Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/682

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KEL 4 George-Houston, 1l.E.l.C.S., deceased. James-Fitter, l1.E.1.C.S., deceased. 5 Jatse-Napier, so. 1827, to Capt. Chasirs lissntre, 53rd regl., v. l-trnry-haavid, capt. 70.71.1 b. IS Jnue, 1814; so. 57 June, of the Itunters of liossleeston, the edsief issali’ representative of o’hieh family is now their son, Mujor C-F. lltsntrr, 72nd Isighlanders. sir. henry-He Castros, b. in 1776; vs. Ensilia, dan. of henry vi. Charles.Ttiomss, bOA., in holy orders, incumbent of St. Ilirkman, Esq. of Cork, and hos issoo. i. Sosannah, rn. so Lient.-CoI. Fitter. xi. Anne, rn to Major Chndtrigh. Alderman htelirit d. aged ninety-fire, 23 Jan 1828, and woo o. by his son, 1. Sia RtesIAan, 5. 16 May, 1761, who woo created a Itarenel, Tho 3rd son, svith remainder, after his own stale issue, to else brim mole of his WALTEa-CovsN000v EaoeuNe, on the death of his first father, 6 Aug. 1801 so. 9 Feb. 1780, Jane, dan. of John Galwry, cousin, John-Thousas, 14th Lao-I of Star and 11th Earl of Esq. of Wosteourt, ro.ltilkonssy, and ii. 1653, having had too tone, Kollit, 29 Juno, 1066, a. to that nobleman’s Random of Richard, 6. 16 Stay, 1707 is. in 1817, Mary, dan. of James Kellie, Viscouistoy of Fesstoma, Baronies of Erskino, Allea, Mahoney, Eaq. of Carlose; and is deceased. WILLIAM, present baronet. Ceeoiiase—6 Aug. 1801. Arise—Quarterly, lot and 4th, arg., on a mount, vert, a boar, Cs’estioee—Baren Erskioe, 1467; Boron Dirhetsu, 1603; Vhscount pasoant, so.; 2nd and 3rd, arg., a cress, go.; to tt,e first quarter Arsssg—Qsas’terly, let and 4th, ga. the impos-inl crown of n flour-do-Its, of the loot. Creel—An armed arm, ombowed, garnished, or, binding in the Scotland, ppr., within a double troeesore, flowered, counter. hand a baton, of the laat. Motto—Perot ad aotra virtue. K E L L I E. KELLIE, EARL or (Walter-Coningeby Erelcino, (lB.), Viscount F’ontonn, Bat-on Erskine, Aba, and Dirloton, all in tho peerago of Scotland, colonol in the Indian Army, formerly nommieoioner and agent to tho Gnvornment of India in the Sangor This family, deris-trg its nasne foam tire Saxon snorsl Hoop, and Nerbndda territories, and as eommieoionor of or (bee hat, has heess of leng standing in the coo. of boise, Essex, Jubbnlporo much distinguished in the snpproaoion Suffolk, and Norfolk; ansI eve meet wttls tv-s very eminent of tho Indian Mutiny, D.L. for Claekmannan ; 0. 12 July, 1810; e. his first cousin, 19 June, 18116, as 12th Earl of KoIlio ; an. 11 Sept. 1834, Eliza, dan. of the Caoterbsu--; and Thomas Resssp, his grace’s nrpbsrv’, v-ho v’as late Col. Yonngoosi, of Boo-seas-, Cumhorland, and has had issoo to onrs’ivo youth, I. SVALTCr.-hllniav, Lord Li-sHoe, 5. 17 Dee. 3530 ; 00. v-as created a Baronet H Siorrh, 16-H. lie Jane, dau. of Sir 14 Oct. 1863, Mary-Anne, oldest dau. of William Fsrlioo, Matthew lirocene, of Beeelsv-ereh Castle, c-s. Surrey, by whom Eoq. of Medwyn, eo. BoobIes, and has WALTrR-JonN. lee lsad foser soils ansI a dan., lane, s. to Thomas Waldegrave, FRANCIS, Jlaetci’ of Erek-iae, 6. 20 Aug. 1805 ; and )l.sryElysee. Eoq. of Smahtbridge. lIe es.20 Aug. 1647, having suffered much H. Augustus-William, late hoot. 17th lantora, 5. 15 June, II. Sia i0osoa’e, 51.1’. far Nerfolk in 1668, who sic. let, Story, 16-11. its. Charhes-ltorbort-Stnart, 5. 11 Sept. 1553. itihtrafir. JORN-FRANCIS EoeKsMo, 12th Earl of Mar (SeP that this Dart.; and Jane, so. to John Dade, SI.D.; dying 26 Sept. 1719, pest), had by his wife Frances, (but, of Charles Floyer, Esq. he v-os a. by his son, of Madras, with other issno, a third non, Tnn HoN. HEFOY-flavtn EROEINO, 6. 25 Slay, 1776, who does, of Rotsert King, Losj. of Great Then-lao’, by wlsmn hr left ss. 22 Oct. 1605, Slary-Ausco, dan. of John Coohery, Eaq. of an only dau., Slary, vifr of Sir Rdssseuod Baron, Part. of Geetsoldiohvm, Ledbnry, Ilerefordehire, and S. St Doe. 1540, having lead, l;rausl, Esq. of Edwardseene, eo. Suffolk, by v-hone he hail five o. Stenry-David, oh. an infa,sl. ox. John-Francis, an officer in the Indian army, bin 1508; il eons and iwo days.; Si-dly, Martha, des. of William Rbackwohl, sues’. 25 Sept. 1815. see. WAo.vra-C0010ssor, 12th and present Earl of Kohhie. iv. * James-Atsgststas. assist .-ronem.—gen. of sloe heroes, knight Jobs Burroesgls, Esq. of Ipso-ic-Is, hsy a-hem Ise hod no itsue. of St. Ferdinaoih of Spats, b. 27 March, 1012; ,o.lst, 15 Juice, 1637, Fanny, eldest date, of Gen. Ilenry lvatt Itelaeombe, EM., and by her (sobs 11. 17 Sept. 1501), has ha,l,1 Ausastno, the tseroisghs of Dumvirls, nod loire the eo. of Sssffelk, in porhia— hoot, loath regt, 5. 15 Slay, 19-13; 1 Fanoy-Elszs; 2 Caroline, isient, and s-as a. by his oldest also, so. 1 Nov. 1854, to Capt. 0.—F. t’raroen, Sladras staff IV. Sia Roamer, SIt’. Sn’ tlxfoi-d, svhsa 5. tsasa. in 1752, and corps, aad el 21 Nor. 1860, baying a doe.; 3 Slary-AnooCraig, was o by Isis brotlser, ye. 10 Nov. 1868, to John- Ilenry Gordos, Req., V. Sia Josoai. TIns genflessoss a. Elizabeth, o-idow of leaaeThe oldest son of Sir. John, asod Lady Isabella Gordon, of Ailienhead, tIe vs. 2sdly, 4 Nov. 1552, Elieabeth - hague, dais. of (ioorgo Broitie, Req., advocate, Isislariogrepher royal Echo have bern given, lsy royal licence, daled 8 Dee. 1806, for Scotland, and by her has iooe, 2 William-Alexander- flee yreceeedon of a yeesssger son and daughtor of an earl, 632 K E 31 Ernest, 5. March, 1857; 3 Charlre-iteury-Sluart, I. 4 Sept. 1858; 4 Earhel-Goorgina; S Elizabeth-Stay; 6 Ida. 1846, Elton, 3rd dan. of John loghe, Eoq., and 5.7 Dee. 1652, leaving had issue, Henry-David, 6. 27 April, 16171 and Cooingsby-James, 8.27 April, 1849. Iltichaol’s, Wakefield, 5. 6 Jan. 1821 ; a. s Nov. 1861. I. Anne-Caroline, m. 18 June, 1656, to tho 00ev. Joseph Ilaskoll, MA., rector of East Barksoilh, Liucolnshiro, sod lsao issue, Thomso - Jonas- Forbes, 5. 1 July. 1858; Slaryllarriet-Ersktne; Slorgaret-Aooe; Agaoo-Coroline; FrancesIlelona; nod Edith-Slonlea. and Diricton, which wore limited to heirs male, and is the If th and prooent Earl sif Kelhio. RE M P. KEMP, SIR WILLIAM. RORERT, of Gisning, oo. Norfolk ; in holy ordora,M.A.; 0. in Nov. 1-191; s,hin father, as 10th baronot, 11 Oct. 1804 ; oct. 10 March, 1859, Mary, 5th dau. of late Charles Saunders, Req. of Camborwoll, Surrey. Sir William Komp is roetor of Closing, in Norfolk. 3Lillcagc. churchmen of the name—John Eeosp, LL.D., archbishop of consecrated Bishop of London in l4. I. Ssa iloomev Erasro, Ent. (eon of Robert Kenep, Eoq., by Dorotisy, dots. of Anrhssr lIes-rio, Faq. of tb-ixteth, ro. Essex), by the ses;ueots-sslisn of those liners, and was a. by his oldeot ton, dan. of John Krrridge, Esq. of Shelly I loll, ro. Suffolk, by v-ham be left vu surviviag issse; and 2ndty, Story, dora. and sole hoir of John -Sosse, Esq. of Ubbeslon Hall, es Suffolk, by whom Iso load three eons and tv’o dons., blory, so. to Sir Charles Rloie, Ill. Sta Roocar. This gentlenean is’s, four hoses; 1st, Lelitia, ro. Norfolk; 2sedty, Elieas,rth, dau. asad heir of John Req. of Slortloke, re-Sin-soy, hsy whrm he had tlsree children; aost lthhy, Amy, dan. of Richard Phillips, Esq., and relict of Sir Robert 5. I-S Dee. 1774, leaving several noses represented bs’oihrr sod eider mar-toed * of the present Earl of Fentous, 18 STands, 1606; Earl of Kellir, 12 Starch, 1619. fevered of feo,rs-de-his, or, beiag a coat of oogsnentasiov of the Earldona of RELtsr; and, arg., a palo, so., for Easanox; 3rd, 00., a bend between cix cress-crossleto, fitebd, or, for Mae. f’i-esta—t Km.ose, a dead lion geardant, go., wilh molts eves-, “Jaeeuri dreus addit avito ;“ ‘2 Raoxisso, a dexter hand lsoldisg a skene in pale, org., Isihted and pommelled, or, ever it, “Jr pense plur.” Soepporhes-a—Oa either side a gryphon, gu., armed, beaked, end winged, or. Se,sbn—Ahloa Park, Choekmonnanshire; hteflie Castle, Fife. looses .hfaoioe—28, Eaton Place.