Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/546

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0-OR Annie, so. 1st, Samuel Barrett, Esq., s. p.; and 2ndiy, office of British enniul ar tho port of Cadis, wss ereatesl a Martyn-J. Roberts, Esq., ansi has issor to him. I Annie, so. Is;, George boos, E9. ; and Sndly’, Jonathan stordon, Essi., wiss a. at Sir tames’s decease, in; 1815; ansi Itrown, Esq. By tile tatter she hail two sans, JoIsts and hoeing assssiued, by royal license, the additional surname of Francis. I. Anna, os. t 723, Alexander (‘s;dassl, of Celtiston, ancestor II. Sm WILLSAM Dnrr-GoaooN, 0. 8 April, 1772, 2nd son of of Billions Us;dasd, of I ‘ollislon. 0. life; ,o . Is 10, a dais, of Charles Itellansy, es’ tise lion. louisa t.,ordon, of Itrisosore assl it. I a31, baring issue. Sir Tlsensas i. 2ndly, 21 ins Oihsos, of W’lsirehaven, hut iay tier Carislise, diso. of Sir George Consewalt, Earl. of Moeras Court, hail no issue. Ito 5. s;i Slarels, 1752), and sras ,s. by his efflest eo. Itereforsi, h,y urtsonu ins had issue, snrrieitsg ssn, IV Outs diem, t. 20 Dee. 1720; en;eresl tire arnsy, ansi hid a Cesnesi, 5. 22 b’cls. 1012; is. 8 Nov. 1859, Anna-Maria, ensapany in tire 70th fins. lie s. IS April, 17Th, Anne, dais, of Thsonsos Urine, sf t’esssles’lsoll, Issuf liv her (otto sirens ed till Goorgiusna-Calirerino. 4 Nor. 1022) iso Isn’t iso issue. Sir John ii. 17 Get. 1015, and isis a. by Isis nephew, V. Sun toni,’. S. 4 Get. I 7s0. This grrshlrman srseeeestrd Ic line estate of Carlo In, sirs rise slerstts, ,sitltssr;t orate irsoe. in .1,”ose—Qutarhrrly u lii and 4th. an., three boors’ heads, Into, of 4 olin, stir fser’len of Csss’lelsss ; Sir ,lstsn eLitussing ;ss riusulieih. withsin a itnsu,bho I I’essuurr, ronsn;ecsed of flensrs—de—lis ansi nearest heir ns:sI,’ sf the rubBer’, ‘lances, Soil (bss;’stssn of (‘arleten ruines, ushtrrnarely, or; Snsl nnd SrI, vert, on a fesse, daneelts’o, Sir bun so. IsI, 10 A;srit. teDS, .tsshiossrs, slain, of Jervis Oath cr10., lsctseees 5 hurLs head, cobossed, in elsief and two soot-c, of (treesslbrlsl. isv arl;sssss (silt 5 sO. 13 Fets. 1024) iso had no escallops irs bass, or. issue , ansi 2ssslle, 22 April, 1bhP, Story. cutest sinus. cf G’illians (‘i-edo—lot. ‘h’,ro a r’rssu, frrm the sirennlsior misLed, Isolsling a Irs-trig, of Gritsron, cc. Dusnfn’ies, by selnnns (who survives) lie hose, mid ready to In lit’ an usrro,e, all ll° 2sd. A droni—ion, had issuse, I. Jetsn, ynrsnger, of Ensrhsron, 1. 3026 ; drowrsesl, while lsatt;. S,esl—flssn’dsrr ltouuse, Eslnor, Ssrrs’ry tog. enS’s. s’. is.. 16 .t;sly, 1042. lt. W’tLnasar, iseeneot isusronet rut. James-Irving, b. 19 Dee. 1838; if. 1002. s. Jane. 11. Slnrv-Christian, s,s.3 Slay, 1811, to John Shnnd, Esq., M.D. of F7irheadhright. s’s. Julia. Iv. Ehlcabotis-Cost, 51. sos ins. 20 Maceli, 1052. a’. John-Aoos, s,n. 7 Aug. toOt, SIrs roson Forbes, Esq. of t4orssarsl’s sPrees,, W’oreeslershiro. Sir Jehn ii. 0 Jon. 1543, and was a. by Ins son, Sir William, the Isresent isaronet. CseoOnc—9 July, 1706. A s’s n—Az., n beoosl, hsrtweens litres bears’ heads, erased, cc. feces—Our a ii’ ‘earls, a stexter boost, graspitrg a ssibrr, tiler. Jlsstro—Drro,l God. Sesst—Earlston blouse, near Kirkeundbrtgint. GORDON OF GO11IIONSTOWN, ace nitO, tha Isle of Might; Is. 21 Out. 1806; a. his father CuMsttNcs. kL GORDON. DUFF-GORDON, Sait ALEXANDERColixtuwALL, of Hurikuss, no. Ayr, Is. 3 Feb. 1811; e. his father, as 3rd 1 sau’ssnet. 8 March, 1823’, so. CArTArN Fosarus Gnsxr, RN., assumost by sigr;-nacn;nah in 11] May, 1540, Lrsry, (silly child 1788, lhr ssurrrsrsrr cml crusts of Osinsnox, in pors;uaoeo of tine of Ji slurs A tsotin Enq., arid list, Macomen, b. in Feb 1842. Janet-Ano, us. S Dac. 1066, Ilenry-Jonses Ross, Esq. of dnsss. of Sir Willosughhiy Asians, Burr-i., soil sister and co-heir of Alexandria. Urania. Sir Aloxander isunnintatot gontlomnro-usbor to the Itesry, adauiral, SIN.; ci. 18 thee. 1826, Charlotte, dan. of the Queen, assd a (iororsuinsiss;,er is the Inlassd Revenrto. kfticac. WILniost DrolL Esq. of Crosohir, as. Elizabeth, darn, of Sir Francis, feRosu’ of New College, Oxford, deceased. Robert Doloynspte. Kin, of Castleton, o;rsl hash, r. Jaurns. u. Janet, no. to Sir ttogh Dalryrss;dr, Barr. II. Anne, so. 1st, In Willunuss, l’,orl of Lisuoufries, by whom she The ohs1esl son, had no issue’; anJ has Ily, to tire I leo . Alsxaunilrr (Cordon, 1. Tour liunnuT lbs. Ssn JAosns Wun.r.ounusny-Oosnow, general t,orst alossks’illc, of sire (‘ssssrt ssf Session, 3rd soss of William, in lire oruny, n1ssusrherrisostor-gonerab of tIne forces, colonel of Ihno 2nd Earl of Aben-deen, and had, I Charles, S. in 1770; so. and had issue. 2 Wu cniaru, of selumo presently 3 Atcuunnder, lient.-enl. 03rd f,or, fell at Talavors,;ssros. 4 Cossno, ore 4727, a general in the arnot’ ; i’s., ottO sO. 7 don. of Ittehnard-lb.-A. Bennett, Esq. of Boehenhans, Kent, March. 1567, Isaviusg hid issue. I Anne, or. to ,tidns t’oihsrarl, Esq., who it. is 1035. 2 Janet, Os. to rise I Isis. hirsch lindsey. 3 Catiserior, n. to ilshsert II elilsrtrrl, EM. 4 titargaret, iii. to Sir Coutts ‘broiler, Hart. Mr. Duff’s snrhy son, I. James Drrr, Esq., havisrg filled for a series of years tlse A,’,sso—Qssorlerlym 1st and 4th, as., a rose, srg., between 496 GOB Baronet 12 Nov. 1813, with remainder to Ins nephew, Wiltiana Deer, ieeeaase, Aleaandor, t,isr’sl Eoekvtlle, one of the lords of Session, and geaurdnsisa of With050, hush Earl of Aber;leen ; ,o, in 1810, Annxsonnn Cossnnwau.r.. present baronet. ynsuagent duoss. ssf Sir Eshurard Aotrsslssss, Dart. anst luas a son, 5. 22 July, 1 n62; another son, 8, 12 Jan. 1868; and to’s duos. Ahieia-Fraurecs. lIe it. in 1023. 0- 0 R D 0 N. 9 7flifi%c” GORDON, Sin TitiNicY - PIcRCT, of Northeourt, in as 2nd bat’onet in 1851 ; en. 29 Aug. 1839, Mary, ysstungest dan. of George, 3rd Earl of Aohburnlussrrs, KG., unurd lion inane one dun., Mury-Cluau’lstte-Jeslis,rns. 14 Jesne, 1868, to Colonel R.-W, Disney Lritls. 10011, regt., 2nd son of the late General Sir Abexaniter Lettls, lt.C.Il., of Freedeld and Glenhuindy, Atsersleerrslstre. 3.Liiicagc. trslanueotary iejssnselion oh his onaternal uncle, Jnsnsres Gordon, tissl. of Sloeridusee, cc. Kent. Capt. Gordon, es. in 1770, Mary, Sir Wihlougtetiy Asron, Busrt., tush loft at his docoaso, in 1803, dsnsns.’sV,n,norsur,na-, creaSed a ilaronri. tale Sir John; W’roltesley, hart., ansd widow of the Rev. Johns Rehyar; t. 14 Sept. 1855. Cisarlcs, adunirot, B.N,, CD.; us5. 20 Nov. 1818, Anne, oldest nlass. of Ausdre,r-Tlsonnsas, tills Lord bllayusey, ansi ii. 3 Oct. 1860. Mary, s. to the hale Sir Robert Eoosys. Janr-Ehioa, on. Cuspt. Wright Knox, 81h fusiliors, n’osidont of Ithaca, and if. hts sridcse, 9 Sept. tSdS. 23rd fnsiilrrs, (b.C,n, and CCII.; 0.21 flch. 1772; was crested a Baronet, 5 Dcc. 1818, in eetssiilerotion of his distingnished military services. lie us. 13 (let. 1808, Isobrlha-Jubia-Levina, and finvt-eousio is lIngle, 3rd D,siur of Northun,borhansl, arsd ‘1. hIlt, has’iog by her (srho ,b. 25 Starch, 1867) had issue, one son, the ;srrsent Sun Rxeinv-Pnocy OonnoN, Fart., and coo don., Juslius-Euri]y. f’realino—’5 lure. 1818. three h,ea,a’ Iueads erased, or, for Connos; 2nd and 3rd, gu., a (‘,‘eofless—12 Nsv. 1813. gi’., tuobding in hlse dexlor pair a sword, erect ppr., hilt and poennset. or, Ye scsi JIs5ria—34, ttcrlinrd Street Slayfoir.