Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/591

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H A H 20 Nov. 1759, SIr. Ilamond was lent, of 11.55. ship “Hag treated a baronet, S June, 1042. Sir Thomas sa. Anne, nanime,” and was promoted to the rank of post-captain in eldest dan. and co-heir of William Dsisscosnbe, Ns,y of London, 5770. Capt. liamond commanded the “lloebuek”during the greater part of the first American war, and received tho four eons, honaur of knighthood at the close of the year 1778 for Tmscsnees, his successor. his very distinguished cendnet, having heen constantly Robert, barrister-at-law, whose cider dan., Elicabeth, was employed in the most arduous services against tise enemy. Ambrose, d. a. p. Aftsr the siege of Charleston, Sir Andrew was appointed George, 31 B., who ss. Onset, dais. ef Rdward uiolts, Esq., lient.-governur of the province of Nova Scotia, ann 5 commissioner of the navy at halifax, which post ho held Iwo dane., Anne and Rlizabsth, a son, OsoRne, who a. as until the peace, when ho was crested a iiaronct, 18 lIce. 1783, with remainder, in default of male issue, to his Sir Thomsss was s. in 1053 by his eldest son, nephew, Capt. Andresv Snapc-Deuglas, u.N. After holding II. Sin THoMas, wha iss. Mary, eldest dan. and co-heir the appeintnscnts of coninsodere and cesuns;usder-in-chief of Anthony Dennis, Req. of Orleigb, to. Devon, by svbom in the River Medway, from 1785 to 1798, Sir Andrew became 1st bad three aoisa assd a sian., who all if. ssssss., except his deputy-comptroller of the navy in 1793; and in 1791, ciscceeded auccesser. He d. H lIar. 1870, and was s. by his eldest son, Sir henry Has-tin as comptroller, the duties of lit- Siss DENNIs, who if. svithaut issue iii 1719, when the which respsnsible office he continued to fulfil ssntil the title s’everted to his cousin, year 1508, when he retired from pnhlic lifc. Sir Andrew IV. Sin Gssunor, a physiciass (refer to issue of the 1st sa. 5 March, 1779, Anne, dass. assd heir of Henry tineme, baronet). Tbis gcntlenssssi is. Mary, dais, of Jshss Coghill, Faq. of lIanwell, co. Middlesex (a nsajor in the arusy, who Raq. of Bhecbimsgdois, to. Oxford, by whom ho had issue, was severely wounded in the battle s,f Slinden, in 1759, s. Onnnnt, his sncctascr. when a capt. in the 37th regiment; and if. at St. Iiclcssa, in iPso, of which island he was lient.-governor), hy Anne s. Mary, a. sic ci. his wife, dau. and co-heir of Henry Doughty, Esq. of is. Rebecca, es. 1st, to James Walter, lID. ; and hndly, to Broadwell, eo. Gloucester; and by her (whe d. in 3858) Sir in. Elizabeth, iii. to Oeorgs Cnre. Faq.; and if. .‘. p. Andrew had issue, Geeneac-Enere, 2nd hart. Caroline, cs. 11 Oct. 1901, is ilse lIon. Fraiseis-Wheler Rood v. Cathertsse-Stargartt, is. to 3.-C. Fressnass, Eaq. (eldest son of Ileisry, Viscount lIned), linet.-ecl. of the 3rd lie a. 9 Sept. 1724, and was e. by his eldest son, regt. of foehguacds, who fell at Airs, near Orthes in 1514, V. SIR Gnennt, who ci. 1st, Sarah, dan. of Mi’. Thensas leaving Samuel, 3rd Vhesaat used, and Cot. use I-len. Serecold, by wbsssn be bad no issue; assd lndly, 3hisa Jaise l”rascis-Orosvensr Used, killed before Sebastopel. Slit a. II ilarch, 1835. Sir Andrew if. 12 Sept. 1828, and was s. by his only son, II. Sin Oneness Eness, admiral of the fleet, vies-aslnsiral VI. Sin Gtonnn-Fnesscss, ,ss. Mary, oldest dais. of Thonias of the United Kingdom, G.C.B.,,.and depsstylient. Finnoek, Faq. of Finssock, Jamatea, by whom he had a sen of the to. of Norfolk, and of the Isle i,f Wight ; a and a dau., llary, so. to Samisel Stevenson, Req. of Jfivorhtad, dislingsushed naval officer, who was 8. 30 Dec. 1779, assd sa. 10 Dcc. 1806, Elizabeth, dan. of John Kisnber, Esq. of VIL Sin Tmsoa,en-PuiLsP, 5. in 1703. This gentlesnssn Fewey, ea. Cernsvall, and had, i. Asneese-Sacre, present bait. n. Oraham-Eden-Williarn, corn. RN., 9. 3 Illarch, 1514; so. of Peter Ileslgssu, Esq. of the city of Lendoss, assd of the 7 Dee. 1843, Lucia, only child of Luke Dsdds. Rsq. of Ilythe to. Cnmberland; and dying 12 Feb. 1820, was a. by his Honse, lIants, and if. 23 Jan. 1847, leaving, Oralsasn-Edec, only snrsiving child, an officer 7th hnssars, 8. in 1840, and Elizabeth-Anne. 5. .stiii55. ii. Rlieabetls—Assne, Se. 8 Sept. 1942, to the Ron. Lient-Cel. late Admiral Willians Drown, aisd bad issue, Francis-Cl. Hood, of the grenadier-goards, wIse seas killed in the ls’snchcs before Scbsstepel, 15 Oct. 1854. iii. Caroline, a. 11 Sept. 1861, to William-George Sliedden, Williams-Seymour. lB. A., iss holy orders, rector of Stubteis, Esq. ef Spring Hill, Cesres, isle of Wighl. Admiral Sir Graham-Eden Hamessd a. 20 Dec. 1862, amsd youssgeat dan. of Cisarlea Franks, Eaq., and if. I June, was e. by his eldest son, Sin ANDRSW-SNAPE liernoan, the 1S88, having bad isaos, Osonor-FUANOI5, 5. in 1080; 3rd and present baronet. Creafisa—l8 Dec. 1753. Arase—Arg., on a chevron, sa., betweesi two pellets, nsch Mary-Allan, 5. 0 Nov. 1838, aged 34. Jane, Emma, charged with a nsartlct, of the field, in chief; and in bass, a wreath of oak-leaves, ppr., three escalleps, of the first, all within a lies’dure, engrailed, vert; quarterly with Ga.xaie. Crests—I ot, out of a navd crown, or, an eagle’s head, sa.; sa. Crest—Gist of a mnml crown, arg., a greylsoussd’s head, 2nd, two srms, erect, issuing from clouds, in the act of sa., collared of the first, rimmed, or. .Ofslts—Nnno ant removing from a spike a hnnsan skull; above the skull a nunqtiam. marqsiese’a coronet, all betwsess two pains branehen, ppr. over this crest the motto, “Sepsslte vireaco, “5 Sappss ic’s—Dexter, an eagle, ass., regoardant, wings close, gorged wsth a naval coronet, and lined, Sinister a stork ppr., aisss gorged with a naval coronet and lined. Melto—Faratsia et fidelia. ,Seat—Nsrtan Lodge, Freshwater, Isle of Wigbt. 11 A N by svhosn (whe if. 2 Feb. 1843) he had (with five dans.) is. to Charles Bill, Rsq. and sister of Sir Itobert llsltc, Dart. ; ssssd left, beside 4th isarosiet. is. Dsnssia, a. ssasss. William Austess, Esq. Iv. Jane, woman sf ths bcdehasnhsr to the Prinesss Dowager of Wales ; iii. to Cisapit Faynt, Eoq. Sill, by whono be had a dan., Rlizabeth-Frsssscea, so. to Thomas Digghs, Faq. of Yately, Rants, and an only snrvlviasg son, his sutceaaer iss 3724, Jamaica. Ho if. 25 Dec. 1774, and was s. by his son, so. 25 Juno, 1788, Jasse, eldest dan. and sventnaily co-heir VIII. Ssn Oaoisoa EneEtse, 5. 22 Ott. 1788. This gentleman so. 25 Aug. 1822, Slary-Forcnsan, eldest dass. of the OaonoE-FaAzstss, presont barenst. Lincelnshirs, 9.28 Dec. 1030; silO Ftb 3859, Jnlia-Jant, Charles-Seymour, is. in 1861; and Tlsomaa-Fhilp, fi. in 1882. Rtchard-Samsders, if. 38 Oct. 1837. Sir George-Frantic if. S May, 1833. Cs’sasisn—3 June, 1642. As’sssa—Arg., three hemp bmkes, HANHA1’IL - HANHA3I, SIR Wi LLIA3I, of Dsan’s t Court, co. Dorast, capt. RN., S. in 1794; ns. 6 Nov. 1823, Harriet, dan. of 0. Morgan, Enq. of Mount Claro, to. NV Surrey (which lady (1. in Feb. 1838). Is a. hi father, aa 8th baronet, This family cause originally frsm Gleneestsrsbire, aisd take their name from a place tailed Hanham, Di that child of Thomaa-Hsstchings Essgland, co. The first on reeord 13 Psnen nv BARRA5I, whose grandson, PETER HANmzAss, of Exton, living ttssp. Enwenn Ill,, was grandfather of Hsouenn HANnAH, who sss. a dan. of John Tripiry, of Somereetslsire, assd had two sons, William, I. Tuossea Heaspsoa, Faq., son of Sir Robert Hampson, whose Ins became extinct; and Fist., amid alderman of the city of Loisdois in 1505, was Jona HANnAH, Rsq., who sa. Alice Orange, of Wimbooms, ass bsirsas, and left a Sisd soss, eventually his heir, Tnosies Hanizeas, Esq. of Wimljossrise, ssi-jeant-at-law, ‘ This crest is intsndsd to rspressnt the removal of the and SIP. far Slelcemb Regis, fssssp. RL5EAEET5S. The head of James Graham, the gallant iharquesa of lloutr,sss, frosis tbs Tolbontb of Edinburgh, where it bad heen plated grssssdaon of Mr. Serjssssst lissishans, aftsrhis sxetution, Il May, 1650, which removal was cffeetsd Jona HANnAH, Esq., ss. in 1040, Frances, sister of John H A lvi P S 0 N. RAiSFSoN, SIR GEORGE-FRANCIS, Barb of Tapluw, to. Butkingbam; 1 JIj( capt. in the army; 8. 28 Stpt. U1823’ m. 12 July, 1854, Ann, ossly Esq. Ibfiucage, by Sir Graham Hamend’a maternal anteater. 541 .5