Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/533

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GIB the 20th regt., the lot dragoon gnards, and the 83rd ii. Charlotte-Elizabeth, d. 3 July, 1866, from the effects of regt., eerved as a captain in the Turkish Contingent, in the Crimea, iu 1856. kiIlcztcIc. The family of Gethin is of ancient Csosbrhn descent, being Richard Pessny, Eaq. of Dorsetahirc, and has by her, derived from Llowareh Hewlbwreh, a chieftain of the district of I. Edward-Osborne, RhOs, in Denbiglsltsnd. I. Pstcnann Oa’rsitx, Esq. (a scion of the Welsh stock), settled in lrelassd during the uoorpation of Cnostss’rLs., and represented the boroegh of Limavady in parliament after liii lieolerotion, This family won originally of Someroetsbice, where Wss,esaas in ieet, ohio he obtained considerolde grants of laud, en. Cork, lions liii restored usonarclt, upon an understanding that Iso titter lotion, a second itenty, of Di’istssl, who ns, June, dan. tlsou]d establisls an English colony, and ercct tnanssttctories of Thsnaao Packer, consist of Sit’ Tlsosssas White, fonnder of thereupon. Mr. Gcthin was ercared a ltanose’r or tiseLoan, St. Jaisu’s College, Oxford, attd P.. to 1636, leaving issue. 1 Aug. 1662, an’t subsequently obtained letters patent, by which tile tud san, Philip, who sittlod in Jlarbadees iii 1665, wan the busts of Carigtemleary (tart of the groat) assst others were grc:st-gs’a,astfather of erected into a manor, by the noose of (tcthiosgrolt, and a power PuiLtp Giau:’a, Rsq. nf Spctnghead, in the island of Barhadses, conferred to secure doe acres far a deusrsne, irish courts Iret, court baron, aisd a coart of record; to hold lucas to tite caine of Req. of tltsrha,lacs, by Elizaheth, than of John Idan’is, 20s., bc. Sir Richard hail twit soot, RscnaaD, his heir. Percy, who st. Ande, dau. of Capt. Robert Park. lie was 0. at his decease by his e;dest ton, It. Sin flscisann, who ci. twice. tty his 2nd wife, Grace, dan. I Philip, as II Slay, 1807, Maria, 3rd dan. of Robert of Sir George Norton, who was interred in Wcotssinstrr Abbey, ti. Samoel-Osborne,ca, Silts Bishop, of Rxetic; and dying ht had no issue: bulhyltitficsthehad threesonsastdonrdacu,vic., s. Rscnaan, lilt heir, seho sit. Janc, dan. of Anthony Staweti, Esq.; atsd dying s. p. in 1675. lift a son, Rseuaan, heir to lilt grandfather. is. Percy, d.e.p. iti. Randolph. s. Gectnsde, its, to the Olin. grands Hasstey. Sic Richard scat .5. by isis grandson, Ill. Sta tttrnaao. This gentlenina lilt three anita, i. Rscnxan, his heir. is, Pemy. iii. Randet4a, tcho ,s.. ItIa, dan. of Williasas St. Ligir, Esq. the hand in a steel ganutlet, grasping a battle-axe, as in of Donirailt. and had two sons, Arthur, who lift a dan., Msita—Tenax prspaoitt. 3Ias2’ and Percy. Sir Rirhord was a. by the eldest son, 1V. Sin Ricnano, schi a. Margaret, data, if Ccl. Eanses, and h sd (srilli a data., Mrs. hyde, of use en. Cork) two sans, Rscuxao, his htir. John, of Ballymoat, en. Sligo, sclso sit. Mitt Stone, and tsad issue. Sir Richard stat s. by his etdctt son, V. Sin ltscuaeo. This gentleman at. in Aug. 1720, Stacy, eldest dan. of William, 26th Baron of ilawtti, by schots, (sche was in a direct drsceot front the royal house of PLANTAGENeT) he had two dasss., Lucy and Mary, atsd an only son, VI. Sin Pcacy, scho at. in June, 1726, Anne, dan. of Thainas Nagle, Esq. of Mount Nagle, en. Cork, and aunt of Sir Richard Nagle, Ban., by whom has had issue, three sans and a dan. The eMest son, Rscnaao, rapL in the army. ni. 17 Nov. ISIS, Jane, 3rd dan. 1. WsLLcAss Gsaaebca, Rag., speaker of the House of of Licos.-Cnl. Sonth, of idea-citric, near Exerirt andsd. 2 Jan. Asoimbly in the island of Barbadsses, wan created a Baronet, I a32, teasing, Rscsnaun. successor to his grandfather. Viltiasn-St. Lassrince, 6. 29 Sapt. 1623. Mary-Anne. Maria, as. 16 PeIs. 1822, In J.-C. Johnstone, Esq. Sir Percy cI. 10 Oct. 1937, and was a. by his grandson, the preaent is. John, so holy orders, rector of Brasted, Rent, P.. 1841, t,aconeL Cceotien—t Aug. 1662. .4 cots—Vent, a stag, salient, arg., armed, or. Otis; — On a cap of dignity, ppc., a stag’s head, erased, arg., Iv. Robes r, member of council of the Island of Ibarbadeis, m. armed and docally garged, or. Melts—Try G1BBES. GiBBES, SIR SAMURL-OaaouNE. ________ of Fackley, co. Oxfoi d, 5. 27 Aug. 1803 ; a. lain grandfatlter, aa 2nd baroilnt5 in Juite, 1815 ; wi 28 Sept. 1825, Margarnt, dats. of the late Henry Monte, Eat1. of Ccc. nsoi’gati, Queen’s cn.,ssaad niece of John, 1st Eai’l of Clonisae)l, by 2 Margaret, if. 1622. 3 Slary-Anu. 4 Carollee. srlt,tns (srliu d. in Jats. 1847) he haa.had issue, i. Philip-Osboroe, 6.24 Ang. 1826; ii. in India in 1820. ii. Idcocy-Jansrs-Oskauac, 6. 1834; ci. 1661. us. Rouca’r.Osuoase, 6. 163g. s. Agnes-Anne, ass, to Keith-Edward Abbott, Esq., her Majetty’s 1771, Rebecca, dan. of Vice-Admiral Watson, and sister of consul at Tabric, in Persia. 483 0-lB being acnidcntsbly burnt. Sir 5.-Osborne Gibbea as. 2ndly, 1848, Anne, dan. of i, Elizabeth, is. Alice-Osborne, ILiitriigr. Giaaes, of Bedioiisofcr, died in 1603, leaving, with nod of Faiktcy, cit. Oxford (.sou of Philip Gibbet, Esq.), who was created a Baronet, 30 Slay, 1774. Sir Philip so. isa 1732, Agnes, sian, aisul hrir if Samuel Ooborssi, Eoq. of Macbodies, Isy whom he had lassie, Kstipc, Flog, of New Lodge, hdickhanupotead; and P.. 14 Dec. 1812. its 1S67, lilt SasnunL-0500aten, preteot baronet, t. Elizabeth, at, to the Right Hon. Charles Abbot, after’ was-do (by creation) Lord Ceslchoatir. Sir P1st lip livid to an adratserd period of life, and wan a. at his dimioe, in ISIS, by his gcassdson, the present baronet. Csvolien—3O May, 1774. Armo—Arg., three battte-axia,sa. One—An arm, embewed, steel, in armour, garnished, or; thi arms. G I B B 0 N S. G5BBONS, SIR JOBN, of Stan- well Place, Middlesex; 5. 30 Aug. 1825 ; a. as 5th baronet, on the decease of his grandfather, 26 Match, 1844. IL ill tllflt, 21 April, 1722. Hi if. in May, 1760, and was o. by his ten, H. Ssn Jouw, KB., 21 P. far Wallisagford, who sit. Pranecs, dais, of tho Rev, Dr. Scawon Kincick, rector of St. Mssrtin’, and had, a. ‘lViss.sass. aged 62. its Scascen. Slargsret, dan. of — Creokestdin, Etg. of liarbadois, and if. 1602. leaving issue, I Frederick, capt. 26th fossl, sei’ved in she Peninsula an Iteut. in Otis 7th fusiliers, severity wounded a Ah’aocra, if 1629. 2 Roeert-lteni’ick, 6. 1797, m. 1627, hit motto, Lenira, dau. of Sir John Gilsieiss, 4th Bait. I Wifliasn-bborton, 6. 1602, liens-cot., provincial aide-dccansp, aed jattire of she peace tf Iharhadoes; us. StacyBsahep. dssst. if lbs Idon. John Braitlsscatse, President of the Island of Bas’hsadoes, and by lair had issue: Frederick- Pile ltey, hint. 11th foal; assd lose hans., Ensily-Cmcin, ci. 1207, to taint-Cal. Willians Beltoiro, san if Sir William Bellaia’s, of Miull,aeloo, Nerfolt ; ansi Kafhirtne-Maelein. I Slartha. ass. to htichat’d Taylor, Rsq. of Clsarltin Rinse, Stidttosix. 5 Georgiea. 6 Emily, as. to Gerald Pihz-Giratf. Esq. c. Edward, who ssarsiced his beothiss, eed if. 6 April, 1627, aged 21. I. a’dsntha. sa. to Charles Bacon, 1kg. of Motr Park, Rants. Sir John dyhig itt 1776, woo a. hy bin oeu, III. Ssu Wsccswoi, LL.D. This gentleman, 6. 1721, m, in Sir Charles Watson, Mart, by whom he had iooue, 212