Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/526

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GAL Murray to come and discover the pretended eonopireoy against his life in 1565. Sir Alexander adhered firmly to the interest of Jowon VT. in his minority, and was slain with the Regent Lennox at the surprise of Stirling in 1571, in the lifetime of his father. By tie wife Catherine, dan. and co-heir of Lord Ilesrieo, of Torroglos, lie loft a i. Cothenino, at. to Jaissos Slnns’oy, Iisq. of Bronghton. son, ALoxoanor., sn000soor to his grandfather. Sir Alexander, the older, $, in 1555, and was s. by his its. Tlnrgas’ot, so. so Charles (iot’don, 4th Earl of Ahoyns. grandson, Sin AL0XANOER Srowaor, of Garlios, who was in great v. Ifarriet, ii,. to Aorhihold, SIt Dote of hamilton. favour with JAMEs VI., who knighted torn in 1590 at tho vi. Cbnntotlo, to. to ‘O’iltinm, Slit Earl of Dnnnsone. coronation of his o,,nsort, Queen ANton of Bonroork. Sir lIt if. in 1773, and was a. by his ol,tost son, Alexander ot. 1st, Chriotian, dau. of Sir William Douglas, Joint, 7th oont, NI’., and one of ttso lonils of Ito t’odolsmnhor of Brosulonrig, and 2n’lty, the Lady Ehzabcth Bonglas, to Ilk Slojosty tirosne III. His lordship us. itt, in1762, Charlotte-Mary, dan. of David, Ran of Angus, and widow of Robert, Lord host a ests. srho 1. in infancy. I Ic ss. in 1704, Anno, tlast. of Sir Maxwell. By his firot wife only. he had issue, viz., 1. At.rxAxnoo, his heir. is. Willia,n, of Hatns, ancestor of Sir James Stewart, Ban. i. Oroan.o, Isle successor. of liurray. 1. Helen, sit, to John Douglas, of Sfanhosssc. ii. Jane, n to John Konttody. of Culocan. iii. Nicholas, so. to John Dunbar, of Mooltrnm. Sir Alexander was s. its 1596, by his oldest oun, SIR ALEXANDER STeWART, a man of gieat talent, loyalty, and integrity, who, after receiving the honour of knighthood, was elevated to the peerage, 49 July, 1607, by the title of Baron d Garlic’, an’l upon 9 Sopt. 1622, his lordship was advanced to the ExnLnoat OF GALLOWAY, when he was iii. Charles-James, 0. in 17791 10 holy orders; DO., snd sworn of the srioy council of flairs VI. The Earl was oft orwsrds a starch adherent of CuARLE5 I.; ho was of Iso te. Slontgitnsory-Oronrillo-John, of Costramont, N.H., 0. 17801 privy oonnoil, and nevor failed to be active in his interest. He os. 0,-joel, dan. of Sir John Got-don, of Loehinvar, anocotor of Viscount Konnonre ; and dying in 1619, left, with a dan. Anno, us, to Andrew Agnew, of Lochnaw, an only surviving son, Sir. Jar.cs Srrwxwr, Hart. (so created in 1627), an 2nd earl, who was served heir to his elder braihor, Alexander, Lord Garlics, in 1641. His lordship wags firm adherent of the Stnarts and when in 1651, Oliver tirrnnwoll gave an act of intlcmnity to the Sc sts, this Earl, fat his attachmont to the royal family, was lined £4,900. Tie, h,nvovor, lined to oeo tl,o Rostoratlo,,, nsoi came into great favossr with CnAuLse IT. ; ho Ia. Nicola, dan. of Sir Robert Griorson, of Lag; End dying in 1671, er’s o. by his oldrst son, ALrn100rn, ird earl. This noblemas, so. Mary, dan, of James, 2nd Earl of Qnoonshcrry, by whom he lied three sons end two dans. his lordship was n. by the oldost non, tLsxAoore, 4th earl, wi,, ii, otto,. in 1694, ,ol;on the Isononno e. Ed,rord.hfiolmortl, 9. 17021 to. in 1509, Katharine, don, of devolrccl upon his brother, JAMEs, 5th earl, a privy oouncittor, and statoss,,an of ability in Ilto reign of Queen Aaac: Ito ot. Cathorioo, don, of Aloxandor, 911’ Earl of Eglinton: nod dying in 1046. o’as a. by hi, eldest Boo, ALnxAstnno, Ott carl. This not,tcnsan Os. let, Lady Anne It riots, l’y whom ho loft an only surviving clsil,t, Story, ci, to Eoenolb, Lord Porirsioc, oldest son of Ito atsainscd Pan of Scoforlt. Lord Gnlloscay a - 2ndly, Caticnine, youngest dais. of John, 4th Earl of Dussdonald, and had, I. Jonto, his snecoosor. ii. George, killed of Ticanderogo, in 1755. iii. Keith, an odnoral; oh,, in. 13 Slay, 1792, Georgiana-Isa hello, dat,, of Sin,lsa D’Agsilor, F.sq. and d. 9 Stay, 1700, loosing by her Issho it,. Sndty, 1797, Liostlenont-Cotonel Richard Fitogerald, of Gte 2nd lifc-gnords, who fell at Waterloo) tsr,, sosss, I Jasoos-Atrxsn,lrr (site Iliglsl loon.). ts. in 1754; 501,0 so. 1017. Story, Lady boil, snido,s of Sir Sa,ssnel lloo,l, Kit., o,sd cl,iesf ,fost. on,l os—heir of Fnancio—hlossshes’stoss 9Inc— tossoic. Lts’d Soafortt, too tiratir’s Polices J’ crsfir), and assssntosl the turnouts’ of Stc,s’aot—itlocks’ssose. ‘this gonsle— snot,, lately g000rston , f the islan,l of Ceyt’ ‘o, anti snt,so— sttootly lon,l-lnolt—t ossiotissionon sit site 1’,t an totes, 9. ‘21 Sritt. 1044, ls-nving loon’ ‘lilt soi,tow’ 1,20 N ov toils, ogo’t 79), K rivsi-W ILL5A5I-ST0WAOT-4ho5 voe rio, of Seafnoth, 0. 9 vi. ,hon,os—l lenny—Ni-itt. CII., hir,mt.—c,d. in Ilto nnrny, 0. in Slav, I01i o. 17 Slav, 1944, itoooali-Cto,’tostc, eldest dass. of Jasoos’Jssrpb lloico—Vorr. Es’1. of Croiglo lloll and lllockwoo,f, ansi has :i osin and l,or. .Toesrs—.t Lrxox— nrn-F’noarss-litssoe.os’c,ta, 0. 9 Oct. 1047, and three dons., Sastts—Slary—Eli o,,tictti, J:slia—Clsarlotte—Sophla, and (OL’iinDaisn-ltcnrirtto, ‘O, 13 Oct. 1969. Froncis—t’olltoin-Pnishy, a. its 1544, a p Oros’ge-Atsgosstns-Fri’tlcri’tc—W’c1tiogt ‘n. an t,fficer in rho ornsy, b. lot 024; oils Nov. 1040, 4l,srio-tosoiso, y’soogoot slost of liso lob Lions—I toss. Ttsosstas SIn rni’itt, of use tints. K. 1. Co.’s sorvioo, oss,I a. o. j,. in 15252. Slory-Fosnors. so. in 1020, 1” sIte tote lion. Ptdlip Anstmtiter, s, Casitonine, relict of Sin Jamos Graham, Boot, colonial secretory of Ct:ylots. C,sr,dine—S:,,an, a. iii I st I, to tito Into .l.—Ils’nooy l’clre. goq, ii, Satan, a. Ic 1791, to Orongo, lIlt Duke of Slarlborongh, 1,os,iso.0’;ssotino, os. IS Nor. 1099, It’ W’illiaos, ‘2nd Lint iii. atnnc-btonnioi, tESS Jan. 1570, relict of Lend S1.ctteen Aslsttunbon. 2 L’necon-tlnssgtas, who is. 16 Oct. 1000, Rliaoholh, dan. of Sir J Dolrs’snplo-hIay, lIon., and ‘1. 1o20, Icavieg isstse, I 425 GAL John, who so. Elleabolit, only doss. of Richard Thompson, Esq. of Nntot’y halt, Lancashire, and d. 17 Shards, 1867, leaving ono 000, John-Levoson-ltonglns, 0. I Aug. 1042; 2 Oocngo; 3 Jaosos 4 Susan, ss. to the Rev. George Charles. ii. So’annoh, so. to Gronnitto, 1st Slorqncss of Stafford. iv. En1,hesnia, if. 9 Nov. 1st 9. don. of 1”mncis, let Earl of Warwick, by whom ho Jotnoo Basbssood, Slant., hsy erhom (svlso if. 9 Jan. 1930) ho had, H. W’iltiaie, 0. in 1772; a lient.-gcn. in tlso arnty, O.C.B. 1 ‘gin 1904, Frances, don, of the lion. John Doeglas, and left issne at his doconso, in 1827, I horatio, I. SAng. 1900: ‘to. in 1033, Sophia, dan. of his nnrlo, the list,. Slontgomory Stooortt and ,1. In 1039, leaving a son, lloratio-ttronoillo Slornay-Stess’nrt, Esq. of tlnonglttoo, 00. W’igton, and of Galley, Kirkcndbnightolsino, 0. 10341 0,. 9 Sept. 1950, ctnnio-Elioa, 3rd dan. of the Rev .John-Digby Vingteld-ltighy, vicar of Colcsthll, tarsrirhshiro. 2 Lo;oisa, in. 29 Oct. 1929, Ia Darid Baihlio, Req. bishop of Qnoboc; sO. ‘am, in 1937. ot.l8it, Cathes’ine, don. of I’nrrick Ihoneyssan, Eoq., and rf. 10 Jan. 1900, hoeing by her )o’ho d. 1831) had isene, I Alexander, in holy orders, 0. 12 April, 1008; s’s. 1013, Slary, doll, of the 11ev. Siartoadoko Lasrsnn, of boroughbm’idgo hIall, co. York I end sO. Nov. 1937. 2 James, in holy orders, rector of Little Stokeloy, noon Httn:ingdon, t. 24 Jnno, 1910; ttm. 23 April, 1862, Lucy, 3rd dan. of the Hey. Joseph Panter, recbsr of Wigton. I Anne, ‘tim ts33, to tise lIne. S.-J.-I. Lockhart, rican of ihstrsthoosrnc, I loots. 2 Susan, ii. to sic Rev. N-Willoughby Sew’oht ; and ci. 29 Jitly, 1939. 3 Slary. 4 Soplsia, at. 1833, ho Capt. Ib’ratio Stewart, who rl. 1039. 9 Coltonine, so. 21 ttoc. loSS, to t’rcdonick Shadao, Esq. Caroline, a. 7 Nov. 1533, to Sir JoIm hlenon-Jhaxsvetl, Ihort. of 51,nhntelh. 7 Jane, i. 9 Oct. 154.5, to the 01ev. Jonsos Lawson, vicar of Itnekniinsten, Loiceotcnshiro. Fronds, Lord Kirho, and ‘1. 27 atog. 1091, Itaving (by ton who si. 0 Oct. 1962) had, I Edssand, rector if Lainston and vIcar of Sporsholt, Honts, sti. 27 Pet. 1039. Lsoisn-Antsc, dan. of Charles-John Herbert, Esq. of, es Kenny, and fins ta’l, Herbert, liessI. 37t1m f’ot; sthllians—Aotitony ; Winifred, sit .5 Dec. 1061, to Jol,;,-Hloocowc llohie,,,o, Ksq., son of Sir 0.-S. lloh,hoeon. H;,rl. ; llothaoioo, so. I Aug. tOIlS, Henry Henl,cns. Esq. of Cahinitano, Kihlsnnoy; Enpimesnia, ri. 9 April, 1 sf4; f.otsiso Attgmsssa 1 omsd Jane. 2 Algernets. 0, 7 Slanch, loll. os.ol Caloniho, in Ceylon, in Oct. 1513, Citarlohle, dan. of Col. James-ct. Clensent, HA., ant by lion (stun 1. 1901) Itas issue, Chanhes—Ed,rard, hale bout. 27th twit and Ahgonnon-atngnstns, rapt. 11.0., 9. 31 Jan. 1949; .29 Oct. 1s04, So1’hia-Anne-Eheanor, 4th ‘lou. of the Ito,,. and Very 11ev. II onny-Leerio Hobart, dean of Windsor (‘cc Pncstson,msossenisr, K. OF), and has a dao., Ctanlotto-Sosast. 3 ,trltnr, 0. 12 Dec. 1913 1 sis. 29 July. 1040, Many, yonneost dao. 01 Ito Into 31ev, Dr. Sltonoon 3h;tdon. rector of ibstock, ossd 1srobenilany of l’otonbono,,git, onsI ftas Walton, lioott. tIN., 0. 10411 Alan, 0. 1544 9banigaoenic, 9. 1894; So1,hda-t,nuis:, AdeIa-Jnno Jcnsio-t’lsos’senis; end Gary. 1 Sr,son-lootltcnine. 2 Kalhonhae. 3 Jane-Pnn,soos-Clinlos, et. Ii Oct. 1991, to Ooongo. 9th Ditkc of Sf,tnlbonouglt, echo ci. 2 .JoIy. 1857. 17o3: t,t - itt 1-19, 1 IcarhoIl;t—Aotto, ‘2sol dao. of the Rev. Syt’noor Siad;tn, 11.11., ais’t dyhog 10 July, 1 s36, left isssmo, 1 Spencer, 0.24 ,Tonr, 1929, so, Inn. lidO, Prances-Olivia, 3r,i doom. r’f SI lies Srooory, Foil, 2 hlcssny—Kritt, 0. 17 Felt. 10221 ‘t 1594, 3 Ctat’lcs-I’ntrict, 0. 27 Slay, I a24; t,t. 4 Aog. 1099, Feancro—Anoc, ,bau of Wihllasi-Cisurtonay Cnstrteoden, 5kg. of Slosssst hleatoti, 11 eotoa—Slenscy, n,sd It:ss issno, Alan—Nd lit, Charles-N igol, and Chanlotto—Evclyo. 1 Cltanlotlc, Citicisotten. iv. Kioabolls-Eapttomin, st,, to Willioin-l’hilltps Ingo, Ksq. of ‘I’honpo Co,tssass,hne, in Staffordshire; cf 14 Nov 1099, leaving issue.