Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/668

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INV vi. Hector, 8. in 1860. I. Barbara-Forbes. is. 2913cc. 1801, to 1tllanE.-W. Stock, Eoq., bsrristei--at-law. 1. Anne_Thurm’n in. Elizabeth—Helen. ILin ngc, WALTP0 lanes,’ Lord of Innennarkic, was e. by his SO’), ResecT lnnr,e, whose great-gnoidson, 1. Roseor I ases, 5th Ilaroii ‘f lunermarkie. and 1st of Balveny, was created a Parsed of _Vcsa Scotia, 13 Jais. 1628, with reinanoler to his heirs mate wliatsocvrr. Sir Robert loft issue, WALTOn; William, of Kiincriuoiiie ; and James, eel. hi the army, lIe was o. by his son, 11. Sin Wsaarea, who ,,i. Lilias, dan. of Sir John Grant, of Grant, and was a. at his doosase by his emily son, Ill. Sic ItoseriT, ‘rho ii. e. p., and was n by his cousin, IV. THE Rev. SIP. Gcoccr., of linneon (sen of Colonel iii. Isabel-Veto, d. 14 Feb. 1169. James liioro); at whoec deooase the title reverted to V. Sic jancs, of Ortonn, -nephew of the lot This family le dednced with great probability from Anon, baronet, irho ri. Margaret, diii. of Thomas Fraser, Fog. of wha had the manor of Ishamn, cc. Northampton, at the Cairiibi:hly, by whom he had five OHio and three dane. tinme of the Conunnon’s surrey; father of Roots DE and dying in 1722, wise s by his clii st son, Vi. Sic limmonnT, who is. Margory, dan. of Colonel Winram, Ismssse, one of the first benefietore ef St. Andrew’s Priory by whom ho had an only snretring dan., Catherine at Northampton; cent traee’l from Roger’s eon, Henry, in (me. to James, I 7th Lord Forbes) asS dytag without male a 3’onugor bm’anch, through Robert. living 45 Henna’ III., issue, was e. by Ins next brother, VII. Sin CHAnces, a ealmddn in the army, who si Isabol, the estate having paeseil through the lieireoe of the elder dan. and heir of Patmm of Kinalmlio, by whom hr load a son branch to the family of Luffewick. Robert laham 4, in John, who iirsdereased his,. Sir Charles d. in 1763, and 1424, leavtng a son, was o. by los ismly suerivhig brother, VIII. Sic WiLLiAM. This gentleman ii. 1st, Sarah, dan. the lb beforo his nanie, if. in 1-12-I, leaving a son, and heir of Tliminae llodges, Es4. of I lmsmrieh, by whom he ResecT, of the age of 22 years. lie us. Elizabeth, dan. had two dane. ; anml Sndly, in 1174, Slas-v-Maria, dnm. and coil co-heir to Aaton of Knoston, aliac Knnsten, near heir of Mmojur Parsons, of tile city of York, by whom ho ha,4 I rehooter, in Nortbainptonsbire. lie if. nbent the 14th ef no issue. Ito ml. in 1017, when the title reverted to (the Ensrsnn 1V., leaving, with other issue, an eldest son, lineal descendant of Jolni Tunes, of Edengiglit, wini wan WiLLisam tsnaam, one of those gentlemen of Northampton- groat-nude of Sir Robert Innes. the let hart.) Ins kinsman, shire to odious HienAnn III. sent a letter, reqnirhaig a lean IX. Sin Jena, of Edengight.5 1. 28.1 une. 1717; sm. in 17116, of £411. lIe m. Ehieabetlm. meimlome of Thomas Ilrasnespaehm, liarbara, Ird dan. of George Forbes, Fe,4., and granddan. of who ii. 20 Sept., lath EnwAnn IV., and be 4. 13 Jesse, 2nd Sir John Forbes, of Menymnok, and hail issue, I. JoaN, Imsle liaroort, Ii. ,TaMns, hirescnt b,ironot. s. CH’istian—Susmni. n. t4rergina-Fornes, ri. to Janice Blaclns’ooil, Esq, in. ll.irlmmn’a, ii. 14 March, 1m163. iv. Same. Sir Jelni il 23 Barth, 1839, and was s. by Ins non, X. Sin Jnnn, of Edengight, 8. 1801; who 4. usia. 3 Bee. of England, anml brother to Anbrey do Vere, first of the 1935. Creeliss—IS Jan. 1028. A r,,s—Arg., Ihree stare in rInd, so. (‘rest—A dealer arm, armed, soil ceupeil at the elbesi’, lieliling ismmmme, Rvsnsv, John, ammmi licimny. tlemmry was in the mi brsadswemd, iii r°’. ppr ,s’1m}m,ri c—Two gmevliounmls. .Oi,mlmeos—” Sloe crionne fial,” awl, ‘‘Pro patriL” Si el—Edengight llsuse, llanffilnrc. INVERESS. INVERNESS, DGCBESS OF çCecilia-Ltotitia Underwood), Gvnss haunt, Esq., settling at Piolmeley, in the first mist. 14 May, ISiS, Sir Goorge Buggin, lint. of’ year mmf the reign of Qneemm BARA, was elected for the city of Great Cumlierlanil Place. svlm if. 2 April. lS’hi. Nor l’oterbmmrtmomgh, to the parhianment s,mmmommed to meet at grace, whi is elan. ot Arthnr San ii lows, 2nd Earl of Oxfm’rd ; and again to that hold at Westmhmster, 4th and Am-ran, K.P., by Elizabeth, Ins dril wife, dan. of 4th cf Pnmcir and MAcv. lie 4. 31 Ang. 1155, leaving LLichar’l Underwood, Esq. of Dnblin, aesmmnmed the by Mary his wife, three mlauglmters. ISis next brother, surname anil arms of Uaenncw’oon, by eign-rnannal, IioesmmT IsimAse, wan one of Queen SlAmmy’s chaplains; 2 March, 1534, and was elevated to the peerage lie sf nine. 3 Slay, 1246, and svae c. by his brother, 10 April, 1840. Crrelioe—lt April, 1840. A rsi,—Qoarlerly Ist nod 4th, cc., had tim her 2nd hssebasmd, Vihhimnn Itsev.-etl, Esq., soheitorgemcem-al en a tesse, erie., between three smmnnlrts, or, a lion, lmassant, of Erseav, Tijenmas, liary, the 2nd snfe (and Imy whom he only the first, for Canseweon; 2od and 3rd, gu., a fesw, between thece cresi-erosslcts, filchde, or, fer Goes. Few,i Aesideacs— left issne) of ‘i’lienmas ±tndress, Emq. of Charsaohien, who scemns Kensington t’alsre, W. INVERURIE, Loan, ccc KINTORF, EARL. * The family of hones is of great astigidly in Scotland, sod Sen Fusser IsnAim, Eel, of I’iehmehey asd tlraunsten, received derives its semename (rome lIme lands of Iners, a word snonosed Is lime imonemmr of lnmiglithosd frmmsi King JAsmes I., at the Chnmcr— be donveil from Gaelic IsA. part r,f that liannmy being no island noose. lIe it II Jnne, 1026, leaving by his wife, Aoans, dan. formed by the t,eo braerhos of a dream running through the ef John tlorlaoe, Esq. of Slarlsw, in flnektnghamshire, a citric, The Icons family hare net, since the present branrh conoin, thme ancestor sf the lot baronet, aennned the hue in 1511, nmstrieelaleml Ibeir srnie or pedigree is time l.yon Court. The last entry s’as Is Sir William tones, of t.endoe, and sf ties horrors’ Company (of st-Web he become 6th baronet, in 1182. 618 IsItsat, Silt CHARLEO.EB1IUND, of Lampom’t, eo. Northampton, 6. it) Dee. 15)9; a. hie brother, as 10th baronet, Sept. 1846; in. 26 Oct. 1547, Emily, youngest dan. of the late Nt. Hon. Mr. Jnetice Vaughan, and his wife, Louisa, Dowager Lady St. John, and has had, i. Lonisa-Mary. H’ Emily-Caroline. tiizcztc. amol liomiry mentioned 3 Rnwnn III. to HonesT ne tsnaM, Hoeenr tsnAai, the first of the family that suppressed litany VIhl. (lImit). leavhmg, Tsioaras IsnAsi, Eaq. imf Pielmeloy. lie no. Elena, dan. mmf Ihiehard Yore, Esq. of Addingten (by Isabella lets wife, da,m.,a,md at lemmgth heir, to ,Temlmn (Ireosm, Esq of .hirayten), and sister to Sir henry Vcre, sheriff of Nertbamptenshire, lot ilennv VII., svho was the last heir male of timmit amiciemit mmmd marnmel family, deeecnded from Sir Rebert do S’ere, Inmi son of Ammbrey dc Vere, chief joeticiary nmemo, Rmn-l cmf Oxfemrd ; his eldest daos. and re-heir, Ehiza— beth, became the wife cf Jmmlnm, the 1st LenT Merdasmnt, muieeeter to the Earl of Petem-borongh. Thomas Isham bad nnfnrtnnatc expeditimmn of the Enmpem’er CnAnces V. to Al;lmmrs, 1311. TIme eldest semi, Eesrnv lsnaam, m,m. Ammmme, elmient dan. of Gyles Pmdton, Es,4. if tiesbormmngh, and Catharinr his wife. dan, of Thomas Livet, Esq., sen., of Aotwelh, and had twemmty chihdrems of whmmne Gylco, Emmbert, amid Gnegmmry succeeded each ether, maid the ltlm son, Jima, was ancestor of the present hart. Time oldest 5mm, Gnraeny tsnAsa, who if. 4 Setmt. 11,18. lie iii- Elizabeth, dmsn. of Matthew Slate, ef Bm’istal, who, after his decease, to Queen Em.mzanr,Tmi. Sly 11cr lie a-as father of Sir It he time sheriff sf Nsrthamnptesslmirc, according to Canines, Ilmat mmttmmmm,leml en Stony, Qaeemi of Scmmts, to her execution, al Potberimiglmsy (‘astle ; and hhioabelhm, ma, to lhenry Cave, Req. of Iomtarshy, in Ihic en. of Leheester. This sen and heir, larec family of sons and ditm.s, lint se return to his first JonN lsuaas, Esq. of Laempert, 4th son of Ensehmy Ishoos, by Anne Penlton 1dm wife, 1. in 1121, who seam made free of the city ISH ISHAM.