Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/615

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HAY and Regality of Smithfield. Sir Jamoo so. Mios Slupoy, by whom he had two sons and a dan., JOHN, his successor in the title, but whom he dioinboritod with a legacy of one thouoand pounds. William, whos. to the cstatoo, aod sO. without issue. Mary, so. to Sir Jamoo Doaglao, aftorwarda Earl of Morton. Sir James sO. in 1654, and was a. iu the baronetcy by his eldest son, Ii. Sin JOHN, whoa, in 1615, and wao o. by his oldoot son, III. SIR Jaasoo. This gentleman, who was 6. in 1652, was the last male reprosontativo of the Smithfiold branch, DALRYHPLE-HAY, SIR J0HN-(’IIAHLES, of Park heing the nephew and heir of William hay, Req. of Smithfield, I’laca, co. Wigton, S. 11 Feb. 1821, H.P. for Stamford, whose propcrty, from various causos, bocamo .50 rcducod, that Sir James had nothing to inherit. Sir Jamcs father,aaardbart.. 19 tllarcb,1861 we. 18 Aug. 1847, 2. without malo issue, in 1683, when tho baronotcy became the Hon. Elica Napior, 3rd dau. of William-John, dormant, and so continued until, it would appear, it was revived in favour of his kinsman, IV, SIR Jaases HAY, M.D., oldost son of John Hay. I. JAaica-Fc.eaeis, licut. in Princs Rogont’o militia, 6. 31 Esq. of Haystonn (which John was great-great-grandson of John Hay, Esq. of Kingsmeadows, youngest son of the is. William-Archibald, 6. 10 Jan. 1511, lot John flay, of Smithfield). This gontlaman who succeeded III. Charles-John, it 21 March, 1861. to the propcrty of hio fatbor in 1762, preferred, in s. Evelyn Eliza. is. Clara-Gsorgiana. 1005, his claim to the dormant baronetage, wInch was us. llary-Eliuabclh. iv. ltlahol-Luay. allowed by a jury assembled at Psoblos, 9 Nov. in the same V. Ellinos--Alico. vi. A dau., 6. 1 April, 1568. yeai’. Sir James is. Dorriel, youngest dan. and co-heir of Daniel Campbell, Esq. of Grscnyards, and had issue, JOHN, his Issir. Adam, lieut.-col. 31st regt. sO. a. p. in 1796. James, 5. 7 Jan. 1757. Ehzabeth, so. in 1770, to Sir IV. Forbes, Hart. of Fitsligo. Jasnss Dalrysnplc, of Stair, and Joan Agnew, inherited the Grace. Jane, ci. in 179i, to S. Anderson, Esq. of Edinburgh. Ilarbara-Dorriel-Anne. Sir James 2. 21 Oct. 1810, and was s. by his eldest son, V. SIR JOHN, I. 15 Jan. 1753 ; sit. 9 July, 1782, Mary- MacDowall, Esq. of Frough; and dying 12 May, 1776. isfl Elizabeth, youngest data. of James, 16th Lord Forbcs, by Jono, his successor. whom (who a. Nov. 1801) ha had issue, JOHN, his heir. Robert, 5. 27 Feb. 1793; deceased. ADAM, 7th baronet. Charles-Murray, liout-gensral, col. 91st regt., sO. 3 July, who sss. Susannah, only doss, of Sir Thomas hay, 3rd 1861. - Samuel, 6. 5 Aug. 1803. Cstherino. Mary, os 8 Feb. 1619, to the late George Forbes, Req. SOD inhsriting whose estates, in 1794, hr. Dalrysnple aasnmed of the late Sir William Forbcs, Burt. of Pitahgo. Elirabeth. its, in 1821, to Sir David-Huntor Dlsir, Bad.; of the Unitod Kingdom, 20 April, 1798. Sir John had and ii. his widow, 3 Aug. 1859. Gracs, m. 26 July, 1831, iii Matthew-Norman Macdonald, i. JANES, 2nd bsronct. Req.; and 2. 1 Jan. 1837. Jans, so. in 1817, to Cal. Charles Fraser, of Castle Fraser. Jsmima-Harbara, d. 31 July, 1818. Sir John 2. 23 Slay, 1630, and was s. by his eon, VI. Ssn Jonu, H.P., 5. 1 Aug. 1788;sn. Anne Frsotan, by whom (who sO. 2 Sept. 1865) ho left no issno ; he it. 1 Nov. 1818, when the title devolved on his brother, VII. Sic ADAM, who was 5. 14 Dec. 1795, and so. 23 ii. Grace, to. uacs., 2 Nov. 1853. l,larch, 1022, Bcnriclta-Callcndsr, eldest dau. of WHliam iii. Elicaboth, as. in 1808, Lsvovon-Bonglas Stewart, Ecq. Grant, Esq. of Congaltan, co. Haddingtoo, by whom (who sO. 6 June, 1849) he had issue, s. John-William, 6. 15 Felt. 1624; captain in Scala fuailier v. Margaret, 2. young. guards; 1. 14 Sept. 1817. is. Honour, presoni baronet. iii. Atholl-Jamcs, is. 10 Sept. 1632. iv. Adam, 6. 18 Feb. 1619. s. Dorothea, os. 6 Aug.l811, to Hcnry-F.dwyn-Chandos, cldcst SopS. 1818, Elizabeth, dan. of Licsst.-Gen. Sir John-Horan son of Sir 5.-F. Scudamore-Stanhope, Sort. ii. llary-Anne, to. 12 Dcc. 1860, to M.dar Charlie Inge. iii. Louisa-Grace, ci. 27 Nov. 1862, to Jamcs-W’alfc Ilurray, 1821), ho bad, Seq. of Cringletie and Heldorland. sv. Henrietta, sO. 8 Stay, 1062. v. Adelaide. Sir Adam el. at Canncs, France, 18 Jan. 1867, and was e. by i. Coorge-James, second commandant irregsslar cavalry, Isis eldest anrvivieg son, Sic Rosea’r HAY, the Slis and prsscnt hart, Creatiosa—20 July, 1655. Ar.aa—Sameas Hay qf ..41’terotco (oceycal) with the addition iss. Thomas-Hisgls-Vtsns, capt 17th s’ogt., provicsssly of of a bardnre, vert, charged with unicorns’ heads, coupod, a distinguished young aflcor, 6. 7 Juno, 1937 ; 1. 55 and slurs alternately, arg. Cs-sat—An ox-yoke, in bcnd, or, bows, gn. Ssspporlero—Gn the dexter, ahsssbandman, habited. ppr., i. Sai’ssls-Geargina, cs.20 Nov. l84’s, to James Stewart, Eaq. balding over his shoulder an ox-yoke, or; and on the sinister, us. Susan, is. Sept. 1823, to Hastings )lcLssnall, Fsq., son a royal stag, ppr. .lllotts—Pro patria. — Scola—Haystonn, and Kingsmsadow, Fesblosohirs. Tawo Houss—44, Frinco’a Gate, Kensington. 565 roar-adns. RN., a lard of tho Admiralty ; s. his 8th Lord Napior. and has iseoe, Nay, iSIS. ILtllcEgr. This is a branch of tlse same family as that of the Earls of Stair. Joists DALRYaIPLE, of Dunragit, co. Wigtoun, 2nd son sf lands of Dnnragit. tie as. Jean, lan. of J. iSlair Seq. of Dnnskey, and was s. hy his son, JAasas DALRYSIrLE, Eaq., sho ci. Gmco, dan. af Patrick Grace, 6. 19 Feb. 1745; so, in 1769, Ia Sir Alexander Gordon, of Cnl’.’ennan, and had isens. The son and sncc000ar, I. Jana DALRYNCLE, Eoq. of Park Place, in the sasns ca., baronct of Park, by Jean, dan. of Slair of Dunskcy, and heir of hsr brother, Sir Thomas Hay, 4th baronet; upon the additional surnanae of SlAv, and was created a Baronet issue, i. Jean, so. 1811, to Vans Hathorn, Esq. of Garthiand; ii. in 1852, and had issuc, 1 Hugh, a military officer, slain at the massacre of Bareilly, 1817. 2 Susan, sit, to Hugh Vans Iiathoam, Req., and sl. leaving iaons. 8 Jsan. RN., second son of Admiral Keith Stewart (sec GALLOwAy, E. oc). iv. Susan, ‘1. 9 Oct. 1066. vi. Mary, si. yasing. He 2. 12 Slay, 1012, and was a. by his son, H. Sin JAMeS, who was 8. 0 July, 8789; and ci. lot, in Maxwell, Dart, of Springkell, by whom (who sO. 14 Fob. i Jonsc-CnAnxrs, prcsent has-snot. lie ci. Sndly, 1811, Ann, sIan. at George blatborn, Esq., by whom (who to. 15 July, 1831) ho had, Os. 25 ScpS. 1829; n. Emily, dan. of Cal Frcdcrick Mail- land, and baa issue, Chariot-Vernon; Anuo-Susan; and another doss. is. Hauatssn-Stswart, 6. 12 Ajsril, 1833; a. Mary-Adelaide, dan. afW. King, Seq., and has issue. the Cape mounted ridos, and of the ills West lndia regi., April, 1864, at Sierra Leone, in consequence of hardships in tho .tshanleo war. of Hey, P. hirDassall, prebessdary of I’ets’rlsorastgh. usa. Grace-Maria, its. SJnne, 1814, the Hey, Willians Ssstlserland McDonall, rertssr of Osnden, Suffolk. iv. Mary-Herou-itlaxwell, n. 24 April, 1864, to Col. Charles- Francis Fordyce, CII. V. Anne-b sllse’lmsnss. HA