Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/662

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II U T C H I N S 0 N. SyIcoE-HuTcntNsOlf, SIR I. Sophia, rn in 1034, to Capt. the lion. Cools Hely-ltntehinson, ErovAnu, Dart. of Caotlo-Sallsds, Sir Stsmnsl 0. 5 Starch, 3844, and wan o. by hin gnandnon. co. M’icklow, b. 31 Aug. 1830; late iso officer in the 8th dragoon .drior—Qnarlnrly: let and 4th, per palo, cc. and gte., is lion guards; a. his grandfather, as 4th baronet, 1 March, 1846. t5sL y: EnwAnI’ IlvTdn,wnON, Req. of Cin’oingtoni, cc. Derby, had sill ptc. ; 2nd, an oagle’s talon, issoiog from a ducal norolsot, three eons, the nw-c yosniger of when, settled in I inland; Molleeo—For ltevrsntesoa, “ Non oibt, sod toll.” For SINCE, namely, THE RIGHT REV. Rn. FnoNcie ITUTcHINSGN, Lord Bishop of Dow,, awl Conner (consecrated i 720), who ‘1. 5739;, and HUSKISSON, BT. (oee pssof, MILRANEE-HUSIIISSON, Sawer’. IIOTCHINSON, Est4. of PnclglalIOuo, an ensign in the regiment of Lord Forbes at the battle of the Jioyne; who ,f. in I 744. leavi: ,g fnnr colIc, Sancro, cif ssleein presently. Francis, arehilcoesti ef I sown. l’Ittlip. who settled in tiertsyslnre. Jane, a, in hole- orders, so. 311cc Moore, o Dtoergrove, ansI had a date., Ilsurict—Moria, echo so. Capt. William Itaincy, of Greenville. ro. liosrn, deputy-governor and a magistrate of that county. The eldoot eon, THE RIGHT REV. Dn. SAMUEL Huacoitesote, Lord Bishop of Rillala (oonsoernted 22 April, 1 The), to. Sophia dan. of the Row. James Hamilton, of l.lallygrail’an, ro. Down, by whom he had isosen, i. Fnaarie, 3 sneresstve baroaott. n. Jatere, ,) .Soldsio, 0 in Jan. 1729; to. in 1723, to the ReV. Edwarsl Synge, MA., of Syngefntd, son of Nicholas Syngo, DR., ttsohnp of It illoloc, and had, I Eslsearsl, 15.1)., of Mtigdolon Colloge, Oxford. d. ustos. 2 SAMUEL, 3rd t,oronrt. 3 George, of P,atlmeore Castle, in I he Ring’s Cotinty. is. 24 Jinte, 1797; so. Mary, dan. of Charles MarDooeil, Req. of Newitnil, in Clore, and Isad issue, Edward, of Syngefselsl, ICing’s Co., and Dysart, Claro. Clnsrtes, tienl.—enl. in the army, of Stonnt Callao, no. Durham, and of Petersfiold, in tho Co. of Soothampton, Clnre, t,. 17 April, 1709; sit - Caroline’, dan. of I’. Dues, Dec. 1800; no. lot, 8 Oct. 1825, Eleanor, 2nd dan. of Esq. t and it. 21 Oct. 1034, leaviog issno, Charles- Edward, late rapt. 98th regl. ; s:s,t three daus., viz., the Hon. Berkeley Paget, and by her (svho d. 23 Mary, to. to Ololsert Tnttenl,nm, Req.; Caroline; and July, 1862) has had issue, Oeorgiana-l ‘raaces, to. to Grorgo-Citarlos Syngo, Req., major 32ns1 liclit iafantrv. Francis, in hole- orders, .5. Jtstia-Annc, dan. of Coloitol i. Hylton, 0. 10 July, 1820, capt. Coldstream-gnnrds; m. Edward 2I’ttititsetl, and has isstie. I Gs’orge—Clsanloo 2 Edoard t I Nannie; 2 Slary — Catherine; 3 JohnCatherine; 4 Fanny; 5 Sophin, and 0 Cor,diae-Catheritie - Adelaide, tee-ins 1 7 Oeorgiana - Gertrude-; and o yronees ietorta-Rlioattoth. 4 Rtd,ssrt, of ltiltrongh, created a hart. (See STNr,E, Earl.) O Fs;ntris, of fhleantoro Casllo, cc. Wioklow, father of JoHN Srsoe, 15551. of Gleontoro Castle. 1 Rlieat,nth. The bishop it. 57 Oct. giNs, and evan o. lie his rotates by Isle diceS cots, I. En aaoio Tlnvcnucsoe, Req of Castle Satlnh, no. Winklow’, iii. Oilbort-llytton, 5. 3 A,. 1030 ; 0. in I i44. who was ereatet a llAooaoT OF lnELAan, 8 Oct. 1702, wills remainder to his brother, .1 atnes a,tst after hito to his isepl.ow. Satonc I Syngo. Sir Fra’sris son’ed tim office of v. Woller-Ilylton, lient. R.N., 0.29 June, 19-14. dottY of tito cc. of Wieklow he 1752, and was rettsrtsod to vi. Iton;agu-Fleory-Hylhcn, 0. 11 Feb. le4t ii. 31 Slarch, p.u’htstwent its the oasstr ‘rear for ,Totnootoeem. Tie )tt, Rlioa— to - . Them. ,± Pro Iv cit in Trcrcle, Eoq. of IOnic, co. Gaieeaabest ‘lying without Gene, its I sf7, the title dovolvotl npon i. Rleanssr-A,nella, si. 1852, to John, Lord do Rlaqnioro. hi: bct.tht r, II. TisE Rca’. Ssn Jasien, wlao o. in 1772, Rlizaboth, dan. of Ct’:sclno Toltonham, Enq., H.P.. bset had no issue, wlsoronpois in. Wiltselmii,a—Charlsslte, ,t. in 1837. tho title paoeed, at his decease, anna-ding to the iv..Tnlia-Agnes, cii. 22 July, 18Sf, to Col. R.-1T. Itoward Vyse, li,csitatisot, is’ his tsephrw, Ill. Tue REV. Sn SAMOEL Simon, 0. 52 April, 1756, who v. Cocil-Rnsily, ,n. 39 July, 3840, to William-Philip, 4th aes,s,nod tier asi’Iulioc:d ol,rs,a,oso and arms of ttuTcnjmsno, Sin ,o lot, in Marsh. 17s7, Frances, date. e’f the late Mans vi. Otary-Anousla, sss. 18 April, 1105, to Edsward Birkbeo0, - 5V,sssd, Req. of ito,s,nea’t. co, Wi otrerath, by whons (who 55. in 1 7s’) lie hal etc cli’s., Fratecca. Ho is. 2i.dly, iii 1 551, His lordship ns. 2ndly, 10 Jan, 1867, Sophie- Itorotlty, state, ant cc -hnir of .1 lu, hales, Eoq. of Ittiblin, Penelope, seldom of William-Thomas-Homer, 4th by Sharboca his wife, dan. of Dr. Nicholas Syngo, bishop of Ritlaloc., atid l,ad Gene, Earl utf Ilebeoter. Lord Hyltvsn, who represented i. ynr,c,s, is. lt jan. 1 Sf2: es. 17 .t,toc. 1824, Lonisa-Prances, l5etereflcld in pnrliainent in 1830 and 1831, and, slot,, of the lisle lint. F warts lit b—I lotelet,,son. owl cider cf frono 1837 to 18136, and who was created a Baronet. the J’at’l of Dotsongtttoorc. lIe ii. 3 April, 1533, leaving tens sons ,sisd sum dolt., of Merstlsam, Sqrrey. 20 Ang. 1821, is heir and I Foresee, prerent b,acontl. 2 CasTE, ccl. 2nd dragoon-guards, 0. 1832. 612 BT.) hIDE, LORD, Off CLARNNDON, Eactt,. II Y L T 0 N. HVLTON, BARON (Sir William - George - Hylton Jolliffe, P.C.) of Hylton, in the co. palatine of and a baronet, a capt. in the army, 5. 7 I .Ttity. 1840, Leila, eldest tiass, of the late Sir Thamna-John Tyrwhttt-Janes, Ran., nod had lesno, Eloanor-Agnes, and Hilda. Ito d. en the heights before Sebastepol, of cholera, 4 Oct. 1054. n. IIonwon’rn-IbvnToN, islE. for Wells, late capt. 411, light- dragoons; 0. 23 Jsnoe, 1029: eervsd in the Crimon, at Atom and Inkorman, and in tlte ltgttt-cavalry charge at Ralaklava; to. 35 Dec. 1850, Agnes-Mary, eldest dan. of George-Stevens, Earl of Strnfford, and Itas tend tactic, HVLTON-GEORGE-HTLTON, 0. 10 Nov. 38ff Mabel, S on infaiet, Fsh. Ifel and Agatha. ie’. W’ihliam-Sydney-hlylton, enpt. Seats foe, guards, 0. 27 Sell. 1841. 1034. vii. Slsencer-llyhten, I. II Jan. 1923. ii. Allada-Olaiviot, sss. to Granvillo-G. W’rlls, Esq. of Ifetmo Wood, 11 nntingdonshiro. late royal some-guards, and s). in 3962. Earl of Soften. Rsq. of RntSc’ld, Surrey. representatiVe of the Barons Hylton, late of Hilton Castle, co, Dttrhana, and was hinmelf raised to the - peorage as BARON HTLTON, 16 July, 1866, HUT i IL IlIf itfit’. II Y L I Frnncos-Dot’othy, en. let, in 18-If, to James, oldest son ot the lien, and new. John-Pratt ltseritt, ache d. May, 1951; and 2ndly, to Capt. David-Philip llroeen, late 7th hnssars, TIN., esho ci. 0 Slay, 1842 C,’c,shion—9 tInt. 1782. raniltant, sri,,., beiween nine croes-erosslcto, or; 2nd and 3rd, i1narterby ; let ssnd 4th, a,., tlsi’ee nsill—sbones, arg. ; 2nd and 3rd, ang., an eagle, displayed, ee-ith two heads, sa. Credo—Icr, a eonlsatrioe, issuing out of a dncal coronet, all 11SF. Cwloolin cnnhnos.’’ Sool—Coolinoney, Co. Wickloas’.