Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/658

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H U N FP.etitNANDO, his heir. 01mev, a diet ingstishsd adherent of Cu otrs I. tlttrtttg Edseard-i’laotnoeset-P,eb)o.Teeed, E.I.C.l1.S., 0.12 Asg. ISIS; the civil war; created, by that unatarer], LORD Lonom BOROUGH. Ii is I ailali p it. p5cm. in 1666. Alice, -,o. to Sir Grrvase Clifton, Start, of Clifton. Elizabeth, t,t. to Sir Hugh (‘alvsley, Kot. of Lea. lIlt lordship was a. at his decease, in 1641, ho his elder son, Itiehard—ttodi,11,hio.l lesry, in holy orders, rector of Hertiug— Foeniasano, 6th earl, trim ,,. Lucy, elan, ant hetr of Sir ft’nlbary, urns, 0. 16 hlareh. I s’2O to. lb Nsa. 1641, Agnes, John Hark, Knt. of Englefisid, lierke, and 101(1 bane, ITENTIS’, Lent fleet), sys, who 1, s et. 24 June, 1642. his lardsht1, tras ,ltsloscutehed fat’ great Ic mrning, anti of snob April, 1050; Cliarlrs— t4o]olpltio—Williato, t. 20 J,tr,e, 1054; extreme esvost000s ,.f ltspevittan, that 0’) Ieee hem ntto.’tyeight le,ris’s wore paliltahnl oa hts loath, nuder the title of LeO )‘i/.,,’ flee,’ ‘‘it,,,. Atnong theist i’eenre Ilryden’o first seamy. TusopeitLus, stteee.esr to his father. f5teabotlt, .. to sir Tunes Laoghaio. Hart. 14 ary, em. to Sir lS’tlltara it ollitfo, Knt. The earl 1. 13 Feb. 163?,, anti svase. lv his son, Ttirorzttut’o. 7ib e:,rI. This o,4,lentan was one of the pecra who pratt eted ag sii,st the Act of Settlement, itt 1701. Louisa, ci. is April, 1810, to Ilie 11ev. Jshe l.ees, rector ef lie a. let, to 1671, Elte,sbeth, eldeot dan. and ce-heir ot’Sir Jim t.ewis, of Ledetoue, SLut. and Hart., t’y whom he had Aititaghoes s, es. Gale’ay (.e, , yost, Lees, Ilaea’.), and ,t. a oat ttttsl twa dane., ate. Gr’iRor, hts bet,’. 1”.lte7,beth, F who both f. sin,;,. His l,,rdoht1, a. Sndly, iii 1100, Frances, d;ua. and sole heir ,t. itt lIce. 1520, lOis widow o,. its 1630, Col. Sir Thomas- at Fr.ineis-Lt’vet, .n l’owlor, Fe,1., and o idow of Thomas, 11th harris o. 2ttdly, Slary, wid’,ev e’f Robert Tbsmsou, Esq., l’tecouot ILilotorey, by whom (wha ,,, Sri Ily, the t’hovalier attd it. 20 31 arch, 3660. ste Ltgeoday) ho hail tees cons and five dma., t. Ttecorsitsua, 0th earl. te, F’erdii,an,h ,, ‘7. ,‘,eoi. t. Anoe—Jaq’telttot, ‘7. noel. itt 1755. i. Alter, 1. iima. its 1602. itt. Franres, 7. Os n, 2.1 last, 1750. iv. C.stlierine -31 iris, ei. the 11ev, Gra,ivillo Wheler,5 of resetaitliog the lnuests face, ii’. Otterdeo Place, to Kent, eon of the celebrated traveller, Jill’ es—’’ Itt s’eritate s-ieloria ;“ anti ‘‘ Hoisorasles use Str George Wheler, and was grattdntether of the late hottoraho.” Gt’aovilte-Hastttig:s Wheler, Feq., arh,e inherited tite L ‘‘t—Claslttniot’e I heotse, so. Watorford, eot,;t,’t of Ledet no hall, to. Ye-k, from his great-aittit, Taw,i fJ”o-’e—64, Gloucesler Flat’s, l’ortasso Square. Latly Flizabetls Ilmistitigo. a’, Olargarct, a. I’, lbs 11ev. hlettjamtti hngham, rector of Aberf,’rt. anti was grandm’ thor of the present Titeophilasllasitugs htgls’tm, Esq. of Slarton-in-Craven, to. York. lIio l,’rdahip f, 70 Slay, 1701, and was e. by his eldest son, U ror,oe, 6th e;a’I. This nobleman carried the sceptre at the coronation of Qoeeo .Stc’so, 15 April, 1702 and dyitig easi. 22 Feb. 1704 3, the lienonro devolved tspsn his half 1 rsetlter, Torurtut.tts, 0th oarS, who carried tise sword ef state at ttte eormialian of Gruoon 11., 11 Oct. 1717. Slit lordship e;. Selioa (eolol’ratod, after his lordelatp’e decease, by her attaehteeot to the poet of t’brtsttans call; d Slethodiste), 2nd elatt, and coheir af Waohbngtost, Earl Ferrets, by wltatn lie hal four s,,tss, of avltem Fst.sNora, his eltecessor, alotie attatitod maturity, atsd Iwo dana. Soltoa. the yotitiger, if. its 1761, ttpatt the ore of her marriage with t apt. ttesrgo Jlasttttgs, gr,;ttdfalhier ‘‘1 tIm preeOs t earl k’lieabeth, the older, to. Johit, Sat garl of Si, ‘ira (eec tloaqt’rso or ItAssiNus), sod was dtsttugobohed for a strong nafttrat un,lerstanding, V’anuock) of Heveninghsm flail, in the peerage oolttvate’t hyavsry refined taste. 11cr ladyehi1t (Lady III olea) 1. in I 006. The earl ‘1, 13 Oct. 17417, attd svaa uf Ireland and a Ilaronet of Great Britain ; S. s. by his eldest son, Faases, leth earl. This osldeoaais eart’ied the sword of 12 Jun. 1818; a, Isis father, as 3rd baron, 10 Aug. plato at the ee,ratiatt, to of Cl ra. III., 22 Sept. 1761. bits lord 1841; at’ C July, 1919, Lottisa, oltly dan. of Audrow ship dying withoet issos, 2 (tot. I POt), the ancient Ilarotite 5 Arcesleckne, Esq., and has had iosne, of Hastings, die. devolved upon his elileet aider, Elizabeth, I. Joonua-Coaatrs.c’apt. Scoto fnsilhers, 6. 57 Aug. 1042. ‘mnates0 of Slim, ztti-l were carried by her ladyship tub sIte ttaw,h,o family, and the I’larld,,nt of ltttntingelon hoeattte tv. Walter, 1’. 9 March, 1041). sntpettded, and so cml meted ststtil elatmod by Ilatts v. Gerarit, 6. 10 April, 1831. Iceatlets 0taitngo, Faq. (recoil to yontagor doseetotlatits of s. C,sthet’bne, it. at ILrettzuaeb, Germany, 4 Jtily, 1864. Fratieto, 2nd earl), who ssieree,led in ealaldisititig his rig-Itt it Clara-Louisa, it. 26 fats. 1537. thereto, atnt had euuiutat,s ace’ ‘rdttigly, 14 J ott. 1010, so hlaas-Ftia’oeoa, 11111 carl. I lie was 6. 14 Aug. 1770, antI a’. hiandet-Lucy. em. 1st, 2 Slay, 1667, Fra,teos, sham, of Ilte Sloe. Ti iebar,l— Chalonsr Cobb, rector of Great hiarlow, cc. Stocks, by whata (ss Ito 1.3] ll,srch. 102))) he had issete, Fitaarit-’ftieortsiLt’s-i 1mev. ‘ri’seet eat’]. George—i’ eisner, 0. 20 Nov. loll, rear—adm., SIN., C.P. a. 14 Josuna VANNrCK, Eoq. (2nd son of Consehins Vautueck, Sept. 1014, at CaI;,is, ihlathuii,te. Slice, etdy lao. of W’,—l I. Esq., paymaster of the land forces of the Uisited Provinces), hitchcock, Fsq. of St. Piece, anti has a too, t. at Ilistlogne, ati eissiitet,t and ipuletmt nsorrhaut of Loetdon, was created a Mr. Whsler’a 4ib da,t., Qathiorioo EarLs, ‘a. its 1765, hlarotiot, 14 13cc. 1751. He to. its 1732, Mary Ilaubtiz, and had, Jatneo-Stoart Slottie,mtli, Faq. of Cl,,selotrts, 00 tlumfrtes. tasd hail a son, liRANVit.Le-STuAtsT Sles,vraisi, Lsq., created a hart, in 10:1:1. ilis lordship, titreuglo lilt mother, Sarah, who was d,ut. Flieabrth, so. it, 17117, Is tise Sleet. Tltoteas Walpele. of C’,l. 11 oigeo, of list goards, deseottdcd frsm the ancient )lars’-Astse, to. lo I Ieory Ulttlsoff, Etq. family of Fowesn r,f lL’caoge ‘lcsog’. GUS TI U N 21 Jooe, In/St and a son, 0. at Esqniotault, Vaaeoovsr’o lslssd, 31 Jnly, 1068. oi. 1111cc. 1o46, Ca,’olioe-S,,roh, eI,lest elait. of 0.-it. Norris, Faq., E.I.C.S., aoi ,t. 17 (let, 1557, having bed, EdseardGrorge-Gottolphin, 0. to 1042; Aleseoder-Fleetageset; sod. tltrse sI tsr setis. 6Ih dan. of henry Fytics Clisten, Csq., antI if. It Stanch, 1065, Itaviog Itad basic, l’raoeis - iheophilos - Clinton, 0. 18 Ileorv—,teho_t’ht,rrt,il], 0. 17 July, ]eStt Hogh—Fraseie— h’Iantageeet, I. loss, I. 77 Joo. 1060: Isal,el, it, 14 Jao 1064 Hargatet - Seltna; hiom’ietta - Sltibel Lucy; asil stoUter Iou. Ft’aneos—’l’Itespltjtt—Atitie, ii. It Aprtl, 1622, to Coittttim,ler Ileery l’arto,’, Il.N., anti tt. 7 Slay, I/al. Seliea-Arahollaboey, ,.,. hi, ls.,9, to Capt. Chsrles-Calnsaely Putt, tIN. Arol’rlle—tteorgiotta, et. 25 April, 15113, to 0 eerge-AugtusiosIct.ederiee Ilro,,te, Fsq., 111., to. i’rrtetmagh, ten of Sir lies,-,’ lit tithe, Part., sf Celebt-oote. 7 Feb. 1060, The earl a. 2ndly, 20 Sept. 5520, Flies-Mary, eldest dan. of Josepit htettesw,,rth, Faq.. md widow of Aloxatidor Thistlewayte, Ese1. this llasiehill, ae’Ise woe captain in the EN., Noel lhrris, ElI., atid ,t. its Nov. 1646. Sir Thomas-N. Cec,,fi,’ss—l N,;v, 1520. Are’ o—Arg., a msnsch, sa. Crest—A l,ulf a head, erased, sa., crowned and gorged with a else’aI s’osesitrl, att,l mtruerd, sr. SOtJI(tt” r. —‘Isis man - tiges’s, affrsotle, or, their visagee HUNTING-FT EL P. HnseTInuFtnt,n, B,tsonN (Sir Charles - Andrew ti Willisss-Arcedeo’lene, S so Oct 1045, ut. Chsrlos-Andresv, 5. OJan. 5846. iii. Aimi e. iv. Fuaseos. 3L Iitragr. Tite family of Vanneek eiaitt.e a very asoelent astd Isonourable I Ottolo eleaeeitt. 050w,, } OtiCtOOsis e barsoets, Gorlrede, 1. is 1700. hiargarcl, s,. to the lIon. hhicltacd Walpole.