUDYER, 51st SAMUEL, of the city of London; 6. 31 Jan. 1800; a. as 3rd baronet, on the decease F 0 L F 0 L E Y. FOLEY, BARON (Thomas-Henry Foley). of Kidderminster, SAMUEL Ftnnvsn, Esq., an eminent cletlner of hewlett, co. Worcester, T’.C., late capt. of the hon. corps of gentlemen-at-arms; 6. 11 Dee. 1808; s. his (sister of Judith de Stonsssllier, wile ef H. Romilly, also a father, as 4th bsrcn, 16 April, 1833 ; sa. 16 July, French Protestant refugee), end left at his desssiso two sons, 1849. Lady Mary-Charlotte Howard, oldest dan. of Henry, 13th Duke of Norfolk, and has had issue, Themos, svhe roceired the heneur of knighthood, 9 Nov. iIENOv-TnOiTAs, b. 4 Dcc. 1955. 1761, frem Geusos 115., when that menaroh and several ef the royal family henonred his brother, Sir Son,nol Fl,istycr, Fit.zslao-Cl,arles-Jehn, h. 27 Sept.. Tall. then lerd-mayor, seiib their presence at a banquet. Sir Mary-Cenotsese, ii. an infant5 5 Aug. 1857. Thomas, sciso sat in parhamss,t fer Great Otedwin, aed afterwards Sir Henry, a majer-gen. hi the army, served in Spain and Arias—dr., asrusspatoscs, between four escallops, at Waterlee. Tie if. 4 March, 1565, and was s. by his eldsst sen, Sin Jons Freon, the 3rd and present baronet. Cs’esitissl4 Nov. 1759. elsargedth a syssiarcres thefisld.1 arg aeh tins wings Crseliss,18lt’. elevated, arg. A rass—Sa., a hen, rampant-regardant, arg.; on a chief, em- Seul—Treotry, Ce. Esnussulh. - battled, er, a sword, erect, ppr., Isemmet and hilt., geld, e,sfllod Tesca Hssse—27, Great Cumberlaud Place. with as Eastern rrswe, go., between twe tigers’ faces, she ppr. ! Cre,f—A lies, rampant-regardant, arg., morally crowned, go., bearing a flag reprssestisg the standard efTtppes Sultan, driving to the sinister, ppr. .itlsfls—Patie,ss pulverie shine selis. &et—Pewys, Sidmeuth, Deven FLU B Y E R. d Irr of his father, 17 Feb. 1833. sit. Elizabeth do Sfonsaltisr, a French Protestant refssgee Saacer, of whom presently. for Chippenhans, so. Mary, dan. of Sir George Clso,npion, lcnt., as aldemsas ef the city ef Lunden, ond loft at his decease, 19 March, 1769, an only dau., llory, srhe was Rurnar,n FoLny, of Stoorhriitge, being engaged in the iii. 2 31a,vh, 1773, to Charles-Treror Roper, 15th lIsten iron-msnufoctory of that place, sss;asscd a eo,ssidsratile Macre. (des f/sat title.) The elder son, I. Srun,. Fs.unvoss, Esq. of Lee Place, cc. Kent, being Willians Ds’iodley, of hyde, so. Stafford (oRb four dons.), elsesen alderman, and having served the office sf sheriff of s. Edward, n-Iso dsp. London, received the henour ef knighthood, 19 Sept. 1755, s. ‘Puosmas, of whom preoesstly. cn presenting an address from the lord-mayo,-, aldnrnoess, ,n. Robert, high-ohoriff of Vorcestershire; n-Iso if. in 1676, and common-council, of the city of London, to Geccen It., on his safe arrival frono ins Gos-noan dominions. bir Sansnol was created a Baro,,ot, 14 Nov. 1750. lIe represented in parliameist the borough of Chippenham ; was lord-mayor iii iv. Somoel, of Clonmel a,od tsnhlin, who had three sans, 1761, and had the honour during his mayoralty, ,,f cutertaming his majesty Gnonnn itt. and his royal consort, at a civic feast. He iii. lot, Miss Jono Clarke, isy whom los had no issue ; and Smsdly, Corohne, dan. of the lion. James Erndeuetl, and granddan. of Francis, Lord Brndossehl, by whom he had issue, e. Sasorn-Rsroor.usns.e., his successor. ii. George, of Ayston, so. Rutland, SIP, for Chipponhasn, The 2nd son, 6. in 176]; os.16 Jan. 1792, Story, don, of John, 9th Earl of Tssosrss Poser, Esq. of Wisitisy Court, so. Worceste,, Westmorlond; snd d. 15 April, 1837, leavissg issue, 1 George, li-cot. gren, gds., t. 16 Oct. 1797 t if. Feb. 1656. sit. Anee, doe. and heir of John Rrosrne, Req. of Spshuosnden, 3 William, tt.-geo.. 6.29 May, 1801 4. Jest. 1964. 3 Jona-ltrussv, MA., in holy orders, rectorofAyston, Rutland, inheritance he left at his decease a large landed property in 8. in 1803; ss. 7 Stay, 1932, Augnota, dun. of the late several etsinlios. lie tsad issrse, Sir R;chard hiorough, Bert., and has issue, I Chas-Ics, capt. gron.-grds., us. 19 ApIt, 1666, Lescy-liarriet-Faney, only s. Tneo,as, his successor. don, of the late Lieut.-Col. 3toore hlodden, of llodderstold, ,s. Paul, of Stoke Edith Court, Herefordohiro, chosen Sprases so. Cork; 2 Arthnr; 3 Henry, liont. Scott fosilier-g,sords; 1 Itothorino. I Story, is. to Arthur-George, 3rd Earl of Oushow; and si. I Olsmt, 1830. 2 Caroline, 55. to John, 1st Earl ltrswnlow; sod it. Ic IsIS, 3 Elizabeth, so. to the lots Sir P. Sluograve, Dart., sod d. his widow, 21 Aug. 1861. 4 Katherine. Lad3’ Story Flodyer cf. 27 June, 1811. Sir Samnel if. 16 Jan. 1766, and was s. by his elder son, II. Sin SAMunc.-BnunnNzLL, fnd baro,set, 8. 6 Oct. 1729. This gentleman os. in Get. 1766, his cousin libido, don, of Robert Weston, Eoq., by Louisa hio wife, dan. of the Hon. James Hrudenell, and by her (who d. 21 Nov. iSIS) left, SAMUEL, the preseat lsaro,sot. Maria, sit, in 1s41, to Brownliw-Chsrles Warren, Esq., eon of tho late Colonel Warren. CaroTl,se-Louisa, so. 13 Nov. 1826, to Cohhett Derby, Esq. of Horton, Bucks, assd has two dasss., Ealherine-Louioo, so. in Arthur, lrd son of Thomas-Robort, 10th Earl of Einnonl; and Ellen-Maria, us. 6 June, 1661, to Capt. tslark-ltobert Pechelt, RN., eon of the Rev. Itorace Pseholl, and Lady Caroline Ids wife, dau. of Charlotte, Countess of Autrim. Sir Samuel d. 17 Fob. 1811. 453 iLulrztgr. fortune. lIe it. in I 517, leaving by Ins 2nd wife, Alice, dan. of leaving a ens,, iot,ori, of Stosrhs’istge, soho os. Anise, lad dat,. ci Dssslloy, txsrd Nsss’lls ; unmet ml. in 1702, lsarissg fessr souss and one dau. ‘l’he eldest sen North, of Stonrtsridge, it. in 1725, sad wns .s. by his son, Thomos-’talhot, of Stonrbridge, 1’.A.S. I Sansucl, ess5sreraled tiohnp of Down and Conner in 1691, she it. is 1695, leaving isasso. 2 John, SidE, buried at Stoekport, Cheshire. Ite had a son, ltiehosd, wise ml. leasing issue. 3 Solomon, ISP?., who tad a son, Solououn, and too daus., ssho smm. in ts’elassd. v. John, a Ttsrtcey merrhasut ; it. mssssss. io ltent, by this addition of n-hose great fortune to Isis paternal OF TuE llocoe or Coosnisas, 14 STarch, 1694-0; sss. Slary, dan. of Aldemssn Jolsn Lane. of the city of London; and dying in 1699, left tn’e tons., the elder of n hens, Toots, of Stoke Edith, sus. Acne, dan. and sole heir 05 Essex Enighiley, Req. of Fasrslc’y; and dying in 1737, left (svilh too dane. Anne, the wife of Asthuny Lrchmcre, Esq., of itanley Castle, and Mary, of the hlov. N. Wiekens) asois and successor, Tnouas, of Steko Edith; irho 5mm. 1st, Ilestor, dan. and heiress of Thounns Andrcsvs, Esq. Iby’ Elizabeth, don. and heiress of Edward Toung, Keg. of Thorpe, sod hod, Toesuas, of svhom lucreaftor, as lot Lord Foley, under the socomsd creation. l,Inrtin Andrew, it. o.J. in 1717. Sir. Foley sss. lndly, Mary, dan. of Johss Wariers, Rig. of Darbadoes, by svhons he hmsst, Robert, M.D., Menus of Worcester, ns. Ann. dan. of tise Rev. W. Tsowdesnoll, si. op. 1783. Sarah, isoiress to her brother, sss. Roelier ‘remlunson, Esq. of Chetto,sham. Iso sit. 3rslly, Elizabeth, don. of llenry Wolitenholnse, Dsq., and had issise, l’nul Jer,nyn, 51.5.)). Ito su. 4thly, Elizabeth, dan. and so heiross of Ilobert Unont, of lurchend, Esq.; and ithly, Catharine, dan. of Francis Owyn, Esq of Ford Abbey, co Devon; but by lhesc indies hod iso issue.