Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/595

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II A It II A It I) MT I C K E. II A R 4z HARDINGE. ILtnulNtiE,Ssst HLNtlY-CIIARLES, of Bouisalcs Park, no. Keist; b. 26 July, 1880; a. his father as 3rflaroue3 Peb. 1861. Par earlier lineage, see pa-seer? Big I tile. THE ltnv. Itesay llaansvnr., son of Nieolas Ilardinge, Esq. of Canhury, Is, 2 Sept. 1734, was rector of Slanliupe, eo. Durham; Iso ii. June, 1779, Frances, of Janses Best, Esq., sad left at his decease, 7 Sept. 1920, Cnaoreo. 2nd baronet. Oeorge-Nieholae. capt. tON., 0.11 April, 1791; a gallant and D.C. L., F’.R.X.), Vieeossist Roystoss, anti Bnrtsst Hard— highly distingui’hrd naval officer, sehe fell iss aetiess cans— wicke, of Has’dwicke, no. (iloesneatar; Itard-Ileut. anal mandiag as capt. 11.71. ship tise ‘‘Florence,’’ after eaplnring cuntos rotul;srsssu of Casnai.arhlgeehire; Is. 2 April, 1800; the ‘‘ Piednsusi laise ‘‘ frigate. PlcNssv, loT Vsereuvv llassusvnr (.rc tIso. 1151,). Richard, snaj.-grn. royal art., KIT. Is. 14 April, 1790; a. lot Lord Ravessawom’th, and liar had, 1st, Anne, eldest dasa. of Thomas t’olallrn, Req., of Arriae, t. Cnawtns-t’sess,sr, Yiece,cal Regetee, P.C., late comptroller Kent, by srhons (srlsn 4. lOll) tsr laud a son, II essrr, said a a data, Frances, I Ic a. 2ndly, 15 Aug. 1527, Caroline— Jelssssoss, yassngesl daa. of ltrnnesh t’,dlandt-r, Ess;., s,f Craigferlh, and ((20 Jul’, I sO 1) having by her had (he,’r4e— Nicholas; Edward; Bradford, Bengal ii. S., i. 16 Nec, 1994, at Agsn, Cssralisse, 7ssd da.u. of VT. I-alsearrts, Fog. Judge of tise Sadder Ceart, Agra-, lterbert-lticlsard, and rs. dahn-Stanssers, consns_ tIN., Is. 30 Get. 18-Il. Ensnsa—Augsssla. Frederick, of Ceathans Ilall, eo Dnrhans, Is, 27 Feb. 1001 10 Setst. 1529, llannals-Elteabeeb, eldesl dam. of Warren sv. Eliot-Constantine, egnerry to the Duke of Edinburgh, Stasssle, Fog. of Green hank, tsarlingtoss. said has had issue their tidesl saa, Cast. henry-Charles I lardngi’, atfis ecgl., v, Aleacander-Grantlsan, Is. 28 Nov. 1947. ci. 22 daily, laoS, Sarah, eldest ‘lan, of Jsssaes Local, Erg., barrister—at-lase ; and tlseir 2nd toss., Hannah-I rabelta, svas s. Ehieabeth-Plsilipa, n. S Jssnc, 1960, to Henry-John so,4 Jan. loOt, to the Rev, William Fade, 51.5., reeler of Wnlristen, eo. Darhasss. Frances, as. to tlse 71ev, S. Waadgste, of I’esssbnry, Kent. Caroline, ci. to Captain t’udlisrr, tt.,t. Tue Rev, Itensy Hardinge’s brother, 1. Rsenwnn IIAODINOE, Fog. of hietleisle, eq. Fdrnsonagh, lila lordohip5 who ie an admiral RN., 6. as 4th earl, 5. 10 Nov. 1756, n-as created a Baronet, 4 Aeg. 1901, with 18 Nov. 1831. remainder to the heirs nsalr of isis fattier. Sir Rielsard 1:1. 1st, 6 Slay, 1793, 51.ary, dan. sf Ralph G,sre, Lord Ross, by whans he had no issae; and andly, 14 Starch, 1026, Caroline, dats, of ttlajor— Wolf snitch laity (seho seas c,s. 2sselly, Siasose Tenon, of Dover, merchant, a person ef good landed to ttenry-T. Jones, Log.), d. 4 dime, 1800. lie it. .cp. 5 Nec. property, 5e, 1692, leaving with other hssne, two eons, 1926, and sres a. isy Isis neplsase, 11. Tsse Rev. .Sso Cuanene, srho s’as Is. 22 Starch 17901 and Sieson, who isa, Anne, sister and heir of John Older, Esq. of sac. 13 Jane, 1916, Emily-Bradford, 2nd dan. of Kenneth Cal— lander, Fog. of Craigforth, co. Stirling, sad had isene, Itrsenv-Cseannns, present baronet. Enssnap-SvnAenv, 0.27 Starch, 1833. Rabort-Janses, 9. 2 daly, 1954; as. in 1951, Marsha, clan, of Eltealsells, slass. and heir of Rielsard Gibbon, Gessl. of else ssmo Ilajor Sadlies’, of Sopwell lOath, ltinkstes, Canada, and Isas place, and relict of Edseard Oil ‘bun, Log. of Westehhife, cc. Kent issue, Charles and James-Robert. lttary-hleneiolta, ‘1. 27 Assg. 1829. Caroline-Bradfnrst, m. St Jsdy, 1979, to tlae Yen. 71.-VT. and left at lots decease, 19 Jsssue, 1721, an emily soss, Drosene, ISA., Arehdeaesn of Baths. Julians. Ilarriet-Eliaa. Emily-Frassees, 0. 19 Dee. 1957.. Slaria-Yoles. Eliea-Straeey, J. 11 Slay, 1931. Sir Charles who was rector of Crowhnrst, Suesex, and ds’eersa ff,se,tseicte qs Hssrthucictr, In 17-96-7, his ho-dship seas afterwards sector of Tunhridge, Kesat, ii. 0 Feb. 1 Sail, and eossstituted I,nssn-t{sos;-Csoj,Neeaoo tap Ganav Bntvasv; and waa a. by his eldest son, Sin Hnxnv-Casans.ts HAnntNon, ssdvasseed, 2 April, 1754, to a vsseoanhy assd eseldem, by Ilso the 3rd and present baronet. Crenlha—4 Aug. toOl. Arias—Gsa, on a chevron, arg., fimbrialed, or, ltssve corallops, Lords Ratnserino and Lovat. lie nas one uf shun lards-justices sa.; and as an lsenassrable angnsentation, on a chief, for the administration of the gereesessesot dtsriisg lIsa king’s waoy, of the second, a dismasted Fseneh frigate, seith tier aissenee in h149, 1748, 1752; and was usuanisneusly elsooen high. colours streek, tasrsd by ass English frigate alt ppr. Crest—Of angsnentation; on a srreath, a hand, fessewise, ia Stargoeet, dan. of C. Cocks, Esg., SIP. for the city of cooped abeee the wrist, habited in naval uniforns, holding a Worcester (by Isis ante, Story, older sister and eo—Iseir of Lord sword, es-eel, surmounting a Dutch and French Bag, in saltier; Chancellor Semers), by odium hse hail five sons and tire daus., on the fernser inscribed “Atlanta “ en the latles-, “Pissdnsuntaise; via,, “ the blade of the ssvard passing threugh a wreath of laurel near time point, and a hilthe below, thecngh anatiser of 5. Pnstop, Load Bagefon. cypress, with the motto ‘‘Posters bode roeens.” Fasssitg Ca-eel—A mitre, gss., charged seitla a chevron, as in the arais. JJalte—Poslera laudo’reeeno, Seals—Boundes Pack Kent; and Ketton Hall, eo. Dsu-ham. ITARRwTCKP, EARL OF (Charles-Philip Yos-ke, P.C., rn, 4 (mt. 1883, Susan, Cl h class, of Thomaa-Henry, of tier Slajesty’s Isesasehold, 31.1’. fec Cassshsridgeshsire, late hear, it lb hnsa.see, Is. 23 April, 18301 as. 16 Feb. 1963, Sephia-Oeorgiassa-l;elaertina, yetmger dan. of Earl Con-Icy, assd lsae a son, Is. at Saris, 14 Starch, 1967, fer selsona the t’rince of Wales stood st,enaer; and a dais. sos, Victar-Atevandes’, hiesat. BA., Is, 24 ltlaeeh, 1842; ci. suddenly, 2l Dee. 1967. Is. 13 July, 1843. Adeane, Esq., late Sty. or. Shacy-Catiserine, a. 20 July, 1957, to Wilhiasss-Georgo Craven, Esq., nephsesr of Williasso, 2nd Faa-I Craven. iii. Agneta-Idasvietl, as. 29 Nov. ShOT, to Coasm. the Oton. V-A, Itantagn, R.N. IL fhctgt. Pssssup. Erddig, cc. Denbigh, and seas asseostor of tiso present Stamen Tenon, Rig. of Enldig. The rIder see, Tenon, a solicitor of respectability oh Dover, as. (sehose brollser Slatlhsess’ sons ancestor of tlse hshsterian Gibbon), Psssnsr Yenno, Is. 1690, uho having attained the highest osssinenee in the legal ps’efessian, was ahipOinled solicitor- general and knighiet in 1710, at the early age of 29 and attsrmsey-gesseral in four yoars aflorso-arsis, which office Iso coneinssed he hold mslih 1733, ashen he w’as clerated to the henelL sssd peerage, ass lord chsief-jsssf tee of England, and (25 Nov.) tithes of h°Beoessl llsy.’less and Esnwoe llannsemeog, Ills lordship n-as appointed, in 1746, lurch haighs-oseward nf England for hbse trials of sloe Earls of Kilnsarsseek amid Crnnsaetie, and tiso steceaed of the university of Cansbridge in 1740. Rio Ierdslsip ii. Chasles, 5. 30 Dee, 1722; an ensinnnt lawyer, who taavsssg become setleitor-generat in 1750, and altos’ney-general s’s 1765, seas appointed Lesou-lhsnss-Cssaseenonon, when Iso ossddenhy a?. 22 Jan, 1770, ae tise nsanmesmt that a palent conferring the tithe of Baron Sterdc’n nissu lssm svas mis progress of eensptetien. lIe as, lot, 19 Slay, hlfab, Calherine, only child and hehr of William Freesnan, Eag. of Aspeden, eo. Rerts, by his seife, Catlserisse, dais, of Sir ‘Phemao-Pepe Bhossnt, Dart. of Tittenbanger, by whons he had, 2N 545