Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/576

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GUI lie ii. Ii May, I slid, ansi was a. by his eldest son, Si a Await Ca— Joav on Gyse, wIse a,. Alice, sale child aisd heiress ef EDwARD Gusaanss, the 2nd and present tsaraaet. Csei’tisa—l S April, 1507. A i’,o.t—Qearter]y 1st and 4th, Grsx’sees, per saltire, gtt. Kydei’sssissster. and cc., a lion, ranspasst, as’, an a el,trf, arise., a dexter fisted, eassped at else wrist, 54 she,lirst, a rreseent far dislerrssee 2nd ansi 3rd, La r., aeg., on a fesse, helsveea Cures, era.rrets, sa., a dan. of Berkeley of Stales Giff’rd, left ieoao, ts’etssel, ar. I ‘sssti—tst, Griasess, a boar, passant, sinai lrrly, at’ and ga. isis-s ass Gs’sse, svho ci. Taey, dais, of tlso Lord Grey do a eresrs’nt icr ditfrrrsees 2n,l, her, sin a ptlhsr, arg.. enrireled Rathyts. by a slarat eeresset, or, an eagle ts’s’ssss on a ltd’s leg, erasesi, Wss.nsase Gror, sass of John, inherited tlse estates ass tha mr. .Seispsei-t is— G r,satesl, Isy It’ vat tVarrasst, May 1 5517, l’s Sir ltcssjaeshs—Lee Geissnew, Bait., sail tlse lss’trs scale of las body, sspess srlssssss tise U sgastr (if a ttarasset sls,sll slrserest in vi ruse ci lIsa liesitati’ ‘as s,f tlse 1i,strsst ‘if lisa 17th April, 1 xd7) ass ettiser dais. aussi ca-heir ‘if (Itriesiipsher Rest, Esq. of Kess, of siste, a slag, m5, atlirril scsi I gssrged witis a eell,er geasel, or, ,Sisnsc’s’setshk’e, and had an only soa, tseedesst slserefr,ssss by a risaiss, gs,l,t, ass esentelie’ ‘is, tlsat an CIsc Wei.tsxas Gasor, J’]eq. of Elnssera, whes was sheriff of dexter rhssres’et with the’ aress of (is’stesesa, anst Iliac ass else Gloueestershire iii 15547. lie to. Cecilia, dnst. of Johst sinister ssitls stsr ,sresa ,,f Las. .tIstste—Spea usia iii lists. & sta—°t .1 sear’s, ssear Clontarf, eo. Dahlia; aa,t Aslsfaed, I autos, Feq. sf Fsieklaelearels, aussl hail issue sates and three near Ceng, rss Galsay. ‘IPso,, ibis’s s—St. Sle1dsen’s Green, Dahlia, and 27, NcrfoIls of I’lls,nors, created a ilser’sssct lit Ca sasea 11., was ancestor Street, l’sssk Lane, Lensless. 0 U I S E. Gutse, Sm WILLI,tIt-VERNON, of Ilighusana, eo. and Isast Hone, Gloitcester ; hoist-aol. rout, Sotstla Glsetssseotos’shit’e s. llessenrev-’hvsea,sass, his eaeecaeai’. sssihitjss ; Is, U Aug. 18)1 a. isis fathor ad 4tie hart., 1 u’ Pessenli Cssleltesser, 5. t 6 1 ts’e. 1775; in Italy arders , roetae April )SsiS ste. 27 Juice,, 1544, Margaret AssnaMaria, elslost sissus. of tise Rise. 1)-H-Lisa W’arsses’, of Tibertoss Csiisrt, Iforofesrelalsire, attn W’aleiughatsi Abbey, Norfolk’, assni has hail, 5. Asseetsn-Eula’ard-llassry, S. lit Sept. iSi7 it. S .Xp. 1t62. ts. lYs 5 nats-I’ ssAieaus-G s’s ‘55055, C. 11 tsar, 1s5t sit. Cisristapher Leesissg, Ci April, 1525. i. Chari,stta-Aseue-lsilizabeth. ii. Reieric-tt’e.Marg:iret. is’, Mary, ‘3, ass issfsset. vs. Gaorgiassa-Vietsria. 3titftt. The fasssily of Gutvr are of Nsirnsaa axtras’tis is, and were is. Jane-Mary-Catherine, use. 17 Jut3, 1807, to Ederard Webb, Lords of tise lI’sssiasr sit’ St. Wssls ry lsslisra lIsa Cs issqssest. Gsraear ae ST. Was,rns’ st. Papist, the dsese. sf Rsauae.n, Sir Jsshts, svho svas hoist. -ass1. of ttee filosucosterahire nstlitla, 2nd yoke of Niirnsassdy, ass’l Isy tier ha’l issue a sass, d. Its 1794, ssssd woes. 1 y hia oldest son, Mania san, wIse hat iastso Walter, who ft sit lolsed sissder II. Sits Jlroaes,rv-Wssst.sai, H.P. for Glsacostor, wise Roaesrr I I , ascii wills Isis ci ‘is lit sty sssa was press sit sst the wae 5. 11 Jrsly, 1771 ; aitsl if. 23 Joly, 1834, tetesse., whoss the siege sf Nieass, its Bitlsyssi’s, its 1096. They eatese ever n’itls title devolved ost his brotisar, the liislse Williasss, astsb its the list of those who servived III. Ste Joaa-Wasanv, G.C,R., is getsoral in the army the battle ‘if Plastinge, is B SstOt,Ptt DC Sr. WA5,s 555’, sslssi is tesessti’ .ssest its B ‘snesslay 1777 and ni. 12 Asug. 1817, (‘has’lstte-ilisna, yetasgest dcii. Boisk sss satan I sf rertssiss tousle its lltsgland. Guy tie St. of Jotun Vos’seots, Req. elf Clesstavf Castle, eo. Dublin, and Watery, as ti i ‘I B’ststttpts (255th II uxav I.), isss 1deastad Sins’ st hsasl isear, Jleaisehansp f’’r the while if the ltarssssy of Bedfi’rd, till Isy Wss.h.a.ssr-Vcauesiw, present bas’onot•. coenpissitiisn the said Siasess grasete,l to htse said Guy do I Ietsry-Jolun, capt. cemsasanding lIsa 11th rrgt. of irregular St. Watery, assd his Isnirs, tlsa nsasser if Aoiley, with its eavah’y, H.E.I.C.S., killed in the Sopsy Matusty. 4 June, that bars ‘s,y, wlsieh wusa ever altar e,dlesl Aoiley (lay’s, or 1017; as. 20 Feb. 1055, Ftedeeiea, dan. of Sir William Gyoe. Frsisa thcsscr the saul (lssy sesssstoeel the surssa,sse of Sold, stud Idont’y.Jsbn-Wsighl, 0. posthamosue, 11 Nov. Gysr, aisd ths sseassssr C’ ssstissaesl its the fssnstly sststil the Fnsncis-Edward, hos’e’istos’-at-law, us?. 13 Jane, ISdO, lIenriotta, thaa f Hevav VIII , wtsess it wsss txels’sngesl with that king for several massssrs its the en. Gletseester. Frees tlse lassie, thut’oe sesse ansi otso slots. raid Guy sheseessded, Nectssst.A5 us Gyse, wI a tis, a steer kissawauet,sa sf Jsihsss Vot’eton-Ge’si’go, in Isoly sides’s, vicar of Lenghepe, co. do lbargh, rest ‘‘1 llitl ‘art, E,erl sf Resst, ascii raes.ivesl settle younger dsssu. of Itoboit Lane, Esq. of TIsa Ryolaude, eo. her this sssaaar sessd I, ,rstshi1s of lIsts’ .50, A. D. 2 252. Ssn Awset’s use 5 aoL’, a’sss at’ Niet,, ‘has (2sssl Fuse sen I. JoIsts-Christopher, cot. in the. army, Isute 90th light infantry, 127 1), rereivs’sl a e,ssefir,uatis,ss of the sail ns,rner l’ya ftsrttser grant, ansi asaaiusad the arsas s,f Ge Buaosi, differesseed liy Catherine Nawcombe, and grnnd-dan. sf Richard, 4th a santon. F’r’ssa bins deacets’ied 526 C Ui Sir Jsslsn de Wyslsasss, by Margaret, dan. susd ca-heiress of Sr J’shn tloanehasssp, died and last Lied Beanehasap, of Sit. Jssssx’ or. Gvse, KIt., aislest san and heir, wess highs sharilf af the ass. Gloitcester, 1472 ; assd by Agsses his wife, death af his elder brathar, Atsselnse (1553), atsd frsm him dascetsdesl, Sue WitLiast Gusor, Ent. of Elnsare, high-sheriff of Gisuceeterolsis’o its the 5th af J.ssses I. He es. Miss Rats, eldest dasso. Of the forusser, the eldest, Ste Cnatss-opaen Gutse af the Gossra, Darts., af Elnsere, extisset lit 27t2 (tee Durar’s Exlstsel Bai’saoeago); and the ystsngeet, Ile’aev Gosse, Req., io. Pisilippa, sister of Sir Thomas Fryslges, Ksst. of Koynshato, co. S,’merset, and was s. hy his eldest satu, Wus suits Gossr, Faq., who use. ilaratisy, slats. assd heir af ,lsslsss Sseoll, Faq , ess sd hast su stssu. , Thessslaaie, its to Genie e’s,’’ke, lfsq. ci Ilighisans, eo Glosuceeter, asud a son and eacceesor, Ils’teev Gossr, Req. of I’lstoit, St. Lsanards, its the as. of Ghssaccster, who us. Mary, dau. and ca-heir of btdwarsl Cs’ ks’, Psi. ; and dyissg in ]749, was a by hR s’nly earvis’ittg 55 ‘us, 1. Joaw GuIse, Esq. of Oligletsostu, as. Gloucester; I. iii 171:5, whe, isposs the failnrc ‘ f tise elder hranrh of tlse fsemily, asud the extts,etiuaa of the 1 ‘seranetey seated therein, teas created a liars,aet, lsy letters patent, dated 10 Dee. I 753. Ste John se. Ehieseheth, duos. aisd heir of Thesssas Wright, Eaq , besuthor asud heir of Sit’ Otas’tiss Weight, Rust., is. Jasts— H rsoo’a, ls’sl isarsusuel. of Ce,site, l’oehselsire t a. 11 Ibid. I 55, Ilaria, dais, at Rashes— suiel Clitfersl, Esq, of Fraseslsisse Casiel, es. Glosuceslor, and hy her nirha 1. Isis n’idete lb Jane, I dil) had teens, I Wtlhiaets-Cltrielaplsee, el. he 1511. I Gesrgo-CIid’esr’l, Iei..h., in holy orders; reeler af Patveetssstrts, Ssels ‘liO Frs’doricle, in hsily sesles’s. I Elizabeth 1lar, s,s. I Maceli, 1d37, to Thos.-B. SIyears ttssshsci’ri lIe, t.’.si. of Clyrssis’ (‘ssart, ttaslnoeehiee. I 3l,sria-Casl’arisse. 3 Ctu.s els,ttr, its. Is, lisa lIes’. — t5’dpin. 4 Lanita, s. ts hits 11ev, — Jrstsis, 5 Harriet, os. to the 11cr. It. ‘h’7 ssdale O Jolla. 7 Stances. is’. llarlia—Gesege. e. hans. Essi.; and 0. in laid. and celossel of the seth regiment; saho was I. 20 Jnly, Verner, Bait., H.P., ansi loft Wihliaas-Verner, Is. 3 Oct. 1057. ltsd don. of Sir James B. Comae, hart., and has Glssneeator, 5. 0 Sept. 1611; tee. IDea. 1025, Mary-Ilarriet, Horoford, and 1. 10 hlas’ch, 156], having isad teens, Vornoa-L’eno, t. 1 April, 1614 ; atsd Jtthian, 5. 19 Feb. 1056. V.C., 5. 1526; ci. 18 SopS, 1561, Isabella, only enevivitsg dan. of the late Rev. Aetlunr and,the Don. sit, Ja,ie-Iessbctla. v. 11 sss’,;ssrat-iil ary—Cat]uarisse. vhs. Elizabeth-Fr stsaee.