Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/621

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HEA to Sir George Strickland, 5th bart. of Boynton; and 6 Ann, who was the 1st wtfo of her cousin, George Winn, afterwards Lord Headloy. Sir Rowland ci. 25 Aug. 1765. I. Jane-Elizabeth, ci. in 1805, to John Knight, Esq. of Rio oldest son, Sin ltowLnNn Wisnc, of Nostell, tho 5th baronet, was ii. Maria, ii. nasa. bapt. 64 Fob. 1719, and so. Sabino-Loniae, only dan. and Lord Hoadlcy ci. 9 April, 1798, and was a. by his son, hoireae of Jacques Phillippe, Baron d’llorvort, governor CHAnLKa-WiNN, 2nd baron, 5. 25 June; 1784, who inherited of Vevay, in Switzerland, by whom he had a son, Sir Rowland, his surcessor, and a dan., Bother, who was 0. 26 Nov. 1768, was twice married, and ci. in Dec. 1603, 19 Nov. 1835, Miss Anne Matthews (she ci. 16 July, 1063), leaving issue by her lot bnsband, John Williamson, two and ci. a. p., 9 April, 3840, and was a. by his nephew, eons and one dan., viz., John, Oharlee, and Louisa. Sir CHARLES, the present peer. Rowland ci. 20 Feb. 1765. The son and heir, Sin ROWLANn WiNN, of Nosteil, aforooaid, the 6th Crestiese—Baronet, 1660 and 1776. Lord Meadley, Baron baronet, was 0. 13 June, 1775; served the oliico of high- Allaneon and Wino, of Aghatlae, to. Kerry, 14 Nsv. 1797. sheriff of the county of York in 1799; and d. en the Arias—Quarterly; let and 4th, erm., on a fease, vert, 11th of October, 1805, intestate and unmarried, nis which three eagles, displayed, or, for WINN; 2nd and 3rd, palywavy event the family estates descended to his nephew, John (Williamson) Winn, Esq., whose brother and heir ie the present CnAaeLas W5NN, Esq. of Nostel, and the baronetage Crests—Of WINN; a demi-eagle, displayed, or, dncally devolved upon his cousin, Sin EnainNn-MARK W5OZN, of Ackton, in the county ol gorged, erm. Of ALLANaON; issnant from a mount, vert, York, the 7th baronet, who was 0. iS Aug. 1762; and ci. in ISIS, when the baronetcy devolved on hie kinsman, WiNN, 2nd Lord Headley. ii. GEeaGE. 0. in 1645, whose grandson was raised to the Sispparisrz—Dexter, an eagle, wings inverted, or, dueaily Irish peerage in 1797, no Lard Heedlzy. iii. Robert, iv. Mark, . of whom no descendants now remain. v. Rowland,) Sir George was ci. Irdly, to Anne, dan. ef Sir William Pelham, of Dreckleeby, in Liueelnshire, lInt., but by her he had no issue. Red. in 1607. At his death, his eldest son, EnoiuNn, a. to the title, which in 1805 devolved on his great-grandson, Sir Edmund-Mark Winn, of Acton, in the co. of York, the 7th bareuet, at whose decease, in Aug. ________________ for the University of Oxford, 5. 1811, it fell to his cousin, the late and 2nd Lord Headley. Sir George, the lot baronet’s 2nd eon, Geoaon Wore, Req. of South Ferraby, lu Lincolnehire, in. Sarah, dan. of Charlca Pelham, Esq., of Brecklesby, in that ce. (ancestor of the Earl of Yarbnrough), and had issue, Pann.asi 15’INN, Eaq., who no. Elizabeth, dan. of the Rev, Gilbert Wightnn, by Elizabeth Allauson, his wife, sister of William Allansen and Charles Allanaon, Esq., of Sion, in Middlesex (and great granddau. of Sir William Allanaeu, who was lord-mayor of York in 1633, and knighted in May, i, Winnieni-Paaeevp,n, 5. 7 Sept. 1026; late an officer 7th by CnsnLes I., who was then in his passage through that city to he crowned in his native country); by this lady, Mr. Winn bad an only aon, Geoaoa lVsnn, Esq.. who was born iii the year 1725, of ii, George-Parker. late capt. 82nd feet; 5. 24 July, 1828. whom it is the pride of his family to speak ae an instance iii. Gilbert-Vyvian, in hely orders, rccter of Weot Beeping, of rare anecees and celebrity nnder no common difficulties. He a. in 1761 to the estates of his conain, Siark Wino, Raq. of Little Warley, in the eo. of Essex, and in 1775, to these of his cousin, Charles Alianson, Eaq. of Iiramhain Biggin, in the co. of York, who was the only son of the above. named William Allanson, Raq., and ci. leaving no issue. Mr. Winn was created a Baronet, owing to the eminence of his talents and exertions as an English baron of the court of Exchequer in Scotland; and in the same year he obtained a. Caroline-Elizabeth, ci. 17 Aug. 1850, to Thomas.Cooke licence and authority to assume the name and armorial bearings of ALLANSON. In 1797, Sir George was raised to the peerage of ireland, by the style and title of LoRn He en. 2ndly 18 May, 1841, Selina, elder dan. of I1EAOLEY, BARON ALLANa0N ANn WreN, af Aphedse, ia the Evelyn-John Shirley, Eeq. of Eatington Park, no. es. ef Lorry. His lordship ci. lot, in 1765, Anne, 4th dan. Warwick, and has bad by her, of Sir Rawland Winu, Mart., of Neetell, in the co of York i. Charles-George, an officer 5th fusCiers, 5. 1 Oct. 1843, (eon of Sir Rowland, the son of Sir Edmund, eldest eon of is. Evelyn-Ilawsonne, 5. 11 Nov. 1944, Sir George, the let baronet), by whom he had issue, an iii. Arthnr-Maicoim, 5. 22 April. 1047. only dan., Georgiana-Anne, 0. 1769, d. in 1702. His lady iv. Gadfrey-Hnngerford, 0.23 March, 1851; ci. l2Jnne, 1818. ci. in chiidhed of a son, in 1774. His lordship ci. 2ndly, s. Sslina-F’ranees. ii. Helena-Mary. 24 June, 1783, Jane, eldest dan. and heiress of Arthur Elennerhaaeett, Esq. el Dallyseody, in the to. Kerry, in which ni. Beatrice-Henrietta. iv, Jennetto-Alethea. connty the Rlennerhassets (a long-settled and well-known Sir William is in remainder to the Random of family in Cnmberiand) have formed a distinguished house Maoclesfield. He was M.P. for Ilante in five parliaments. for many generations. By her (who ci, 16 Feb. 1861) he had, i. CUARLKS-WINN, his heir. ii. George-Mark-Arthur-Way, 0. 14 Aug. 1785; M.P. for This, and the family of Sir Gilbert Heatheote, Mart, of Maiden. in Essex; ci. 27 Apr11, 1807, Elizaheth-Rary, Normanton Park, now Lord Aveland, are descended from a eldest dan. of Lewis Majendie, Req. of Hedingham Castle, Essex; and ci. 5 Nov. 1827, having had issue by her (who ci. 18 April, 1863), 1 MARK, 0.27 Jan. 1808; ci. 17 April, 1810. 2 Edmund-Henry, 0. 66 Jan. 3805, ci. 31 Jan. 1820. 3 Cnna.ea, pmaent peer. 4 George, 0. 8 Feb. 1816, d. 6 July, 1828. 9 Rswland, 0. 1 June, 1SIO; who has obtained a patent of precedence as a baron’s younger eon, ci. 28 March, 1S54, Margaretta-Stephana, 2nd dan. of the late George Walker, Eeq. of Overhati, Essex, and baa issue, Rowiand-George.Alianaon. WiLe.iaai, bie heir. 9.19 Jan.1855 ; Heien-Slargaretta Samuel, who in. in 1721, Eliza Heldswortby. Stepbana, end two other dana. 6 Arthur-Archibald, 0. 111 Sept. 1839; ci. 20 Feb. 1840. 571 HEA 7 Walter, twin with Arthur, ci. 11 Jnne, 1036. I Jane-Mary, wha has the precedence of a baron’s dan. Wolverly House. near Kiddermineter, and has isane. the old family baronetcy in 1551. Ilis lordship ci. of aix, or and ae., on a chief, gn., a lien, passantgnardant, or, for ALLAN5ON. a demi-lien, rampant-gnardant, or, holding in the paws a cross, gu. .iIstte—Virtnte et lahore. gorged, erm. ; sinister, a lion, gnardant, or, holding in tho dexter paw, a cress, gn. Soits—Warley Lodge, Reset; Dramsham, Yorkeinre; and Agbadoe Itonse, near Killamey, en. Kcrry. HEATRCOTN, SIR WILLIAM, of Hnreley Park, oo. Hants, late M.P. 17 May, 1801 s. his undo as 5th baronet, 21 Feb. 1825; en. lot, 8 Nov. 1825, Caroline - Franoes, youngest dan. of Charles-George, 1st Lord Ardon, by whom (who rf. in 1835) he has issue, hnasara ; si. in Sept. 1649, Letitia-Maria, dan. of B. Baly, Esq.; and baa issue, William-Arthur, S. in 1893; Gilbert, 5. in 1854; Kathleen and Isabel. Lineolnshire, 5. 21 Jnly, 1930; en. 1st, 20 March, 1833, Eliza, eldest dan. of Major William-Arthur Meathcote, of Molletone, Wilts, and by her (who ci. 16 Aug. 1864) has issue, of whom, Gytha-MaryCatherine, the yonngest child, ii. 8 Sept. 196.5. He ci. 2ndly, in 1865, Helen-Maxwell, only child of the late James-John Cunningham, Esq., E.I.C.S., and baa a ,OR, 5. 27 Slarch, 1807, and a sen 5. 20 April, 1000. Trench, Esq. of Millicent, co. Kildare. (See AmTowN, Bxaon.) JLutczigc. common progenitor, namely, GicaeaT HaATncora, Esq., alderman of Chesterfield, whoae 3rd son, SAMIIKL MaArncovs, having realized a eoosideral,le fortune at Bantzic, returned to his native zsnntry, and ci. in 1690-1, Mary, 2nd dan of William Dawsonne, Esq. of Uaekoey, by whom he had iaene, Anne, no. to Sir Francia-Henry Brake, Bart. of Bnckland, Bevsn, Mary, no. ts Sir Wilbam Yenge, Dart. H EAT HOOT E :*t: