Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/608

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IT; T SIR Tuouas LvTTLrros, or (tie with him more invariably i. Ellen, ,s. lot, to John Ciiteo, Req. of Woodeote, to Shropshire spelt) Liner ioN, K. B., bectitio 0110 IIf the great 11w luminance of 1110 e, Sultry, and is iiuno,rt the ii by 010 ii. Margaret, rn, lot, to William-ulumphry Figot, Esq. of work aiono, ins coicbrate,i Pica! “v eic P ,‘ In 11 ‘,4 he coos railed 0 • the degree f ooij c at at-law, ted aitt rw,1rIie III. etuino, 10. lot, to Thomas Stiddicmone, Faq. ofRdgbashe, tl1ipiinietl ott 101111 ill tile Siarohai — a ‘f tile kr ‘oitoi’t’i,oiti the next v In Irt’ “‘10 0’ iotiitirt I ieiigc’a 0 ij lilt, 1111 i. U Slay, 1435, ratio ticS, e ,‘l tlte , ice in till I,lIrl ittrtt circuit. tie (lhhehard) d, I Ilaniro VIII. and woos, by his eon, lilivulg 0111)1011 0111110 illo’lii,ill,’ to tile 1,111 ‘attriau patt5 Suu Fowsito’ LITTLE! ON, Knt. of I’illltit In Ilall, wits in d a 11111011,1 tbo’,ar of thy Il’ 1o - lid I U, oil I a0000lI’ll grout fronu Iii onoVi Ii. of the office u feo,.oiablc and lecoper cf Lou Ailli IV., 0)1011,1 I’tlt 1111 1.arih’n, erlli’ll 10.15 gilIlIttOl IIf the rastle of Stafflll’d, a,,d keeper of halo pai ho, and bailiff ill Ilil LI, 51111 ill the 4th rI. II’ 111 ti eli pi 1111’ ‘a i’eign. he I f Itil isanIlr of I’arclariggs, ill the co. of Staffor,i. for life. waS apI) allied ‘‘110 of tile 311 gte ‘If tile coon of tI ItohIl,,n lIe was sherilf of Staffordshire is and 11 HENRY S’III. and Picas, 1011011 110 h,i,i a grallt If lit bark, 1111 t ol litti tiashluls 4 Rilwson VI. Be a. 1st, Helen, dau. of Humphrey of 1,011,11111, ljriob ‘1, 111111 111111 ,‘ao,l moreover, 1201. I 1’i. Swinnerton, fioq. of Swiulltorton, in tile oo. of Stalluard, and for a robe and furo, lIeu 110. Od. ftir a sllulIllsr robe. In the by her hail seven lone: tho six oldest 1. without issue; the lStlt of King Kitwa oi’, lie was made a knight If tue Bath, eevoultl,, I’inwaan, ouoeocded as heir; beside twa daue., with the l’nu,’e of iVaiee, 11111 St renC 0i’5Ofl5 of the Barbara, u’ifc of Honey Bower, Es,j. of Woreeslorsinre, and bight ot ,hStillaliIIfl. Sir ‘i’ii,Inlao ‘1. Joaii, doll. 111111 e I—heir afteuavards of daLi, Folhiot, L’oq. of Pirton ; and Constance, of William Hurler, Ilsi of Br,Ialnserei t Cttotie, ll Si) rop— wife of Sir James Foljambe, Kin. Sir Edward II’. Sndly, shire, and relict ‘if Sir Pilili1 I i.’ilotu çltIi, KIlt. ‘f Ttlgoetro, Isabel, relict of — V/iatd, aud dan. of Richard 11111, sister lu Statl’onisinro (lvi til COil, Ifl ice ae’1aired large i1050050i005), aud Iteir of hubert Hill sIloll. of Iiounhtiii, in the Co. of anti had three SIms WiLliaM Sir1, f Frankiey, from whom the LORDS LYTOLE but by that 1 idy bad no tootle, lIe S. It Oct. 1232, and was TON. (di’, ‘si’ 10 thai tithe.) lilt 1151111. of lohilIll preetlltiy. Tilooll,s, If S1lotebley,noar Worcester, aneoelor of the LordKeeper Sin Rnwsnn LITTLETON, Rut., Sheriff of Shsffordehire, Lytltetoo, I, eljl. t’uAnLns 1., i and of Sir Wiihang 5 Eeic.aowtu, oho Dl. Alice, dau. of Francis Coekayne, 1,itllottlil,S1lO.lkOr of the Honor of Commons iu the rcigii Esq. of 0tehburne, tu, Dci byshire1 and had ieeue, ol ii’iti,i,ttl lli. This cabS rated judge made 1110 last will 22nd August Thomas, si. Cassandra, dau, of Thomas Lane, Rig. ref 14s1 , and diii tiee next day, at hs seat at F’rankiry, in a Franois, ‘f SickLe, eo. Salop ei. Gertrude, dan. of Thomas groat end glad old age. His widow survived 1dm twenty- Stittlin, of ilverl,ad,lou, to Touk, and left iosuo. ft air ye.Lre. and ,i. 22 31 reb, 11113, nearly foursc, ire, Ic snug Walton, ‘f Ilceloohahl. to. Staffurd. 01, Alice, dan. of John a great 011,115, wlnt’li 01100 by her father and uiother, to Coiutteriord, Rig. of the same county. her oi’Iuot Otto, SirE Wham. The 2nd ecu, Rico loll Lii tLl;rc’N, Fioq., a iawe er of eminenoe, to Janico, ol. Ilercy. don. of John Stone, Esq. of London, whom his father I eiuoatlied his St-co lbS sa P’ 11110, 111111 Deocreux, cii, Jane, dau. ol bo’orge Ailcu, Rsq. af Woodhouse, gave a iuIieiy of tbo mauor of Baxterley, in Warwioloshire. 01. Alice, dati. and heir of William Winoobnry, Req. Jane, Is. to John Lone, Lot1, of liontley. of t’lil ton flail, Staffurdohire, and bad, 1. Iliohard, ii, e. p. Ii. L’ow.sni, Sir’, Ins heir. Which was comnitittod iipoii by Sir Edward Coke, and Margaret, co, to Sir John Iicpington, Knt, of Amington, called by him ‘‘the ornzunent of the eutiiinon lillY,” and which is constantly relict aud relorrod to by the profoosion. The celebrity anti ,taeftiineoo of the wink l,ave endured to Sir Edo’ard ci. 15 July, 1574, and was c. by his eldest eon, cur con I inc ; al,d n’ ‘twith standing the prodigious trees. Sin Enwsan LITTLETON, Rot., sheriff of Skaffordohire, 01111 of statutes and replirts, the changes ill tile law, and the 12th and lJtb of ktieaneao, 11 P. for the co. of Stafford, accumulation of pubhetlttollo, I,i1liot,Ill, with Cake’s eomwent is the Jsth of the same reign; ci. lbtargaret, dan. aud 00 try, will ever continue a 11uido to otudeut, advocate, heir of Sir William Devereux, Rot., youngest son of Walter, 1101 jndge. Edward Lyttiolon, of 5t,,iiu’ulow, in the to. Salop, Viscount Itercienil,’ aid ha,! issue. kot’pcr of tite great seal frolll 1015 to 11145. Tide learned Euwaan ISir(, his oueeosoor. personage, like Inc groat 111110111 ‘r, the author of the TI li”res, Thi,icas, c.. Rhtai,oth. dati. anl heir of Adam Shortou, atttaned 10100, hI,Ilaurs, aol fertuno by the profosaiou of the 1,1w. 1,1 tIle I 5th year of 1’ iug Cut RIDS I , Sir, LottIe— Mary, u. to Richard Fewier, go5. of King’s llarnage, t’ ii was aplIIiate’l salieitcgeucrai, 11 beii ho roeoived the Seine, is. to hIunIihrey Salssay, l’hoq. of Stautord, in hc,i,our of klligiirix, ‘si iii fin ye a’s.iltoravarda he was 1110,10 lard chin jnoti 10 ‘f the C,I,lrt 0, t’I,u,lnon i’ieae, at d rho Jane, m. to hlinhard KnightLy, Req. of Faweshey, to. next year cousibtlltoli icr’! kei’er of tue groat seal, ce’iien he eras ci’ vat ad t,I the pet rage. 15 I’ob, loll), ilo Baron Lytttctoll, ot 51 lund, lv, ill tile c’’. f Saleii. At the c’ ‘l,liannrenie]tt ‘If Ellen, a. ta Wtfflain Sabington, Fog. of Crrboroitgh, 00. the 01111 wars, when (‘oslo no rrtiroll t I the city of Verb, tito Marg ret, 0. to John Sitinner, Req. of Cotton, in Worceetorultire. I’ ni keeper tnlllbo’liateiy f’ hiltwd,l 1115 lll1IjOlty snitit tile groat 5., 1, nid r,,utiotuo’ I aiterwal d in at’ euclance upon luiu. Lsttioo, ‘a. to John Foinethy, au’ohileacon of Stafford. Ii is iltrlioh’p Ill. Aiiitt, 11,111. ci ,t,’hii l.rtlloi 011, lZsq. of Constance, ci. to Itiol,ard lull, Bent. of London. Fulilkiol , H. P. for tile en. ,‘f iVitreoster, by cvil, ‘a be bad all 111115 lao. lllld iteu’o, 1. Anne, oh.’ ,, . hei’ Cccliii,! CIllisili, Sir Thoiiia— Lytt’0t in, B at. I If Lor’l Keeper Lyttioton, I Inks sftyc I —. lIia lcaruiag wal v iriluls 11111 ns,’fui 1110 Sin EnwAlin Lirxc000v, SIP, for Staffordshire, 21st ShIll! ill us’ uuaxlbui— of tt,50rllllanllt. anti of tile 1,111,11111011 tIll Jsaooo I., and sheriff h4th hf tltt same roign, who to’ Ilary, etatu tc.s ouch 0,1St’ 1113 of tile kogdom Inc partieniar, Ill was dan. of Sir Cleinont Fiahor, Rot, of Patkingtan, in the oo, ‘Ills cxli rience ilelt:au 1 t’llooroillg. his oilllplonoe cc as of Warsvick, and had issue, pllwonud md majo’tio in fa t, 011th a 111111 wa. wc’rttiy of that hon our to ‘a iuch lie evils atlvanu’ed , ilIullOIr, of 0 110cr of ii. h’ioher ci. Anne, dau. of John Baynton, Req. of Wiltshire. tloc roalni,’’ I ha llIrtlshil1 I). ill 1111. when the barony of Lyttb tim, of 51 olli,sioO , ill. 0,111,0 extinct. Ttie Si I,’alcor I,iitict, ‘il’s ielulolhate fuoily was as follows iii. Walter (Sir), chancellor of the dioccee of Lithfleld and : Arlani l,ittiet’tn, I sq. of Stoke Slillau’gti. in 5110011— Coventry, ‘a. Priscilia dan. of Sir Lewis Psmbei toil, Knt. shire, ,lcoee, Idlllit 1’ 1 I yIN o’’on ot’o cf FbI ‘baa Littletoll, of Spolehic y, ‘yb crusted tt banIII,ot, 14 1 let. 1012 ; lie si. A wdroy. dlii. 01111 000ntlrli beSets if Thomas I’Oyllte., hog. of North lsyullt’rl, ill itoo”x, anti dying about 1047, ieit a elan, Sic l’ooai as LITa 1.1 TON, wI 010. i,ts COubsill, Aibno, dao. and heiress t,f Li ri Littieten. of SI elltloiltss’, the lord keeper and dyieg in April, 1621, was sileece’ led by his Sun, Sin Tn’,MAs Lixocontia, Spi’sher of the House of Caiuiuons, temp. Wuu,i.i.lsi ill, who at. AnIle, dItti. of ideujamin hia,in, Eaq. of Weotcoate. in t1ionccotcrabtno, but died without issue, iii Jan., 1712, when the harouctey became extinct. § The dau. and heir of Orendon of Groiidon. 555 HAT and Sndhy, to Wiiham Basset, Esq. of Bloro, eo. Stafford. SalIp; and Sodly, to — Clifton, Eoq. of Derbyshire. on. Warwick; and Sodly, to William Wilington, hOsq. of Ilanehooton, co. Warwick. Stall’ord (she ill, Sndiy, Ralph Rgerton, Lsq. of Wrinehtill), 1. ily his son, F.uwsuin ‘Sir), ills heir. Bcitley, eo. Stitford, and ieft issue. John, Ii. 0. 3). rohiot ‘f William Bosvyer, II q., and loft isoue. cc, Derby. and left issue. Constance, cc. to Themae Helt, Esq. of Gristlelsnrst, in Lancashire. Slary, Ill, to W’altor Vernon. Esq. of Iiounhili,Staffordslure. tiraoe, oi. 1st, to Francis IiIualage, fbi1. of Doisevardyne, to. Salop: and Sndly, to Silvanus Laeon, Eoq. of the o one eounhy. 00. Warwick, Esq. of Wtillnghton. 00. ,taflhIrd. S’Ilop. Worcostorshire. Northaeii 111111. St,tfford. Sir I’l,los’ard was s. at hie dereaso by his eon, I. Kowann, his heir. of ttusbdcut, in Northamptonshire, and had four suns, etc., 1 WaIter, of I,iclaftold. us. a dau. of William Talbot, Esq. of Stoorton Castic, Staffordshire, and had issue. 2 Fidwac’I, 51. a dau, of— Slullins, but S. e. p. 5 Fisher, Lf1.i)., ci,. Ehzabttl, dan. of — Piocebeck, of London, and widow of — Skegnes, and II, in March, lliiltb—7. Through thus marriage, Lord tlathorton, so one of the uxprosentatives of ,tune, dais, and heir of Thomas of Woodetock, Duke if iJiioee,teu’, 5011 of Rooosnn III., is entitled to quarter the royal arms ci Plantagenet.