Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/580

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II A 0 Eleanor, m. in 1832, to the lIon. OVillians-Itogli Scott, m. Alice, dan. and heir of Henry Bonaster, Esq. of Bank, co. and ‘7. 4 Sepi. ls;sl. Clsarlotto-Aamssta, o. in 1021, to Evao Itaiuie, Esq. of Lancaster, by sehona he had three sons and four daus., Jtoelsfonr oust d. to I 022. Ctoaseolioi, lais’ maid of lsessossr to the Queen i sit, 10 Anne, ns. to William Blnndell, Esq. of Crosby. July, 1S4, to the late Right lice. Hr. Ii. Damson, Margaret, es. to Wilham Hsdnon, Esq. of Hepburn. bishop of Salisbury. 3 Charles, lirnl.-ealoocl and governor of Blackness Castle; The 2nd and only surviving ann, who ii. 25 Sept. I I On eel, at. to l’ldlsp, 2nd Earl Sianliolie. 2 Ilacliel, it. neat. ii. Johe, osiso it. 11 Feb. 1772, leaving isaac, 1 alargarer, us. to ,l. liiscl,anisn, Esq. of ltrssinprllier. 2 Catherine, as. Is Shells,—l’harlos. late Earl ol Morton. 3 1 lolen, st. Its I ssinlesr, Ith Earl sf Svltsrl. 4 Mary, as. to Sir George ilisIkeil, Part. s.ylargarel. it. 55055. is. Christian, as Is Sir Jnnses Tsalryissple, Part. The earl ii. 78 Nov. 1775. ansI was:, by his grandson, Tneaiaa, 7th earl. His lordship m. 1st, in 1758, Mary, of Croxslole, a eon, widow if a gentleman nan,ed Lloyd. and dan. of Rowland III. Sic CAnxanv, who e. to the title upon the demise Molt, Esq., ef Redgnave. cii. Ssstl’sslk, by whom he bail a of his granslfather, Sir Thomas. This gentleman ns. Elba- eon, CuanLes; and 2ndly, 6 March, 2786, Anne, eldest both, dan. and heir of Peter Msdleton, Esq. of Stsckeld, on. diii. of Sir tharles Gascoigne. Knt., by wisom (who in. York, liy whons he had issue. 2ndly. James Ilalrynspla, Psi.) he had an only dan., who d. in I. THOMAS, his succosanr. infancy. The earl sI. 19 May, 1791, and was s. by his eon, CnanrF.s, 0th earl; 0. 5 July, 17a3 iii. 30 April, 2779, ci. Lady Winifred Maxsvell, only ees’vivimsg dan. and heir Sophia, dan. of John, Earl of ftopetsnn, by whons (who 4. of Joha, hard Maxwell, had, with ssthar issue, 8 March, 1913) ho left at his doceaae, 17 March, 1028, a son, Tssaasas. Silt earl. The earl wan lord.liesit. of the en. of liaddington, and one mu. Edward, sf Ullingham, if. in 1904. of the representative peers for Scotland. Tile only son, Tuoaias, 9th carl. K. T.,P.C., t. 21 June. 1700, was created Sir Carnahy if. in 1736, and was e. by his eldest son, a peer of the United ltingdom, as Banoso 5IELRon, of Ty. IV. Sin TnoamAa, who set, in 1724, Mary, dau. of Geo. Silvertop, ninghamna, 24 July, 1827, and filled the office of lord-lient. of IreLand, 103:1-4. He cm. 13 Nov. 1001, Maria, only sservising e CAnNAnY, his sncceoaor. child sif George, 4th Earl of Macclesfield, by whiten is. Thomas, who so. Winifred, dan. of Edward chanlton, (svho if. 11 Fels. 1041) he had sin masse ; he ii. 1 Dec. 1828, when the Barony of thn United Kingdons became EXTiNCT, hut the Scottish hsnonrs devolred on his cousin, GnoRoE, the present earl. The Earle of Haddingron were hereditary kn”pers of Holyraod Park trona the reign of CHARLes II. until 1041, when the office seas taken away, and £40,090 cons1scueation given. Ccealisssa—Enrnn, 30 Nov. 1613; Earl, 29 March, 1619—in iii Edward. i. Mary. is. Bridget. Scotland. Arose—Quarterly 1 1st amid 4th, grind quarters. HaMILToN, Sir Thomas if. 1 Nov. 1777, and was e. by his son, qtsarterly, gu., an a rIses lois, lselsscess lhrro einqssefoils, arc., a I V Sin CARNAnc, svho m. Prances, dan. of Walter hackle. ae., hetween two diets of ermine, all within ahorduro, Smythe, Es4, and gnanddan. of SW John Smythe, Mart., or, charged with eight thistlos, scrl, fir Ilossitjroie s.f Bores; of Relic, co. Durham, by whom he had an only don., 2nd nnd 3rd. org., a feose, wavy, between three roses, gu., barbed and oeeded, ppr., far the title of B conan Sed and 3rd Mary, ni. Sir Thos. Stanley, Hart. of Horton; and if. 1857. gramsil qoarlors, B.asi_ose, so., [lie sail in his glare betseixl nine Sir Carnaby if. 3 Dcc. 1931. He was one of the hairs to stars, tlsreo, tsao, three, unit one, arg. Crests—Dearer, llasttoeoa, Iwo siextar hands, issuing out thn Barony of Umfrovill, now in abeyance. He was e. by of closeTs. ei.njained foosewive, and holding betwixt them a brauclsoflaural,euect. allpprt siisister. IDiotic. acrescent, or. VI, Sims THoMas, 8. 33 July, 17o5, who as. 11 Jan. 1815, Ssspps ‘let’s—Two disgs, nrg., lilsun callarr,l, go. Jiollaes—llvrr llaasuLTox Crest, Prsooto et persto over Margaret, only dan. of William Robertson, Enq, of Ladykink, Rasai t (‘rest, Major virtsss sits tin splendor. Scests—Tyninghame Castle, Pnsstsu Kirk, Haddinglsnshire; i. Stoniaune-Sarah, so. 10 Sept. 1874, to David Ilojoribanks Lennel house, C’ ‘ldstreans, hlerwickshiro; and Mellorstaliss, Kalso, ltoxhurgsliire. HAIIDO, LORD, see ABERDEEN, E.tRh. TTAG0ERSTO?1. IIAGORESTON, SIR JOHN BE Sir Thomas it. in Dec. 1842, and woe ,. by his brother, M.tnig, TiarL of Haggereton Castin, VII. Sin EnwAnu, who dsp. 6 Slay, 1817, and was 8. by no. Northnusberland, b. 27 Nov. VIII. Sic JOHN, late a rapt. in tbs anny, who was 5. 18 1852; o his father, as 9th baronet, Aug. 1798, and as. 5 Aug. 3551, Sarah-Assne, dan. of the late 8 March, 1858. Of this ancient family wo find Wiiliam aitd Richard i ii, EnwAnn.CsiAntvoas Dc MAnse, 5. 8 Feb. 1857. Maggerston witnesses to a donation, in 1190 ; ,Tnhis de is. Winifred-Josephine da Marie, S. posthumaus, llaggaretsn, one of the Scottish harsise who swore fealty Sir John if. 8 Starch, 1858. to King Ensysnis, in 1296; Robert da Haggerstnn, a witness to a donation to the Alshey of Cnltrc, in 14518; and Thomas llaggersmnn, Knt., travelling tutor, or governor, to Prince Alexander Stuart, sun of King Jasmes IV. Arias—As., on a band, rotiesd, org., three billets, so. 1. THOMAs llaonenoTo, Esq. of Ttaggerstnn Castle, Creel—A lion, pansant, org. ci.mmanchng.officer of a regiment in the service of King CHARLes I., waecrnated a Hart. 15 Aug. 1013. SirThnnias oSu U;lIcagc. ii. A. 0 Ellen, is. to Sir William Setby, Ent. of Biddleaton. Alice, svlio if. 5555w. II. Sin Tsuoamas, us. lot, Margaret, dan. of Sir Francis Ilowau’d, Knt. of Corby Castle, by whom he had nine Sons anti a don. ; and 2udly, Jane, dasi an’ their of Sir William Carisahy, hut had no issue. Sir Thomas’s eldest eon, Thomas, fell in the service of King Janes II. in Ireland the 3rd, 4th, and 5th eons took orders in the church of Rome (the fansily still adheres to the catholic religion); while the 2nd son, William, ni Anne, dan. of Sir Philip Constable, hart., and stying before his father, left, beside three daun., of whom the 3rd, Anne, ni. Bryan Salvin, Rsq. Ii. %Vstm.iAsi-HaooensTow-ConsranLr., ofEveringham, who ManamAtsune-Wim.Liaai CisrssrAns.r-MAxweLi,, sfEvering. hans and C.srlaverock, now Loen Ifennixs. i. Story, if. usia. 17 Jan. 1829. ii. Anna, so. tn Th,smas Clifton, Esq. of Lythom. Esq. of Ialiiistonacnes, en. Narthnmberland, and had, Bog. ; and if. in la;S, leaning, 1 Tumssnas, 0th bait. 2 Enwaun, Pthbart, I William, if. uosss, in 1817. 4 JOHN, 8th hart. 5 George. I Slary, a. in 1828, to H-S. Stephens, Esq. 2 Frances-Emily, ni to Henry-John-William CoIlingwood, Rag. of Lilhnru Tower. 3 Winifred, ns. to Wilhiant Foster, Esq, nf Alnwick, his nephew, ca. Henwick, hy whom (who 4. 26 Oct. 3822) ho had, Rag., and that gasstleman assssmcd, in consequence, the surname of Rononasoie. ii. Ihanganet-Franccs, m. 2 July, 1859, to Lewis-Joseph Eyro, Esq., youngest son of Charles Eyne, Eaq., Derbyshire iii. Emma, a professed non of St. Mary’s Priory, Princethorpe, nsan Covesstry. Iv. Winifred-Story, a profaasad nun of St. Andrd, at Tssmnnoy, in Ihelgisun. v, Charlotte-Louisa, a prsfsased nun of St. Mary’s Priory. his brother, M. Knight, Keg. of Terrocs Lodge, Axminutau’, Devon, and had issue, 5. JOHN OE MAnic, the present baronet. i. Mary-Julia. Crcolisn—15 Aug. 1045, Beel—Ehlingham, Chaihill, Northumberland,