Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/604

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MAR HAS german, the lIon. St. John I3rodriek, and joinad in the asic of them. lie was fattier of L F,s yogis-JOHN ITACTWELi., ESq., 3. in 1737, who was i. Carvhina-Gvesgioo. ku ighteil in 1 sOt, acting as proxy fir Eon I Keith, vii the 1 netallali. ‘ii of eliot nobleman is kiiiglit if the it.ith, ansi Sir Ilohiert, who is a J.P. and DL. for Bnckinglsam’ was created a lu.iranet 3 Oct. 1 sos, lie i. S st, iii 1791 shire, anmi late M.P. for that go., was created a Anne (‘tori, it tell aria, e1,iet dan. of Ti liii 111 limo B’m.ronet, 28 Nor. (865. shin Ii. iv’., cionniaiiiirr—in—eish f vi lii,’ llnvsiaii ficel , by when lie hail (with ‘ ‘thi r ic iii ci’,isv’i), Ii, siiti,n, iii tloiv eider’, hA., i’h.ipiain to George, Prince Itonnas hARVEY, Lig. of l.angiey Pvi-k, cc. Bncivhngliam, llcgeel. . 1512, ttatb, div. vi I(si.l fall, F’,sq. iii l’tolio1i’s J.l’., and, in loPS, high vtsrsitt ef iliac cv.; 5. 1 Feb. 1391 111111: an,l lying 101 1. ‘‘ft lv liii (n’hiioi. tnilly, .ivnepli s.. hot, 14 .1 an. ISIS, Jvn,-—,icnovia, dim v. of John—Pose Colbns, ,Jsii’kv,in, F5,j. it ft. iuicrnt’,) live sail tying lulls, ]inonnn is. i’’’nt tvironi’t. 53 lnry—li,ualbei, i.tii lvi 7, iii 1549, ,tn’titti St. Marlin. I all) u.n1 issue, Sir Fruini’t’. .. . tnihiv, iii lvi 2, 1 ,‘‘itv,i, ilan. of tubs At’tridge, I. Cotoline, vi. I (let. 1031. to htii-lia rd’I ‘Isinlngenet Campbell, Leg, of N, lv’ 1.. dgi’, Snosco, ‘3’ sib. ‘iii (vs lii’ ii. in I f43) he hid iii I univ diii., Is sims i. 7 be 1 nronu-i, who was eel. tie’ It ilfor I .ini 33 • o’tn’ich v. .hniteero, sad dirvch ir vi Witiiani I lotliant, I, by svliovi (svlis d. 5 Jan. 1959) lie I inc’rnwieli II. slittai, ‘1. 35 .tnnr. 1 v3l , ii vi wan e. by his hail no ivsnr. gras,. lvii, fissions cit ihe tirevent i iarooet. H A R 1’ ‘1. }l.tnir, Sen ROEF.ier, of Prospect House, co. Dnblin, S. S Sept. loll; 0. hid father as 2nil baronet in IS:J2; sa.6 Jan. 1 887, Sophy, the lots’ 11ev. Sainnol’G. Fairtlougli, rector of Ahinagh, Cork, and has, 1. ItonEnT-IVAY, 3. 3 June, 1 COO. 1. (uaviliisc—l’2liz sto. th—Jnni.piino. Ii. Invi ictius.1 isisrintla. 3tIitritirr. Tiocrrnv 11 vnTv, Evq. of kitkcnny, ii. Margaret, don, of Ii. Ida. lit, Alicia Slooclia. .1. ‘ho, L’ ‘rktngti.n, viol gruonlilan, of li,ibstt Way, tdsg. of Sir hub cit (‘vho is the eldest son cuf the late mlintingitishoil Iltirve, i iy whom ho hail iv’.nc, itonr.n’r-hi’.nr. % ithuiiv, if l3aldin, 5t.l. .ivvrph, v niejer in use army. Svsannah, u. to Sir Tticuinas 31’Kcnnv, Part. The eldest sin, I. ttiinsinv-W’vv lawn, Eq., 3. 27 LIce. 3779, of Prospect (For the lineage, too late for insertion here, of thin Sb ens, iii the i iu’iisiis’ of I ml un, on ahtcrosaii vf that city, ancicnt faintly, ore Brawn’s Looitc 1 t,’votcs’-) and hr I nias-u .r in I nOt—i, iris ercalcil a Par. ‘net Scjut. 1S.H. lit i. 21 II arch, 1 sliT, Ahisuit ‘clii, eldest don. if Ji ibis A u’s,. v—lb anneis on a elnof, indented, gss -- a represoniahion Ji,iriv, 140g. of Eden Puick, and a. in 1332, h.iving hart sf the gvlt medal presented lo Sir Itohcrt-.tahin harvey for is no, livnr.RT. litv sni’eei,vr, Macros. 3. 23 One. IsIS, CF. (‘Iivrles-Alisvp, ‘i. lAcy. I sli ii. 20 Jnl> , if4O. I rnrv—l,arktngt,in. I.. 9 hIs, 1stt; u.. .1 nna, ‘Ian. of 11 mr) Cu’i of—i (01 uI a moral rron-n, or, a dexter eabit snot, erect, I Cs is, Fsil., vail lies sine, uris ions vnd iso shun. Lvvisa—hlatiislo, ii. II .big. l’sdf, St corge I laicli, Esq. vi also tsr. er,n,’rsidm’, halifax, Yiirkslsjrc, Ihosilu, ii,—] Icnm-iet ta. .tili’iat,,ne, u.s. 13 thee. 1359, to henry Ilaigh, E;g. vf (r,sinvlic I IsiS, Itnevinsinre, C,’evilu; —Si pt. If-hi, As—Or. vi, is fevse, so.. three dimes, vidoat, e.igiu”c timid, winys exp.vnird. .t]ei(cu— hal’’ mitt .ivaiv f,e,l,,ci. S’vt—t’rsviuect iIonce, I toelinclv, cv. l)alihn. p HARVEY. Ilisuive v, Silt ROI1ERT-IIATFSON, liv rt. of Langley Paris, ro. P,ock. inghaln Ii. 17 Ni,;’, 1525 se 7 Aug. 1S25, TJi;sna-Jsu’e, 2nd dast. vif the Von. Stephen Croyko, 1l,isTtNne, H SOQLJFSO 05° (Sir llonry-WeyeforehChiarloo-l’hatitagrnot archdeacon of York, and has, 1. ticnrn’r-Gvceuvitrn, 3. 1 Joly, 1956. n. Ctiarlvs-ilvtecsn, ii. 13 Jon. I 503. n. Iiiana-firnecicre, iii, Florence-Anon. 3L tlICEtflt. of II such Coon, vo. Svniersrt, ansi by her (isbn ,9. 20 Ang. i. flosnwr-P,srnviisv, rr,’aleii a P,arenet as above. 3rd ned present Poke of Bnckinghan’ and Chandon. htr. ilarroy is. 2ndlv, v Sort. 1520, Ann, dan. ci Admiral Sir (‘co Eu v—tb Xciv. I ff0, A roio— (iv., on a hiend engr., org. three irefoils shppnd, sect., all sviflnn a lusrctarr, ioav p. or. A ‘iso—So.. a tomb’s head, raho’svuh, org., alhireub, or; lurtss-ren (‘cit—A lion rrgnordan 1, mr., s;sppvritng an esonctisen, Ilir visit-ri a nuts leiti5,-—fnliu-,’. ‘f the last; in ,‘huirf, ii lieu, org., rliargeil scilli a hal’s wing, sa. uas’ t—gi,, hue tube, ut Ibis 2nul nih Sri] t on a canton, s-ru,., isv,, han, lice fesie, so. vail gui. .llolt,’—t’rol ‘miss veras hones. ,Ocisl—I.angios- i’ack, b’nrks. f,’u ‘i—un a nneais, mrs. ntini-ouinu]eul svilh seven pairs, the I. R’ibert-Lambtvn-Snttnn, 5. 32 Sept. 1147; ,t. 4 Sept. 1944. is. Cnanres, 5. 23 Feb. 3940. lit. Lsinabarl-Edward, 5. 5 Oct. i°30. i. Idvuirioth -Maria, iv. 9 May, 1549, to 14.4k-Knowles t,acon, eldest non cif Sir 13.-li. Knuwins Laron, Ban. Licstto.nant’( ion. Sir l(nhuort-.Jolsn Harvey, CE., R.T.S., R.C. St. Bento dAvis, of Household Hotste, Norn ich’m, cat in the last parliament as lm[.P. for Thotford, Ho was createil a Eso’onet, S Doe. 1868. (-‘,‘cotbeu,—S lIce. IsIs. his services vi the halite oh (Irihes, renfalo fi-om a ribluon, gn., friinbriaicd. as., beneath the cord “Ortlis’s,” beivrenn tee reesenots, arg., a euotion, cent., Ito rron a rcps-rsrntation iuf a tivulge of she mu tier of the ion or and Si, er,l. ppr.. shorn a crescent, org., bole-ceo leo tmranrhns of laotel, ,‘h[,’’t —SlIest sir huh. Sub—u_n, us, n l’s tnt, Nsr,vith. guys flee—S Oct. 1 ‘hIS. laub and SIb eliargrul s’iili ii shear’s turu,uh, sangoinatod, org., a Ii:irl, louhgril, II,,’ ulrxtrr foot on a 5, cli, of the last, oitui to flue nv,otim ui s.pi-ig of uu:,k. roil. stluutt.,—SiuiIe nutS cuusdissIgs, S,-a’ Ii,sle I lalt, Essex. S II R V E ‘V lLtuvItT, Silt ROBERT-JOHNll,tnvgv, Bart. of Crown Point, in the parish suf Trowso, cc. Norfolk; f’ 16 atpril, 1817; 0’. uI Ang. 1845, Laily hlenrietn-Angnnta Lanibaa’t, gtanddnu. of Robert, 7th Earl of Roman, an,l boo had hone, HASTINGS (IXTINCT). Iiaw’iloia-Haotinge), Earl of Raw