Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/611

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H A XV who come to the assistance of Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chester, at the period of the Conquest; and having participated In the glory of that great event, shared in the speil ; and obtained, amongst other considerable grants, the castle, lordship, and manor of Hawarden, ro. Flint. From this personage lineally descended, CnniaTnrneo HaUnt, Req. of Holling hall and Woodhouse, patren of Ilkley in 1554, who had issue, r. Tiioaias, his heir. ii. John, of Staynland. 1. laabsl, ci. to William Currer, Eaq. of Harley. The elder son, Tuons MAUVE, Esq. of West Riddleaden, d. 3 Jan. 1653. His grandson, Roaenv Maunr, Esq. of West Riddleeden and Ripon, ro. York, patron of Ilkley, in 1640, disposed of those estates, and purchased others in Kilkenny and Tipperary, whither he removed. Dying in loss, he was o. by his oaiy son, ANTHONY MAUVE, Esq. of Dnndrum, H.P. f,’r Cashel in 1695, who el. 1st, 1666, Mary-Charlten, who ‘1. o. p.;and Indly, 1671, Alice, eldest dan. of Sir Standish Ilartetonge, Dart. of llrnff, cc. Limes-irk, and had (with a ,lan. Anne, is. 1st, to Dean Ryves, and Sedly, to Sylvester Cross, Faq.) v. Francia, 9. Nov. 1799; capt. RN.; a,. lot, .3 Sept. 1827, an only son, his successor, ROBENT MAUVE, Esq., H.P., 6. 1673, who was created a 4. 4 Slay, 1632) has issue, BARONET OF IRELAND, 9 May, ilos. Sir Robert sa. Elizabeth, dan. and heirof Francis Cornwallie, Faq. of .tcton, Middlesex, and Alhermarles, ro. Carmarthen, by whom he had several children. He 4. 4 Aug. 1796, and was s. by his eldest son, SiR TnoasAe, who was elevated to the peerage, 18 July, 3766, as Baron iRe Jfssleil; but ci. without issue in 0777, when the barony ceased, while the baronetcy devolved upon his brother, SIR CORNwALme, 9. in 1729, who represented the borough of Roseommon in parliament, was elevated to the peerage dan. of the I Ar 11-P. Bnshe, Faq., and by her has issue, of Ireland, 4 Hay, TIsii, as Baron Msntalt; and created, 10 3 Ceril-Willisns-De Latham, 0. 21 Apoil, 1620; d. 15 June, June, 1791, Vaseouav fIAwaRDEN. His lerdalsip as. 1st, in 1756, Letitia, dan. of Thomas Vernon, Faq. of Hanbnry Mall, Woresetershire, by whom (who 4. in 1797) lie had s. isabella-Elizabeth, il 20 Sept. 1939. one dau., Elloabeth-Letitia, whom. John Vaughan, Eaq. of Golden Is!. Alieis,nc.21 lIlsy, 1907, to the late hord tlobert-Ponaonby Grove, Carmarthenshire, H.P., and is dseeassd. The viseonnt ci. Sndly, in 1766, Olary, dan. of Philip Allen, sv. Charlotte, in. ts Peter La Tenrhe, Esq. of Hellevne, Eeq., and liters sf Ralph Allen, Eaq. of Prier Park, eo. v. IlIary-Anne, icc. to James, 3rd Viscount Lcfford. Somerset, by whom (who 4. in 1772) he had, THOMAS-RAtER, his sueeeaasr. Sepbia-Haria, o,. in 1807, to George-hay Dawkina-Pennant, Ills lerdobip 5. 23 Aog. 1803, and was a. by his sldest eon, Faq. of Penrhyn Castle, en. fiarnarvon ; and 4. in 1518. Emma-Mary, ci. in 1794, William-Ralph Cartwrighe, Esq., THOMAS-RALrH, 2nd viaeonnt, 9. 16 April, 1767; who in. H.P. of Aynhe, in Northamptonabirs; and 4. in 1809. His lordship in. lrdly, 3 June, 1777, Anne-Isabella, dan. of Chss-lea, Farl of Norecaiston, archbishop of Dublin; but 4. Thos. Honek, Eaq., barrister-st-law, and sister of Charles without issue, 26 Feb. 1807, when the hononra devolved Stanley, 1st Viscount Msnek, by whom (who 4. 26 July. upon ins half-brother, 1851, age 92) he had, 5. CORNwALLIS, 3rd viscount. is. Robert-William-Henry, in holy orders, dsanofClsgber, Br,scs, Rsq. of Taplew Ledge, Dncks, and by her (who if. and archdeacon of Dublin and rector of gnzsiokillen; 9. 24 March, 1852) had issue, 21 Aug. 1764 ci. 2 Slay, 1927, Mary-Elizabeth-Martha, i. CONNwALLIa, preseist peer. eldest dan. of the lion. Fraoeis-Aldberongh Prittis, and i. Isabella, in. 11 Sept. 1839, to Iciecst.-Cal. Charlee J. S. Get. 1861, having had issue, I Thomas-Francis, 15th linssars, 6. 10 March, 1829; 4. 10 Jan. 1817. 2 Esbert-Menry, It. 7th rsycd fnsiliora, 9. 24 Jnns, 1812. ix. Msria-Adelaide, in. 19 Bee. 1941, to Charles, 2nd Earl of 3 Lndlow-Rnatace, 9. 10 Oct. 1944. 1 Catherine-Isabel, in. 12Apr11, 1853, to Major-Den. Joba Iii, F’l,,rence-Priecllla-Alleia, ci. 9 Get. 1849, to CharleoCo,’mcwslhio, Maxwell Pereeval, CD. 2 Gsrtrnds-Emily. ci. 14 Oct. 1057, to T.-C. B,drd. Iv. Augusta, 4. 23 Dec. 1857. 3 Anna-Maria-Victoria. 4 Alies-Arabella. 9 Gsorgiana-Olartha, d. 23 Sept. 1050. six. James Ashley (Sir), capt. R.N., C.D., K.C.H., K.S.L., Viscount, 10 Jisne, 1791. K.S.A., and KR.; 9. 6 Nov. 1706; ci. in 1017, Albinsa, 2nd dan. of the late Most Rev. Charles Brodrick, Archbishop A rnms—Qnarterly; 1st and 4th, as., a lien, rampant, arg. of Cashel, and 4. 23 Oct. 1841, leaviag by her )ivho 2nd and 3rd, arg., three bars gemehles, as.; over all a lien, it. 20 April, 1263) a dan., Albinia, who ci. 25 Dee. 1859. iv. John-Charles, rector of Enniokillen, 9. 16 Sept. 1792; fitcbde, or. mm 1815, Mai-y-Csely, eldsst dan. of William-Ceely Trevllhtan, facet—A liccn’e gamh, erased and erect, ppr., holding an Req. of Middlozoy, en. Samerset, and ii. 21 Jnne, oak-branch, slipped, vert, scorned, or. 1060, having by her (svhe d. 26 Oct. 1061) bad lame, 1 Charles-William, in holy orders, rector of Mundsn Snpparlrrs—Two lions, rampant, each charged on the breast Hagna, Herta, I. 2 Oct. 1210; ra. 25 Sept. 1049, Charlotte, dan. of the late Robert-Slyddylton hliddnlph, Faq. of Chirk Castle, and lisa issue, Charles-Thomas, Srzb—Bnndrnm, cc. Tipperary. ii. 1951, and R,,bert-J ohs, 9. 1053; 2 Gesrge Ashley, Ii.- lawn Hcn,oe—I, Prisice’s Ga,-dens, Hyde Park. eel, in the army, CD., Knt. of the Hrdjidie. 9. 1217; ci. April, 1049, Kathermne-Katinka,’Ian.of Charles-George ifeanrlerk, Esq. of St. Leonard’s Ledge, near Ihorsham (we Sr. ALEANe, D. or), and has iesne, Charles, 9. 1047; Enafaee, 9. 1040: Ashley, 0. 1050; Anbrey, 5. 1852; 561 H A XV Alwyne, 2. 1054; Frederick, 0. l937 and Emily, ma. 7 h ov. 1967, to Jonathan-Peel Baud, Esq., so,, of Sir David ll,drd, Dan. 3 Hanrire-Ceeley, 0. 1820 : silo SLay, 1060, ilarle-Elios Wehrcn, dais, of late Orrihis Wchron, Req. of Chesney home, Swilzerlsnd, baa had a son, 0. 1864, and Fredita, C. 1944 4 FrcdsrtckFrancis, CD., V.C., Legion of 2I,o,onr, eel. in lIce ai’ncy, and lient.-eol, 3rd buffs, 0. 1021 ; ci. 22 Feb. 1052, Catherine, dan. of the late Very Rev. Sir Cleorge Biaahopp, Fart., and has l,a,l lassie, FrederickEnatace-teril, 6. 2 Slay, 1859 4. at Gibraltar, 17 F’ob. 1962: a ssn, 9. at Gibi’altar, 24 Juice, 1004 ; Ale-Cecil; Alice-Emily, and anotl,er dan 5 Corswallie-Gowald, ma), ‘r lloinb-ay srreicr, 9. 1823 ; a,,. lit, 1015, Jane, dan. of Major Stokoo, ai,si by her (who ii. Sian. 1s61 (lisa had issue, John, 1’. 1949, ii. 1886; SL,urice, 0. 1221; sinS Emily; he a. S’iclly, I Get. 1867, ct Poona, Emily- B csria—Chrismiancs, ,lass. of Robert tl,,,lclc,rd, Rq. of Bonkstonn, hrelc,ud 6 Rsbert-Jnstace, esl’t. 41st foot, t. IRiS sc 2 Oct. 1261, Ln,ily, yccungrat ,lan. of Tl,ccn,as Addison, l’lsq. r,f ii oroelc,ii,ls, N ow lirighctoia, Chc’sl,ire, and ii. 4 frept. 1865, leavings Ion, E,,alaee, 0 1263; 1 Essily - Mary - Ilobeera, in. - to WilliamArrhdall, Faq .;1 Alicia-Ceeley 11 Charlelle-Georgisns, io. 11 Fob. 1166, to the 11ev. lewis liicliards, HA., sncnmbeut of ivarrrn Point; 4 Msry-So14;ia-Jnlisna. Frances, dan. of cO-is. Drooking, Faq., and by her (who 1 Franris-Cornsvallis lieut,-col. R.A., V.C., Gil., 9. 26 Get, 1929 ; c. at t’olombc,, 24 Jan. 1660, I’anlinr, ‘‘nly dan. of the un. l’as,l Sterling, arming chief justice of Ceylon ; 3 Charles-Henry, capt. 11. B. hi,,lian army, 9. 21 Ang. 1830; a. 6 Get. 1925 Gcorgiana-HenriettaEmma, 2nd dan. of T.ord Sndeloy ; an,l loisa son, 0. 54 April, 1865, a son, frI July, 16,5; ascin, 0. 23 Feb. 15671 and a dan.; 3 Jaines-Artlinr, in the aroay, 9. 15 April, Capt. Francis Msode as. lndly, 29 June, 1843, Georgians, 1652; 2 Gerald-Edn’ard, 0. 32 Jnsce, 1851 : 3 RaymondWilliam-Tie Latbam, 9. 27 J,sne, 1522 ; 4 Blanche-Emily- Isabella; 5 Olivi.c-uirergiana-Iiliraheth. Ii. Georgisns, ccc. ii, Lord William Stuart, and C. in 1607. Tottenhsm, bishop of Cleghes-, yonnger scsi of Charles, 1st Marquess of Rly, sad C, 5111cc. 1068. ro. Wieldow; who ii. 31 Feb. 1620. vs. Emily, icc. to henry, late Lard Dunsiley. vi,. Catherine, S. yossng. 14 Dee. 1798, Franees-Anne-Agsr, only dan. of his grace CnRNwALLIa, 3rd viscount, 0. 28 March, 1786; who ci. 8 July, 1811, Jane, youngest dsn. of Patrick-Crawford Tottsscham, late of tIcs 2nd life-guardo, now of Woodst,cek, so. Wieklow, eldest son of Lord Robert PonosnbyTottesham, bishop of Clogher. (.srr ELy, MARQUEss oc.) ‘s’srhorongn. 5th Lord Braybroeke. Lord Hawerden 4. 02 Oct. 1836. Crealianx—Tiarenet, 9 May, 1705. Baron, 4 May, 1769, rampant, gn., charged on the ehonlder with a cr,,ae-erssalet, with a er,,aa-rrosslet, Stehcie, or. Jlstls—Virtnte aecnmns. 2 G