Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/539

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GOL GOLDSM[D OF ST. JOHN’S LODGE, WICK HOUSE, EAST TITI-1 ERLEY, vt. George, I. May, 1013; it. Oct. 1015. AND SOMERHILL. aoLusllsn, SIR FRAROIS - hENRY, of St. John’s leaving a dau., Consta,sce. Lodge, Regent’s Park, Middlesex ; Wick House, ass. Rachel, •so. 24 June, 1040, to Cc,usst Solomon-Hossry Brighton, Sussex East Titherley House. Hants; Avigdor, of Nice. and Somes-hill, co. Kent, hart. ; Baron de Goldomid v. Emma, ,ss, 7 hay, 2810. to Nathaniel Mos,toflsre, Eoq. and de P,dmeira in Portugal; liP, for Reading; Sir isaac was a de1,nty-lientenaist for Middlesex and Snssex’, and a Q.C., Lincoln’s Inn ; b. 1 May, 1808 ; e. his assd a magistrate for the former ; he was ales, iss the cnsnsnisoisna father, as 2nd hart., 27 April, 1839 as. 10 Oct. 1839, Lonisa-Sophia, only dan. of Mosea-Asher was e. isy hie eldest surviving son, Sin Pnancte-Hnsenv Goldenaid, Esq. of Gloucester Place. This family was originally of Casesl, in Germany, and A,’,sse—Per salsire, orssinois and ermine, on a chief; gn. a settled in England in the early part of the last century. BessoicT Gos,ossnn settled at Hambnrgh circa 1700, and ovsr. an cscoclsessi, ac-s., charged will, a tower, or, and cnsignod had issue, Moses, of. at Ansaterdam, without issue, March, by cisc c-os-snot of a baross ef i’orlngal. s779; and Aaron. The 2nd son, A,aaoa Gos,rsesssn, of Leman Street, Goodman’s Fields, a densi-dragen snih ssings elevated, or, holding in its claws a co. lliddlesex, and of the city of London, merelsa,st, in. March, bundle of twigs croci, or, bande,i, an. 1740, Catherine, dau. of Abraham Be Vries, of Anseterdasu, ,Ssipjeis-fs’e—Dcxter, alien, acg., dncally crowned and ehscgesl 14Th. (who of. in 1700), and d. 3 June, 1702, leaving, Geoaos, of Lemon Street, 5. in 1741; as. in 1703, Rebecca, By rsyssl licence, daicd 0 June, 1840, the lace Sir Isaac-Lye’s dan. of Jonas Cohen, of Amerofort, usa,’ Utrecht, in Holland Gohstsnuid, Ilart., was autlssriced in accept and use in clubs ; and it. 11 Des. 1212, leaving issue. AsHEn, of whom hereafter. Denjamin, of London, and Roehampton, co. Surrey, is. so of the inspsrlant services rendered by hi,,, on various occasions May, 1750; su. Jesse, dan. of lerael-Levisn Solosuons, Esq. her royal nsunifircnse, and also to bsssr and noc cerhain of Clapton; and it. 21 April, 1002, leaving issue. Abraham, of Fiaabnry Square, and Mordeu House, eo. additional armorial bearings. Tlse snub iseing the esco— Surrey, 5. 17 Dcc. 1750; us. 17 Jan. 1703, Ann, dan. of cheon of pretence and esronot over. The first crest and else Benjamin-RIbs Daniel, Roq. of Amsterdam; and d. 28 supporters sc-crc aslded to the family arsnu, ansI appersaiss to use Sept. 1010, leaving issue. Pearl, as. to dlagansJoaclsbsn Moses; and d. in 1021. Esther, no. 1st, to Rlias Joaehim, Esq. of Great Prosoot Posit. xv. 12. Ossder the arms, “CosscerdiO et sed,slitate.” Strset, Goodman’s Fields; and 2ndly. 14 March, 1202, Scale—Wick Plenus, Brighton; Rodcomba Rassor, Glencestcrohire. Nathan Salomons, Rsq. ofFinaburySquisre; and d. 1811, Buses Hsoscc—St, John’s Lodge, Inner Circle, Regent’s Folly, as. to Lyon de Symono, Esq.; and it. in 1041. Sarah, as. to Danial Eliasen, Ssq.; and d. in Doe. 1033. AsHEn GoLossulo, Req. of Finobnry Square, and of horton Grove, co. Surrey (2nd soul), us. Rachel, dais, and heir of Alexander Keyser, Req. of London (which lady of. in 1010), and d. 1 Nov. 1022, leaving bone, Issac-Lvon, created a Baronet, Aloxander, 5. Oct. 1770; su. 12 Jan. 1014, Elisabeth, dan. of John israol, Req. of London, sod by her lwho if. in Jan. 1029) he left issne at his decease, in Jan. 1043. Aaron-Aster, of Cavendish Square, 0. in June, 1702; ns. 19 March, 1217, Sophia, eldest dan. of Levy Salomoos, Esq. of London, dnd of Frant, ro. Sussex (who if. in April, “1035), and had issue. Mosos-Aohcr, is. in Jan. 1780; m. 1st, 22 Oct. 1017, Elisa, 2nd dau. of Levy Sabomons, Esq. of London, and ol Frant aforesaid, which lady ,i. 28 April, 1837; and Sndly, 7 Nov. 1239, Sarah, sister of Sir hoses 3[ontofiore, Burt., and dan. of Joseph iliontefiore, Eaq. of London, and 0. 30 Ilisrch, 1064, haring had ies’se by his first wife. Anne, 6. in Jan. 1782; d. aa,,s. in Nor. 1211. Julia, 6. in May, 1781; su. 20 Aug. 1011, to Philip Samuel, for a long period in variona parts of thc aonntics of Norfolk Eoq. of Bedford Place, Russell Square; and of. in 1823. The oldest son, 0. ISAAC-LYON GoLpss,so Esq., was created a hare,oct in mentioned in the wiB of Thomas Gcoeh, clerk, vicar of St. Aug. 1041 ; lie was also made Baron do Gol,isn,id ,snd do htiehocl, daled 0 Aug. 1402. This Richard Beech, a-ho died Palmeira in Portugal, and was ausths,rised, h, 1210, by in 130-1, had three sons and three dans.,,oIb living at chc data royal licence, to use his Portugneso bononrs in this of their father’s will, 27 May, 1002, The eldest son, conntry; he was an officer of the Rose of Drasil; and was TiteasAs fiosen, succeeded his father, and was seated at invested with the Order of the Tower ,snd Sword; he Groat Peringland. Be died in 1110, having hod issue. was 6. 13 Jan. 1770; as. 29 1pml, 1201, Isabel, 2ssd dan. of PeTEs Ooocs, of St. Margaret hhfsctshushl, buried thsrc 3 Nov. Abraham Goldomid, of Morton, Surrey, and by her (orbs, 1352. He is pressomed lo have hccn ncphesr of the above it. 17 Nov. 1000) had issue, a. Benjamin, 6. in 1827; of. in the same year. it. Fasnrts-HraaY, present hart. its. Daniel, 1,. in July, 1809; if. in Oct. 1212. sv. Charles-Harringtos, i. in 1011 ; ii. in the same year. possessed lands in Sungay, llketshahh, and hietlinghans, by v. Frederick-David, of Somerhill, Rent, MB. fsr Iioniton, devise from his tafiser, and hod (situ nine oihcr sons and live 6. 31 Jan. 1212 ; s,. 23 July, 1034, Caroline, uunly don. of Philip Samuel, Esq. of Bedford Place, Rnssell Sqnare, — and it. 18 March, 1806, having had issue, 3 JOL5AN, of Somerhill, barrister-at-law, H.P. for 9tariha, dan. ci Christopher Lsyer, Esq. of ihc city of Norwich, bloniton, 6. 8 Oct. 1080; as: 31 Hard,, 1060, Virginia eldest dan. of tho late A. Philipson, Eoq. of Florossec. o dau. Bathos-a, wife of Sir ltrnry llaeon, hart.) an oldest soss, 2 Walter-Hsssry, 1’. 17 Feb. 1840 ; if. at Lyons, France WsLLsAss Boom, Rsq., who resisled et Jtcltinglians, and a-as 22 April, 1060. 3 Albert-Abraham, Is. 9 Slareh, 1841, d. 1064. 1 Helen, so. 23 Jnly, 1850, to Lionel Lucas, Esq., who of. Visitation of tho county of Stsffolk in 1604. lIe 55. Rliaabctlu, 1261. GOO 2 Mery-Ada, ,o, 29 Oct. 1016, to P. Mocatta, Req. 3 Rmma-Catberi,sc. 4 fo:sbol, S Flora, t. Ans,ss—islaria. ii. Angsssia, ss. in Sept. 1830, to Elias Mocatta, Req. of Clscoter Terrace, ilsgent’o t’ssrk; assd if. 23 J ass. 1230, iv. Caroli,so. vs. Jnlia. of the 1,oaee f or Rent, lie it, 27 tlsril, 1009, :ss,d Goe,neann, the 2nd assd present hart, Cs’s’afisa—1041. golstdsseh, t’pr., lusts-con two roses, or (using tise fansily aims) t’s-c-si—]sI, osst of cisc core,,ot of a baron of i’ortngal, ppr., rose, go., slipped, ptw. 2nd, a slcsai-lbsn, arg., hs the paws a on tile shonldcr ,sills a rose, en. Sinister a wyvern with wings clevafod, or, and rlsssrgcsl on the stsssnldcr soitls a rose, go. country lbs fille of Baron do fioldsmid a,sd Do Palsncirs, conferred npon isis, by the t0ncen of Portagal, in manifestation to ihc Pertusgnesr nahon, assd as ss public teecisuony of title of isaron conferred upon hiss by she Qssscn sf Perlugol. Afstfsce—Ovcr erects, ‘‘Qnis simihis tilsiin fcu’tibus, Dominci” Park. Onncse, SIR EDWABD-SttEBLQCR, Bas-t. of Bc’nacrc Hssll, en, Suffolk, d.P., DL. ; h. 10 May, 1813; e. Ins father, as 7th hart., 9 Nov. 1856 vs. 9 Oct. 1800, Ellon-Enlily, eldest dais, of linisert-Angnstus-Hankey Hirst, Eaq. tuf Don’n Grange, hIssingstnke, Hassts, J.P., late major W. Essex militia. The family of Geoch is of great snhiqnity, and has flourished and Saffolls. Rscnosn Goecu, of Brome, and hubs son, Yhonsao, were bolh Thomas Gooeh, of Great Peringland. Re pouscsssd lands in Bnsnluarongls and other plaecs, co Suffolk, and Isad, with other issue, Thsnsss of St. hlargeret Ilketuhall, who was buried Ihere in Sept. 1030, leaving usith’ ocher issue, Roresv Goocts, of Bungay, in the county of Suffolk, who dens.) an eldesi son, WsLLsAss Boson, of histhnghnsn, Esq., J.P., 1), 1071, svlso sss. end had (wills t,vus olher sass, Theusos and Iholsert, and a justice of ihe poses; hue rceordsd his pedigree at the Herald’s dau, silt sole heir of tticharsl Daspole, of Bsnsgay SI. Mary G000II. 489