Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/520

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GAG Anthony Erowoe, lint., master of the horse, was nsa,le general captain of the hands of horsemen. After rise doatls of our sovereign lord EDWARD VI, at the rooting of Queen ils.nv, svas toads hor lord-ehaniherlaio. Thns, having sorved in all lisese rooms and offices troly, faillhf ally, and painfully, frosts the 1st yoar of nor sovereigo lord liesay VIII, of fansous memory. nob the SIts year of Queen 31 oaT. usslonelsed with any reprossels or unfaithful nervier, at sins lissse hossag 77 years sf age, lie ended Ins life, in favour wilts Ins prince, at Ins own Isonse, at Firle, in Ssssseae.” ‘l’lsio eminent person ‘a. Phili1spa, dan. of Sir iiielsard Gsslsle— ford, E.G., ansi lsa’l (with fear dciii. of whom Alice, so. Sir Assthooy ilsowne, E.G., on,l Ansse ,lobna Thatcher, Eaq. ol Peiostslsaaes, in Sussex) foesr tens, naosely, s. EDWARD, his heir. is. Johss, sf Besstbay, in Sussex, whose son, John, of IH. Ssn Tisoasas, who sL ssosso. 22 Nov. 1000, and wane. by Wormley, Heels!. Eleanor, widow of Sir Thonaao Jdaokeevilie, Rut., ass,I din, of Eieh,srel flahingslssn, Eeq., and frsm this marriage deoeessded Jonas t1AGD, Esq. ef Beistley Park, Sussex, who Ot. in •had tavo dana., Mary, so. its Sir Jsshaa Shelley, Gaa’t. ; and 1701, Lucy. dan. and hoir of John Mayo, Enq., and left, Bridget, s. to Thomas Behiasis, Visessnst Faneonherg. Sir with three sousa, who if. .5. ia., as osaly lass., Lr’ev, av’so an. lVihliom Iterriek, Eoq. of Beasssoassor, Hart. sf ilooton, and had by tisat lady three noon and alt in Lzieesterolsire amid was grandnsather of the present only slats., Mary, m. to liens’)’, 0th Lord Teytsham, but if. liennuen, Eng. of Ileasssnassor t’ask. sat. Hehert, of haling, in Surrey, 1ht’. for Lewes 1574, seas, V. San Jonas. This gentlcsoao si. in Jan. 1700, and woo who left two a’ ,ns, I Hobart, beheadedfor his adherence to the unfortunate a. by his brother, MARY Sao.snr. 2 Jona,s’f Haling, father ‘f the celebrated Cur. Sin ,s. by labs only surviving l’s-, ‘they, HENRY Gone, Rut., gos’ernsr sf Oxlhrd, so gallantly VII. Ssn Wssvsoaa, whss, cnssforrnitsg to use elsssreh of diatiugnished in the service sf 1. during the civil war. lIe twice relieaed hlasing House, hut woo slain at Cssllnsn llridge, 7 Jon. 1644. iv. Willians, ‘1. e.4a. Sir John Gage 5?. in 1337, and waa a. hy his eldeat aon, Sir, Enwanu hots, KB., who ass. Elizabeth, dun, of no.,.., 23 April, 1714, his sisters, Lady Shelley and Vioeoussteso Jsahsa Parker, Esq. of Willingdnn, in Sussex, and had (wills revertosi to his kinsman, six dans., Agnes, as. to Sir Edwsrd Strashliog, Knt. of St. Tnoaaao, 1st vises,nnt, ao 0th laas’t., and boo sines merged Bonat’o Castle Pisilippa, is. Is Edwarsi Sasssssler, Eaq. us the suspense h,’nssurs, h0 having beets created loosen Ossge, llary, ss. to James Thatcher, Esq. Margery, so. to Auihooy a! tb.b5eisaa’, ansi Vsscouoa G.sno, sf fhabbe bloats!, 14 Se1st. Kemp, Es’1. Lucy; and Margaret, as, to Henry Parch, 1700. lie ass. 1st, Bone lieI.s-llaria-Therssa, 01st)- dan. and Esq.) nine ess,s, of whsm, Jonas (the eldest), a. hia fssther. Tuoasoo (the lid), Is. iii 1541 sat. Elizabeth, dais. of Sir and (if the attstiaudens affa’etisag his great lassssse of Northnnaberhand Thsman Gssldef,,rsl, Rut., and dying in 1500, left (with Slassisy, to the ancient Baronies of Percy, Poyningo, and two datse., Obey, wife of Sir Thonaoo Perdage, hOist., stud PitzPayase. By her he had i,osue, Ehizssbelb, its, to Creos,sere More, Eaq., greal-grasss(ssn el Sir Thamao More, the eeIshs’ated lord chancellor) ass only s. Waa_vsaas-IJaLa., his sneceooee. 0015, Jonas, heir to hi:’ uncle. EDWARD (the 5th), ss. Margaret, 3rd dun, of John Shelley, Enq, of illiehel Green, ascii had a dan., Elioabath, wife of at the breaking oust of tise Amerieams war, who as. Ihangacet, Sir John Stradling, tt,srh Sir Edward ii. in 1340, ansi was a. by his eldest iota, Jsinsc Gone, Eaq., H.P. for Leaves 1337, at ‘,vh,oe decease a. p., line and the ether estates, including fifteen masters, devolved upon his nephew, I. Sin Jonas, created a hart, of England, 5i, 3Issveh, 1sf2, lIe sss. Peoelspe, widow of Sir Get’s-ge Trenels’srd, hOist. aisd dan. and es-heir of Tlseaaaaa 1J’Arey, Earl Iiivers, Lord D’Arey of Chicho, isy Mary, sian. and en-heir of Sir Thosassas Kitasas, Ksat. ,,f llengrssve, en. Sufit,lk (see Bunxr.’o Essliasef cuss? Dos’sssossl Fe’ sage), by wlsssas (svhao ass. Ircily, Sir Wilhiasss Jiervey, hOist, of lekworth) has usad issue, Tanuws, his heir. delan, 1. witIseut issue. Edward, succeeding to his naothes”n inheritance at Hen- grave, seas created a hart., assd became the founder of the hAn sssof Hssasg’os’e (see shot list). Henry, who as. Ilenrietta, dan of Thomas, Lord Jes’myu, of R,sshbrook, and left a son, Jolsn Gage, tioq. s,f Princethorpe, co. Norfolk, assal a don., Idas’y, whsa tsssk the veil. Ersosees, sas. 1st, to Sir Wilhiaus Treshsma, Gart.;’.and Isaslly, ts George Gssge, Esq. Penelssise, sas. Is tIesary Merry, Eaq. of Bartsass, iss Derby- shine. Elizabeth, ass, to Sin Tlsoiasao Pets’s, hOist. (if Cs-auburn, in Essex. Ansse, ass, to the lion. Hestry Petre. Sir John Gage was a. by his eldest stat, II. Sin Tosoason, of i7irls, who ass. iIaa’y, eldest dms. assd en-heir of John Chamberlsias, Esq. of Shenhonue Castle, es’. Oxford, road had (with three dassa., Prasaeeo, Os. to Sir Charles Tate, Bart. Mary, s’s. to Assthossy hiempe, Eaq. and Cathcrisae, sss. ta Walter, Lord Astoas) four oesss, viz., t. Tnoacoo, lid aasd 4th harts. isa. Tteory, if. 5. 71. iv. Jooeph, wlssa inherited Shea’Sorne Castle from his mother, hut it wsss sol,1 in 1716 to Thornan, Essrl of Maenlesflebd. He sss. Ehizabelh, doss. and o’vssstsssshly hois’ of Lass/s,S Ceaa lay, Aa’t, T.svu.on if Fesuss bogbsss. 471) GAG George Penrnshdoek, Esq. (ga-audsoss of tlse brave cavalier, Cot. John Pennaddssck, of Cosnistess Chamberlaine, beheaded by Ce.ssaiWcLL in 1055), by whom lao had issue, 1 Tnoaswa, 1st viaeonnt. 2 Jssse1ds, who acquired ass immense forluns by the Mississippi scheme, hut lost all when, thrssssgla the rnadssoso of the ys-eneh people, that speeulatissu failed. Re osshsequesstly wesat into Spahss. end engssgisag in the misses of tisast kissgdosas, agasies s’brssisaed wealth and honasnr. The hsseame eventually gnsoshee of the 1st eiasn, nod eamnmander-ias-elsief of the army in Lombardy. Me sat. lbary, dan. of William llerbert, dod llarqneos of Powis. 1 Elizabeth, os. John Weoross, Eoq. cf Sastaoau. 2 Anne, ssu. Biehand-Artsndel Bosshsag, Esq of Lanhcrne, es. Cornwall. Sir Thonsao ii. 1031, and was a. by his oldest son, his larother, IV. San Jonas, who vs. lot, Mary, dan. of Thensas Middlemore, Eoq. of itslgehsaotsaa, in Warwiekohire, by whoan lie Jshn Gage usa. ondly, Mssa’y, don. of Sir Wilhiaan Stanley, without issase. The barb was e. at his decease by his eldest Vi. Sin T,, who sI. on his trs,vohs, in 1711, and woo England, was elected to the last paa’liamont of Gvoaanr I., no ropreseastatsve of the tsssvaa of Seafsrd, baa Saasaex, for which phasee he served ,asttil t’is decease. Sir Wilhissna was iosl’slle’l a knight of the Balla, 17 JuQ, 1721, and dying Pasae anlseeg, l’oranae his cs-heirs, while the title heir ssf Benedict huh, Esq. of high Meadow, es. Gloucester, were reversed) co-heir, through Portsscsso asad as. Thomas, ss general in bhe army, governor, and oem’ mauslen-in-ebhef of His Mssjesty’s f,arees its Nssrtb America, dan. ansi heir sf Potsr Komblc, lOsq., pa’soidcial of tlse Cnsssseih ‘f Nose Jersey, by Slargaeot, dou. of lbs Rigiat lion. Stephen Vats Cortlandt,’5 and dying itt 1788, left issue, 1 Hcaswe, wits w as led viscount. 2 John, of H’sgals. Ihamits, I. in 1767; sss. in 1701, Itary, nady dan, and heir sf 1hihbnoke, Esq., by hairy, sister sash ci hoir (sviah Assne, Conusheno Fitzwilliasta) sf Chas’los, last Oharqsuooo of Itoekisighasm, lOG., assd if. 1846, leaving isouo by hen (svho 8. 6 Nssv. 1046), Thsmae-Wosstwonth, isa holy orders, vs. to 1811, MaryElizsslselh, shass. ansi cs-heir sf Charles, 0th Marquess of Qaseenshssry, ansI if. 1017, Ieavitsg iosus, CharlesWoastss-snlb, 3. itS Feb. 1511, if. 18 May, 1880, (leaving iossso; Archibald, 0. 1 Fob. 1017; Paony i.saey. John-William. us. 1012, Mary-Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Wilhiosaa Lssshtasgtasn, Esq. ; /. 10 Jan. 1840. Mary, as, 1825, to lhenry-I’etsr Dshmat, Esq. of Cams lOath, I hasots. Charlotte- Margaret, an. 1821, to tlae late John-H, hiedgeths-Poloy, Esq. of Pnestwood (s.c Psmw, B.), and is. 0 Se1st. 18th. ‘Fra,ueos-Ehizabelh. hsniso-Heoriettss, ass. 16 Nov. 1047, to Enoost-Hedoiph, hlssnou tieu’Iosseh, of Donnssrk, 5’ sishia-Msslilda. I Wibliana-Hall (Sin), G.C,B., G.C.M,,o distinguished usssval officer, and at sess tints a I’ nd sf the Admiralty; ho wa.:. often along aamst alalo career, appointed admiral of the fleet, 20 May, 1862; he was t. in 1777, and 8. 5 Jan. 1884, 1 Maa’ia.Thenesa, sas. to Sin James Cnaufurd, Dart,, and 5. 21 April, hAll. 2 Lcuisa-Elbzobelh, os. to Sir Jamez-Msnny Blake, Bart.; d- 1822. 3 btssrniel, it. 555,5,, 1011. 4 Charleilo-Mssa’ganet, sas. to Admirol Sir Charles Ogle, Bunt., aasd ‘1. 1814. Pen details of thae Vos Cortlandt fauaily, svfoe Ia Beno’s