Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/597

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lIAR 1041, became exhort. (See tis’ssoL’o Erliaset Bssrsnrtr,ge.) Py this lady Mr. Leigh left a son, ‘FnolSAs Lmass, Esq. of her, to. Bucks Qseir to too uncle, Sir. Tlaniel Lascehlcs st. in 1724, and his son by isis tstvife, Edward Leigh, Ptsq. of Ever), svlse so. Anne, slats. of the Right llrsisy LAscoeLes, gsq., beccsnse of Itasewood, Stank, and Rev. hubert (Claverieg), Lord flisisap of Poterisersuals, and had, Nortis Aliorten, srb iris isslter islare Ise rclsrcsssslcd iss isarlianscsst with two sinus. (Anise, so. in 1777, Is Major P.el,rrt Williams, ssf Tlsis grssllrsssan obt.siisscd a seat in the eosirt of directors of use the Queen’s liubt—sl lagoons ansi Mary, is,. Ic fhn,ssaa Treseren, I lssn. East ln,ths t’r,sss1ssssy lse as. ,Jssssrl, class, of Jolsss Wiser— Esq. ef Trevadrava, Coriasrssll), an only son and heir, 1. Tnoasos, vise assumed the ssan.slssr of I lane, and as the re[sreseatative of tisat assrioist fanuly, sras crealrd a ltarrnrt, gr,rss LA500LLns, Essi., vise ,,-sss eevaled to tlsr 1ssurrage 5 11 Dec. 1010. Tlsis gentleman Sn. lot, 30 sTarch, 1779, Mary, July, 1790, Osy the title of Loss? lie rtsroo,T, of H,’ ,ysrss.ssl t’asllr, dan. of Admiral Sir Frasseto Geary, Dart., by orlsons (5dm ,t. in rss YosT. His lorsiship s,,. Or ice; bcst si. ,sithosst isssse, 27 ian. 1801) lie isa,? no isosse. lie a. lndly, Anne-Ehzah,ctls, dos. of 1793, ss Isess thr b.srssny expired s but isis larslslsip’s estates passed Admiral Tlsenaas, lot Lord Graves, by “hens (who it. Ii Sept. to the heir—al-lass, 1923) ho had issue, Tssoatao, tlse present baronet, and Eliaatwlh— Rnw.snn I.Astes.LEs, Essp, h. 7 Jar. 1740 (refer to issue of Anne, sO. 17 Sept. IdOS. Sir Thnnsao, who entered the arissy in Dussirl Lsssrelles, wise 1. in 1734). This gentleman represtnled 1772, and served sritls distissrtiau in tin Amerirass srar, ,t. It Nssrlls Allertan hs seers-al parliaments, and seas elevated tss tiss Feb. 1034. ftssatiso—l4 lace. ISIS. Arose—Co., Iwo bars, and a chief; JJsuosrse,l, es. Yes-k. ills lordslsiis ,s. 12 May, 1761, Assne, dan. indented, or. t’s,ot—A denst-lion ranspant, arg., gorged ,vilk a of William Chalener, Esq. of Ossisborougls, by vhsom (v-ha st. decal roroiset, or. .tfolta—Nnn vtdrri sod esse. Ssssl—Stosr 22 P’ei,. 1303) he had issrse, Hall, Dowsskam Market, Norfolk. Testis Hns’oe— 21, Nnrfallc El sard, ‘0. is’s es. S ,T,sns, 1814. itexisy, Znsl earl. Street, Park Lane. JIAREW 00 I). ilAitElvoon, EARL OF (Hossry-Thyuno Laseellea), lberhn, 8. loll1 so. at Paris, 23 Jane, 1307, Stnry-Ttmess, Vincount Lascelles assd Baron Harewood, of Hare- wood, on. York; ii. 18 J000, 1821; a. lois father as 4th earl, 22 Fob. 1857 ; In. 1st, 17 July, 1845, Elizabotla.Joassna, eldest duu. of the Marquess of Clanricarde, ansi by her (svho of. 26 Fob. 1854) has, s. Mnnna-.Us.scso, Viaco,snf Lueeettea, hoist. greu-gds., 9. 21 Aug. 1318. n. Frederick-Canning, 9. 8 May, 1819. its Gerald-William, 9. 26 Oct. 4049. iv. Charles-George, 8. 23 Juts. 1331. t. Constance-Mary. si. 3targaret-Jean. The earl sa. 2ndly, 21 April, 1858, Diana-Elizabeth1 Jan. of Col. John-George Smyth, SIP., of Heath, co. York, and has, v. Edwin-Harry, k. 3 Aug. 1801. vs. Daniel-Marry, 5. 1 Aug. hOd. vim. George-Aigernon, 5. 2 Aug. 1865. yin. A son, Is. lb Peb. 1888. itt. Suaan-Rliznbeth. ltmncagc. The family of Lasrelles has been of importance in the to. York Lossioa, ,,s. 4 July, 1839, to Lord Cessge-Henry Cavendisls. since the reign of Enw-ann I., when Roger de Lasrelles was Ills lordship if. Ii Nov. 1813, amid woo a. by his soss, sumnooned to parliament as koran, An. 1293. Ills lordship if. in ttstxuv, trd earl, lsrd-lissstenant asad custes-rotularum 1287, leaving no male issose, but fear daus., his co-heirs, wiser of the West Riding of Yorkolsire, 0. II June, 3797; wlsa so. the barony fell into abeyance, and has so canthsurd to the present 8 July, 1823, Lady Leuisa Thyaonr (shed. 8 Nov. 3559), 2nd day. (Pro Bsmaae’o Extissct ssssst Dss’sssnosf Perrs’g,-.) JOHN no Lasroenos, of Hhadcrskelfe (now Castle howard), dass, of Thomaa, 2nd Slarsissess of Bath, and had issue, seas living in 1315, and from hhn lineally descended, throsigls a tloxay-Tnvmsite, present ens-I. long line of highly respectable ancestors, Faaacss Lasrnet.ns, Esq. of Stank and North Allrrtsn, SIP. far the North liidissg af Yorkshire in 1053, and ccl. in the parliament’s Grorgr-Fdwsn, 8. 29 OcL 1820; ,,s. 21 July, 1051, Lady army. Colonel Lascelles v-as father of DANieL Lnornesns, of Stank and North Allertsn, v-ho served tise office of sheriff of York in 1718, and represenled North Altertan Algernon-Prantis, 9.21 Jan. 1920; sO. 38 Slorrh, 1845. in parliament, lie s,s. hat, llisrgaret, dan. of William SIetealfe, Alfred, 5.26 Feb. 1829; ii. 20 MoreS, 1345 Esq. of North Allerton, oust had, with otlser issue, Itamsar. Jarass-Walter, MA., in holy orders, reeler of C,sldol,orssa gh, He as. 2ndly, Mary, dass. of Ed,rard Lascelles, Esq. of London, and had an only surviving son, Enwaans, collector of the rustams at Barbadoeo, who vs. 1 Jan. llorare-Douglao, comm. RN., 8.20 Sept. 1935. 1732, Frances, dan. ef Guy Ball, Lssp, and left issue at his Lsuiso-hsabelia, v,. 35 Aug.i1553, Charles-Henry Mills, Esq., dennase, in 1747, 547 TI A R Pbiss arsh, sclsa cventssally isslseriled list fansily sslatrs, assd was created Ba,s,s JJ,s,rsees,l. steno, tfssi. of the islan,l of Barbadocs, and n-as oat his decease, in 1715, by las elstost sun, lseerssge, 10 Jssne, 1796, by the title of Jlarsss Jiarosroest, of l’rasces, s. 1 Oct. 1794, to thse late tEen. John Douglas; and iT. 3? Harris, 1017. Siary-Anne, sss. in 1001, to tlielsard York, ltsq. af WigIsill Park; and sO. 10 June, 1331. Ills lerdslsip v-as aslrassrs-d he a viseassnty and earldona, 7 Sept. 1312, hy the hittes of i’isrosssst Lu-c’ tie-’ ansi kant. or liaaessoov. lIe st. 3 April, 1020, assd s,-as 5. by isis ossly ssssm, liemsa-, 2nsh ens-i, lord-liessienant and-ossst,ss-rotulorsssn of the WesI hitting of Yorkshire, ansI Isigh-steward of Allerlen 5. 23 Dee. 1767? rho a. 3 Sept. 3794, ltoarirtta, eldest duo. of use lab Liout.-Oens-rmsi Sir John-S,snndors Scbright, Dart., and by her (urlso st. Ii Fels. 1340) Isad issue, R,tsvard, V7ess’at Lear,the, h. is July, 1796; as. in 1821, Miss Lussisa Rssvley ; mood 1. 7 Dec. 1039. Hs.r.nv, 3rd earl. Willia,ss—Samsdrrs Set,riglsl, 51 P., P.C., 8. 29 Oct. l79 is 14 Slay, 1527, Careltne-Ge,srgiana, obtest dan. of George, 6th Earl of Carlisle; and ,i.2 July, 1371, leaving issuse, I Claude, capt. B. Ast., 8. Oct. 1331; 2 Esls-hs, 0.27 Sept. 1033; 3 FrankCarendioh, 3rd sec. sf legaticsn to the British embassy at eldest dan. of Sir Joseph-P. Ohife, p hyolcian to the hlrttioh embassy at lath, and kas a sea, 8. at Berlin, 21 SEarch, I tOS; 4 Iiens-y, 8. 4 Doe. 1 d42; I Ororgiana-Caroline, ass. 20 July, 1362, Is the late Charles-William Crenfell, Eoq.. 5th’., vhs ‘t 4 Slay, 1001; 2 Itearietla-Prances. us. 24 July, 1849, to Wns.-Geerge, 2nsh and preocnt t.ord Clseshasn ; S Slary (rise lists.), esai,t of lsossaosr to slsn Qasrss 4 Emma—Flinabelb (Ills Hon.), late sssmsisl of hso,sossr to the Queen, s,s.S Aug. 1667’, to Lord Ldvard Carendish, atd son of ifitlian,, 7th Duke of lleronskirs; S llealrice. Esir-in, SIP., TI.C.L., 0.23 Dcc. 17t9; si. 20 April, 1865. Arthssr, of Norley, Cheshire, major of Earl of Chester’s yennmanry cavalry, 9.26 Jan. 1087; s - IS Nov. 1831, Caroltne—Prasaees, 411s dust. of list lale Sir hlirlsard Precise, ltsrl., and has issue, 1 W’alter-Iiichard, rsspt. rifle brigade, 0. 38 Oct. 1o37; 2 Artlsur-Crorge. 0. 31 July, 1856; 3 Brian-Piers, 6. 30 Aug. 1969; 1 Clasu-itenrisltu, s. 6 Bet. 1060, CapI. A.-E. Shansel, late 3rd light dragaano ; 2 Gertrssdc ; 3 Solon; 4 Calkerine; 5 Amy; 6 Eleanor-Prances. no.29 Sept. 1868, to Cecil-Thasrao—Molinesse Sissstgmneric, Esq. of Oas-bstdishana, Norfolk; 7 Itsitls. Harriet, e’. Is Ike Ens-I af SIseffiold. Frances-Anne, s’s 2 Slarth, N35, tss J,sls,s-Tkoussns hope, Esg., elsleot sen of Con. Ike lion. Sir A. hope, and if. his ssidsw, 0 Tare. 1955. Enasna, us’. l0Jssne, 1827, to Edv-ard-Berkeley, Lord Partman, nod sO. 0 Feb. lsOh. FTP. Egremont-Willians, H.P. for Nortlsallerton, 8. 20 .tuly, 1825, late eapL gren.-gtsards; is. 11 Use. 1816, Jessie, dau. of Nest Slatrelm, Esq. of Poltalbeek, and has issue. lvo dasss. Lossisa-Nina Slurray, duo. of the Earl of Mansfield, leT., and Isos issue, two soiss, near Itnare000rough, bin Nor. 1831 ; n’. 16 July. 1 010, Clara, 3rd dos. ef Sir William STiles, nart., 31.1’. of Leigh Court, cs. Somerset, andhao a son, 5,22 Aug. 1350, ano a dan. only son of Sir Charles STills Hart. of lItllingdan Court. ,ce2