Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/61

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ABI 4 Vere-Cllnton, 8. 19 Dec. 1815, late lient. let Madras to Jamaica on the death of his uncle Francis, and from him fusiliera; served under Neill and Haveleek, in 1857. 2 Frederic-Arthur, 8. 24Sept.1817,lieut.lrdFuujaubcav. limceally deocendod 6 Peregrine-Francis, 5. 18 Boo. 1841. 7 Albemarle-Henry, anefficer 17th foot; 8.26 Feb. 1847. estates, in the pariah of St. Jameo, iii Jamaica, who is. I Charlotte-Anne-Emily, 5. 19 Dec. 1889. 2 Georgina-Elizahoth, ii. 1 Nov. 1818. 3 Agnes. 4 Adola-Mary, e. Caroline, en. 23 Jan. 1621, to Charles-John Baillie-Hoinilten, her mother Mary, a dan. of Joli,o Lawroscoo, was lineally Eaq., NP., who 1162, havtughy her had issue. dcoccndod from floury Lawrence, President of Cromwell’s His lordship 5. 26 Sept. 1789, and wae a by his son, Monnou, Sib earl, DCL., 0. 30 Api-il, 1784, whom. let, Ilnntingdonchiro. His ancestor waaknightcl by Il,ncrsnn I. 27 Aug. 1807, Emily, dau. ef the late General the lion. at the battle of ,cre, during tlco Crusades. Robert Searlett Thomas Gage, and by her (who d. 8 Aug. 1818) had issue, by his noorriago left isc,cc,, present earl. Henry-William, D.C In, iu Scaly orders, vicar of Great o. Philip-Anglin, ofCancbridgs Estate, who married Sabina, Ilford, Essex, 0. 10 Sept. 1812. Browelow-Charlee, 5. 19 Aug. 1819, an officer 2nd life no issns male surviving. guards; 5. 20 Dee. 1812. Charlotte-Margaret. Emily-Caroline, on. 31 July, 1830, to the Hon. and Rev. en. Robert, M.D , of Dnckett’e Spring Rotecto, who is. Charles Bathnret, LLD., who ii. 20 Fob, 1842. His lordship on. Sndly, 11 Feb. 1841, Lady Frederica. cv. William-Anglin (Sir), Rut., chief jnctbco of Jamaica, Augusta Kerr (who it. 26 Nov. 1864), 5th thu. of the late who ccc. Mary, a dan. of Joseph Williance. Esq. of Loans Countess of Antrim. The Earl of Abingdon was one of the co-beirsto the barony of Wero.,saie of Thaws. He officiated as cupbearer at the coronation of King Goonor IV. Rio lordahip was also lord-lieot. and euotoe retulorom of Derko, and high-steward of Abingdon, in the came county. He 5. 16 Oct. 1551, and was e. by his eldeot son, Mowceasus, 6th and present earl. Creations—Baron by writ, 8 May, 1572. Earl, 20 Nov. 1682. Arcs—Quarterly: llrot and fourth, arg., three battering rams, barvmya, in pale, ppr., headed and garnished, ao.; second and third, en., a sbattered castle, triple-towered, arg Ce-eec—A Soraesn’s bead, eeuped at the breast, ppr., dueally crowned, or, charged on the chest with a fret, az. Sappertere—Dexter, a friar, -costed in russet gray, with a The 2nd son, crutch, rooarv, Fe., 411 ppr.; sinister, asavags, ppr., wreathed Sin JAMEs ScAsetrc’T, Ent., an eminent advoeate,was called about the temples and waist with leaves, vort, each ouppertor charged on the Orcact with a fret, ar. Mstls—Virtus ariets fortior. Seat—Wy than Abbey, Reading, Berkshire. Tewn Hooee—10, Grosvenor Street. ABINGER. ABINRER, BARON (WilliarnFredorick Scorlett), of Minicter in Siexico; 5. 27 Nov. 1504; cc. 22 May. 1841, Abingsr, co. Surrey, colons] in Sloe army, and major Parkbnret, Surrey, and by her (who 5. 1540) hoe one Scota fna.-gds, 8. 30 Aug. 1826; 1. ho father, as 3rd surviving son, Leepold-James-Yorke-Campboll, RN., baron, 24 Juno, 1861; no. 23 Dcc. 1863, Ella, don. of Commodoro Magruder, into U. S. Navy, and niece to John Woloham, Esq., 2nd ccc. of legation at Madrid, oflIaj.-Gon. J.-B. Magrutlor, and has Ella-Catupboll; Mary-Elizabeth, BAauNEas Svasv,seusa in her own right, Helen; a don., 6. 9 Ang. 1867; and a dan., 6. 28 wife of John, 1t Lord Campbell, ,t. 22 March, 1260. (Eec Oct. 1868. 3Llllcagc. The family of Soarlett is at considerable antiquity. His lordship an. Indly, 28 Sept. 1040, Elizabeth, dan. of the Roezar SOAaLETT io stated to have pooseoaod the manor late Lee-Steers Steerc, Esq. of Jayec, Surrey, and relict of and parish of Poehem, or Peokhanc, in Kent, in the the Rev. Henry-John Ridley, of Oeklsy. Lord Ahiuger 5. reign of Enwaan I. In 1625, Bcajaana Sranr.v.vv, of 7 April, 1544, and was a. by tile eldect son, Eaotbonrne, in Sussex, no. Mary Kennard, of that place, fluanar Caarpaatt. 2nd baron, who was 5. 1 Sept , 1794, and hod by her a nnmorsua family. Be poeoesoed, whether and m. 10 July, 1524, Sarah, 2nd dan. of George Smith, by acquisition or inheritance, lands at Raotloonrno and other Esq.. lots chief-justice of the llanritiuc, and Lad, places, and woa acisod, jointly with his wife’s matemal s. Wsttcaoe-Fasnraiccc, present peer. uncle, the Reverend John Gibe, Rector of Ponhnrst, of the me. James-Henry-Lawrence, 0. 10 Jan. 1810; ci. 15 June, Manor of Haosldono, near Battle, in Snoocx. Benjamin u. Ilenrletta-Rlicaboth, at. 53 Jnly, 1946, to the Hon. Soarlett’s eldest con, by his wife Mary Kc,cnard, Paaxccs SC’AnLsTT, who ia styled “Captain” Fmnoie Otway-Fcrteocus Toler (see Noaarav. E. ovi. Scarlolt in variona public documents, oeonired lands in tics ii. Frances-Mary, am. 17 Dcc. 1027, to the Rev. Sidney pariah of Saint Accdrowe and oloowhere, in the island of Lidderdale Smith, rcrter of Dromptou Ache, Northomptonehire, Ja,naioa, and served no Member tier St. Andrews in the first His lordship was a barrister-at-law, and was British Legislative Assembly, held in Jamaica. Dying withnnt Slinieter at Florence. He 5. 21 Juice, 1501. issue, be devised an ostate in that island, situated on the Cc-cation—iS Jan.1925. Arsse—Clcequy, or aced gu., a lies, river Waggwator, in the pariah of St. Androwo, to W5LLIAn rampant, em.; en a canton, cc., a castle. triple towered, Sceatan, at that time a stndont in the Middle Temple, org. Ct-sot—A Tuscan column, ehoqny, or acid gte., supported the eldest son of his (the teotator’c) next brother, Thomas en either side by a lien’s jamb, ermines, erased, go. Seepjsevtec-s—Twe Seorlett, of Esatbourno. This Wio,tzasr Scaaoan emigrated ii ABI Ronsav Scnatsrv, Req., of Dnekott’s Sprimcg and other Elizabeth Wright, a widow, the dais. of l’l’ilip Auglin, Req. of Paridiso Estate, in lice caino island. This lady, through Conncil alter he became Protector. Henry Lawrence, the President, wan the descendant of a vou-y ancient family icc dan. of Robert Bowen, ltsq., of Retreat Estate; but left ci. flouts, created Loan Amanra. Mary White, a granddau. of u’olin Campbell, Esq.; but belt no male issue surviving. Estate, in the parish met St Elizabeth, in tho island of Janoaiea, and lend issue, 1 Robert-William Scarlott, who d.c. c. 2 Janceo-Williamc Scarlott, Ecq.. of Thryberg Park, Yorkcbaire, 5. 20 Fob. 1812; Sc. 14 Sept. 1817, AnnoRhodoc-Wclliamc Drowcc, youngest dan. of James Drown, Eoq., of Harehill’s Grove and Roeoington, Yorkshire, and Icas five cons acid three dane., viz. I Wtllio,.c-James, liont. 5th drag-guards, 5. 19 Oct. 1829; 2 James-Williams, 5. 0 Get. 1941; 1 RobertLawrsneo, 5. 27 Jan. 1549; 4 Tlcomcs-llowlaccd, 5. 17 May, 1825; 5 Harry, t. 20 Aug. 1557; 1 Mary-Williams; 5 Charlotte-Angliuc, w. 4 April, 1065, to Capt. J.-E.-B. Ksonc, R.H.A., soim of the Rev. C.-E.-R. Keons, of Swyncombs Honso, Oxen; I Annie. to the bar 1791, filled the office of attorney-general, was appointed lord ehiol baron of the Exchequer, 01cc. 1014, and created B.ssoic Aaiaoza, 12 Jan. 1015. He am. let, 25 Aug. 1792, Lonioa-Henriotta, dan. of Polar Campbell, Esq. of Kilmory, co. Argyll, a lhmoal dcsecndont of the Camp- belle of Anchenhrock, one of whom, Sir Duncan Campbell, foil, in 1645, at the battle of Inveriocbcy. Sir James by leer (who ml. 8 March, 1820) had, Reaoar-Caairertc., 2nd baron. Jaa,r.s-Yonao Sir), K.C.B • commander el the Legion of Honour, liont.-geu., ccl. Sib dragsscc goanls, highly distinguished in the Crimea, 0. 1 Feb. 1709; m. 19 Dee. 1812, Charlotte-Anne, 2nd sIan. and ce-heir of the late John Msrgroavee, Esq. of Orcuered House and Bank Hall. Potor-Campbell, C.B., a dtotiecgniohed diplocnatiet, Dritioh Minister at Mexico, lately linvey Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Brazil, appointed 19 11cc. 1558, British Minister at Florence, and 12 June, 1562, Envoy Extraordinary and Olinieter Plenipotentiary to the King of Greece; appointed 1 Fob, 1005, Prilish Frances-Sophia-Mestyn, 2nd dau. ef E. Lonoax, Req. of 0. 9 Sept. 1817, and a dan., Florence, ,cc.5 llorcb, 1567, eldest son of Sir John Walohcmac, Dart. SraAc-seenss-, BARON.) Louiee-I,awrence, as. 14 Jnnc, 1523, to Lient.-Celenel Sir Edmund Currey, K.C.H., wlce 5. 27 Aug. 1042. 1045. and baa isecco. angee, vooted, org., tnncee, at., wings, or;