Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/563

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GRA. Rscisassn Nozsroa’, Esq, of Norton, one of the cnnneil for the North, feap. Ileany VIII. and EnWARD VI., and sheriff of Yorkshire 10th Es.izAaze, who joined the insurrection of Charles Neeite, Earl of Westmerland. He so. let, Onsanna, iii. Chapple, a general officer in list army; ml. in 1818. dan. of Richard Nevill, Lard Latinser; an(t lndly, Philippa, Iv. EdwarJ, barrister-at-law; ss. in 1789. dan. of Tisoissas Trapps, of London, and widow of Sir George i. Grate, os. to John-Charles, Earl of Portsmouth; assd si is Giffard, Knt. but had issue only by tlse former, viz., eleven seas end seven dons.. of whom, i. Feaceis, sss. Aibreda, sister and co-heir of Thnnsas Wimblob, W5LLIASI, 2nd baron, who is. Anna-Slargaretlo, dan. ci Esq. of Lincelnshire, and had issue. 51. John, ii. s. is. ci. Iii. EDMUND, of whons presently. sr William, who as. Anne, dan. of Matthew Hnyuten, Esq. isephese, Ftevr.nea Neavea, Eoq., present leer. The 3rd son, EDMUND NORTON, Esq. of Clowbeek, in Yorkshire, us. As-ssso—Az., a maunris, erm., over all a bend, go. Cecilia, dan. of Slathew l3oynton, Esq. of llarsnston; and si. f’svsl—A Steer’s IseasI, affrssntd, conped at the shoulders, ppr., about 16 If, leaving isnse, I. Wietiass, his heir. ii. Eebert of Swinten, in Yorkshire, we. Catheriue, dan. and gold, pendoat thereto by a riband, ge. an escorheon of thn heir of John Slavely, Esq. and had a son, I Maniger, of St. Nicholas, Hinissnend, Yerkslsire, who so. Sessto—Grantey Park, ‘eekslure; and Wonersh, near Gnlldford, Anne, dan. of Sir George Wandesford, Itnt. of Kirklingten, and had a dan., litany, sa to Sir John Yorke, Knt. of Gowthwaite. The elder son, Wss.LIasz NoRToN, Esq. of hawley, Yorkshire, so. Otargaret, raised to the rank which they svonld have emsjoyed had their dan. and heir of Wllhians Wetbnry, Esq. of Newton, and was father inherited the barony. grandfather of Wni.auay NOaTON, Esq. of Sawley, living in 1065, who es Catherine, dan. of Thomas Norton, Req. of Langthorne, and had, with four daua., three sons, I. William, of Sawley, ancestor of the Nortens of that place. ii. Tnonas, of whom presently ssi. John, of Carlton halt, near Rothwetl, Yorkshire. The 2nd son, TneMAs NORTON, Esq. ef Grantley, in Yorkshire, so. Mary, dan. and co-heir of Thomas yletcher, Esq., and was father of Tuoseas NOaTON, Esq. of Grantley, who d. 22 yeb. 1719, leaving, by Elizabeth his wife, dan. of Wllhiam Serjeantson, Esq. efltantith, a son, Fs,wrtnaa KeaTON, Esq. of Grantley, b. in 1716, having applied himself sneeessfnlly to the stady of the law, was appointed solicitor-general, 11 Dee. 1761, received the honour ef knighthood in 1762, ansI was rasoed In the attorney-generalship in Dee. 1763. Sir Fletcher having a seat in the house of Cons- OHANYILLE, EARL (Sir Csranville-Georgn LeveoooCower), moos, was elected to the speaker’s chair, upon the resignahion of Sir John Coot in 1769 and filling thaI distingnished pest for Stafford; and Baron Levesots, of Stone, KG.5 P.C., many years with Ihe highest repntation, he was elevated to the Lord Wardeso of the Cinque Ports, b. 11 Slay, 1315; peerage npon his retirement, by patent, dated 9 Aprll, 1762, as set. 1st, 25 Jssly, 1840, Maria-Louioa, only clsild and LoaD GRANTLEy, Beren of’ Jlorkeefleld, cc. York. His losvlship heir of Emeric-Joseph, Deco D’Alberg, and widow of was also a member of the privy council, reeorderof Gnlldford, and SirFerdisiaod-Rinhard-Eslward Anton, Bart. of Aldenlsanm, LL.D. lIe es. Grace, eldest dan. of Sir Willians Chap1de, KnI., one of the j adges of tIme court of King’s Bench, and had issue, 26 Sept. 1865, Caatalia-Rosaliud, yonisgeat dass. of the 1. Wss.zaass, his successor. ii. Felelser, t. 16 Nov. 1744, a baron of his Exchequer in late Walter-Fm’ederick Campbell, Eoq. of lalay, (see Scotland; us. 1793, Caroline-Elizabeth, only dan. of James BUHKE’S Lnedetl Gessfryl, and by her has a dats. Lord Hainsain, Esq., and left at his decease, in 1620, 1 FLETCaRR, present peer. 2 Gnenoe-CnArPte, recorder of Gnildford, and late a policemagistrate, svaa conetituted Lord Preeident of the Conneil in t. 31 Aug. 1660; us. 30 Jaly, 1027, Caroline- 1852, which office he resigssod its 1858, reenmed it Elizabeth-Sarah, 2nd dan. of the late Thomas Sheridan, ho Jssoe, 1859, and again retired us 1866. He returned Esq., by whom he has had issue, Flelcher - Cavendish - Charles - Conyers, attaché to the to office in 1868. Hellish Enshassy at Paris, 8. 10 Jnly, 1829; d. at Paris, 13 Get. 1839, isaving jnst been appointed secretary of THE HunT HON. Loan GRANvILLE LnvmoN-Gewaa, G.C.B., legalion at Athens. TwenAs-BRIN5LET, 6.14 Nov. 1831, se at Florence, 1 Aug. yonngest son of the 1st Slarsluess of Slafford (are SUThERLAND), 1834, Maria-Clsiara-Eltsa Frederice, of the island of by hsis 3rd wife, Lady Susannals Steerart, dan. of Alexander, 9th Capsi, Italy, and has issne, JeHa-Hscsmann-HasNsLev, Earl of Galloway, was created J’ioramo’sl Gs’sssseGle, of Desse t. 1 Get. 1853; and a don., Carlolla-Chiara. William-Charles-Chapple, b. 26 Aug. 1833; and sf. 12 Sept. .Pssrk, 15 July, 1815, and adrasseed to ass Earldons, 2 Slay, 1833, 1042. 3 Charles-Francis, espt. in the army; b. 4 Feb. 1807; set. by her (who 8. 25 Nov. 1812) had issne, 1831, Slaria-Loolsa, eldest dan. of the late Lieut.-Gen. Sir Cohn Campbell. K.C.B., and si. 1835, leaving CharlesGrantley-CaIupbell, major 23rd regt., 8. 23 May, 1833; Granvilte-William, 6. in 1816; d. in 1833. and Caroline-Elizabeth. His widow sss. 22 bIay, 1836, the Enwann-Fnunnmea. SLP. fur Bodmin, 8. 3 Slay, 1819; sss. 1 lien. Edmnnd Phipps, brother to Censtanhine-Henry, lot lilarqness of Norinanby. 4 James, 6. 27 Get. 1809; ho holy orders; ns. 4 Get. 1038, Sosan-Georgiaua. us. 2 Feb. 1833, ho George, 4th Lord Rivers, Isabella, only child of Thos. Lowudes, Esq. of Ilarrizgton and d. 30 April, 1866. Shall, Essex, and d. 31 Gre. 1813, having isad, Itobert-Thosnas-Lewndes, Georgiana-Chas’lotlc, ss. in 1633, Alexander-George Fullerton, lale capt. gren. gds., 6. 10 Sept. 1d39, ra. 18 Sept. 1862, Catherine-Charlotte Lowndes-Stone, of Esq. of Balhintoy Castle, to. Anlrhn, and of Westsvood, Hauls Erightwell Fark, Oxen and Bucks, grassddass. and heiress of Fraiscis-lI. Lowndes Stone, Esq. (see lluaae’s Laos/ed His lordship was, ism 1864, ambassador-extraordinary ansi Gessiry cad Royal Deersss;z); James, 71st regt., b. 6 heist. 1042; Angeosla; Isabel, m. 3 Islareb, 1862, to Captain piruipolesshhary ho Russia, and ssstsseqneully an ambassador to Villiasn Richard Annesley, 97th regt. (see AesansLnv, E.); Crea/;ses—lS July, 1813. Earl, 2 Slay, 1633. Grace-Charlotte; and Csxoline-Elizabetls. 1 Grace-Conyers-Cbarlehle, so. in 1916, to Sir Neil Slenzies, a cross. dory, sa., for Gewna; 2nd, az , three lznrel leavts, or, Hart. C II A I Caroline-Elizabetis. 3 Mary-Ellea, who d. 24 Stay, 1894. 4 Augusta-Anne, us. 9 Jan. 1846, Janses Johnstous, Esq. of Alva, NB., andsf. 21 Jnly, 1859, leaving issoe. 1831. Pits lordship 1. I Jan. 1769, and was a. by his eldest son, Jonathan Slidgley, Esq., of lleverlry, co. York; bnt d. without issue, 12 Nov. 1822, wlsssn the barony devolved npon his C;’euisoss—9 April, 1782. wreathed ronnd the temnplts with laarcl; and round the neck a horse, org. and az. S’ssp1sas’;es’s—Dexter, a lion, arg., gorged with a doeal coronet, arnss of Noayox; sinister, a grihiin, arg. gorged as the dexter. Jfssoo—Avi nunserantnr avorusu. Sorrey. T’sorss llssaoe—10, Wlltnn Place. The brothers and sisters of Lord Grantley have been GRANVILLR 10 Viunount Cm-anville, of Stoese Park, Co. o’hich latly ci., 14 Marcls, 1860. ITo es. 2ndly, Granvi’sle a. hia father, as 2nd earl, 8 Jan. 1846, and IL ucaogc. His lordship, 6. 12 Get. 1773; us. 24 Dcc. 1809, HenriettaEhhsabehh, dass. of W’illiam, Stlm Dnlee of Devonshire, KG., and GaANvIz.LE-GEoaGn, present earl. June, 1853, Lady Slargaret CssmpIums, sister of tlse Slarqaems of Northansptomm She d. 22 Slay, 1818, leaving a son, GzORCE-GRANvILLE, 6. 19 Mzy, 1858. the court of France. lie d. 8 Jon. 1846. ahrsos—Quarterly 5 IsI and dtls, barry of eiglst, arg. and gu., far LavnsoN; 3rd, go. three rests or, for GnANvILLE. 2L 513