Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/654

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H 0 W WILLIAM, his heir. Sosanna, a. to .Miclsael SI. Lawrence, Esq. Prances, as. to Sir James Menlgssxsory, of Resensosnat, llary, so. to Clifford Trotter, Esq.; and ci. in 1S21. Devonshire. Elizabeth, both ii. ssma. Margaret, ) Ills lordship ci. in 1643, and was s. by his only snrviving Tsas,asas, presesst earl. son ‘WILLIAM, 2-Ith ls,rd. Tlsis sseblennass es. Elizabeth, widow Elizabeth, sic. 11 lIay, 1031, to Sir Edward-Richard Doroagh, of Colonel Filewilliana, and had issne, I. TssoasAs. his heir. is. Charles, ii. 550 ss. I. ilary. as. to llessry, Earl Ilessnt Alexander. is. Sarah, a’. Is Tlso,ssas Slepssey’, Esq. of as. ilealls. its. Martha, as. Is Ilagh, sen saf Sir Bryrn O’Neile, liars. ills lordship dylisgin 2671, was s. by his elder eon, THOMAs, 24th lard. This peer sat in King JAMEs’s parliasnant, seedesl, pr. ef 1609, as he slid tn 1692, the first lsarlialisssst after fries—A sea-lIen, per fesse, arg. and ppr. tile Revolubioss, assil signed the assoelatiess and siselaratian saernsaid, ppr., holding in her esalaviar Isanul a minor. 10 Dec. 16ls7) in defence sf the person and gevrrument of .JJofIa—Qsn pause. King WSLLIOM, asail Ihe succession as settled by act ef parliasnent. Mul—lheseth Castle, to. Dublin. He si. in 1667, Mary, eldest dan. ef henry, Viscount Ktngsland, and had iesue, I. WiLLiass, lxii heir. is. Charles, ‘5. an infant. sic. henry, it. susie. 7 ,Jasa. 173.5. iv. Nicholas, 7. aims. 29 Oct. 1747. v. Oliver, it. after 1722. vs. Mark, ox. Mary, dais. of Mr. Teavers, and had issno. i. Elizabeth, slit, 21 Feb. 1116, Edward Rice, Esq. of Mount Rice, no. Kildare ; ansi 2zdly, 1721, Dansiniek Qnin, Esq. cf Qainsbsseugh, cc. Kildare. She ‘5. Aug. 1127, and was buried at lhsswth. is. Mary, is. cc xxxi. 555. Mable, it. noel. Ills lerilohip dying in 17S7, was a. lay his eldesl son, SV;LLIAM, 2611, Ii ird ; who is. in 1720, Lsss’y, yenssger dan. This fancily of Ihsghes (as testified by tlseir essablozaned pedigs’ee, (if Liesst.-Gen. tticlsard Gorges, and by her (who sic. dndly, Nicholas Weldon, Esq.) hail, I. Tssassas, his heir. is. William, 1. 1 June, 1732; ensign of font; it. 10 April, assct fraiss Tllatlayn op Cyssyn, Prince ci Fosvis. 1749. s. Mary, se. 11 Aug. 1720, to Sir Richard Geticin, Dart.; and iii John, 161h in descent frossa (hurnith Vaed ilasnr, king of ii. in l5eanee, 4 Oct. 1707. His lordship it. in 1748, ansI was.’, lay his elslev son, THoMAs, 27th bcsrau ; wits svao cressied, 3 $ept. 8767, Norfolk, assd had a sass, Viaecesst Sf. ,Lasc,aoce and E.sns. sir llosv’rss. Ills lordship ‘l’ssoasas llesssns, Eaq. of Tiebfleld, whose 3rd son, was swern. isa the following year, of his Ilajeety’s privy I leony hisauss Cs, Eu;. was falhar of ,issscsaeil isc Ireland ; and in essnsidaralion uf isis owsi aid ins ttsrnAsn llraoes, Esq. of Dvplfard, a naval officer; who in. ancestors’ services, sbtaisassl, 7 Jss:se, 1776, a hsenosssis sf £406 btacy, dan. of Isaac Loades-, Esq. and had tics sans; of whans a-year. liii lordship is. Isabella, dan. ef Sir iienry King, the ysusnges-, Robert, atlaissed, afler lang and gallant service, tlart., and sister of Edward, lab Earl of Kingstnn, lay whom lIce rank of adasiral; and she elder, he had issne, s. W’ss.Lssas, les sisreessar. is. Thoisias, 0. in 1031; in holy orders, bislao;a ef Cork and eapuseihy, of having as a gisest al his house nod pidihinly euler. floss ; A. Frances, eldest slaas. ned ce—heir of the Ilev. henry laissing Geesun III, luring Ins majesty’s visit to Ihal aelebralod Coghclass, 13.1 5., asid left at Ins death, ii Jane, 1031, 1 Thsccsas, in holy orders; sslao ii. in 1016, harriet, doss. af 1773. Sir Richard as. Jeanne, dan, of William CoHyer, Esq. Liescl.-Oen. John Gray; and 5. a. p. in 1031. 2 Euhsoar’l, in holy orulees, arehdnaeosc of ll,uss, anil peehen— slain., Mary, au. 1sl en Thanias Calhiuga’aad, Esq. of IJnlhank, dory of Cork; as. Elizaselh, daii. of Sir2iichalas Colthuest, Niisahsssssbes’hand, capt. MN. and 2ssshy, to Col. Nathaniel Earl.: and is. a. p. 21 June, 1042. 3 lhuhert.Kiicgalioreicgls, in Isala’ orders, sector of Maragla, Heywiied 5 and Sarah, svha ,t. isis’s. Ito it. in 1700, and seas b. 29 Sept. 1707 ii. 3 Sept. 1-010, Elieabeels-Anne, dan. of a. by his elder son, she tale 11.-h. Toa-nsend, Faq. of Casile ‘lnssnsend, en. II. Ssn Rsessaan, a distinguished ssaval officer, and adnsiral fork, aiad ii. a. 1i. Jour, I S66, 1 Encmn, ai. lax loll, to the lass Rev. SVihlian,-Lesvis Reasifurl, lisa mesuarulule relief of Gibrallar, and selso csptnrod the “Soil— LI..hs. 2 Isabella, ui. in 1000, t,s lice Into Right Rev. Dr. John t:sic’e,” and beat hlse French ins a sea Oglct off Rarluadees in 3702. Leslie, tiishop of Kilssaore ; nsaul is. 3 Nos . 1040. 3 Lu-slIm, ci. 10 Gel. lab, to the late hey. tticlsard Jephsson Su,ctubes’ lisle French. ile sss. Jssss, dan. of W’ilhianc Sloane, llnthe; and is. ill 1231. 4 i’ranees—F.tieol,elli, si. 9 hssly, 1 036, so Rislierl—blargan Sloane, by whoas he had tire sans and two daus., Tiglue, Esq. of ititeheislown, Westmeatls, who 5. in halo. s. Isabella, as. 16 Nov. 1713, to Dudley Coahiy, Lord Sydney. is. Ehisahelh, us. 7 Feb. 1706, to Sir Pauslns-Esnelisss lrvhag, John-Tlconsas, hcsufesser of civil lxxiv in Jamaica, xi. c-p. Earl. and it. in 1799. sss. Frances, iii. 11 Gel. 1000, to she ltev. Dr. Janice l’hillatt, lhase-blary, sic. to Ilajor John Rrowne, nephew of the Earl of archdeacon of flath ; and t. in Jon. 1012. the earl ii. 00 Selat. 1901, soil was a. Icy lila shIest non, W5LLIA5I, 2ssd earl and 20th horsis K 4 Oct. 1710; 1 Jnns, 1777, Lady Elizabeth Rirsninglsam, lou. and au-heir Frinsley St. blary, co. Suffolk, svho sss. 1st, Graliacsa, dao. ef of Thosnaa. Earl of Lauth, ,if that fasaxily (eli whose deatooe, b’hsns,sas Mangles, Faq., ansI Isusul issue, 004 Ci-,sss;ao.s—Raran by tenure, ii’suip.llnaav II.; by King Jonsa’s palont of confirmation1 and again, fisisp. lksaay VII. Viseetsnl and Fas-l, 3 Sept. 1767. disc—Ga., two ssrss’ds, in saltier, blades upwards, ppr., lulls and poaimels, or, bstseeea fnnr roses, argon;, barbed and Sopps rbea—Dexher, a ssa—Iiaua, as in Ilas cresl t sinister, a a HUGHES’. HUOREI SIR EDWARD Bart. of East Eergholt, Suffolk, 8. 1809; Y :iat;:th0r5 aa 6th hart., 16 Luicagc. ds-asvn sip in 1632, by Jacob Chalones’, of Lendoss) shews itself to be of esynl Welsh erigiss, asad to have slirnng frasu Gn’nilhs Used Ilasor, king of Gseent and prince of Cardigan, Ssa TssnasAs llrasses, of Gray’s Ims (son of Thomas ap Hugh Gsvent and prism of Cardigan) seas knigh;ed at Wbilehall, 4 N,iv. 1619; he as. Fnsnees, dan. of Nicholas llynne, Esq. of I. CAeTAia’ Itsc-oano linens,, of Ihe royal navy, a aemmississnar of than dorkyard at Pnrlsmsssslla, Isad the honour, in sisal arsenal, assd seas created a Maceast in conseqssenae, 17 July, capt. in the royal navy, by when, he had tseu sons and tssu of the hleul, aulsa ssas sceacaul isa eomsaaasad tinder lord Howe is, I In si-as also so gcsosi a F’recaeha scholar, that lie Iranslahed Tise Eu1. of Sooth Slssneham, in ltanapshire, nephesv of Sir hans Diehard, eapt. R.N. ; who it. aides, in 1010. Louisa, st. ones Alt:cncent. (‘5cr SLses, 2(1.) Sir iGehard it. 1 Jan. 1012, when Ihe lithe devoleed open his becsthaer, Ill. Tns llsv. Ssa ItoataT, foe forty-five years ceder of H U G dan,, Margaret, as. hat, to Wihhiaen Filzwhllbssn, Esq., and in 1799, the eurldom ox1ah-ed), by whona (who ci. in 1793) lssdly, be bhichaei Durfsrd, Esq. Ills lardship dying in 1610, Iso had issue, was a. by his elder iou, llarelal, ci. 22 Jan. 1801, Arhhnr-Freneh St. George, Esq. of Nscssos.As Sr. Lssvsttwrr, 23rd Lorsh of Ilowth, ss’ho sss. Tyrone, as. Galsuay; and it. 1010. in 1619, Jane os,lv surviviuc dais, cued hair at Dr. George Isabella, us, in May, 1563, to William-Diehard, Viscouaal bloulgosoery, biohi’p of sUeolh, assd lcasI haste, marriage Matilda, -,ss. to llajor Wilhiaas Dtsrke, of Qusansborongh; and ci. in 1a49; he uS. 10 July, 1019. ilio lordship sc. 2udly, Margaret. dau. of WGhiam Muske, Esq. of Kaehopnes, no. Galway, by whom (who ci. Ii Sept. 1046) he heft at hia decease, 4 Apr11, 1022, Cxctlserine, as. in 1020, to Viscoont Dsassgaevan, svho ci. 1634. Mart., auad 1, 12 Apnl, 1663. Ills lordship ci. 4 April, 1042.