Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/588

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11 A Ill m. in 1829, his cousin, Janet, dau. of the late Hubert the family expired, and the representation devolved on the Marshall, Esq., and had, Wcm,ssM, present bort. hooter, 8. 1884. Thomas. Accxaanen HAascLToN, tutor of Silvertonhil, got from Elizabeth. Sir William d. 6 May, 1556, and was s. by has son. Creoiiec—5 Nov. 1678 A rms—Ou., three oinqnefoils, arg. Ceef—An armed man Sin ANnoow 14eaceLvov, of Osolingtowae. This gentlemacs from the middle, brandishing a sword aloft, pjw. Sojporters —Two Inca in armour, each bearing a banner of the iamcly. 1ifelle—Pro Patril. H A M I L T 0 N. HAMILTON, SIR RoncestT.NoItTn-C0LLIE, Dart. of don . scol sole heic of Sir William Daillic, of Prsvacc, lord1 Silvertnn Hill, co. Lanark, J.l’. and DL. for the co. of Warwick, late Indian civil aorvieo, ROB. formerly agent to the governr-gecseral ill Central oc. to Sir John Ssccaerville, of Camccethan, 1st, Enwann, India, and nominated scsonsber of the Supreme his heir; acid 2nd, Jansea Hanaillon, avles d. in 1655. His Council in 1859; high sherift of Worwickohire in son Jaenos avas of Neac’tscc, acid was actcestor to the family 1866; 6. 7 April, iSu2; cc. 6 Oct. 1833, Conotantia, of liaacsc.Toce of aVeielsn, mcw repreoecstod by the Rsv. 3rd dan. of Gen. Sir George AneoLl, GOB., and by Joisa llaaccrroa (iicvv. Janars hlacscillon, of Hearten, her (who rL 28 Nov. 1812) has had issue, s. RohertHowden, 5. 1 Slarch, 1514; d. 22 March, 1541. and Carntme, 1. less, and el, in iigs. 81cr grascdssc’, ii. FeEs,r.Rcc-IIanncNG--tNOoN, 5. 24 Sept. iess, capt. Robert lir.ey, of t’ac’ntycie, became, ise 1813, representative Seth foot. sic. Francis-Henry, 5. 7 April, 1516, heat. 5th lancers, ca direct licee. He me Siary—Acseee, elace. of Gabriol Maneiltocs, 11 April, 1967, Maria-Theresa, widow of lbs late of Weatl,nrn, aced Ageces Ilmdas, heiress of Deeddingaton, Major Eeoc, rifle brgade. 1. t,’snstantia-Etiza-Acm, a. to Major A.-R.-E. Ileetehinoen, grand-eucce of flee Duke of Ilanaihlou. By her be bad Bengal staff corps, and his issue. cc. Isabella-Frances, Ca. June, 1854, to Capt. William-Ross and rseeal dcasc. lIe s. his father in 1815, lIe is vicar of Shakeopear, Sladras cavalry, who ,l. 1061, leaving issue. hlslssvcr, in the ceucety of Derhy. lie cc. in 1829, ElizabelbGaroliseo, lii. Lonioa.Cotherine-E,sma, ii. 26 July, lSs’4, to tbsrleoRaymond Pelly, Esq. of Plaehet, Essex ;cee peel, Potty, of Alas, ice ttee cosnety of Claekinesiace, by SIacy Cholneeley, Bart.) Sir Robert received the tlsanks of Parlianeent for sister sf Sir )hsntageee Chslceoloy, Dart., of Easton, in the his services during the mutiny iso India; ho has also county of Lincoln. hly leer ho has an only dan., Carolinelharia-Agcees-Robma-Ilamiltsn a modal and clasp. 31. ill cage. This is the nearest branch of the ducal laonoe next to tlae Robert hlamiltc,ce, of Goshicagtoson, avaa z. by his cIder son, rest family of Abercona. It epringe from Anoxawnee ue llaacctvoce, Ised son of Sir James do of Silvertsnhill. ITo S. in 1649, and avas a icy his son, l4acnilton, Lord of Cadzow, by Janet, dan. of Sir Alexander 1. Scee Eosenv HaacsLxoce, of Silvertenhill, a steady Livhcgstsne, of Calendar, and next brothor of the first Lard le’yahist, and iii grecet favocer with CHAaLES 1., avho made Ilanailton, who espoused the Princess Many of Scothmd. him a Boeoecel os JAva Scsliee ahcoest the year 1646. He ma. lIe bad a charter in 1449, from 1tlexaceelor, Earl of Cniwford, the Hocs. Acisec Ilaceailton, 2nd dan. of Johce, 1st Lord Eel- wherein he was styled ‘‘Alexander do hamilton, of Quieitcoamp, haven, by whocs he had, with other issue, his sceccossor, afteravardo Silvortocahill.” Ice a charter of octtlemont 11. Sm ROBERT, of Silvertonbihl, avhi’ embraced a ncihtary of the Hamilton estates, ga’anto’l to his brothes-, the first life, and rose to the rank of colonel hs the army; dying at Lord Hasnflton, of date tied October, 1435, this Alexander Fecrt William, in 1709, lee avas s. hey his eldest sesrviviceg sole, was called iaext in succession after his brother’s family. III. Ste JoHN, avhu S. in 1748, leaving issne. The title lie loft two sons, Janes, his heir. William, ancestor of the ltaacsnxows of Westport. The elder son, JaMes flsaecorov, of Silvorlonbill, in a charter of settlement peace in lIes, whoa General Hamiltoee avas appoheted to the of the Hamilton estates, granted to his cousin-german eslenoley of the 49th. Sir tiohert ca lot, Shory, don. of James, hot Earl of Arran, of late 16th June, 1511-11, was V.-Picr Williacos, Esq., by whom he had a son, placed very near in the family succession. Ho is. a dan. of Jsece-W, arhe seas a captain is ihe 54th rcgt., and the family of Douglas, with avleom he got the lands of rr;ired leone lhr arney Is hecosee nnerr secrecary-at-war Newton, in the barony of Drnmsargesard, acid by wbonc be for Irelasd. lie ma. Mary-Aosee, dan of Rielcard St. George, had issue, JoecN, his heir ; an’l a clan., so. to James Living- stone, ancestor of Visesmit Teviot. lie woos, by his son, JOHN HAMILTON, designed of Newton, livisig in 1511. lie obtained from his cousin, the Earl of Arr,en, a rant of the rsmainheg portiocs of the lands of Silvertonhill. He ce, a dan. of Sir J,elen Soncerville, of Canenethan, and d. in Sir lisleoc-t Sc. Indly, in 1775, Anne, don, of Sir John Heathesto, 1535. His son and heir, Aancecsv, predeceased lam, leaving two sons, Andrew acid Alcxan’ler. He weiss. by his grandson, decease by his gs-accdeon, ANnecw Iiaaccs.xi’a, of Silvertonhill (son acid heir of ‘. Scn Fnenencc, 5. 14 Dee. 1777; ce. 20 Feb. 1600, Janees Ilamiltsn), living iii 1541. lIe si. a dan. of James Ehiza-Dneareh, yomncgeot dan. of John Collis, of Calcutta, Hamiltocs, of Stanchonae, and ci. in the beginning of the 1st.])., and by bee (n-hod. 11 Feb. 1841) had issne, reign of Qnecn MART, leaving ioscee an bcf ant aosc, Aaoecw llaacecvnre, of Silvsrtonhill, who was carefully i. Dososx-Noevo-Cotmo, present baronet. educated under the gnardhsnolsip e’f his esnele, Alexandsr. my. Arihnr, 0. 2 Feb. 1890, DCL., in holy erders, chaplain Ho m. Elspoth, a dan. of hlailhe of Carfin, icy whom be had gIGS. at Slsnineeia; 5. 1056, on hic passage home from isans several children, hut ocely one son aureived Inca, l’navres llAacetToN, of Silvertonhill, a very enthusiastic, lancers, a naagistrate for Shiddhesex and beets I c,r. 30 hhareh, wrsng-headed man, lie fancied himself l’cwitehed hy Dame Isalcol Boyd, Lady Blair, which appsars by sevee-al extravagant pstitioss to parliament fre,cn him ice 1641. lied, not long after this,having greatly sqesandered away the family estate; and ache never was married, this bc-assch of 538 H A iI desceccdants of his grasid-nccele, Alexander; which his father the laceda ef Goolicigtown, which eosnotinee eoscticccced to be the tille ci his family. lie cci. Catherine Iiaceciltscc, by avhocn he had issue, avas a faithful and loyal scshject of Qnoou Many, ache cosefcrred 0cc hicn the hocconr of knighihoed. lie was at the hattie of Langside, for avhieh be avao attaiccted, i,nt had his possessions restored to him by the treaty of Forth, in 1572. He ci. isc 3391, acid avas o. by his son, Sin hl’:’eenv tlAacsLruN, of Goslhsgtoaan, who ci. Elizabeth, sresidecet of the Couc-t of Session, by whom he got a grsat accession to Isis esi ate, acid d. iii 1641, leaving, wilh a dase., heel a son, Th’’cuas, who carried occ the hue if his family and a elan., Elizabeth, avife of Ji’hce Cray, of Dalcnarccork of the llAaisLxONs etf JLwlscs, ses the extinction of the graceddauc. of tlse 17th Earl of Craavford aced Licednay, acsd an ossly osn, the Rev. Jonv hAMILTON GRAY, of Cerntyne, es. Lanark, rector of Walton-Ic-Weld, co. Leieestsr, eldest dan. of Jaenea-Eaynsocid Johnatsne, Esq. Gray, 5. 16 June, 1181, and c,. 15 Aceg. 1951, ic Jshce-Anatrother Thsmsscc, of Charictoce, in the eemty of Fife, by whets she has a son, Johcc-St.ClairAnetresther Tls,,mn,,cc, 0. 4 June, 1931, and otter issne. Sir Ee’waen h1aaectvo, deoigcied Ce-st of iialgsay, aftec-avarda came to his ol’heot son, IV. Sin Roncnx, This gcntlenaan having adopted the profession of ames, attaheed the rank of hiocetcnamet-general, acid colonel of the 199th foot, a regiment redseced at the Evi. ot htilrcsah, es Eilkeony, asd had, wich otber issue, I Fsorcoemoe, ache s-his grandiacher. 1 t’learlotce, o’ideao of Sir Chamles Dullsn, Dart, 2 Frances, 0. 50 Licul.-Gon. Sir George Anson, lIP., G.C.hl., aed c1. 21 Feb. 1034. Capt. Ihancilcos S. is 1779, before leis fachcr. Dart. of Nomneacston, co. Rutland, lIe was e. at his Calenita. its. Frederic-William, 5.1810, late rapt. 12th lancers and 601h 1044, Emily-Maria, dan. ot T. Garviek, Esq. of Wyke, Yorkshire, aod Righeavssd ITili, lliddlscea, and 5. 17 Jan. 1066, having had issue, 1 liowden-Anssn-Fhilip. 2 William-Ed ward-Soy-moor, 1 Esceily-Slaryanne. 2 Eatbleen-Elea-Geos-gina. Constanee-Eliza-Peeeestl. 4 Agnes-Ann.