Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/638

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HOG HOG 0. Iloco, Sin J.s.airrs - Warn, Burt., so created in July, 1816; 8. 1790; vs. 1822, Mary, 2nd dan. of Samuel Swinton, Esq. of So-inton, eo. 11cr- wick, of the H. B. I. Co.’s civil Tlse surname of tlsis fansily, wlsicls is of respectable antiqnitj, service, Bengal, aud has had issue, was originally srritlen Itewatses. L. JAME5-SIACNAO55TEN, li,sut.-col. hste 1st life-guards, lIP. JAMes lloLnuexe, Esq. nf itcnstric, ss. Janet, dan. of John for Itoh,, 0. 1823 ; is .31 Aug. 1017, Caroline—ElizabethEmma, teglis, Esq. of Cransoud, ansi Isad isssse, eldest lass of Lord Penrisy,s, ansi Isas JAMEsDots-Los, I. dAaseo iloseusas, Esq. of Steustrio, ssho seas created a 6. 16 dais. loG] tsosllry-Stssart, is. IDes. 1263; Bssresset my Nora &oiiss 21 Jssne, 1106, and left with other llenaid-Traey, 6. 28 Jssly, 1065; Arelsstsalsi-Carnpbell, Is. iass,s, ti Sept. 1866; a son, is. 6 Aug. 1868; and Erlith-Stary. ,,. Ctsarles-Ssvinten, is. 1824; vs. 29 Dee. isse, Itarriel-Anne, ii. Frassrio, adosirol of use tVlsite, rear—ad,airai of Cs-eat yesseger dass. of Sir Walter-C. Stieiissg, Fart., and isas (Irey-Wrir, is. 1861 ; Ensesl, 6. 1862; and Siary. in. Pergssssoss-Pleyer, Bengal C. S.; Is. 1829; sss. 18 Nov. 1861, Eliasshetls-iieion, eldest sian. of lhe lion. Lanressee Parsons (ste itosse, F.), ansi sI. at Cisossar, ssoar Stireapore, Sir Ja,s,es sras a. at isis deerase by isis elslest ness, Instia, 19 Isec. 1862. ,v. Stuart, 5. 1833; ‘is. 27 Dee. 1569, Selina-Cotiserine, eldest Ii. Sse Josses, srl,e si. 2e July, 1756, and sras a. by Isis 2nd dao. of Sir T.-Eeskuase Perry, liste elsief-justiee of Bonsbay, sea (Ihe older, Jassses, having fssllssn lsrcviously in battle), and ness- Stensber of Council for Indite, and. isas SloanJassseo, 111. Sue Avexoaoes, a captain in the royal navy; at svlsose is. 1265; Evelyn; and Seitna. a’. Preslerick-Rsssocli, Bengal C. 5., 1. 1616; Cs. 1857. Easily, spen IsIs eesssin, 3rd sissss. of General Eekferd, assd lsas Presienick—Slssptetssss, IV. Sin Fsoarss (refer to issue of 1st baronet), srlso sit. 6. 1555 ; Clsarles-Jolsn-ltaidane ; Florence-Lilian; and 12 Jsme, 17o6, Alicia, dan. of Tiso,nas Brayer, Esq. of the cc. Alter. vs. Stapleton-Cotton, 6. 1875. vu. Qssisstin, t. 1915. e. Isabella, so. 1842, Is Sirfladley-Coulls Otajesdbaalss, Fart. Is .liary-Ilosina, ss. 1055, to Charles StcGarei, Faq. of s. Ahicia-Seplsta. ilaglsri,nerssr, eo. Antriss,. sss. Lelitia, st. young, 1837. iv. Asny, s,s. 13 Sctst. 1860, to Jasnes-W. Staenabh, Esq., Sir F’rancis ,t. 13 Sept. 1520. inslias, Civil Service, eldest sesa of tlse late Janscs-Stonro Cs-rsst;ess—2l Jane, 1706. ilaessal,ts, Faq., of Itiglsfseld house, Flouts. v. Assnie-Classdissa. v,. Florence, s,s. 8 Stay, 1865, to George-Wiltiaus Campbell, C,’sC—A sicest—liee, tenel,ing setlls Isis dexter iesse a natiliel, Faq., Oils sen efllse late Celia Caaspiseli, Esq., efCeiegrain, as-F. - Dnmbartonslsire. v,,. Ctsssslanre, s,s. 15 April, 1066, 10 Frasscis - Assgustos Bryan, Faq., son of 13.-C-k. L’evan, Esq. of fleet Park, SIiddlesrx. Sir Jasssoo, shortly after lie was eollesl to the bar, proeeeslesi to (‘ssletstto, where iso praetisetl with great auccoos, and latterly hold the principal sPice in tlse S sspreme Court. He retssrssed to Englasssl iss I uno, 1833. In 1831, lse svae elected Ml’. for tlse borottgh of Beverly, which piaco he continued to relsress.’lst until 1847, when he svaa retnruesl for Honitoss. In So1st. 1839, he Leeassso a director of tlso East Inslia Cssnapassy, and ss-ae tss-ieo chairman. He is ssosv a Meiuber of tlso Insliais C’osssaeil. ILittriigc. 555 JAases-Wesa lIme ,leseensts frosn a tsraerh of tlsr ancient Sceltisls fasssily of tls,st sesssse isis greal-grassdfssllser, Williasss, svlsss so . Aisigssil llasssilton, hating esssigratrd f,-esss Seetlasssl tesrarsls the lsstlrr essd of tlse sesessteentls cesslssry, ansi settlesl iss tIse north of lrclssnd . Tissy Isasi iossse (sritls ens stass.t, tlsrce sose, I Wtlliasss ; 2 Eslssarsi ; 3 Jassses of Lisbssrn. Edsrard, tlse 2nd soss, s,s. hose, faa. of d olsss O’Neill, Esq. of Largy, a lsraurls of Ihe (tEeth fas,si3’, assd Is;sl tsssse, tsro ,s. Frosscis—Jaenes, IsA., in holy erslers, tnesssssiss’nt of Qs,ebcs - sees assd Ils res, slasss. TIse eldest ross, IVillises, sss. SLit, stars. of Jasssrs Tticlsey, Esrj. of Dssnssorr, so. Anleisss, ansi Isasl isssse, use eislest soss of ss’lsirb, .1 ss,rs—Wrsn, sr;ss rrcrtest a ilaresset in ia16. Crcsstioss—i 846. A s-o,s——Arg., Ihrre boors’ heads, erased, as., langued, gts., I. Esnily-Itary, s,s. 7 Pets. 1250, Charles FustIan, Esq., SEP. betsreen two liossecises of llse second, each charged with a crescessl, of the field. Css ot—Oset of ssss cssstern csosrss. arg., ass sals—ts’cs, frssclesl, Sir llcnry as. 2udly, in 1834, Sab.a, dan. of the late ispr., assd lendret lusr-refrsssn an ess’,sls-lsessn, ssr.., clsarged stills Rev. Sydssey Smith. the omsuolat canon residontiary ss dexler ansi, enst,ewest, lo arseossr, his hasssi graslsing an ssrresy of St. l’anl’e, and by her (who si. 2 Nov. 1866) has in lsc,ssl-stnislsr, lint dosrnwards. also FIr. JEsus—I sat glssria vtrcs. j’osr,s J1’sess—31, Clsesisasss Place, Ileigrave Squar:. H OLB U RN E. ktii citc. s. Josses, Isis sssccesser. Brilain. governor of Greensriel, hospital, and lIP, for Flynsenits. lIe s.s. Frances, sian. 5sf Ossy Ball, Esq. of b’arbadoes, and ss-idew of Edss-ard Lssrelles, by srlsssn iso had an essly sen, Paaac,s, svho s-as 4115 baronct. decease, stithoot issue, 22 Jan. 1772, the baronetcy devolved Wssrsriek, by srl,o,ss use l,ast, s. Francis, nf the 3rd fssst-guards srtsn 3. of a ss-ss,ad rsreived before Bayonne, 14 Alsril, 1214. - ‘lssessos-WsLsooas, presesst baros,et. is. Csstl,v’eine. isi. itssry—Asssse. s-,,so—t4ssarteeis’ 5 1st ssssst dtls, gss., a fesse, cwsed, betsvoen three crestcs,ts, or 2nd ansI strsi, or, an orte, go. .iIoIto—Beeus snsnmuna vsrtos. HOLLAND. HoLnoatu, SIR HENRY, Bart. of Saiadlobrisigo, cc. Chonisiro, anti of Lsssver Brook Street ; ssne of for Majesty’s Phyeioiahse in Ordinary; created a Baronet 18 April, 1853; 8. 27 Oct. 1788 ; as. lot, in 1822, Esasnsa-iLsrgssret, 4tIs slut,, of the late James (talslwnll, Req. of Liuloy Vsssssl, eo. St;sffssrd, anti by her (who ti. 2 Fob. 1830) has issue, s. liessv-Tnuasxoa, barrister-at-lase; is. 3 stl. 1525; 555. 1st, 15 Ang. 1252, Elieahells-Siargaret, dan. of Nathsnsiei llihsbert, Fsq ci St,nsdeu I Iessse, Ilerts, and Isy Iser (s-iso -, ,l. April, 1655) Isas, Syslssey-Ceas’ge, Is. 29 Starch, 1855; Artlsssr—llessry, isrin stills isis brollses ; and Editls—Ensiiy Ito a. 2ndly, 25 Nov. 1515. Margaret-Jean, eldest dan. of Sir Charles-F. Ts’cvclyass, K.C.B., and has hienry-Slacauiay, - 6. 16 Sept. 1859; and Margaret. chapel, London, t. 20 Jan. 1028; vs. 23 Oct. ISIS, MissySyistliss, does. s,I the Rev. A. Lyell, of Hartslcdosrn, Kent, end has, liesasasal, Alfred-ltssrnten, a sic, Is. 2t April, 1565, Agnes, assd anetiser dass. for East Surrey, 3rd son of tlse lato Sir Tisonsas Posrehi— Buxton, Fort. tsvo clstns., C’arolino, and Oerf rude. Cs-re Ceo—hf April, 1553. A ,‘,,,e—Pcr hale, org. and aa., seass’e-do-iis, a lien, ranspaet’ gaas’dant, eoasiersslsasagtst, debrutted b- a Ocasilet, cngraf hen, ge HOL IIOLBCRNE, Sin TnoMAs-Wtr.. LIAM, of Mouotrio, cc. Edinburg’n, essmmander RN.; a. Isis father, as 5th hart., 13 Sept. 1820. JIOGHTON, DAFT., 1ff Ba HOGI1TON, DAFT. 588