Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/635

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HIL Jonathan, wise then held commissions as major and captain 11. Sen Georoe-Fsvzr.anALn, is, I Junc, 1701; cot. of eho daring the siege of Decry- The eider son, Jolla llivs., Esq., s. to the fasssily estates; and so - 17 Jssly, House of Connnoos; a-ne appeinted, in 1800, a lord of eho Irish 1042, Mary, dan. of Thumas Wilson, Esq. of Rtlkenuy, by sehons ‘i’rensnry ; in 1017, vice-treasurer for lreland, and aprivy-conncuter eec acquired an estaie i’s lands and haseses in East Smithfield, manor of Stepney, Co. Middlesex. lie ,i. leaving an only son, of St. Vincent, a-hence he was sansovcd 0’ the neoro important SAMUEL Hint, Esq., who as. Mary, dan. of Regis Itassley, island of Trinidad, a-here he si. as Gevernar, S Starch, 1839. Esq. of Caisnore, ca. Perry, storekeeper of use Ordnance. Sir Georgo-Fitegerald es. 10 Sept. 1789, Jane, 3rd dan. of the Mr. Hill by this marriage had issue, a. BawLEr. Is. Samuel, of Slrangferd, eo. Down. of Woterford, by whosss (wiso si at Trinidad, 2 Nov. 1830) he in. Hugh (ltev. Pr.), of Itonnihill, Ce- Armagh. i. Elleaheth, sss. Ia Wililians ilontgenaery, Esq. af Rasemosmi, Iii. Sin GnonoE, is. 15 Jan.1904; a,. 70 April, 1031, ElieabeihSo co. Down. ii. Lelilce, ci. s’nsa. III. Mary, sss. to the Rev. N. Baton, D.D. of Glebe hall, Co. by Lescisa his aife, dan. of tlse Per. Dean Blacker, of CarrieR, Perry. The oldest son, ROWLEY ilita., EM., M.P. fsr Deny, sss. 9 Feb. 1720, SophiaBeresford, 51. George, 8. 19 ltarch, 1834; ,l. 16 Nov.1947. dan. of George Lowther, Esq., MB., of ltilrne, co. us. Boa-lay, ht.A., in holy ordee’s, incumnboest of Sc. Luke’s, Heath, (descendant trans a eammon ancestor with the Earls of Lonsdale), and his wife Jane, 3rd dau. of Sir Tristram Beresford, mad had issue, Hewn, is. 1 Jan. 1727, emoted a Baronet. Gearge, 8 it April, 1729; lost in a hurricane in list East Indies, when lieutenant on haard the “Apollo,” of 46 guess, III. Slary-Elieabcth. en the t3lh or 14th April, 1749. Johe, is. 14 July, 1730; si same day. Jane, is. it Slay, 1733; sa. it Aug. 1793, to John Tow, Esq., of Calmallen, to. Stench, and had no issue. She 55. 2nslly, f’reoliess—6 July, 1779. 6 tiny, I 796, Charles, 3rd son of Penis Daly, Esq. of Itaford, Arias—Sn., a chevron, erminois, beta’ean tisree copards’ co. Galway, and lead issue, one son, wise sl young. Cathaeine, 5. 29 June, 1734; sss. 7 Sept. 1761, to Alexander faces, arg. Stewart, Esq. of Acton, co. Armngh, need had issue. Mary, 1’. 27 tlarch, 1736; as. 11 Apeil, 1756, to logic shsdded and ringed, or. Boyd, Esq. of Ballycasile, ce. Antrim. The eldest san, Sea Roan HILL, created a Baronet in 1779, a-as representative in parliasnent of the city of Perry fram 6 July, 1709, until isis death, 11 Feb. 1795. He as. 1st, 21 Dec. 1754, tlary, dan. of John Hodgson, Esg. of Ballynasereen, es Deny, by whom (who 4. 10 Jnly, 1700) he had issue, Elizabeth, 8. 24 July, 1750; sss. 13 Nov. 1774, to the ltev. Steseart Blacker, ef C’arrick. ee. Arnsagie, Dean of Leigislin, and had issue, fifteen children. Of these the eldest sac, Licut.-Col. Blacker, of Carrick, os. Nov. 1810, Anne, eldest den. of Sir Andrew Ferguson, Dart, of The Farm, ca. Decry. Saphia-Reresthrd, 5. 3 June, 1758; ci. 18 April, 1761. Slary, 5.21 Slay, 1795; si. same day. Letitia, 5. 18 April, 1705; sl. 9 Feb. 1702. Sir ilngh Diii is. 2ndly, 17 June, 1782, Hannah, dan. of John M’Cltutoek, Esq. of Dssnnsore, eo. Donegal, and relict of J. Spenee, Esq., co. Leitrim, and had issue, ,. Gronax-Fs’rznxaAs.n, his Iseir. as. Jehn-Bcresfarsi, hA., rector of Slovile. a prebecsdary of SI. Patrick’s cathedral, Dublin, and afterwards of Perry; 8. 10 Nov. 1709; sss. 7 April, 1803, Letitia, 2nd dan. of I). 9l’Oans- land, Esq. of Daisy Hill, eo. Mercy; assd 1.4 Dec. 1800, and was hurled in lisa cathedral, Perry, where several nsessebers nf his family are interred, to vhose snensary a nsarbte taislet has been erected on lisa narlh side of the altar, lie left issne, I Granne, a-Iso a. as 3rd baronet. 2 ltowley-John, an olfiecr isitbe Bengal tresgalar cavalry; a. Edsrard-Barritt, I. 1925, deceased. Is. 1 Sept. 1806; as. 2 Jan. 1895, Caroline, 2nd dan. ssf Is. Joaren-WALLI5-O’BnYEN, late royal engineers, snajor, 9th Stajor-General Sir Robert Sale, D.O.E., cal. of the lIlls infantry, ascd ,t. Nos’. 5890, leaving issue, Slnreus, 8. 9 Sept. 1816. Rowley, capt. 66th Bengal Nt., 5. 6 Nov.1931. 1 Stacy, s;s. 1st, 0 Gel. 1920, to tho Rev. John, 2nd son of P. I’stts, Req., of tioseommon, and by lsisn (a’ho ‘U 1633) had issue, John-Narnoy, 8. 17 Dec. 1833. Letitin-Elinabelh. Mrs. t’etts so. lndly. Slarch, 1848, Joseph-Trsenspirant., 2nd san af Williana-J. Potts, Esq. uf Corrcen Castle, co. Sir Edward s. his father as 4th hart. 20 NoT. 1852. Rosconamon. III. Rowley-Gorges, b. 29 July, 1707 ; ci. sssuss. at Gavyd. in Wales, 1 Joly, 1806. Iv. Mas’cns-Snmuel, a post-captain in Ihe navy; 8. 23 Assg. Tide fasnily (a-ho formerly spelt their name “ltsre”) was 1709; ne. llary, 2nd dan. of tlse 11ev. Henry Barnard, 1)1)., originally seated, in the 14th century, at Rishford, in the parish granddau. of Dr. William Bernard. Bishop of Deny, and of Chagford, cc. Pevon; a branch of it was, in the latter pact sistor of Sir Andrew Mansard, ROB., and had issue, Jenny, us. in 1020, to General Sir William Williams, lt.C.IL of the 16th century, seated at Rdnsanton, in bttddlesex. Of cal. of the 13th regiment, and had issne, 1 George, an officer in the army, killed at the battle of brother, LIEOT. ABnAnASI tioAaa, acnt, in 10-19, a-ills Iretan’s Atiwal. 2 Thomae-Digse, ac. 4 hlny, 1904, Chas-lotle, don, of John Abraham Roare ci ssnsss. in 1670; and in his will, which a-as Birmingham, Req. of Dovor, and Isas a son, Georgehlaclean-Bigoe, t. 24 Feb. l869 and a don., ClsanlotleFlarenee-Dnplat-Digoe, proved in that year, he mentions his brother, 5. 23 Aug. 1865. a. Reheeea, 5.11 Nov. 1764; Cs. to the Rev. Elms Thackeray, SEason Bnwsnn Otosan, who :5. Siasy, fan. and heiress of rector of Lauth and Dsnsdallc, aba sI 29 April, 1624; aba ci. s.p., 1840. H 0 A Londonderry nsilitia, SIP. for Perry, and clerk of tise irish of tho Visited Rtngdons; in 1830, governor of the Inland Itigist lion. John Rerosford, and niece of the first 3tarqssess hod no isme. tlis nephew nnd Iseir, 1,hia, eldest dase. of John Rca, Req. of St. Colasssbs, co. Perry, to. Arsuagh (soc Bonao’s Leecsc,l Gosslc’y), asad lead issue, I. Joua, presoni baronet. hlarylobane, 8. 22 Feb. 1mG as. 30 April, 1803, Carolinehlacsd, 2nd dan. of Capt. Alfred Clsaisnaon, EN., 90, Eaton Place, and his wife Caroline, doe. ef Sin Francis Stacnnghten, Bart., and Isas Geergo Rowley, 0. 1864. IV Frnncis-ttsegh Blacker, ci. young. a. Lenica-Jane. mm. Letitia-Diana. Ito ci. 15 Dcc. 18-15. Cr’ el—A talbot’s lsood, tan1ed, sa., gealtOe-d’can, collared, gu., .24sslls—Ne lances nest perflce. Jesse—St. Ooiccssshs, co. Lundonderra’. HILLSBOROUGH, EARL—ace DOWNSHIRE, MABQU ass. HINCHINBROKE, VISCOUNT— -Off SAND WIC1T5;L. HINTON, ViSCOUNT—ace POULRTT, EABt,. HO AR E. HOAPE, SIR EDWARD, of Anna- belle, no. Cork, Is. 23 Den. 1801 as. 24 April. 1824, Hnswiot, 2nd clan, anti co-heir of Thnmae-Her. cay Bornitt, Eaq. of Gas-brand Hall, Esvell5 no. Surroy, and ban had issue, Shddlesex nsilitia, sse. 8 Aeg. 1957, Cecilts-Eteansr-Selina, 4th dan. of the late James Ede, Esq. of luidgeawy Castle, itants, and has issue, I Eda’ard-Wollis-O’Bryen, 8. 22 Feb. 1859. 2 Sydney-Jauses-O’Bryen, 8. 2 July, 1060. I itnthleen-Harriesle. 2 Norscis-Cecilc-Oiclcn. a. Anne, se. 4 June, 1950, to Capt. Tlsoeasaa Leelic, royal lsosae gaae’ds, son of the late Pisisop of Iftlmere. 3Li,icagr, tlsis branch, bts)or (then Captain) Edward ltsarc, and Isis arasy, to Ireland, and settled there, lsavbsg obtaiseed very considerable grants of lands near ilnnsnanway, eo. Cos’k. Licut. John Weadeock, Req. of ltilrsnane, co. Rilkenny; Isis sister, Catherine-Elizabeth Honre, a-as se. tc Alderman Rdwas-d Wight, of Limerick, a’ho was mayor of tisot city in 1077. Stsjar Rdaard Hoare left issne, I The eldcst son, 58