Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/652

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H 0 W March, 1859; Arthur-Wardtaw, ii. 5 Jan. 1961; Ilarriot— - dana.; tlte 2nd ton, the Rig St Han. Jaha-Grubbans Hawe, StE. Augusta; and Mary-Ellen. vii Leioester, CIt., cot, late halo-brigade, A.1).C. ta Lord in ISo reigns of King WaLLmasr and Queen ANNE, and was rentarkalule Raglan in the Crimea, promoted to the rank of haul-cot. on bringing home tho despatch anoonneing the capture ot ntitest son, Sobastapot ; now military secretary in Ireland Ii. 25 Oct. SIR Scaoem Itawo, Knt., repretontativo far the no. of NottingStun 1829, sa. 12 Feb. 1066, A]icia-Marta-Eliza, older dan. and of li-cland 16 May, 1701, as B,scosi Claac’srlcp, no. Fermanagh, heiress of the tate Robert Susylls, Esii. of I tramerce, en. W’estascath, 1. P., 15. L.,and has taken, Isy royal licence, and VmocanNT ilawo. His lordship ass. tar, in 1761, Lady Anne tho sornamo and arms of Sanyo. i. (loargiana-Chartatto, as. July, 18-15, to too Duke ufBcacsfart. Johmu-Srro1,e, sehia it. yonsag. ii. Adelaide-Ida, at. 16 July, 1857, to the Earl of Wostmorolaud. Annattella, at. to — (touting, Rug. iii. Emily-Mary, at. I t-’oh. 1856, to Lieut.-Cal. Nigel ICingsrate, 14e st. 2ntlly, Jsiiana, dan. of Williani, Lard Ahlhagtan af Harseheath, Cit., St.!’. for West tuoocestcrslnre. Earl Howe at. 2naUy, 9 Oct. 1845, Amino, 2mud Jan. of Esaarsuen-Seeoea, Isia successor. the late Admiral Sir John Gore, K.C.B., and has, I. Montagn, 0. 18-16. am. Asslsoton-Gore, u.N., 0. 1550. a. Itlary-Aana. tiitcafit, Pa NATmiANiEL Craroas, 4th Earl. of Kedlestan (sec SrARsDALE), Amine, os. S May, 172$, to the lion. Lewis liordaunt. ‘elm a. Isis brother 6 Aug. 1723, ia. Mary, dat. and en— The tiseoumi a. 26 Jan, 1712, and was his san, heir of Sir lialjsh Asslsclon, Eart. of Middtcton, eta. Lancastra, EamaNcnL-Sceoec, 2ntl visratmi, n-Ito inherited aabaeqoentby and 4. 18 Nov. 1718, leaving to-a anita, via., NATmmANmoa,, 1st as 4th baronet, in 1730, nit the denote of Sir Eielsard-Grnhhstn Lard Scaradata ; and Aaseeyoa, of a hate line wit treat. The tbnwe, the ancient baronetcy of the family (refer to issue of Sir 2nd son, Aasnnvoo Crazos, Eaq., 0. 2 Fch. 1722, was ernatad 13 Aug. John $Iowe, Itt hart.). S-his lardalsip so. in 1719, Ihary-Sephia, 1794, Bases’ Crsaoss, ci’ Penn, en. Ducks, and advanced 27 Feb. ettlcst ilaus. of she Staneverian Baron Kiehnmansrgge, master at 1802, lathe title of VaoraecsT Cc-eras’. He ci. 1st, 1756, Esther, the horse to Greece I., aa Elector of ilanovem’, by n-ham ha had, only dan. ant heir of William Itanocer, Euj. of ttae Feans, en. Groren-Aueravrs, his successor. Flint, amid tmy her (who it. 21 Jnta’, 176-1) hail a son, I’rss-Assamo— lhienaen, soeeesaor In isis brother. von, of tthaan hereafter (as lsssstiand of Basasnas Hasvr, and WaLLiani (Sir), Sib riseeunt‘i’lsostas, fattier of the presrmit EARL Dawn), and tsra clattt., Esther, as. to Sir George Dronsley, Dart.; attd Mary, ut. to Ilcnry, Lord Caroline, at. to John howe, Euq. of tfanatop, Bucks. Stanrell. Vitcoant Curann in. 2ndly, 1766, ruirothy, sitter of Charitstte, at. in 1710, toitohert Fethpiace, Esq. afSa’mbraak, Ilielsard, Itt Earl Grosvenor, asmd by her had ittea, Aathcton, 0. I june, 1771. Eoanav, ella at. Uarm-ieat-Annr, BARONESs DR LA Zarcee, and Sissy, ai. tss Sir Ivilham—Augisutsma t’itt, ICR., brother of ‘I. I-i Slav, 186$ (ore that tiIl, Elizabeth, if. 14 April, 1859. Charlotte, at, 1705, Ic, Dagdate-Stratfaret Dsugitaln, Esq. of Merevale, en. Warn-irk. Viscount Curaon to. Iritly, Anna—Slargartlta, dan. of Anans 5 July, 175$, svhen tim title devolved upon hit heather, Meredith, Eag., and relict of Alutcrntan Barlow Trecalkick, ttsst Ilmcnaen, 4thu viscosiiat (the celebratstel Attnmiral llosre) ; who, hy her had no itsnt. lie 1. in 1820, and oao a. by his grandson, fur lila gatl;tnh 1ts’afeatiaaal ocrviees, was crealed a peer of Great llichard-William-l’enn, 2ttd Viscotoat Cannon, and Itresesut EARL Es’itain 20 April, 1707, by thin hue of Vmaeaosv flown; and It,,wn. JTaIIIIIP of jIofur. 11mev Eaten, tiring hop. ltnaav VIII., left a taut, Janus Hattr, of tlttnspell de Ia Itcies, co.,Sosaectct, who it. a lisaghanasisire, anti hail three stuns., via., 1174, atutl was a. by luis suit, tans’ llustr, ti litu to. home, dams. of Nicholas Grcdtlsa os, Esq. of Loairo-l’athsem-ine, a. Isl ta Johst Dennis, Slarqesess af Sligo Iitltnp’s Lydiard, cit. Soitserset, unit sitter of Sir It. tirabltani, of Withforil, in tVillt, and, with oIlier itsne, h;td, Janus, of uhom pretently. George (Sir), of Cold tterwick, selaate eldest ion suit successor, Lorsl howe cbS Aug. 1799, n-items the Viscounty and Earldotn Sir ltearge-Grnhhani howe, was created a garasset, in 1660, of biess’e evldred. The barony devolved aspen his eldest dan., of winch hanosmr expired at clan decease, 0. p. of lilt san and ss’tsnaa presently ; aisd tlse Irish hoisones of Viscount Howe and anreessor, Sir James, in 1735. (Sin Bscssn’s E,eltat-t Eai’tan Clraawley, wills fise btsronetcy, reverled to his brather, Jinrstsettsge.) Tue olitest sait, I. Saa tans’ howe, oh,tained han manor of Cemptsta, en. Clanretter, ansi a knight of hhe flails at ashuese demise (liii lordship attd otiter ettates, by gift of isis node, Sir Hieltard a’. Frances, 4th dan. of the Eight lion. Thanasu Cenolly, of rnbliam, and tr;ta ereateil a 1;aeonct 22 Sept. 1660. Sir loins Casthetasu’u, ca. ifildare) in 1814, svishesst issne, those dignities s,s. Ecisiget, dais, of Thootat hitch, Faq. of None f’erney. en. srere also exthsgesishscd. Tins isnhlcnsan nm one of the princittal t ilosicetler, one of Ilan ntatters in Chancery, and had, with a demice, and had use cHef romnnmand fnatm the return of General ynctIiger salt, Rie,eann, v-Ito a. to hit falher’t ettates and baronetcy, haiti at Gage, in 1776, to I $70. which pause’S, at the itcecate, ut 1720, of lilt sass, Sir Rirharti, Earl Tiasee’s eldest dan. having, at time decease of her faihen, the led liar’ ‘net, to the deseendanlt at Sir Jaltn ititwe, tlte inherited lute barony, hecanme I st baronet’s 2,t,t son 5 wluclt 2nd tan, Janet-GRreaAaa howe, Esq., SIP. Sir the en. Gloucester, ai. itt, 31 .hsmly, 1787, the lion. Pena-Assheton Caeaan, eldest nhtaiiae,l tim ntan,tr of Langar, en. Ni’tthsgtiana (where Ise fixeit san of Asslseinn, 1st Viscount Cna’raas, by n’isnnm site had issue, his abode), by niarrying Annatielia, ilicgilimaate dan., bust i-a Gnarge-Aoguslns, 0. in I7SS; and if. in ISIS. Iteir, of Enianuel Ocrope, kant Serape of gallon, and Earl usf itmeuaen-DaLLmass, present Earl ldass’e, Snnderland. (The said Earl laaving ta is500 by hit wife, Lady Maniansse, ii. 1st 1020. Elizabeth Manners, settled his eet;stet titian hit isatural children, SIr. Cnrran dying in 1797, the baroness at. 2ndly, in 1912, Sir by Startha tones; and the only son of hut eoststexian ilvhsg ,tanathan-Watlsen Watler, ItarL, by whom site had no child. t,n ci. in 16 if, the three ,lasst. af the sanse heranie ca-heirs.) lit lIen ladysisip it. in 1816, and was a. by her son, htmcuamun, present 1665, CnauLne It. granting to lies. liaise the precedency 0t an Earl lInac. earl’s legitintate dan., sIte becante, tltenrefartearsl, Laity Anita— C,cetfooo—Earon, IS Aumg, 1794. Viseatmh, 27 Feb. 1802. itetla II earn. (if this marriage, there terre fanr sotse and lien Earl, h-I July, 1621. Baron liaise, of kangar, 19 Aug. 175$. 150:1 II 0 W for Gtancettersimire, mtude a distinguished ligure in parliament for isis strennans opposition to a staudisig arniy. The in use Convention Parliament, n-as elevated to the peerage Maasners, flit dan. of latin, Otis Earl of Lutland, and had issue, Stsmrgaret, a. to Captain Siugg. and by that lady had, Mary, nmaid sit honour to CAROLINE, queen-oontert of Gmaeae it.; at. tat-, 14 bun, 1721, t’hanaoa-lbeebert, Sth Earl of Pembroke and Slontgauaery; and 2ndly, in Oct. 1731, the ISan. John Slordannt, brother af the Earl of Peterboroagh. Her tmmdyship it. 12 Sept. 1749. Jsmduth, rn-to Thenaaa Page, Eaq. of Eatttesdon, en. Redford, 2nd san of Sir Gregory Page, Dart.; and if. a. p.m 1700. latin, it. lit I $65. it. in 1771. en. Oxtai-d. Joliana, it, its Starch, 1662. George, 1st Lord Divert; aiud 4. 26 Slay, 1019, Tise viseomsl ut. 1st 1755, aistt seas a. by isis etttest san, Gnoenn-AraroTrs, 3rd viscount, wita served as brigadiergemincal in liii, Os-si Amaierieasu star, and fu,ll at Tieanderaga, advanced, 19 Aug. 1788, ta be Earhita,a af’ Hesre, being, at the tassse himsse created Ba corn linac, of Lass gor, with reversion of she halter ttigsuly, in defasslt of nmale, to his female hattie. His lordship wan elected a knight of the Garter in 1797. He ns. in 175$, Mai’y, dasm. of ltlshves’tan Ilartapp, Esq. of Weihy, in Not— Siueama-CmmaeLovvn, visa inherited (he Barony of Langar. Sias’ia—,hsmhiamsa. vIsa it, sisal. and after lilt decease, H Sir Wifflaaa Scott, Eat., aflerss’ards Lard Steweht t and it. in 1517. Sme tVaLLmanm Idoscr, a general officer in the anuy, and calanel of the 1 Slh reginuent of dragoons, governor of Plymouth, officers essmilayed his Asiaerica ihus’ing the true for indepen— Sas’amn-tlmmaacoyvn, Baroness Mown of Langan. tier tadyehip