Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/522

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G A I N S B 0 H 0 U 0 H. GAINs000000n, EARL OF (Sir Charles-C eorge Noel), oaitb, that this Andrew, “for person, parentage, grace, Co. Lincoln; Viscount Campden, of Campden, co. gesture, valour, and naany other excellent parts (amongst Gloucester; Baron Barham, of Barham Court, and arhieb skill in music), was of the first rank in the canrt.” Teston, eo. Kent ; and Baron Noel, of llidlington, He was knighted by Queen EL1ZACETn, and bceanse a co. Rntland, in the peerage of tlte United Kingdom favourite, but the expcnces in which be was involved and a Baronet: 5. 5 Sept. 1515; s. his father as ohliged him to sell his seat and oranor at Dalby. Her 2nd earl, 10 June, 1566 ; et. 1 Nov. 1841, Ida. osajeoty is said to have made the following distieb upon his Harriet-Augusta, eldest dan. of william-George, 16th Earl of Erroll, and by her (who if. 22 Oct. 156i) has, 1. Ciisat,ea-lVite.tstc FRANCIS, Ficesoel L’aapdcs, 0.20 Oct. that shire in sever,sl parliaments during the reign of Queen 1050. ii. s:d,rrd, 0 26 April, 1052. I. Tllaeche—Elicalotli -Mary—.0 at,oseiala. it. Censtanre-Jolia Eleaner.Oo,’rgiana. iii. Edith.llsratia-Ema,a-Frances. Liiiragc. NoeL, the ancestor ef the Visceunts Campdeo and Earls Lncy, o. to William, Lord Enre. ef Oaiusbsrongb. came, with his wife Celestria, into Englaud Tlisodooia, so. to Sir Edward Cecil, afterwards Viscount with the Covq’txaoe 1666, and for his services obtained Elloabetls, si. to Gesrgs, Earl of Caotlshaven, in Ireland. the manors of Ellenhall, Wiveret,,ne, Pedmors, He ,l. at his seal, Brook, in Rutlandehire, 9 Oct. 1607, and Milaese, and other lands, by grants from the new monarch. was s. by his eldest soo, Hie eldest ceo, Roor.sta’, was Lord of Ellenhall, dc. and in the reign of SIR Eowaon NoeL, Knt., who when yonog was toads a Ilsueisv I. had a grant of tire greatest psrt of Gainsborongh, knight.bassiseret in the wars in Ireland, aisd was created a in the co. of Warwick, from Lawrence, tL-e prier of Coventry, Ran,net 29 Jnns. loll, and elevated to the peerage by letters sod the monks of that hones. In the reign of HENRY 11. he patent, dated 23 March, 1616-17, as BARON NOEL, sffli,llioptsa founded the priory of Staunton, or Eontoo, near Ellenhall, S’s Its cs. sfBtellasd. Rio lordship us, Jnlhnsa, eldest dat’. and l,is chief seat, for Canons Regular of St. Angnstine. This to-heir of Sir Baptist Hicks, Knt. .0 which Sir Baptist was Robert ‘sad tavo tens, s. Thomas, sheriff of Staffordshire f,,r seven years, in the adva,rce,1 to tl,e peerage as Barsu JOcK-s of Olotiaglsa au 61, reign of BeRRY II., and for one year upon the accession cc’. of lI’,crwicl’, and VIscouNT CaairooN, in Glenceotecshire, of lOct-isno I., who left, at his decease, two daos., I Alice, or. to William Hareourt, ,‘f Stanton hlareonrt, o,sis-in-law, Lord Noel and open his diath, on the 1S Oct., aod had Ellenhall and other estates as her moiety of her father’s property. in the fs’lla-s’ing yrar (the baronetcy becoming extinct), these 2 Joan, or. to William de Dunetos, and had for her share * The nanre of Sir Baptist Slicks, who was a magistrate Ronloo, Ac. ii. Philip. The second son, PnlLir NoeL, had Hilcote, i’s Staffordshire, from his the cirennsatance:—’’Tho King (JAMEs 1.), by his letters father, and was 0. by Ins son, Ronmsv NoeL, Lard of liilcote, who is. Joan, dau. of Sir Majesty’s reign, did enfeeff 11 ktnghts a,sd esqiurea of the John Aeton, lt., and from this Robert we pass to his Street, i’i the county ef Middlesex, to be for seer held and lineal descendant, Jwss Nosi., Eoq. of Hilcoto, whe, in the 5 HENRY VIII., keepiog of a pris”o or boors ef cerrcrtion for ye sanse was oominated, by act of p srlia,nent, one of the justices of county; n’on which piece of groun’l aforeoaid, and according the poses for asasosiog and coilcetiog the loll tax, Ac. lie hicks, Rut., one of the joaticea of the esnoty, hoilded a as. a dan. of Elelsard P. Ic, of l,anglry, in the co. of Derby, very statcy Sessions Ii,,nse of brick and stone, with all by whom he hal seven a ‘no, of which benny, the eldest, oOieeo Ihereout’’ belonging, at his oavn proper charges; aod eoittinno,l the litre at Iiilcote, while soother branch ,ras upon Wednesday, tire i;lth ‘f January this year, 1612, by feontlcd by the third son, ANnRESV NOEL, Eaq., who at the ,lisaoltstistn of the 26 justices of ye county, being the Root day of their meeting ‘onaeteries, had a grant of the manor and sits of the late in that plies, avhen they were all feasted by Sir Baptist 472 “The wool of denial, and letter sf fifty, Is that gentleman’s name who will never he thrifty.” He was thrice sheriff of the eo. of Rntl,nd, sod member for ELLz.tnrTo. Sir Androsv is. M.shel, 6th dan. of Sir James Barrington, Knt., and sister aud heir of John, Lord liarriogtoo, of Exton, by whom he had isans, EI,srksn (Sir), his heir. Charles, Sir. Knt., d. slam, in 2619. Arthnr. Alexander, of Whitwell, or. aod left issue. ll’imbleden. created a Baronet, I Jnly, 1620. Sir Baptiot was further I May, 1620, for lifo with remainder, aftorhis decease, to his f,,r 91i,ldleoex, is honouraitly eow,scte,i with that scanty, fntm his otuniheent gift of a Sessions IIo,ioe, called from him “ Iheko’s hail.” Stows, in his Chronicles, thea relates patent, daicd the 7th ‘‘1 June. in tIre sersuth year of his csnnly of 31i,Idleoex, of a piece of ground being in St. John enj’l”yed as a Soasions house for ye county, and fer the to the intent of the King’s letters patent, Sir Baptist avlsirh tints this bonno avao fully Sniohrd, there anaemh,hed Ihieko, and tl.en they all avith one consent gave it a proper GAl OAT 16 Sept. 1050, Adelai,le, ysmrgeot dat,. sod co-heir of II. prseeptory of Batby-npon-Wold in Leiceatershire, which Brummond, Esq. of Alhriry Park, and the Lady harriet bad belonged to tho knights of St. John of Jerusalem, and Brummond, his wife, sister of Thomas-Robert, bib Earl of ‘f the manor of Pcrrybarr, in Staffordshire. In the 28 Kinneol. Sir Tisomas ul. at Paris, 7 Jane, 1060, and avas s. HENRY VIII. hs was sheriff of the so. of Rutland, as he by Iris hru’tber, SIR IJAOE, the 5th sad prcaent b-art, was al’tcrwardo, both in the reign of Enwaian VI. and in Cret,lias—15 July, 1660 that of MARY. In 1548 he purchased the seat and manor of Acors—Qurartorlv’. 1st ito,1 4th, gyrocsiy of four, ar. and Rmok, in ttotlandshire, and waa elected for that county its avg., a saltier, gn., for Cant; 2n’l turd 1r’l, arg., aix chess- thas first parliament of Queen MARY. lIe is. 1st, Elitabeth, roi,ks, three, two, and site, sa., ft ‘r hloxrwono. dat,. end heir of John Ropton, Esq. of Heptan, in Shropt.’,oals—A tans. bosssant. arg., aruaod. t,r, for likes; a eheos- shire, and widow of Sir John Perient, by whom he bad J as i tk 52 kt, hioicruissio t to t t c Aanarw his h rr and several other ehddren Ho espoused Tout eel do Ilieti. Sndly, Dorothy, dan. of Richard Canyers, Laq. of ‘I’, akerley, ,St-ttts—Ilengoavo Ilall ; sad Coldlmiu hall, en. S,iffe,lk. in the co. of Northampton, widow ofE’’gcr Plower, Eaq Psiris Ilooor—3, Upper Seymour Street, l’srtman Square. by whom he had noe auto, JGRR, father of WiLoeka, NoeL, Esq. of Eirhy Mallory, high sheriff of Leiceater iii the Id of Jxnces I., whose son and anecessor, Vest NoEL, Eoq. of Itirby Mallory, was treated a Ilarooet in 1660, and wsn ancestor of Sin EnwARn Noxr, who e. to the barony of Went- worth in 1762, and was created VluicoL’NY WtwTwoRm. The viocounty is extinct, and the barony is near held by Ralph-Gordon-Noel, Viscount Ockhanr, son of the Earl of Looelace (0cc Wamex woRTH, lb AeoN). Mr. Noel was o. at his decease by the eldest son of his first marriage, Sia Aucusew Noxt, Ent. of Dalby, in the co. of Leicester, who wao a person of great note in the time of ELIZAeEYH, living in seth magnificence as to vie with noblemen of the largest fortunes. Fuller, in hit WsrtOieo ef Esgtaosf, name—