Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/557

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GRA GRAHAM. GRAHAM, SIR RORERT-JAMESSTUART, Upon the Revolutioss, the viscount waa conssnittad to the of Esk, co Cumberlaud, wards, however, apprehended in ass attesupt to escape to 5. 2 Dec. 1845; s. his father as for high-treason, assd eondsmssed, hut pardoned, through 10th Dart., 27 May, 1864. ILincagc. This family claims descent from the renowned GRAEME, deceased lord ssot affecting the Scottish peerage, as no act who, asssss 484, sommanded King Fraouo Ii’s army, and of forfeiture passed against him in Seotlossd). Ills lordship was governor of Scotland in the minority of his grandchild, sit. Mary, dan. and co-heir ol Sir Marmoduke Dalton, of EUOENE II. In the ysar4t0, thisgallantpsrsonmado Hawkswell, en. York; assd dyissg 1709, was s. by his only son, a breach in the mighty wall which the Emperor Sevenus had ‘s’ CssAssLEs, 3rd viaconsst, whe as. Ansso, dan. of Thomoo erected between the rivers Forth and Clyde, which has ever Cox, Rsq. of Lossdoss, and sister of Slary, Countess of Peterborough, since berne the name of Grasme’a Byko. Frem ths time ci estates passed to his amsts, Lady Widdriugtau nnd the this emineutman, the GREEslee are tobe found in the records lion. Slary-Snean Graham, dons. of the 1st viscount; and of Scotland, enjoying the very highest influence; hut our devolved, by the wlll of the former of those ladies, in 1757, limits prohibit individual detail; we therefore pass to SIR DAVID GRAIIA5I, of Mentreee, who was taken prisoner upon the Rev. Robert Grahous, 13.1)., father of Sir James with King Doven BRUCE, at the battle of Durham, in 1340, Graham, of Netherhy (see thai title), while tlse asscient baronetcy and whose sen, SIR PATRICK GaAnon, Lord of Dundaff and Kincardino, vi. THE Rev. WstLeAas GRECIAN (refer to the younger was appointed one of the hostages for the said King DAVIn’O ooss of Sir George, the 2nd baronet), who as. 7 Nov. 1761, ranosm, in 1357. This Sir Patrick em. twice: from his first Snsasmah, thu. of — Leeve, Req. of .Ashburuham, co. marriage descend the Dukes of Msntreee; and of the Suassx, and relict of Richard French, Esq., by whom be second (with Rnpbems, dan. of Sir John Stewart, of Balleton, bad (with three dane., who it. ssssso.), brother to King ROEEET 11.) there was a eon, Sme ROEERT GRAHAM, Knt. of Elieston, who is. Eupheme, ltosoasr, late baronet. only dan. and heir of David Stewart, Earl of Strathem, and William, b. isa Aug. 1771; si. in 1846. obtained in consequence that earldsmu. (Frem this alliance Sir William ci. 21 Sept. 1774, and was a. by his eldest son, the family qnartere the royal arma of Stuart). This Sh-Robert VH. SIR CnAaLss, who was b. 11 Nov. 1764, and sl. nat. being slain by Sir John Dnnnmond, 1413, was a. by his son, in 1725, when the title devolved upon his brother, Mamse, Rail of Sfraflsera, who changed the title to Menteith, ‘s’lII. Ssss HOBoEs’, is. 1 Oct. 1509; ss. 25 April, SSSO, that ef Strathern being annexed to the royal hence by Elizabeth, enly dan. of John Young, Rsq. of Rattle, ce. King ROBERT II. This nobleman sa. Anne, dan. of Hemp Sussex, by whom (who sl. 16 Dec. 1055) he had issue, Vere, Earl of Oxford, and bad three aeno and two dane.; Robert, 1’. 14 Aeg. 1815; ii. sssso. in 1857. the 2nd of which sans, THE float. Sass Jostat GRAI5A5I, of Kilbride, called .Tehn Rtchard-Jobn, 8. 23 Nov. 1817, licot. in the Bengal N-I.; sl. will lbs bright accord, left RIORARH GRARASI, fram whom are lineally descended the RnwAen, Olh baronet. Grahame of thoborders, both of the Hnglish and Scottish aide, Stoat-Frederick, hisul.-eol. Bengal otaff corps, I. 12 Nov.lS2l; butelneflythe houses of NetberhyandPlomp, eo.Cnmberland. FEROUS GRAhAM, Req. of Plomp, so. Sibill, dan. of Wll11am Rsginald-Fsrgue, is. 25 Joly, 1828. Bell, Eeq. of God’s Brigg, in North Britain, and bad Fbaabelh-Susannah, so. at Calcutta, in Feb. 1018, to Lieut.Col. feur eeoc; the 2nd of whom, - I. RICRAEO GRAHAM, Req., gentleman af the horse to Euphomia-Harrist, s,s. in 1842, to Thomas-George Vernon, JAMEs I., was created a Baronet, tO March, 1029, by the Frances-Anne, s’s. to Cspt. John-lloare Ilatchell, who ti style of Sir Richard Graham, of Esk, ea. Cumberland. This gentleman purchased Netherby and the barony of Liddell, Ilary-Stoart. in the same county, of Francis, Earl of Cumherland. Sir Cscilia-Jans-Maria, so. to Major Edward-Moody Ryan, 3rd Richard enbsequently distinguished himself under the royal banner, particularly at Edge-Mill, where ho was severely Sir Robert was osse of the claimants to the Rarldom o wounded, and lay amongst the elain far an entire night. Re Annaodalo and Hartfell, as deseessdaut of Sir George so. Catherine, dan. and co-heir of Sir Thomas Mnsgrave, of Graham and Lady Story Johnston. Sir Robert a. 27 Jan. Cumeateh, Cumberland, and was a. in 1053, by his elder son 1852, and was a. by his eldest ossrviving son, (the younger, Richard, was created a Baronet in lfi2—sce IX. Ssss EnwAnu, who was 8. 1 Jsm. 1820, and sa. 1st, GeAssAss of NerlsR-f’eayera), II. San GEOROE, who s’s. Lady Mary Johnston, dan. of 5 June, 7841, Mrs. Hendorooss, widow of Charles Henderson, James, let Earl of Hartfell, and sister of Jamea, Earl of Eaq. of St. John’s Terrace, Oxford; and 2ndly, 5 Aug. Anoandale, and had, with other issue, i. RacnAsn, his successor, of whom presently. as. William, in holy orders, DR., ansl dean of Carlisle and RoaeR’r-JAoIes-STUAaT, present baronet. Wells, clerk of the closet and chaplain ie Qaeen ANNE sf. in 3712, and left issue, I Charles, in holy orders, rector of Soath Church, in Sir Edward so. Ordly, 20 Jan. 1835, Miss Amelia Akers, and Essex, sit. Priscilla Billingley, of Tottenham, and by her (who m. 2uslly, Joseph Bezeley, Rsq.) had issae,, in holy orders, who inheriled the harenetcy Frederick-William, I. 6 March, 1028, sl. -20 August, 1860, and upon the decease of the last Viscoasnt Preston. Thomas-Face-Charles, in holy orders, ci. Aces, dao. ci Montreal, Canada, and was s. by his eldeot son, Sta ROBERTJAMEs-STUART Joseph ltarringcon, Rsq. of Clare, co. Suffolle, and wislow of the Rev. Francis Greeuwood, by which let husband she bad an only son, Charles Greenwood, Rsq., tlse onsinesat army-agent, aad a dau., Anne, Es. to Thomas iloonmeraley, Req. of Fall lslall. Bridget, sit. to Thomas Rlkington, Rsq. of Coventry. S Robert, in holy orders, PD., who socceeded to the Cs-oaf—Two wisgs, addarssd, or. Preston estates upon the dceease ef Lady Widdrington. Sir George sl. in 1657, and was a. by his eldoot eon, III, Saa RscsoAssn, who was advanced, in 1600, to the peerage of Scotland, as Fieeeoef Fs-eslas,, and took his teat io the Scottish parliament in that dignity. his lordship 507 GRA was British ambassador to the court of Francs for many years, and suhsequosstly secretary s,f state to JAssEs 11. Tower hut seosa released frost impr.sonsuent. Being after’ his old master in Franco, he was sosst to Nswgate, arraigssed the intercession of his friends, nuder the sign-manual, in June, 1691. He is, Anne, Sssd dan. of Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Carlisle, by whom he had (with two dons.) his sueccsoor, in 1695, iV, EnwARn, as 2nd viseossnt (the ottaissder of the hut sI. o. p. isa 1739. Ills lonlahip’s extensive of the famlly reverted to the deceased lord’s cousin, Cnrass.ns, his successor. William-Charles, I. 24 Slay, 1816; ci. ssass, in 1836. 4 Ang. 1844. so. 1049, Frances, dau. of Sonnatyns It’Lsod, Rsq., M.D., and has had issoe. John-Henry Simmonds, late of the bosh ssative infantry. Rsq. of Tewkesbnry. ll Sept. 1844. son of tho ltigbt lIon. Sir Edward Ryan. 1944, Adelaide-Elizabeth, youngest dan. of the late Jams a Dillon Tully, Esq., SIB., deputy inspector. -gen. of hosplinla in Jamaica, by whom (who 11.12 March, 1852) he had,, 0. 27 March, 1850. Elizabeth-Emily-Fanny-Sarah, if. in infancy. had issue, George-Edward, 0. 38 Oct. 1855, ci. 7 Sept. 1860; Ellen-Elizabeth-Sarah. Sir Edward cf. 27 Roy, 1864, at GRAHAM, the 10th and pressut baronet. cpealisss—20 March, 1620. Arms—Qnerterly: let and 45b, or, on a chief, sa., three sacallops of tbo field, for GeAnAn; 2nd and 3rd, or, a fosso, ehcqtsy, arg. and az.; in dust a chevron, go., far Sresssarr. Matle—Resson centents mc.