Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/551

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GOB minglsasn seized his castle of Mallough, which lie recovered at Indly, 21 Nov. 1728, to Charles Sussyth, Etq. 5 for forty-five law in 1278, but it was burnt by Lord Raise in the following year. lie svas smsssnened te the parliaaseat of 1251, ansi fined one hundred shillings for being absent. lbs eldest see, Sin PnsLsP no ParanEssoAsT waa involved in further litigation with Lord Bane. lied. ]3g3, leasing three sans, Jrrrssrv, his heir; Mounter, svhose son ,fonw, thou h blind, eventually inherited Newcastle, and was ancestor to Visrossnt (tort ; and Sir Philip, of Drangan, co. Tipperary. The eldest son, Jerrnsx no Pnnaoeaoosv a;. Isalda, dau. of Pieos, 3rd Lord Athenry, whose ward he had been, lie was sheriff of Tipperary in 1327. To him, Baldwin, Lord Slane, gave up Ins claim to the manor of Newcastle, by a deed dated 13 Jan. 1211, enrolled in tiso Court of Excheoner in lrelai;d; and as this esiate continued lsenooforth in the nndispnttd possession of Tnn RseuT lION. Sin Tnoasos, 2nd hart. of Gorl, was M.P. for Ihis family, svo shall at enco proceed to Ajasos FsvzTssunos Paoanoaoosv, F.sq. of Newcastle, svlio sit. tIe as. 1739, Anno, dau. and htir of Sir tIngIs Williams, Dart. of Eleanor, dau. of Sir John Grace, Knt. of Conrtstown, and if. lIarlo, co. Caeraarvan, bait it. s. p. 23 Sept. 1750, svlutst a patent 3 Feb. 1515, leaving several sons, of whom, Edmond, of Teltaghinelan, was preparing to croate hint Vbcomst Clousnell. lIe svas a. by was SIP, for Tipperary in 1255; whilst the rides; his nephew, Jorrany PRENOEROA5T, Esq. of Newcastle, so. Joaise, dan. of Joins PnaaannoosT, 1st viscount, b. 1741, IsLE. for Carlow, to]. Thomas, 1st Lord Cahir, by his 2nd wife, Ellen, only dan. of of the Limeritlc nsilitia, svl’o assumed hit additional nanse of Thontas, 12th Earl of Desmondr, and heir to James, the tIlls Stints in 1755, on the death of his brother, wheat he a. as SIP. earl, who was killed by Sir Maurice Fitzgerald, in taii. Itt ci. for Lhntrick. Mo c-as created Baron Itittartou in 1810, and 12 March, 1612, leaving issue by her (who herame co-heir to the advancod to the viscounty of Gort in 1516, bells heonours svitls Bonorre or Coosa tinder the linutatiens in the patent, on the rensainder to lila noplatw, the Slight iton. Charles Vtrtktr (see death of her half-brother, the 2nd baron, in 1139), THOMAS, Ins issue of the 1st hart.), who accordingly a. at his death, I May, heir1 James, it. & p.; Eabert, of Ballybog; and Richard. The 111 7, es eldest son, THnnAs Pnmenmsoosv, Esq., ut. Eleanor, dan, of tho lIon. the Froneh forces under General ltnnsbtrt, at t’stoony, 5 Sept. John Butler, and sister of Walter, 11th Earl of Ormandr, by 1795, tied been rewarded by a grant of ssqsportvs’a to his nuns, whom Iso had issue, Joasos, Ins heir; Robert, it. a. p.; and with the oaotto “Coloony.” lIe was constable of the castle of Enasorsn, of whons hereafter. Itt so. lndly, Ellen, dan. of Limerick, SIP, for shot city, eel, of its saailitia, and afterwards Nicholas White, Esq., and had adan., Margarot. In 1283, being then under age, ho joined, at Queen ELszAanTts’a request, in ss 1st, 7 Nov. 1759, Jane, relict of Willians Stamer, Esq. of Carnefly, surrender of the title and estate of Cahir to Sir Theobald Butter, the male heir of that family, to whom the Qneess granted them (who it. 19 Fob 1795) ho had issue, by a now patent under which tlsey descended ta the Earls of a. Joua-Paannrnnosv, Ird viscount. Glengall. Re it. I St arch, 1626; and Thoaaas, 2nd Lord Cahir s. Julia, it. II Aug. 1519,10 Colonel Tisonsas Wiute, of Woodlands, of the new rreation, dying soon after, without male isstse, his oldest son, Jones Pammrnoosx, Eaq. of Newcastle, claimed that barony, as. Jane, il. young. the legality of the surrender of 1283 being doubtful, and sit. Georgina, iii. 2 Aug. 1517, to Colonel Jehn-Forrior Eleanor Butler, the other to-heir, who at. Sir John Gge Fitz. Ttsc viscount is. 2ndly, 5 Itarels, 1510, Elizabetls, dan. of John gorald, son of John, 14th Earl of Desmeud, having si. 0.1)., Ealliatr, Esq. of Cnasoragh, by whons (also ii. 2 April, 1815) ho which led to his being unfortunately killed in Cahur Castle, html issue, 12 Dtc. 1627, by isis kinsman, Edasood, 3rd Lord Danboymso, is. Cltarles-Sasyth, 2. 21 April, 1819, liont.-col. and eom’ whose wifo was the heir of the deceased nobleasan. ito had to Catherine, dan. of Sir John Fitzgerald, o tht Dertes, bnt it. a.p. and was o. by his brother, EDatOND PnnNnaa005T, Esq., to whom the Manor of Newcastle The viscount il. II Nov. 1842, ned w-os a. by his older son, was tonfirmed, in 1639, by ths Commission of Grace, ss’itta Jossa-PnaaoonnnaaT, 3rd visoonsat, wLo w-as. b 1 July, 1100, divors privileges, sslatch were sanctioned by act of parhianaent and s;t. 12 Dee. 1514, Maria, eldest dais, of Staudioh, lot Vis— to 1641 ; hut the civil scars breaking out soon after, all his coniat Guiltamaro, astd by her (who ii. 1 tpril5 1950) had isosto, castles were disnsantttd, and his estates seized by CnosssvaLr. 5. Charhoo, b. in 1811; si in 1819. Ito d. about 1636, leaving issue, Jeffrey (whose sons, fotlosvhsg mu. STANassn-PaoNen000sv, present 110cr. Jouns II. into exile, wore distinguished officers in the French ssm. Jaha-Prendorgast, barrister-at-law’, MA., lord mayor ol sorvice), and Tueaioo PnrNnoaoosv, Esq. of Creane, who lived to be nsoro than 100 years of age, as appears by his tomb at New-castle. tie rt. 1723, having so. Eleanor, daa. and to-hsir of David Condon, Esq., the attainted chief of that once powerful stpt, by wlaosu he loft, with other issue, Tnuaros, 1st baronet. Joifrey, of Croane, so. llargorot, dan. of Willians Daniel, Esq., and it. 1712. 1-lit son, Thomas, ist. Mary, dast, and heir of John Eeating, Esq., and was killed in a duel in 1761, leaving Thomas, who so. Jane, dan. of Samuel Gordon, Esq., and Rod, with other issue, I Thomas, 31.0. for Clonakilty, who v. Michard-Prsmsdergaat, capt. tOlls oilteo, 0. in 1529, who at. Charlotte, dan. of Charles O’Neit, Eaq., SIP., and was fattier (felts- elioe) of Ifajor-Geo. Charles O’Neil Prender- vs. Adnlphus - Edward- Proades’gast, capt. IOtls foot, who gast, Sects fastlier guards; 2 Samuel, who ii. op.; 3 Francis, Registrar of Char oary in treland, who so. and left issue, Jeifry-Franeis, John-Fatrtck, Barristor, Fraacis, JosephSamuel, and WiUtam-PanI; 4 Sir Jeffrey, gee. E. I. army, ass. .Staria-Coriena, os l0Mauvh, 1552, to Lirut.-Cal. C.-Monteith so. and left issue; S Gny-Ltnox, 31.?., Ilonsher of Conndll at Bomhny, sit, and loft issne. The elder san, Ssa Tuoaos, 1st burL, was so treated 15 July, 1699. lIe seas srho ‘t.& p. 1771, and eldest surviving son ef Tisonsas Smyth, of Gait, to. Galsray, and 3t.P. for Stonoghan in 1703, isa winds Bishop of Limerick in 1696, w’ho P. 1152, by Oboroiheti, dan. of year ho repurolsased Slnllough mad Croant fmm the tonamissioners Ulysses Burgh, Bishop of Ardagh. William Sasylh, Bishop of of forfeited estates. lde was a brigadier in Queen Kilmoro, and Edsrard Steyth, Bishop of Dowss and Conmaor, ANNE’S armies, aad sras killed at Slalplaquet, 9 Sept. 1729, store also mombors of this family, desceasloil frona tlso nsorrsago having us, in 1697, Penelopo, only dan. of ltenryCadogan, Esq., (ilastaistoll, by Assss, duu. of Sir Ttssssss,ss C sisacli, Eel., Lord and oister of William, 1st Earl Cadogan, by svlsomn ht loft issne, Cisanretlor of Ireland, hoisty. Ens500n VI. hIts dan., Mary 1. Tuoasoa, 2nd baronet. a. Jssliaaa, os. to Chasvotth, 6th Earl of Meath. ii. Elizaboth, sit. tst, to Sir John-Dixon ltaman, Dart.; and Armsgh, after whose dratls slse si-s. WsRam Fstz-Wslhiam, 501 GO years SIP, for l.instrfek, and hail issue by him, svlso it. 15 Ang. 1724. I Thomas, SIP, for Lisnerich, ‘1. isisso. 14 Jo55. 1783, 2 Jona, who took the naase of l’nnrsrsanaosv only, in 17f0, and svas tIre 1st viscount. I Clsartos-l.ennoa, liouk-caloatl of list fannin 2nd or green horse, nosy 5th drageon-gnards. lIed. s’,sas. 2-1 Stay, 1782. 4 Jatiaoa, s;s. 1719, to Thomas Verokor, Esq. of Roxhorough (ace iafsn, family of Vnannaa), by whom she was mother of CexaLas, 2nd viscount. 3 Derothea, il young, 5 July 1739, S Elizabeth, on. 1727, to Colonel William Newton, of ilse Sttla regt., gorernor of Senegal. iii. Anne, so. to Samuel Itobson, Esq. of Muockridge. Chichester and Clennacli, and Postmaster-General of Ireland., 2nd viscount, b. 1765, w’lseso gallant eppositian to a representative peer, and 1, 11 Nov. 1242, hating ii. and dan. of Ralph Wtstropp, Esq. of Attyflin, by whom n-ho 1. 4 Slay, 1547, brettser of Lord Annaly; aed it. 14 Feb. 1566. ltaaailton, of Westport and Cairsslsill, NB., and ii. 1847. snandant of the Lhnerick artillery militia; Os. 10 Stay, 1542, Ealo, youngest dan. of tho late llobrrt Fossnin, En1. iv. Elizabeth, it. young. Doldias in 1811; 0. in 1522; as. 21 Dec. 1528, Louisa, only child and heiress of George Medhis,’ott, Ess1. of Rutland Square, Dublin, by his wife, Eaaily, den, of the late Axthur Stagae, Eeq. of Clenearl, liP., and has iseut, I Georgelled oeett, 5. 11 Jan. 1869; 2 Jehn-Prcndergast, 0. 14 Jan. 1863; 1 Itaria Corinna ; 2 EmUy-llr-eriettis. iv. Ilenry-Prendergast, of tho3liddhe Templo, LL.D.,F.R.G.S., British consul for the dcpartnaesat of Charente-Inffrienre, in Fiance; 2.10 1524; as. in Paris, 10 Fohs. 15ff, LauioaEheabohh-Slary, don, and ce-hcir of Use halt George-Begot Gesset, gosh., 4th dragsson guards, by his a’ifr Charlotte, present Marelaioaoss de Vinclmialuro, asad hao Osee doass. served in Claina, at tht attack on list T;skss Parts and the rapture of Fekin it. at ttaegoan, 50 April, laSS. served in ttse Cri non, and thsrosmgla the Indian mutiny; b in 1511; ii. at Yokehanta, Japan, 12 thet. 1o64. 5. Kalhorino. is. Jamso-Chsarlello. Rasnitton, 92nd lughlaedors, and ‘1. 20 July, 1656. tie w-as brother of Arthur Stsaytt, Archbishssp of Dublin, of William Smyth of Ressdale, cc. Turk, ant oftersrards of Dundrum. eo. Dosrn, with Mary, dan. of -Odin liewdait, Esq. of - Snsyth, was the 2nd wife of llenry Usolset-, Archbishop of Esq., brothor of the hot Viseount Moryon.