Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/656

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HUM PH F it y, Sin WILLIAM____________ Seaf—Mortimer Hill, near Reading. Huxuy, Hart. of Fenton Lodge, near Andover, co Surrey, 5. 25 March, 1°27 -iii. 2 .Joly, l.s50. Maria, youngest dan. and co-heir of WilliaLu t5ubitt, Esq. of Fenton ) 41 70 Lodge, Ml’., and has 540 issUe. Sir Wdhiain, who for some time represented A nd iver in Pai’liament, was created a Baronet, 10 lice. 1868. Itiitragr. janN liriLosirny, Req. of liattersea Rise and Claphain Ca,aaioa, halls es. ci Mercy (eldest son of ,Jolsis Haailiery, lt’q. of Sliadicell, es. Middlesex), LIP. for Sentbseark-, slid lord mayer of l.s,ndoa in 1842—3, was I. 30 11 ay, I lid ; and ci. 1st, 29 A1o,l, 1522, Mary, dna. of William liargess, Eut., and by her (ohs ‘1. 21 March, 153) Isad issue, delta, 5. 8 2 isly, 1523 is. Esnesa, dasi. sad re-heir of Wi lime CahiLl. Req. of l’earen Ledge, NP. si. W:ni.txxi—ltewsa, erealed a narsaol as above. iii. Cbarles. Ii. 24 April, 1 sdo l sit. Clara Mailland, of East at the decease of Ins fath,’r, 9 Dec. 1828; so, 8 Sept. Iilaitlaad, N. S. Wales. iv. (ieerge-Fraaris, F. 27 April. 1531; is. 6 April, 1874, Isabella, 1835, Elinaheth - Ansto, dan. and heir of the late dan. of William Ease, Req. of Weslmeatb,aad he,1 issue. 1-lionard l’ou’er, F.m1. of Cltsslinsoi-s, en. Waterford i. Mary, ii. as infant. ti. Mary, ,l. 7 dan. ISIS. lIr. ileniphery is. 2adly, 1 April, 1536, Annie-Maria-disc, dais. sf dames Dyson, Esq. of Wilden Shrubbery, ca Bedford, aad ii 28 Sept. IsfI, leaeisg issue liv lice. (‘ri-sUet—Id Il’s. 1889. ,lre,s—An., en a ches-ron, an, let mesa three grypbsss’ heads, erased, arg., a ehaidst of oak, sort: a elnef of site sosoad, tlsereoe litres i,iarrlcts. pa. f., sI—An unicorn passant, asp., armed, armed, and hoofeil, or, sits dexter loot snide cling a ristoan faeces in bend, of site last. dd,,tls—Dsas prslechor incus. 5, sl—l’ealos 1-edge, near TIns illusti-is,ns house, so renew-nod iii the cabinet and tho Aailotor. H U N TElL Hta-Taa, Sin’nws-STEPuny-PAUL, WiLLIaM -nm l.’owceson. The oncreosor of Ilno Robes’t was of London, 5. 21 Sept. W.nL-rro on hlassinne, wba heroine oteseard to Ilosay I, 1825 ac. 1? Fob. 1852, (,‘onstatics, an osvnsr i,f the nantir of Astoll, ea. Nsirfolh—, a grant froni younger dan. of ViiliamIves the crown, np iii lisa setirhtion of tokhmg rare of the napcris Bossnqnot, Esq., and has, i. Coaran, ii. 111cc. 1801. n. Cliarlcs-Iloderick, Rd duly, ISIS. Earl of llntittngslon, by Ihtsnd, dan, of Hngh, sister and i. Constance. Sir Paul s. his grandfather, aa 2nd baronet, 20 April, Daronnl d3o’oge, article dloecntscno, Lb-Is of Cisceber), and 1851. Etiingc. Jona IlrxTnn, Esq. of lloaeh hut, ea. Perks (son of henry nod was made giivornsr. by thai stoblensan, of the castles of tInnIer, of London, nicrrl,tint, by .Johauna Ins svife, don, and Scarborough amsd Wincliesree i’i 1264 ; and in the fallosving cit-heir of ,iohn Barnard, Pup of tios,nshle. anti the ilesrondant year of Renil seorthe Castle, This feudal baron iii. 2 cane, of :n,eeslons, ciliacns and merchants of ronstito,-alde ensinence dan. of William, and sister anti co-heir of George ds Cantihips, in London. I. oip. Cuani,ns I.), ci. Flizal icib, lan. of Sir Tiinolby his elder son, 1_annoy. Rot. of lla,nesersrsilh, sheriff of London and 3d i,ldle— donts ns Ilauriane, Lord Hastings mid Bcrgavonny, mx, sisd d3-ieg in 1114, left a sills aisil Iseir, Hnsna-LAwsov liraTos, Esq. of hleash 11111, BoiLs. wits 01. ooneschal of Aquitaine, and, in 1280, ono of tie aepirants to Eleassoc, lan. of hsavid llosan,1nes, Req., sinil sehos.e grassdson, the Scottish thniose in sight of his grandmother, Ada, who 1. sic CLerniss-STEruno. li-CL., esdanel sf Ilic royal I.ondon u-as niece lo MeLcnLas IV. and WILLIAM THU Lion, Kings of regsdar ,sodliti t 1.. 24 PcI,. 1777; ii,. 1st, I it ,Jssl,, 1707 Pests— Scotland. Tht-i tiohleniais had 05mm-mis to parliamnsnt frens lope—Maria. silly dao. if mba Free, Req., an opulent msreli:inl 1203 to the tints of hisdeath. lIe si. Isabel, dan. of William, of London, by irhoni )i,lsi ‘I. in 1047) lie Irid issur, JoHN. E.l.C. civil serriee-. 1.. 26 Ilay, 1708: ii. 1st, in 1527, hi-ike, hsy whom be had two sons and fhreo daue. the Strait, dan. of V.—N.—W. I beech, Esq. of ttillsaei, Yorkshire. second of which dassa., Elinalsefis, a, Roger, Lord Grey do and had istoe, CLxrn,rs_Stnrnns-I’ArL, hsresent lioronci. lie m. 2n’lly, Lossists. eldest dxii. of — Gerstin, Rsq., sit officer in the tinsty ; and ii. in I s42, lie it 0 Ilarcls, 1712-13, and u-as e. by the elder cots of the Tlsomas-Claodiiis, hi 10 April, 1004 ii us Peb. 1732. Saninsi, b. S Aug. 15ff: ,l. 11 Feb. 1074. Ti’s baronet ,,i. fisdly, 27 Oct. 1841, .1 seist, 2nd d,i,,. of Use a. h3— bin oily sums, late dames Fenton, Esq. of hlanipstcad, winch lady if. Lb l.acneas o, who, upon the decease of his grand-nnelo, wiilow, 21 dan. 1570. Sir Cla,,dins baring loris chosen mis Aylmer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, a. p., was created aldernoais if the city of Londses, filled liii ri rio chair its Eas’l of I’eisshrake, by patsnt dated 3 Oct. 1785; a digsnty COG 11 U N 1711-lit and svas created a baronet, II Dee. 1712. lIed. 2 hs for cadoney), fee NscotsT. (‘s-id—A densh -stag, hoc., horned, April, 1571, and was a. by bin grandson. tsr, cSargcd on Ihte bivast wilh a trefoil, verl.d.falla—tserrevi. f’reolisii—li 71cc. 1712. Ars,se—tlr, a lion, ranspant, psi., between eight crosses ysitde, BichSe, en. t’irol—A demi-lian, holding between the paws a crossp:itde, filrhSe, is iii the arnss. H U N T I N G D 0 N. Cs IT HUNTINunciN, EABL op (Francis - ThsophilnsIlonry Hastings), hi. 28 Nov. 1808; s. as 12th sarI, and by Iasr (u-lou s?. 18 Feb. 1857) has iosns, Fn,vxcls-Pnss’rn-l’taswroor,y,:T, Lsr,f Hnolisgo, b. 4 Des. liii, as. 17 Aug. 1067, Mary-Anne-Wilsnot, only child of Cal. the lion. J.-t’. OVoofoora (tee Rnnoxinnr, B.), and has a dan., b. 8 dod-c, 1768. s. Dorsthea-t’rauees. ii. Sslina-Elioabetb-Aisne. ill. Laniss-Araholla,, 35 tnragc. field, doris-es its slit-name froni lbs seaport of Hastings, in Sussex (the lsstsigo of which its senior snonfbars farmed far soany years feseit the croson), and dcdoces its pedigree from hubert do llostings, I’isrtgcave of Basting,, Lord of Pulongley, is, W’ai’wicksbirc, sod diopenontoi-, or steward, to (table-linen) :it the coronation. From this Walter descended Ileany, Lonn Il.oe-citsus, who ii Ada, 4th dan. of David, co-heir of Banniph, Earl of Chester lore Gmat’s Ext tort end wtn a, lay his onl’ son, Honey, Loin Ilas-nyns, who, adhering to Sinson illushfort, Earl of Lsieester, e,gainot ltconv III, was knighted, Bat-ens of Dcrgavrnny; and dying its 1268, was e. by and siotsr and co-heir of Aylnier de Valence, Earls of Iiem Ilnthsysi. Idis lordslnp os. 2ntily, laahsl, 5th dan. of 11 ugh fles1sesssec, Rarl of Winchester, and had two sons. Ii rst nmssrriagr, dnuss, 1,,,un II.osTiaoe, Eerpssveoop as’) Wdskfecd, govorn”r of ltenilwerth Castle in 1123 ; sebo ml. in 1720, and none that expireil with debt, 3rd sarI, who wtis aecidesitally slain H U M LSiiI—Cloneosksjran Castle, eo. Waterfoi’d. U i’s[ P11 ELY.