Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/602

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HA R staff, thereon heisted tie onion flag of Great Britain over time of the standard of ‘l’iproo Sultan, and beneath the tri—cotoared 2 Gcnrrge-Trodiey, 0.11 April, 1910; mo.O Jorre, 1634,Snphia- flag, errrrcinod. macrued with tire word iir’pulrlrqoe ;‘ sinister, a 31 ala)’ soldier, in Iris aaifcro,. I r.- sutitartiag a like staff. thereon heisterl the flog of tire F. I. Co.. org., striped baririse, go., rsith a eantert, ever tire standard if ‘tiptoe Sultan, with lire I rs-eai,eired flog, entwined treoeath,an err the rtexter, rnseril,ed seith tire word ‘‘ t”rooçoroe,’’ alt t’pr. Jlrstto—3ty prince ansi org country. rnt—Pelnrent, trear t’averstram, Kent. i’orcrr ‘bear—IS, Soatir Street, Grosvenor Srjuare. Drotr,v-Fmna.wrrn-S’ruarT, llrcerrnt Sarr,ton, late 31. P., 0. lddorr. to-It ; , ;t tee. 1-Ott, Jtary-Franeeo,eldeotdan. of llrewrslow, 2nd ilarqmaesn ef Exeter. tt. Henry-Dudley, lit liar, 19th; rr, 17 May, 3811, Sr,earr—,totiarra-lloria-tfareilton, orrly dart ef Yifliero Dent, Req. of ttartco U1i0 flanto and hoe, 3 Johnllerbert-lerdley, k. 32 Aug. 1864; 2 a eon, 0. 26 July, left; t llorgaret-Snoarr ; 2 Arrgelo-itory-Aliee. air. Albert-Doritey, Ii. 23 Ansi, 1812. r. France,, it. ussr. 17 1 1rril, I 917. It. Sonart-Goorgiono, rt. 21 April, 1222. Hie lordsltip, who a. bin father, an 2trd carl, -213 Poe. 1847, wan h.P. fur Tivertort frrrtn 1819 till 1831, and frrr Liverpool frotn 1831 till 1847, nor1 laae since been Chancellor of the Duehv of Latacaoter in 1855, hod Lord Privy Seal from 1855 to 1857. JttlIrmlgc. Sm DroLr.v Rvorn, Rut. (2nd eec of Richard Ryder, of the Cloisters), a lror’rteter if eminence, was appointed ,. Susan, n,n. 4 Jrrly, loll, in Hngin, 2nd Earl Fortnseun; and eeliciter -general in 1723, a1torney-general in 1716, oarS II. Ltary, rn. 11 July, 1829. to Admiral Enisrard Sauna, fl-N., L,rnrr-Cnrcc-Jt-ogtce of the c’,rtrl rn King’s Bench in 1734. A patent was signed by the king, 24 May, 1716, for bOo lordship’s elevation to the i n’r-r’.sgr, trot Ire il or’ ihe loth, Irt’ior to its coorpletion. Sir I trrdlcy rn. Anne, d:srr. rrf Nrsthrrrriel Ncwrrhrsnn, Eoq. of Streottn,rm, eo. Surrey, arrrl left ano eroly non, ant. Grnrgiaca-Ehmnaboilm, or. 12 lIce. toll, to John, 2nd herd NA’rn.vwreL itvcrn:rr, Fog., tr 3 Jnly, 1721, who was nv. tian’riet-Chartnitc Sopioia, na hO Aug. 1839, Land Charles ercotcd Bar-on Jfarcns’lp, of ibnrrrsrrkin, es. Liacein, lay letters irotenrt, dot’nnl 20 May, 1776. Ills in’r,lotrip rn. 21 v. hnnoima, mu. 11 Feb. 1533, Ce the Item. George Forlcscno. J.,ro. iIiil, tlizolrrth, ‘bras ann cm-heir cf Iticharel Tcrriek, His hnnrdnhhp ‘t 26 ftc-c. 1847. it. D., hishirp of London, cr4 hurl isr.crc, a. D,irerv, lair peer. ,,, tlicta:reri, 31.1’., ann mnicv—rsrrnrcilitnr’, rccirtror ol tire—An., threc cmnoccnIs, or, on each ons erroiarn spot, no. Cnnsistn’ry Court, ant :r incnrelrcr of l.irrer’lrr’v—lnrrr, lr. 0 Oily, fur oI—G:re cnf a mitral eorinrrct, or, a drngors’o luersd, arg. - inn tOe 1766; n. mr 1799. l’redcr:ro, bra, of Sir .Iclrrr Skr-nser (mohe meek an, ornnrhno spot, no. S’nji,non-Ic:’o—Trvnn gniHnra, wings ,l, S Arrg. islt). nrrrl ii. ,n. p. 16 Sepn. I r12. tnt. Ileet’)’, lisirnir ef lJrlreclrl ann lerenrlrs’, t, 71 Jul” 1777; each grurgent with a plain rnnliar, no , charged rvith three ao. 11 tIer. 10011, Si gin:,, ‘lair. cf tIre late ‘flr,,rnon-lt:n-elr creecenrto, nrr, chained, of the last. hbnitiSerrata fides c-men. Plrilhipis, Esri. of Gor-cenien l’orlr, Incest r-rslnire, acd ii. in ,S’c’iI.u—Snstrnlona hall, near Lichfleld, StaffornOehiro ; ond Norton 1016, harinrg 1,3’ Iror (reiro si 30 Ang. 1062) Irod, I henry r,rn,lter. in iroly e’rrten-s, rosonn—rr-rir]ergio- of Lielnflniel. In. ii, 1603; in-. 1st, hr lob, L’srnrrtio—Sarolr, sian,. ef Ge-n-roe (‘onririr, llsq. of Ca lrrrerbr, nrrrl ‘v tier (rrlro ‘I, 16 Al -ru, t 040) lra.s rrrnre, t.’lenrtes—l-’rertericlr, tin-tie. lt.N., HART3NGTON, MARQUEOS, see DEIGNSHIRE, DUKE. 0. in Siareh, 1031, 7.1 Stay, tor;l ; llenra-1 trrdley, 0. in I e34; Sroson-Sepiri:r; l,,nuiea-Crnr-rrelio, or. 1690, let—tb.—; I, —L. Nercshasr, 11.31. (‘oessl ot Asrstcr,lrnnrr. tie ri. larily, 27 llaretr, 1041, LImo-Jolla, dan. of Lieot.-Cnl. Tucker, 585 liAR and by her has, flarcy-Lefevrc, licrrl. RN., S. in 1844; Emil tin; STory-Emma; llorgorel; and Alice. Lucy, ;‘norogesi dart, of the tale ttev. belie Sargeni, and by trenasriner 1. 1030; han, tlorry—Dodtcy.t. llJatr. 1037’, George— Lisle, In. 29 tier. I 075 ; Clm:srlcs.Edrrrrcd, 0. 30 April, t942 Cyril. 0. it July, tv44; Careitne-Alice; Cecilia; Beatrice. S Air Irrrr-Dmeliry, Si.A., 0. 24 Dec. tOll. 4 Wittiomnr-ltonlley, 11. St. arbitrator in the nrixed court at Nm’ York, 0. 14 lIct. loll. O i’hnrrrror_lrrrrtley. 5. 17 April, 1019. Ld,crs,’nl-Liste, 0. 10 Amrg. 10101 rl. I 3tn y, 1004. 7 Alfred—i Initli no, rcar-adno. It N., knight ef tire Sled; idle, 5. 37 .2rnrrr, 1020 irs. lit Janre, 1052, t,ouiro, ctrlent dart, of tire tale i lenrry I ):rwsotr, Errt. of 1.oonde Alntney, arid Imy her )rrho it. loll) has irsnre, a son, Enln’ord—Lisle, 5. 1053. 0 lliehord-t’ollinor-pe—WtritnrOre, bar-at-bar, S. l2JLdy,i8l2. 1 Si.caoar-t’lrarles Dudley, 5. 29 Jane, loll. 14th Nt.; inn. 22 Nor. 1949, tuba, clrtere don, of tire Pc-v. IV. lloney, arid iran, Sproecr, 0. Jon. lall; a son, 0.1003; ornd a dan. I Arnnia-9e1,lrin,ro. in 1827, lo Sir George Grey, Dart. 2 llarn’iet-Aare’ha. $ S’-ploa. a. Elinalnetir, it. 28 Oct. 1830. 1110 Iorrlelnihr rI. 20 J nmnre, I Sob, arid ryan a. liv Iris eemr, Dr-eLm:t, 2nd l,nrd, D. CL. -raid F. S. A., high-steward uf Tiycrt,rmr, svlmrr svas c-rooted Vt’re,tet Son,torr amrnl EARL oF llatrnonlyrry. 30 Jnly, 1009. llio lordship, 0. 22 Dec. 1762, or. lO Jill)’, 17;rl, Sensair, danr. ,nl fin-,rrrrille, lot llarqrteoe of Stafford, try whoor (whr, it. 26 May, 1810) he had, I. ilrrrtni, Irresent peer’. it. Grnrnsillr’-Dodley, capt. tiN., S. in Nov. 1719: irs. 30 Slay, I S21,lleorgiaima-Anrgnela3trd dau. of t0t-nrry-Ctrarlem. 6th Drnloc of hteanrfen’I, timid by tier )rrlro ii. 10 Slarrim, 1061), iran had, I D:nnlley-ltenmry, 0. 7 tel,. 1010; me. 1857, Geengianra-Errnily, lrmnt ntnnmr. of Inline tlalee C:nlcn’afl, Esq., omn,l had)’ C:nrrrlinre Cotcra)n, arr,l ties, t torltcy—Granvifle-Ricinard, 0.70 Sept. IsIs i’vr’il—.Iolrnr. 5. OJinla’, 1063; lVillinmtrllenr3’, 0.7 Jan. Ion’s; a son, 0. 17 Sept. tn-OS; t1alherirme-Susats; Evelyn(tenrrgianma, a rd nmreturer sIan. 2 (irrrntville—Iliclrard, t, 12 Sept. 1833 ; or - 19 harem, 1964, Svinilla—Soplnia, dnto. if tire i;r. ltrtn. Sir liobert Grant. 3 llcnry-Olnrarr, henri. rifle—turigade, 0. tO S’c-b. 1530, kilted at tire taking of Selilsletiol, 0 Sept. loll. 4 Francio-Eute’ard, 0.24 (let. tele ci. 19 Sept. 1810. O Srrennr-r4,’orgiaima, 9. 9 -lair. 1060. 2 (‘tram’lottc-hiary, 1. t3 Tare. 1047. 3 Geergian:r-l I enrietta—h’rederica. 4 Arigrreta—L’rs:isa, il-at Nice, 13 April, 1807. O Is:rbcll:r-Sointnia—Ann, nun. Ii July, 1050, to Wiit)anr—SI. iltoore, Fort., 2nd soar of tine talc lit. lions. Jsrdge 3teore. nra. F’rcnleriekE’rnnltey, MA., fernrrcrty in the Foreign 0101cc, 0. it .t:rty, 1006; en. 14 Ansi. 1039, Starian-Chmnriottc-Ennily, only c-bId of Tlronrnrrn t’eckayno, Rig. of Icklofoarl JOcose, I lens, runt inns hail ironic, I Prontrrtck-Cocknync-ilndley, h-Get. 1841 it. 27 Stay, 1093. 1 tlnrglr’Cottrlnert-ttunltcy, 0. tO Feb. 1013. 3 Johnrn-Entrrnrd-Danlloy, 5. 17 Nor. 0444. 4 Atgernoo-Clrarieo-Dnrdley, 1. 14 Pci,. 1047. O hhonret-elrorgc-Dorlley, t. 24 Boy, 1041. O Slersarl-heccsoo’Drrrltey, 5. 0 Dcc. lab. O llrnrian-Fraencr.ijeoruiana. no. 3 tog. 1864, Ic the Rev. Arnh:nr tIre-king. MA., Vie-sr of fievingdon, htcrtn. 2 Itealnice Stor, —F’rcrteriea. 1 S’ru’nlerir.a—Cnnnonrrrnn’e—tborrnttr3—. 4 tielenma-Ano’rrsta-Cocloaynrc. it. 30 Jniy, 1527. oem of the itigirt lion, Willlionnr Snnnrin, and has issue; tlreir driest sonr, Wuiliaor-Gronnihe, no. 2 Ang, 1000, liadine— )iieolnierna, ynurrgest don. of SI. de Snnirnaoff, privy-coneeuler anrd scnatnnr of the Enrpcn-or of Russia. W’iu,nrnrnliffe. hten’rey. fIn- rfleca—Rnron, 98 ltay. 1776. Earl, 38 Jmnlr, 1000. elos-alod. org., on the sh’rnlder of each an ermine epol, so, house, co. G toncooler. firm Ofoa;no—3S,Gronvcnor Sqnorc. H A R R OW B Y. HAiotoowtiy, EAtIh Gio (Sir Iltrrlloy Ryder, KG., P.C., I).C.L -I, Viococt tnt Sanarirnar, of S:sttdnaln, co. Stafford, atari 1.hrrrrrn B o.rrosn’l ny nsf Harrow) 13’, co. Litocn.iln, 5.19 May, 1798; or. 15 Se1it, 1823, Francoa, 4th doti. crf John, let Marqtteos of Bnte, annd by boy (srlro tI. 29 March, 1859) baa bad,