Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/529

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OAR of honour, but allowing his successors in the peerage, co. Chester, and sister ef the present Sir Oswald Mosley, notwithstanding, to be called hy the surname of MOscieroN-AaezrosLv; Hart. of Aocoats, and had issue, the surname of the younger children to continns James, 0. 5 Sept. 1812; ci. II Oct. 1837. Menekton, alone. Hielordahip to. 4 June, 1801, Catherine-Elizabeth, Joscn-Mnuexs, 4th baronet. only snrriving child of the late Capt. George Frances-Elinabeth, ,1. 1817. - Handfleld (by his wife, Elizabeth, only dan. of the Rev. Sir Barbara, Is. to Lieut. 5.-V. Drownfl.N., wood. Feb. 1040. William Smijth, Bart. of Hill Ilall, Essex), by whein (who Crane-Emily. ci. 7 LOpril, 1862) he had, c. CcoRoz-EowAeD-ARUNDELL, present viscount. cc. Charleo-Gnstavus, capt. Seth foot, 0. it May, 1800; assassinated while on duty at Corfu, 9 Aug. 1931. ccc. Augustus-William, corn. Ii. N., 1,. 9 April, 1909; lost in Aries—Or, on a chevron, go., between thrcegriilins’ heeds, 11.11.5. “Calypso” in Feb. 1833. iv. Edmund-Gambler, late capt. rifle brigade, 0. 21 Dcc. lug WHALLEY acid Savruc(. 1809; vi. 10 June, 1945, Arabclla-Martha, dan. of Rev. J. C,’csi—A Saracen’s head, ceuped at the shoulders, ppr.; on Rshiosen, M.d., rector of Widmsrpool, and has, WilliamUsury, the head, a rap, or, wreathed about the tcucplss, go. and cc. 0.17 Aug. 1910; Philip-Edmund, 0.20 Icc. 1950; Seat—lloclse Court, Hampshire. Idarmaduke-Jshn, 0. 5 Nov. 1913; Gesfl’rey-Fraocis, 0. 30 Jesse Hosec—17, Brook Street, Grosvenor Sq’aaro. April, 1001 ; and thres daus, Caroline-Emma; Alice- Henrietta; and Rosamond-iteibri. v. Frsderick-Smijtb, in haly orders, Incumbent of St. Peter’s Church, Kiogslaud; 0. 11 Slay, 1511 ; ci. 1901. vi. Ilsrace-Ilamicrs, lisui.-col. late 3rd lancers, 0. 8 Slay, 1994; vi. 10 Oct. 0030, Ocorgina, den. of Sir ThomasWoslaston While, Dart, and has issue, Horace Weliasten, 0. Sept. 1857; Augnstua-Gcorge, 0, 31 Oct. 1800; anti Catl.ieriue-Eliaabeth. s. Elizabeth-Celia. cc. Caroline-Isabella, call lIar.1850, theRsv T. -J. Ilsnoen, rector of Kirby-Under-Dale, Yorkohire (set’ .‘Gessoa, 11.1- His lordship ci. 9 Feb. 1934. GARDINER. WHALLEY-SIIYTGII-GARDINEIe, SIR JosIN-BRoese, which lady ci. 9.21.8 Dee. 1847; acid 2ndly, 1848, JuliaSarala of Roche Court, Flante; 6. 18 Karol,, 1811 ; s. as 4th wlaona he has two dane’., Florenee-Conletoo, anti hart., 22 Oct. 1851 ; m. 1861, Mary-Harriet, widow Evelyn-Couloton. of Capt. Jamea-A. Forrest, 5th fusiliers, and had a dam, Mabel-Katharine. Sir John d. 6 Vet. 1868, and the baronetcy is nuderstooti to have Leeomu extinct. WcLLsAaz GANONER, Req. of Celeraine, who commanded I. JOHN WHALLcY, Esq., H.P. (eldest ecu of Dr. Robert siege of city, left a son, Whalisy, of Oxford, by Grace, only dan. cud heir of Br. Wcr.rcxac GAIS,csNEsc, Es’1., licutenant-col. of the 11th regiment Bemard Gardiner, and his wife, Grace, dan. cud ultimately and co-heir of Valcotine fi’ertugton, Rsq., SIP., of Presten, sole heir of Sir Sebastian Smythe, Rut., physician to King ro. Lancestec’, 2nd son of George Olariogtocc, Esq. of Shawe WILLIAM III.) assumed the surname and arms of GARDINea hall, Lancashire (we Bomcs’s Laecivci Ge story), and had issue, open inheriting the estates of his kiusmau,* Sir William s. WiGism, of Liverpool, nscrehant; ci. Uaoc. in 1799. Gardicier, Hart. of Roche Court (avho ci. without issue, in cc. Valentine, major in the army; 0. 30 1739; oc. lat,Alida, 1779, when that title expired; see BUaKE’S Extinct Baronetage), 3rd dan. of Col. Rebert Livingstecce, by whom he had a and was created a Baronet, 28 Dec. 1702, with remainder, soo, William Linnmns, capt. ia the army; and Ondly. in in default of ma. e issue, to his brothers and their issue male. Sir John-Whif.ley Gardiuer having, iu June, widowof Framingham Thruston, Eaq.ot Weston, by whom 1797, s. to the estates of lice great-auut, Slice Smythe, of ccc. Reory, ci. in 1740. Cnddssdeu, Oxou, teek the surname of Sav’rces, before that 5V. ALAN, etwisem preseccily. of Gardincr. Re is. Martha Neweeme, dan. of the Dean v. Henry-Faringten, col. 20th dragot’os; ci. asm. in 1792. of Rochester, ci. s. P. 1727, and was e. by his brethec’, II. Sm JAMes, who also assumed the additional surnames. i. Anne, is. to Tbe,uas Dixoo, Req. of Ncwcastleonifyue This genGeman is. in 1794, Elizabeth, 2nd dan. of v. Sarah, in. te henry Uccnphreys, Eaq. of Laudon. the Rev. Dr. Aeahctou, and had one aan, Jxssse, the third vi. Msrgaretta, ci. antic. 1777. baronet. lie Ia. ludly, io 1729, Jane, eldest clan, of the vcc. Dorothy. vs. 1st, 1772, Robert Borria, Esq. ; and 2ndly, Rev. Dr. Master, of Creetsu, cc. Lancaster, and by tl,at The 4th son, lady (who ci. in Jan. 1943) had issue, Robert, 0. 7 Oct. 1790 ; deceesed. Jehu-Maoter, 0. 1 Jan. 1795, in holy orders; of Cisrk 1755, was appointed licntenant of the ‘‘ Belloua” in 1700, hG, en. Lsjacaetsr, rector of Slaidhurn; ,l. 27 Oct. 1001. acid raised to the rank of post-captain in 1700; in 1705, William, of Whailcy, Lancashire, 0. 29 July, 3725; il. 10 Capt. Gardner waa appointed commodore aced commanderin-chief March, 1800. Thomas, 0. 18 Aug. 1797; 2. 21 Apsil, 1000. Elizabeth-Jane, en. te S. Jellicee, Req. of Uplaeds, llante. Gmcc. Barbara-Smyths. Carolins-Margarct. Sir James ci. 21 Aug. 1802, and was s. by his sen, III. Sca Jxascs, 0. 2 Sept. i79s; sic, in 1807, Frances, 2nd admiral of the White, majergeneral of the marines, and dan. of the late Oewaid Ilesley, Esq. of Belcaworth Castle, presented with a gold chain, by the king icc person, as a Mr. lVhallcy was dssceedsd from Sir W. Gardiner, ths first mark of the royal approbation of the rear-admiral’s conduct bersuet of the first rrcatier, who ci. Anne, dan. an,l Iscir ci in the memorable actions of the 29 Slay and 1 June, 1794, Robert Srecas, Req. of Scanrcpairc, II acts, a seal so called frscn under Earl Howe. On the 4 July following, Rear-Admiral Beaurepairs in Normandy, of wicich the Grocas facczily had hence Gardner was promoted to tIcs rank of vice-admiral of the ancienily lerdn. 479 0 A R llary-Anoa, vi. 19 Sept. 1049, to Comm. Sleutagu Borrows, RN. Sir James ci. 22 Oct. 1851. C’rceliess—29 Dcc. 1702. erased, Ic., two lions, csnnter.paasant, of the field (quarter’ GARDNER. a G sRDNEO, BARON (Sir A(ao-Legga Cardoer), in the peerage of Ireland; Besoo Gardner, of Uttexeter, eo. Stafford, in the peerage of the United Kingdocal anti a Baroccet of England; 6. 29 Jeee. 181C; n. his father, as 3rd baron, 27 11cr. 1815 ; iii, I t, 1815, Franeea-3Iergas’et, dan. of Williani,lst Los-d Dinorben, Hceyfieid, don, of Edward Forteoeoe, Eeq., by }Lulcllcrc. a company within the nails of Berry duriog the celebrated of dragoons; who vs. in 173;’, Elizabeth, eldest dau. 1792, Frances, 2nd dan. of $amocl llohvorthy, Esq., and bs had another son, Valeullue, 0. in 1794. n. Agnes. ccc. Elizabeth. cv. Mildred, ci. vases, to George Clayton, Esq. of Losteck Itall, Lancashire. 1. ALAN GAanNvn, who entered into the royal navy in of his majesty’s shipa at Jamaica ; in 1791, be was elected to pac’liament for the borough of Plycuontb, and constituted in the same year, ons of the lords of the Admiralty ; in 1791, he was promoted to the rank of rsaradmiral of the Dine; and in the followiceg yea; made rear- Blue, and created a Baronet on the 0th of lbs ensuing Crealion—27 July, 1727. A r,as—Q,carterly; lot and 4th, sa., six owallows, ticree, two, and one, arg., far AnuNnvLL; 2nd, and 3rd, sa., ens ohevroco, between three martlets, oc’, as many mullets of the field, for MoaesereN. Creslz—Of AaescasLL, on acbapeau,sz., tornedup, ermine a swallow, arg.—Of MoNeKToa, a martlet, or. ,Sappsrzeea—Two unicorns, srccc., criued, armed, and no guled, and each gorged with acs Eastern diadem, or. .J.fslls—Famam extenders factis, deof—Seriby Hall, Bawtry, Notta.