Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/631

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jET E Y I. Ts,oaias, of husband’s ltosworth; a. Starr, dan. of Benjansiis vsss. Watter-Aebo, 0. 14 July, 19Sf. Snolsos,, lisq., and loft, with junior issue, Tase3sas, of husband’s Bos,eooth, and of Mansfield, 00. x. Alfred, 6. 12 Juno, 1916, oh. an infant. Notts. so. Rot’ert, of West 1-laddon us. Elizabelh, dan. of John Underwood, Esq., nod leff at isis decease, in 1907, two Sons, so. Emily, ,s. 21 Aug. 1962, to Edward Denongh, oldest son P.obort and John. ass. Charles, as. Martha, sian. of Tisomos Ltseas, Esq. of hI olywell, is,. Gertrndo-Anne. sv. Margaret. and has issue, I Charles. 2 Thonsas. 3 William. 1 Martha. 2 Anne. 1 Elisaboth. so. Jaaszs, of whom we treat. The 4th son, JAMes ReynAre, Esq. of Aldersnanbury, in the city of Psreee A’Connr, Esq. of Ivy Churoh, co. Wills, MB. in London, Banker; and of flaeknoy, Middlesex; and Sonfhond, 1722, for hfeylosbury fron and heir ef Jehe A’Cossrf, Esq. of Essex; 0. 11 Jan. 1747; so. 11 fan. 1781, Sarah, 2nd dan. of IL,dslon, by Stary, dan. of Rebert Pieeee, Esq. of Bath, 95.0.); Sasnuel Unwin, Esq., of Sntten-in-Ashfleld, 00. Notts; and so. 1705, Elizaberh, dam’. of William Ashe, Esq. of htoylosbory, d. 11 April, 1833, leaving (with a dan, Elizabeth-Anne; and a by Anne his wife, dan. of Alexander Pephana, Esq., of Little- son, James, of Jlanspsfcad Moath, Middlosox, as. and has issue) cole, and loft, with oilier children. in 5726, nn older son, t. Ssa W5LLIAa5 MoyaATE, 6. 21 Juno, 1782; alderman of the foal, aad ShY, for hfeytesbnry, who asanmed tIme snrnamo of city of London, and SIP. for Sudbssry, wise filled tIse offioo of Aos,a, i,s pnrsnasaeo of time will of l,is great—ns,ele, Edward Aslse, lsrd-mayos’ of London in 1822, and was created a Barosiet, 0:551. of Ileytoabury. TIe so. 22 Fob. 1746, Annabohla, dan.and 30 Sept. 1831. Ho m. 19 May, 1921, Isabella, 4t1, dat,. of re-Iseir (wilh her sislor, Slatilda, wife ef Charles Repington, Edward-Longdon Staohnanrdo, Esq. of Upper Clapton, 00. Esq. of Anaingfen Mall, near Tanswortl,) of Tlsesosas Vernon, Middlesex, and by her (who ,t. 7 Oct. 1859) load, Feenoaoca-WsLtsAso, present baronet. William-Unwin, 6. 12 Maroh, 1825, of Maplowell-grango, I. Wsa.Lsaas-PszRee Ao,,e-A’Couor, Esq.; 0. ha 1717; SIP, co. Loieestor, M.P. for Loioostor freas 1900 to 1865; 91.1’. far Iloytesbury, a eel. in the army, oroatod a Ilarenet 4 July for Slansford, Juno, 1868 ; so. 6 Jnly, 1892, Censtanoo-Slary, 1791. Sir Willians no. IsO, Catherine, dan. of Liont.-Ceh. Johisa only dan. of the late Sir George Beaumont, Baet., and has Ihradforsl, by wlsosn (who oh. i,s 1796) Iso had no tactic. Tie ui issno, I Wihliasn-tfowley-Beauonont, 6. 20 Stay, 1954. 2 tfoginald-Boanonont, 6. 19 Oct. 1907. Edward-Nicholas, eapt. royal engineers, 6. 23 Juno, 1827; Edward-Otenry, vice-admiral U.N., and semehi,sso SIP. for as. 24 Sept. 1957, Slary-Jano, only child of John L. 11am- mend, Esq., of Over Binodalo tfalh, Yorhohire. ttobort-Honry-Jehn, 6.29 Slarch, 0939; m. 14 Jane, 16ff, Isabehla-ISorolboa, only surviving dan. of George-Gill Slounsey, Cisarlos-Ashe, hiotot.—gon. in she arosoy, CIt., and knight of Esq. of Caahletown, Cnmberland (see t°ona’s Laesle,f Goal,’y). Sir Wfihiam, who latterly filled the office of Chaaaborlahn of the city of London, oh. in 1944, and was a. by his eldest son. f’rrof ian—SO Sept. 1931. Aroos—Goles, two bars, aeg.; on a bond, or, a tortoao, between two leopards’ faces, az.; an oaontelsoon of pretence, Lefitia, so. On time lIon. William Eliot, late Earl of St. Ocrnsaoss; for Gang. Crush—A well’s bead, erased, gn. JIolfa—Bontogne et Cadiz. SraO—Senihend, Essex; Roeeliffn, Lenghborengh, Loieestorshire; and Bollarossa, ce. Londondorry. HEY T ES BURY. efl’ AUcTA HEnEanuaT, BARON (Sir Williasn-Henry-AsheA’Court from 1929 to 1902. Ito n-as nomiosated Governor-General of Holmes), of Hoytoabury, go. Wilts; and a India in 1834, hsst the ministry brolon top before iso went out. Baronet, 8. 11 July, 1809; a. his father aa 2nd Baron, hit was Lond-Lientonant of Ireland froni 19-14 to 1946. lIe if. 31 May, 1860; no. 3 Oct. 1833, Elizabeth, eldest 31 Slay, 1960. dau. and heir of the late Sir Leonas d - Thomao Co-ezGaaa—Sbarenet, 4 July, 179Sf Baron, 23 Jams. 1928. Woraley-Holmes, Bart. of Weatover, in tlae Isle of Arson—Quarterly m hat and If h, Herurs, barry wavy of six, Wigl;t, and has had, i. Wss.s.sao,-Laonaav, DL. Isle ef Wight5 0. 19 Jan. 1831; rn of six, erminsis and oz. in chief an eagle, disp. sa., beaked 21 Sops. lMi, Isabolla-Sophia, eldest dan. of the 01ev. and membered, gn.; charged on tIme body n-ills tn-c ohsevronels, Richard A’Cenrt sleaden, vicar of Cheddar, and has arg. Ci-asfz—Hotssns, out of a naval ‘ramn, or, an arm, omhesned, Wihlia,,s-Prods-rirk, 5.29 June, 1962; Leonas-d, 6. 11 June, in arnsoar; the isassd ‘pr., graspissg a teidcisl, az., headed, or: 1963; Eiehard4tenry, 6. 23 Jan. 1966; a son, ho, 16 Doe. A’Coner, an eagle, displayed, so., ehargrd niolo sn-u rloerroaels, 1907; and Emily-Caroline. is. Frederick, 6.24 Ang. 1939. in. henry, hoot. U.N., 0.26 June, 1841. iv. Charles-George, 6. 9 Dee. 1843. v. Edward-Alexander, licnt. 85th foot, I. On Oct. 1945. vs. Arthnr-Wyndaasn, 0. 7 Stay, 1949. vts. Leonard-Worshey, t. SAng, 1849. 581 H E Y sx. herbert, 6. 23 Oct. 1651. 5. Elizabeth, sa. 16 Juno, 1959, Edward-Wlikes, son of Edward Wand, Esq. of Manaten lIall, Leeds. of terd bnehiqale, and ‘1. 3 Jan. 1908. Lord Heytesbssry has assumed the additional aurasnuse of HOLMES. GexnaAL WsLa.aaso A’Cocew, eel. of the 11th negissaent of Eaq. of ‘toickonham Park; and dyleg in 1781, n-as a. by his only sen, 2ndly, 30 Ott. 1777, Lotifia, dais, of Ilenry Wyndhans, Esq. of Sahiobtiry, and by her (who oh. 1921) had WsLo,oaas, his stsceessor, oreated Lean ltexTeeenav. Tansworth; 6. 10 Dee. 1793; assasned the additional snrnanoe of Rnrsrrexoms, en succeeding to Arminglen Hall, 00. Warwick. lie oh. Sept. 1655. Olin fiuehphic and other orders, 6.17 Jt;ne, 1795; ii. 10 Slay, 1915, Sfary, only dan. of Abraham Gibbs, Esq., and has Charles-Henry-W’yndharn. who so. S Aug., 1954, Esnily, elolest dan. of henry Carrie, Faq. of West hhorohey Fhaoe, Sarrey, and has issue; and Elizabeth, -oo. 12 Aug. 1946, to Sidney, 1sf Lord herbert, of Lea, who oh. 2 Ang. 1061. lIe ,5. April. 1961. and oh. iso 1610. Ansoaheiha, so. in 1805, to Riehsaed Boadon, Esq., son of Ohio Bight Rev. Richard Boadon, late bishop of Boils and Welts, ansI has iss,oe. Slaria, 000. lii 1811, to she lOon. t’hilip I’leydehl Boovorto, yonngest son of thin late Earl of Itadnor, and ci. 27 Nov. 1802, loading isaac. Caroline, sos. in 1919, to Stewart Cran-ford, Sf0. of Bath; and oh. lb Oct. 1940. The baronet sb.22 Jnly, 1917, and n-ass. by his oldest son, 11. Wsos.oaso, who was hi. 11 July, 1779; iso. 5 Oct. 1909, Starha-Reloeeoa, Snd dan. of the lion. Wihliam-Ilenry Bonvnrio, and granddan. of the 1st Earl of Radner; and by hoer (who a. 6 Oct. 191-1) hod issue, a. Wsr.s.saro-hbrvsix—Aossn. present poor. as. Frednriek-Asloo, 6. af Na1des, IS Dec.1916; 7.26 Jan.1940 m. Creilia-.Slaria, coo. 27 Doe. 1915, to the lIon. Robert Daly, fifib son of James, 1sf Lord Dunsasodlo. Sir Wilhiaas A’Court obtained tise barony, toy patent ef ereasion, dated 23 Jan. 1029. Lord Ifeytesbury, n-as a privy-eznneioor and O.C.R., and seas a distiagssiohzd diplomatist and n-as British envoy and aisibasoador in rariosoz oanntrios; his last diplomatic dnlies n-ore as ambassador-extratordinary ansI plenipotentiary at Ohio eonrr of St. l’efershonrg, nIsero be remained or, and az.; in a canton, gss., a lion of England, passant, guardant, or; 2nd and 3rd, A’Cssonr, per fesse, or, and paly or, beakod and legged, gn., holding in Iho bosh a lily, slipped, ppr. Soipjsso’fooo—On either side an eagle, wings elevated, sa., bealotd zmod memberod, ga. each lsohding ia she beak a lily, shipptol, ppr. Ms ss—Grandesonnt, aneia habore. Boo ;—lIeytosbnry hlnssse, Itoytosbury, Wilts. Toooa house—41, Eaton Place.